Trump still wants to repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)

Something I posted the first time Trump ran his replacement hoax:


You're gonna love my health care plan, bleev me. It will be terrific. ObamaCare is a disaster. Total. Disaster. I can't wait to run this guy out of town on a rail, folks. (cheers, applause, hoots) Won't it be great? No more Obama! (yeehaws, applause) You're gonna get tired of winning. My beautiful health care plan will cure cancer. It will pay for my daughter's fake tits. And no Mexicans will ever be able to get insurance again! (wild stomping, cheers) We are going to build more hospitals, more clinics, hire more doctors, and hot nurses, I promised hot nurses didn't I? (laughter) Yeah! I love nurses. Sometimes I wish I was as sick as Hillary so I could visit some nurses, you know what I mean? (laughter, applause, "locker up! locker up!") You got that right! Locker up!

And that's my health care plan, folks. What do you think? Do you love it? (applause, cheers, whistles, music) It's beautiful! Beautiful.
Trump actually was a good president. But when he talked like the above, most of us were turned off. But we had a choice? Girl sniffing Biden or a real president. Oh, thank John McCain for stopping Trump.

You need to read the topic, rube. You fell for the exact same hoax jknowgood did. :lol:
You forgot what McCain did?
Sen. John McCain after voting "no" on the Republicans' effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act on July 28, 2017, in Washington.
Insurance for tens of millions of people, and pre-existing condition guarantees, could be in jeopardy if the former president wins the 2024 election.

Donald Trump says he is still interested in repealing the Affordable Care Act, which means health care for tens of millions of people would be in jeopardy if he becomes president again next year.

Trump said Saturday on his website Truth Social that he was “looking at alternatives” to the 2010 health care law, also known as “Obamacare,” which has reduced the number of Americans without health insurance to historic lows and established basic guarantees of coverage for all Americans regardless of pre-existing conditions.

The vow echoes promises that Trump made as a first-time candidate and as president, when he and Republican leaders in Congress made repeal a top legislative priority.

That effort failed. It also proved spectacularly unpopular, fueling a backlash that eventually helped Democrats win back the House, the Senate and the White House. President Joe Biden, long a vocal supporter of the ACA, has since worked with Democrats to bolster the law.

Much more that the link below...

Trump Still Seems Set On Repealing A Law That Most Americans Like

Obamacare isn't perfect, but it has helped many Americans. In other words, the ACA hasn’t fixed American health care, but it’s helped a lot of people. What do you think?
Did you forget BIDEN is the president? And his overspending inflationary neglectful immigration policies? Democrats unilaterally creating sanctuary cities with out any actual consent Americans. Defunding the police? Same thing? Democrats abandoned Democracy. THEY want a one party run autocracy. I am done with democrats and their lies.
Insurance for tens of millions of people, and pre-existing condition guarantees, could be in jeopardy if the former president wins the 2024 election.

Donald Trump says he is still interested in repealing the Affordable Care Act, which means health care for tens of millions of people would be in jeopardy if he becomes president again next year.

Trump said Saturday on his website Truth Social that he was “looking at alternatives” to the 2010 health care law, also known as “Obamacare,” which has reduced the number of Americans without health insurance to historic lows and established basic guarantees of coverage for all Americans regardless of pre-existing conditions.

The vow echoes promises that Trump made as a first-time candidate and as president, when he and Republican leaders in Congress made repeal a top legislative priority.

That effort failed. It also proved spectacularly unpopular, fueling a backlash that eventually helped Democrats win back the House, the Senate and the White House. President Joe Biden, long a vocal supporter of the ACA, has since worked with Democrats to bolster the law.

Much more that the link below...

Trump Still Seems Set On Repealing A Law That Most Americans Like

Obamacare isn't perfect, but it has helped many Americans. In other words, the ACA hasn’t fixed American health care, but it’s helped a lot of people. What do you think?
Lakota is lying his ass off. Look up the true figures. You will see how you are being lied to.
You forgot what McCain did?

Read the topic, rube. You were lied to. Again.

Sen. John McCain after voting "no" on the Republicans' effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act on July 28, 2017, in Washington.
Read your own link, rube:

What bothered McCain more, though, was his party’s strategy to pass their so-called skinny repeal measure, skipping committee consideration and delivering it straight to the floor.

