Trump still wants to repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)

Oh, wow, you were seriously gaslighted about that bill.

It was not a "repeal and replace" as Trump claimed. It was a "skinny repeal" which removed some taxes used to pay for Obamacare. It was nowhere near a full repeal and definitely was not a replacement. And that is why McCain voted against it.

This is one of tens of thousands of lies Trump told you gullible rubes.

You never read the bill. And you never once asked to see Trump's replacement.

He never had one.

One of the greatest hoaxes ever pulled on the American people.

One of the dead giveaways that Trump is lying is when he says "bleev me" or "make no mistake" three times.


“Make no mistake,” the president said at one point, “this is a repeal and a replace of Obamacare, make no mistake about it. Make no mistake.”
Obviously you never read it, your talking points are noted.
You seem to think your husband’s career says something about you.

It doesn’t. You’re a parasite.

As far as “hourlies” … when I was hourly I was making six figures… and that was more than ten years ago.

How much do YOU make StupidIrishBitch?
Oh yeah...well I make more than you while sitting on the toilet.
But the best would be if we just went free public health care, like the whole rest of the world did about 50 years ago.
There’s no such thing as free healthcare unless you treat yourself or enslave others to treat you or fund your treatment.
And for others, it made previously affordable health care out of reach.
If healthy people can’t opt for catastrophic coverage only, they are not free. Of course, you can’t redistribute wealth if people aren’t forced into the pool.
Exactly, the lazy one's depending on the backs of others
Yup. I remember cutting my finger really badly on a sharp knife, with blood spurting like Old Faithful. I drove myself the four blocks to the ER, where a dozen of poor-looking people (mostly speaking Spanish) were waiting as well.

I was worried about the cost, since my Obamacrap had a $6000 deductible (for which I had to pay close to $1000 a month!), and asked if the visit could be more than $5,000. The admit nurse said it well could, and suggested that I drive to the Urgent Care (the closest one in network was 30 minutes away), so that’s what I did.

As I walked out, I glanced at all the people who were getting free or nearly free care at the ER, which I was helping fund, while I myself couldn’t afford what they were getting,

In what world do the taxpayers who subsidize health care of the poor end up with LESS care than the people they help support? In Obamacare World, that’s where.

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