Trump Stuff least he's attempting or trying to look like he's attempting to do what cons want. And he's talking to Dems now, more than I can say about most...
While reaching across the isle is a good thing, raising the debt ceiling is NOT
Another bit of hypocrisy from your Peaches in chief
There has been no good President for quite some time now, so, don't make assumptions
What did i assume? lol
I do agree we havent had a good president in decades.
Per his campaign slogan, he is trying to make America great according to his vision and perceptions

He won't back down or shy away and I'm glad because he won't let our enemies run rough shod all over us

He says what he thinks and is not afraid to share his opinion with us. He received enough support and votes to win the Presidency

All that is going on in the media and the left is early campaigning for 2020
The failure of repeal and replace is great campaign material for 2020. Trump's crass, schoolyard bullying tactics are losing, bigly.
I view the left and media more as bullies personally. I also think they are proud of it

LOL!!! are you kidding? trump is the biggest bully around, tiny hands down. & the media loooooooooved him when he was running.... always giving him softball interviews & showing an empty podium for hours b4 he would show up for a rally. he was ratings gold for them. too bad it was pretty late in the game they decided to actually do their job & show him for the maniac he is.

do you see anything comically hypocritical that his 3rd wife chose 'cyber bullying' as her pet cause?
As long as he can successfully bully our enemies it's ok with me

how do you define 'successful'? getting into a war with NK so he can play out 'wag the dog' & take the heat off mueller's investigation into russian interference with our election?

i'm willing to bet you think it's a hoax, right? am i wrong? least he's attempting or trying to look like he's attempting to do what cons want. And he's talking to Dems now, more than I can say about most...
While reaching across the isle is a good thing, raising the debt ceiling is NOT
Another bit of hypocrisy from your Peaches in chief

' i love debt... i am the king of debt' ~ DJT least he's attempting or trying to look like he's attempting to do what cons want. And he's talking to Dems now, more than I can say about most...
While reaching across the isle is a good thing, raising the debt ceiling is NOT
Another bit of hypocrisy from your Peaches in chief
There has been no good President for quite some time now, so, don't make assumptions
What did i assume? lol
I do agree we havent had a good president in decades.
Don't assume I'm a gung ho Trumpie. You may be right though, I really don't pay attention to politics or the news least he's attempting or trying to look like he's attempting to do what cons want. And he's talking to Dems now, more than I can say about most...
While reaching across the isle is a good thing, raising the debt ceiling is NOT
Another bit of hypocrisy from your Peaches in chief
There has been no good President for quite some time now, so, don't make assumptions
What did i assume? lol
I do agree we havent had a good president in decades.
Don't assume I'm a gung ho Trumpie. You may be right though, I really don't pay attention to politics or the news
Youre def a gung ho Trumpie, and its funny af least he's attempting or trying to look like he's attempting to do what cons want. And he's talking to Dems now, more than I can say about most...
While reaching across the isle is a good thing, raising the debt ceiling is NOT
Another bit of hypocrisy from your Peaches in chief
There has been no good President for quite some time now, so, don't make assumptions
What did i assume? lol
I do agree we havent had a good president in decades.
Don't assume I'm a gung ho Trumpie. You may be right though, I really don't pay attention to politics or the news
then why comment on it?
"guys, i love trigonometry!"
"cool lets discuss the fixed relationships with angles"
":spinner:" least he's attempting or trying to look like he's attempting to do what cons want. And he's talking to Dems now, more than I can say about most...
While reaching across the isle is a good thing, raising the debt ceiling is NOT
Another bit of hypocrisy from your Peaches in chief
There has been no good President for quite some time now, so, don't make assumptions
What did i assume? lol
I do agree we havent had a good president in decades.
Don't assume I'm a gung ho Trumpie. You may be right though, I really don't pay attention to politics or the news
Youre def a gung ho Trumpie, and its funny af
I'm gung ho about the ideals of a strong, conservative United States but am thinking those days are gone and anything goes chaos is the standard now least he's attempting or trying to look like he's attempting to do what cons want. And he's talking to Dems now, more than I can say about most...
While reaching across the isle is a good thing, raising the debt ceiling is NOT
Another bit of hypocrisy from your Peaches in chief
There has been no good President for quite some time now, so, don't make assumptions
What did i assume? lol
I do agree we havent had a good president in decades.
Don't assume I'm a gung ho Trumpie. You may be right though, I really don't pay attention to politics or the news
then why comment on it?
"guys, i love trigonometry!"
"cool lets discuss the fixed relationships with angles"
Boredom at work makes one do strange things
While reaching across the isle is a good thing, raising the debt ceiling is NOT
Another bit of hypocrisy from your Peaches in chief
There has been no good President for quite some time now, so, don't make assumptions
What did i assume? lol
I do agree we havent had a good president in decades.
Don't assume I'm a gung ho Trumpie. You may be right though, I really don't pay attention to politics or the news
Youre def a gung ho Trumpie, and its funny af
I'm gung ho about the ideals of a strong, conservative United States but am thinking those days are gone and anything goes chaos is the standard now
strong and conservative are mutually exclusive