The bill was not a full repeal, and it certainly was not a replacement of Obamacare.

Like I said. Read the topic. I provided a link to the bill a page or two back.

It's downright scary how easily you cucks can be hoaxed.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

Don't be surprised, rubes, if Trump starts pushing UHC. He's always been in favor of UHC. Always.

And like good little Orwellians, you will turn on a dime and find yourselves cheering for it.
Insurance for tens of millions of people, and pre-existing condition guarantees, could be in jeopardy if the former president wins the 2024 election.

Donald Trump says he is still interested in repealing the Affordable Care Act, which means health care for tens of millions of people would be in jeopardy if he becomes president again next year.

Trump said Saturday on his website Truth Social that he was “looking at alternatives” to the 2010 health care law, also known as “Obamacare,” which has reduced the number of Americans without health insurance to historic lows and established basic guarantees of coverage for all Americans regardless of pre-existing conditions.

The vow echoes promises that Trump made as a first-time candidate and as president, when he and Republican leaders in Congress made repeal a top legislative priority.

That effort failed. It also proved spectacularly unpopular, fueling a backlash that eventually helped Democrats win back the House, the Senate and the White House. President Joe Biden, long a vocal supporter of the ACA, has since worked with Democrats to bolster the law.

Much more that the link below...

Trump Still Seems Set On Repealing A Law That Most Americans Like

Obamacare isn't perfect, but it has helped many Americans. In other words, the ACA hasn’t fixed American health care, but it’s helped a lot of people. What do you think?

Dumb. The time to do that was in January 2017-January 2019.
You really believe you get to insult posters and they have to take your crap?

Yes, when they peddle moronic lies! You haven't provided any "credible" proof to back up any of your lies on this thread. Why?

Read the topic, rube. You were lied to. Again.

Read your own link, rube:

What bothered McCain more, though, was his party’s strategy to pass their so-called skinny repeal measure, skipping committee consideration and delivering it straight to the floor.

The bill was not a full repeal, and it certainly was not a replacement of Obamacare.

Like I said. Read the topic. I provided a link to the bill a page or two back.

It's downright scary how easily you cucks can be hoaxed.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"
Clearly you have an agenda. I see it by how you address posters.

Explain to them how few actually qualify!!!
President Trump's plan, Trumpcare would have provided tremendous healthcare of fabulous quality and would have provided savings to the American people they would have to see to believe.

It got defeated by a single vote, that of John McCain, who only voted against this fantastic program out of spite.

It would have been a remarkable plan. It would have covered all medical conditions, preexisting or not. It wouldn’t have costed taxpayers not one cent. It would have been paid for by the communist. The doctors and nurses providing the care are amazing. We’d be paying them all $600,000.00 or more a year. These are America’s heroes. They are wonderful. I can fix America’s medical system because I am a winner. All the leaders of the past were failures. They had good intentions but they failed. My plan will cost Seven Hundred Trillion Dollars but America won’t pay one cent.

Republicans brought “Repeal the Affordable Care Act” legislation to the floor dozens of times between January 2014 and January 2016. I’m not even going to look it up. It was a lot. All they needed was President Obama to sign it and the Affordable Care Act was over.

Of course everybody with an IQ above 4 knew that wasn’t going to happen. However once a Republican president was elected, republicans maintained the house and the senate any of these bills could become law in seconds. Well. In November 2016 republicans won the house, the senate, and the presidency. Trump could have signed the legislation right after taking office. Even though these laws were already written, they didn’t bring a single one to the floor. Yet in the previous Congress they brought it to the floor dozens of times to the point of absurdity.

This isn’t hard to figure out. The Affordable Care Act is good policy but Americans hate it because they got screwed by it. I have talked about this ad naseum back when it passed. People hate it and I get it but it fixed tons of problems especially for state governments.

The Affordable Care Act isn’t going to be repealed until something worse comes along that we hate. You guys do realize that our government spends $100 but only takes in $40? Eventually dirty tricks that screws us over will have to be employed at some point. The Affordable Care Act was just a taste of what is to come over the next few decades. That law isn’t going anywhere.
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