Trump stole copywrote images for his trading cards.

It copies all sorts of stuff, all the images that it is told to, even if the images have a copywrite on them. It's the person using the machine that should be smarter than to use material that others already own the rights to.

You really are a dumbfucks dumbfuck.

I mean, I'm impressed by your level of ignorance.

You are a grand master of stupid.
At this point, it’s hard to feel pity for Trump supporters, but I still do on occasion. The poor things just are so psychologically enslaved to him.
says the dembot still talking about him years later
Wow. This seems like scraping the barrel bottom of things to bitch about. There are sites galore where folks can go and upload their faces/images to scores of images. Photoshop is a thing.

And the example provided here doesn't amount to copywrite infringement, imo.

They stole the image's from several sources.

Okay stupidfuck!

Copyright questions are civil you drooling retard.

BUT maybe this magical "copywrite" that you Nazi vermin have created is somehow different..

Tell ya what you sperm burping colon jouster, do a little bit of research into the subject before spewing endlessly about something you apparently know very little about.

Here's some light reading for your lowborn Polish gutter slut clearly states that it is mostly civil, but, CAN be considered criminal (a felony in fact) if certain conditions are met.

But, I'm pretty sure that your scrotum sucking ass won't be able to read it, as it uses big words that your little mind will have trouble comprehending.
Wow. This seems like scraping the barrel bottom of things to bitch about. There are sites galore where folks can go and upload their faces/images to scores of images. Photoshop is a thing.

And the example provided here doesn't amount to copywrite infringement, imo.
Photoshopping is free.

Selling those photoshopped images may be another issue, and apparently it is.
Several threads on trump's silly trading cards, but none mentioned that he didn't even bother to get permission to use all those copywriten images. Some were from NASA, some were from Shuttrstock, and some were from various other sources, but regardless of where they came from, he made no effort to get permission to use them. Just another example of how trump thinks he can do anything he wants to do with no repercussions, and he's not smart enough to keep people around to tell him when he is breaking the law. Considering his past behavior, it's doubtful if he would pay any attention to warnings even if he received them.
/———/ “Copywrote”????
I can’t stop laughing.
copyright: it is the RIGHT to COPY intellectual property, not WRITE.


  1. The legal right granted to an author, composer, playwright, publisher, or distributor to exclusive publication, production, sale, or distribution of a literary, musical, dramatic, or artistic work.
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Photoshopping is free.

Selling those photoshopped images may be another issue, and apparently it is.
Hard to see anything coming of it. What is someone going to do? Sue for the $99 that they sold the image for? Maybe a class action or something, but the sum of money seems extremely low to justify legal action.

Not that they couldn’t win.
They stole the image's from several sources.

Did they tell you he stole them yet?

So far- no one has said the accusations are true.

If so, it was lazy, wrong and stupid.

If not, it's just another thing y'all screamed about for no reason.

It's not as if he left a young woman to die in an upturned car, after all.

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