Trump stole copywrote images for his trading cards.

Which is an indicator of the type of intellect that is preaching to you. That moron had the proper term in his own link and wasn't smart enough to use it. You also exhibit your mental prowess by defending his stupidity.

Like Trump's word salads? Conveve?
No one can take a pic of themselves in western wear? That's a popular style coat in some circles and I see too many differences in the pics for it to be copyright infringement.

The coat is a cowboy duster. I posted the source
pictures Trump stole hours ago.
Like Trump's word salads? Conveve?
I don't believe I have ever defended his less than articulate speech. You, however, are on record in numerous posts, defending the mumblings of the vegetable in the WH and his diversity-hires, VP and WH spokesperson as well as the moron who produced this OP. Keep trying, even a blind squirrel will get a nut on occasion.
The coat is a cowboy duster. I posted the source
pictures Trump stole hours ago.

You mean the one that was a different color and syle?

Gee you're dumb.

Linkie, Liar ^^^.

If you're still doubtful, compare every wrinkle in the coat between the 2 pictures. Notice the perfect alignment between the shirt buttons. Notice how the hands are exactly the same. Either trump stole the picture, or he went to a lot of trouble to pose exactly like it.
I already admitted my mistake. If that's not enough to make you happy, I'll have myself flogged first thing tomorrow. Any thoughts on the point of the OP?
If you admitted to it before I posted my snarky rant, I apologize. In fact I apologize for the snarky rant irregardless. It's not supposed to be irregardless, I know. I said that for a joke.

Never mind the flogging, unless you were planning to do it anyway. It's no fun for me unless I'm holding the handle myself.

As to the substance of the op: I've used those kind of image sites for my own website, and the images are very cheap even for me, basically a starving artist in the internet world. I seriously doubt that Trump was deliberately trying to cheat them out of however much they would have charged him for those images.

My guess is that some Minion or other putting together a presentation of what the trading cards should look like downloaded the images.

They usually have some kind of Watermark if you don't pay for them, so I'm guessing that underling just paid out of his pocket for a chance to put on his resume that he designed Donald Trump's Trading cards.

Not to say that I don't think Trump would ever cheat anybody out of anything. Trump approaches business the way Democrats approach politics. He acts like the rules don't apply to him and so long as he never gets slammed for it, he feels like he got away with it.

People used to say Trump must be a failure because he's had four or five bankruptcies. But, of course all those bankruptcies were of Corporations whose stock he owned. Yes, in reality they were his company, but when he bankrupted them he did not put any of his other assets at risk. And that was perfectly legal. That's the other thing Trump does in business and Democrats do in politics. Operate just within the law to get away with as much Shenanigans as possible.

Trump University is a perfect example of that. If the so-called students of that so-called University thought that Donald Trump was going to be personally teaching them how to succeed in business, that just goes to show that PT Barnum was right that there's a sucker born every minute. Probably one comes over the border every minute also and once they start earning the dollars, they will be taking advantage of also.
If you're still doubtful, compare every wrinkle in the coat between the 2 pictures. Notice the perfect alignment between the shirt buttons. Notice how the hands are exactly the same. Either trump stole the picture, or he went to a lot of trouble to pose exactly like it.
Again, for you fucking morons that don't understand simple copyright law, Trump sold license to use his image to a company (which is in no way affiliated with Trump) which used his image to produce digital images for sale. I guess it is too much for your limited mental abilities to grasp. Run along. Go back to school and learn before you enter the arena of subjects that you are woefully unqualified to speak to. You can thank me for educating you on the use of the word "copyrighted" anytime BTW.
If you're still doubtful, compare every wrinkle in the coat between the 2 pictures. Notice the perfect alignment between the shirt buttons. Notice how the hands are exactly the same. Either trump stole the picture, or he went to a lot of trouble to pose exactly like it.
Hey, different color and different style - but you hate Trump - and that's what really matters....
Again, for you fucking morons that don't understand simple copyright law, Trump sold license to use his image to a company (which is in no way affiliated with Trump) which used his image to produce digital images for sale. I guess it is too much for your limited mental abilities to grasp. Run along. Go back to school and learn before you enter the arena of subjects that you are woefully unqualified to speak to. You can thank me for educating you on the use of the word "copyrighted" anytime BTW.
So he set up a shell company to do it. It's his picture, and nobody believes he wasn't involved. You probably won't admit it, but you know that's what happened.

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