Trump still wants to repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)

Now, when finally cornered with the fact the GOP and Donald Trump have lied and never had a replacement for Obamacare, the rubes retreat to, "Just repeal it, and call it good!"

As if just repealing Obamacare and replacing it with NOTHING will solve the problem of skyrocketing health care costs.

They either suffer from amnesia, or are being deliberately obtuse.

The whole reason we have Obamacare is because costs were skyrocketing for DECADES before Obamacare.

So a simple repeal will solve nothing.

Obamacare is a piss poor plan. Very few qualify for it. My son tried to get on it and they turned him down.

No, dumbass, the Republican plan is a piss poor plan. Obamacare is better than nothing and many folks are thankful to have it.

The major problem with Obama care is it rejects most applicants.
I totally agree Obamacare sucks. I've been saying it since 2010.

So where is Trump's replacement?

Where is the GOP's replacement?

They've had THIRTEEN YEARS to come up with one.

If you have a better plan, the American people will back it.

But guess what? You were lied to.


So we are stuck with Obamacare and well on our way to UHC.

And it is the dumb submissive cucks who gleefully swallowed Trump's load who are at fault.
Despite being lied to, the submissive Trump cucks will fall for the replacement hoax again.

Just watch.
At this point, anyone who is stupid enough to bleev anything Trump says is profoundly retarded.



This time I really, really will repeal and replace Obamacare, pay off the debt, reduce the trade deficit with China and Mexico, build the Wall and make Mexico pay for it, bring back coal jobs, remove all illegal aliens, and grow the economy by 4 to 6 percent every year! Bleev me, folks. Bleev me. Bleev me. And I this time I really, really will bring a $4,000 pay raise for workers, bring down drug prices, drain the swamp, provide maternity leave to women whose employers don't provided that benefit, release my tax returns, and I really, really won't have time to go golf, that I can tell you.
Oh fuck, even if that is true (which I'm very skeptical of) you lucked yourself into a job with no co-pay, and you were a dinosaur by any measure, now you have to co-pay like the other 99.5% of America and you are crying about it?

Do you know what year it is? It's 2023, almost 2024, time to catch up with the rest of us.
When checking to learn how many qualify for Obama care, the trick I will show you is they included it in Medicare and State medical care as if it is the same thing.

But it is not the same thing at all.

Still trying to accept the huge number, keep in mind this nation has approximately 350 million citizens not including the illegals.

How many Americans qualify for Obamacare?

"As of 2023, roughly 40 million individuals now benefit from ACA-related enrollment in health care programs such as Medicaid or purchased from the Marketplace. Not only has this driven down the rate of uninsured, but numerous studies have reported the positive impact of Medicaid expansion.Sep 20, 2023"

There is no doubt at all some do qualify for Obamacare but damned few of them get it.
Trump's going to need some new material, that I can tell you. America has grown tired of his schtick, bleev me.

Crooked Donald is a disaster and a fraud. Total. Disaster. He says he hires the best people. Remember he was going to drain the swamp? (pause for laughter) He had them chanting! Drain the swamp, drain the swamp, drain the swamp. (pause for laughter) More people of his administration were indicted and went to jail than in our entire history! So many scandals.

So many scandals. What a disgrace.

Crooked Donald has the best words. All 50 of them. (pause for laughter). Terrific. Best. Wonderful. If he wanders outside of his 50-word vocabulary, it's a disaster! "We must get to the oranges, oranges, oranges of this investigation." (pause for laughter) If he wanders off script, he embarrasses the whole country. George Washington took over the airports! (pause for laughter)

The whole world is embarrassed for us. They must wonder if we were poisoned with lead in our water to elect a moron like this.

And nobody knows anything more than Crooked Donald does, right? Windmills! (pause for laughter) His bone spurs have also informed Trump more about how to fight wars than even the generals know! (pause for laughter)

If Donald Trump doesn't know something, nobody does. "Nobody knew health care could be so complicated!" (pause for laughter)

What a fraud. What a disgrace. What an embarrassment.