any sane brain is a mixture of things, not some lock step robotic sycophant thats been programmed how to think
There has been no good President for quite some time now, so, don't make assumptions
What did i assume? lol
I do agree we havent had a good president in decades.
Don't assume I'm a gung ho Trumpie. You may be right though, I really don't pay attention to politics or the news
Youre def a gung ho Trumpie, and its funny af
I'm gung ho about the ideals of a strong, conservative United States but am thinking those days are gone and anything goes chaos is the standard now
strong and conservative are mutually exclusive

any sane brain is a mixture of things, not some lock step robotic sycophant thats been programmed how to think
Does not compute
What did i assume? lol
I do agree we havent had a good president in decades.
Don't assume I'm a gung ho Trumpie. You may be right though, I really don't pay attention to politics or the news
Youre def a gung ho Trumpie, and its funny af
I'm gung ho about the ideals of a strong, conservative United States but am thinking those days are gone and anything goes chaos is the standard now
strong and conservative are mutually exclusive

any sane brain is a mixture of things, not some lock step robotic sycophant thats been programmed how to think
Does not compute
It means you're a lemming, in short.
Per his campaign slogan, he is trying to make America great according to his vision and perceptions

He won't back down or shy away and I'm glad because he won't let our enemies run rough shod all over us

He says what he thinks and is not afraid to share his opinion with us. He received enough support and votes to win the Presidency

All that is going on in the media and the left is early campaigning for 2020

Gosh Bonzi - That must be a different pino trump than the one I've heard lie and lie and lie and then lie some more.

He has done nothing BUT "back down". He has backed down on every promise he made and from every foreign leader he has met - starting with the president of Mexico!
how do you define 'successful'? getting into a war with NK so he can play out 'wag the dog' & take the heat off mueller's investigation into russian interference with our election?

i'm willing to bet you think it's a hoax, right? am i wrong?

Yeah that's right, he is going to start a war with NK to take the heat off of a political investigation...yeah. That's funny.
What would you have him do? Draw a line in the sand like Obama and then look like a complete fool and do nothing? Or maybe make a useless agreement that still gives NK everything they want and we get nothing but lip service?

North Korea is the empty tin can that the past 5 Presidents and the useless U.N have kicked down the road for decades that finally became a 55 gallon barrel of lead.
They are a very real threat to peace in this world. And if nothing is done, they will have global reach nukes within a few years. 100% going to happen. think he should write some stern (but not too stern) letters and official complaints and tell the fat kid "now no, no nice" Obama and the past four behind him. The "do nothing" crowd is why KN is what they are today. (As well as Iran)
Make America Great AGAIN,

as if America sucks right now? So who really doesn't like or respect their nation? ... cuz they believe their Nation needs change? the NFL or Trump? :dunno:
Don't assume I'm a gung ho Trumpie. You may be right though, I really don't pay attention to politics or the news
Youre def a gung ho Trumpie, and its funny af
I'm gung ho about the ideals of a strong, conservative United States but am thinking those days are gone and anything goes chaos is the standard now
strong and conservative are mutually exclusive

any sane brain is a mixture of things, not some lock step robotic sycophant thats been programmed how to think
Does not compute
It means you're a lemming, in short.
Yeah well I you just can't stand people that disagree with you so get over it
Youre def a gung ho Trumpie, and its funny af
I'm gung ho about the ideals of a strong, conservative United States but am thinking those days are gone and anything goes chaos is the standard now
strong and conservative are mutually exclusive

any sane brain is a mixture of things, not some lock step robotic sycophant thats been programmed how to think
Does not compute
It means you're a lemming, in short.
Yeah well I you just can't stand people that disagree with you so get over it
No, thats a partisan montra.

You want a "conservative" country.

I want a "free" one.
Make America Great AGAIN,

as if America sucks right now? So who really doesn't like or respect their nation? ... cuz they believe their Nation needs change? the NFL or Trump? :dunno:
Yeah, maybe we can not be a laughing stock
Make America Great AGAIN,

as if America sucks right now? So who really doesn't like or respect their nation? ... cuz they believe their Nation needs change? the NFL or Trump? :dunno:
Yeah, maybe we can not be a laughing stock
Trump being President is one step up from a Kardashian being President.

Its retarded.
Make America Great AGAIN,

as if America sucks right now? So who really doesn't like or respect their nation? ... cuz they believe their Nation needs change? the NFL or Trump? :dunno:

I cannot get past that. He goes around the world, always saying the same thing - the US is NOT great, only he can fix it.

The right made up the idiotic story that Presndent Obama "apologized" for the US but that's a lie. But now, they're just fine with trump trashing the US every single day and saying the WH is a "dump".
Make America Great AGAIN,

as if America sucks right now? So who really doesn't like or respect their nation? ... cuz they believe their Nation needs change? the NFL or Trump? :dunno:
Yeah, maybe we can not be a laughing stock
Trump being President is one step up from a Kardashian being President.

Its retarded.

YES! I see them as exactly the same. Trailer trash with money.

Rich and famous for being rich and famous.

At least the Kardashians earn their wealth. The trump klan, including Kushner, have had it all handed to them.

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