And forget about geography. Nipple. Nambia. Button. Thighland. This guy thinks Colorado is on the Mexican border! (pause for laughter)

The only place Traitor Trump can find on a map is Russia. (pause for laughter)
Trump's going to need some new material, that I can tell you. America has grown tired of his schtick, bleev me.

Crooked Donald is a disaster and a fraud. Total. Disaster. He says he hires the best people. Remember he was going to drain the swamp? (pause for laughter) He had them chanting! Drain the swamp, drain the swamp, drain the swamp. (pause for laughter) More people of his administration were indicted and went to jail than in our entire history! So many scandals.

So many scandals. What a disgrace.

Crooked Donald has the best words. All 50 of them. (pause for laughter). Terrific. Best. Wonderful. If he wanders outside of his 50-word vocabulary, it's a disaster! "We must get to the oranges, oranges, oranges of this investigation." (pause for laughter) If he wanders off script, he embarrasses the whole country. George Washington took over the airports! (pause for laughter)

The whole world is embarrassed for us. They must wonder if we were poisoned with lead in our water to elect a moron like this.

And nobody knows anything more than Crooked Donald does, right? Windmills! (pause for laughter) His bone spurs have also informed Trump more about how to fight wars than even the generals know! (pause for laughter)

If Donald Trump doesn't know something, nobody does. "Nobody knew health care could be so complicated!" (pause for laughter)

What a fraud. What a disgrace. What an embarrassment.

And forget about geography. Nipple. Nambia. Button. Thighland. This guy thinks Colorado is on the Mexican border! (pause for laughter)

The only place Traitor Trump can find on a map is Russia. (pause for laughter)
We heard there are humans of your ilk. Thanks for proving it.
Trump's healthcare package called rape, incest and child-birth "pre-existing conditions" allowing insurance companies to charge women more money. Birth control wasn't covered, but viagara was.

Not one woman was on the committee that drafted that Bill.

Viagra is an important innovation in the war against the ED epidemic.

OTOH, child birth isn't a disease at all, much less a pandemic that endangers the planet.
Viagra is an important innovation in the war against the ED epidemic.

OTOH, child birth isn't a disease at all, much less a pandemic that endangers the planet.
You will read thousands of lies told about what Trump did on this insurance issue. Suppose McCain had agreed to kill it.
It was not available to my retired son. He finally qualified for Medicare. This affects millions. But Obamacare is a joke.

Please explain to us why Obamacare is a "joke". How can something that is better than nothing be a "joke"?
Something I posted the first time Trump ran his replacement hoax:


You're gonna love my health care plan, bleev me. It will be terrific. ObamaCare is a disaster. Total. Disaster. I can't wait to run this guy out of town on a rail, folks. (cheers, applause, hoots) Won't it be great? No more Obama! (yeehaws, applause) You're gonna get tired of winning. My beautiful health care plan will cure cancer. It will pay for my daughter's fake tits. And no Mexicans will ever be able to get insurance again! (wild stomping, cheers) We are going to build more hospitals, more clinics, hire more doctors, and hot nurses, I promised hot nurses didn't I? (laughter) Yeah! I love nurses. Sometimes I wish I was as sick as Hillary so I could visit some nurses, you know what I mean? (laughter, applause, "locker up! locker up!") You got that right! Locker up!

And that's my health care plan, folks. What do you think? Do you love it? (applause, cheers, whistles, music) It's beautiful! Beautiful.
Trump's healthcare package called rape, incest and child-birth "pre-existing conditions" allowing insurance companies to charge women more money. Birth control wasn't covered, but viagara was.

Not one woman was on the committee that drafted that Bill.
Make me a sandwich and get me a beer.
I totally agree Obamacare sucks. I've been saying it since 2010.

So where is Trump's replacement?

Where is the GOP's replacement?

They've had THIRTEEN YEARS to come up with one.

If you have a better plan, the American people will back it.

But guess what? You were lied to.


So we are stuck with Obamacare and well on our way to UHC.

And it is the dumb submissive cucks who gleefully swallowed Trump's load who are at fault.
John McCain fucked America by blocking Trump.
Please explain to us why Obamacare is a "joke". How can something that is better than nothing be a "joke"?
It was a lie. The guy that drew it up admitted it was a lie. That doesn't mean anything to you, huh.

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