Trump: Successful Businessman, No/ Successful Con Man, Yes

Right-wingers have been taken in by Republican con men for decades.

“Tricky Dick” Nixon scammed the conservatives with his “Secret Plan” to end the Vietnam War. He milked this promise for two election cycles. His downfall did not come from the people discovering his lies about ending the war, but from his staff’s illegal break-in at the Watergate Hotel. The right-wingers defend his innocence to this day. Suckers!!!

Reagan scammed the righties with his “Trickle Down” snake oil. Along with this was his inspired deregulation of the savings and loan industry, which wiped out the savings of millions of average Americans. His policies were responsible for increasing the national debt more than any president before him. The Reagan Myth has replaced the truth of his administration.

The scam artists of the GOP , Bush Sr. Dubya, continued to fool the gullible conservatives with their own lies and tall tales.

But even as proficient as Bush I and II were as con men, Trump is rapidly becoming the champion Republican con man.

Proof of this can be found at the following link:

Robert Reich - Timeline | Facebook

Trump supporters, only proceed to the link if you dare. The post at the link tells the truth about Donald Trump. Anyone familiar with U.S. financial history will find the relevant facts lead to the same figures as the post's author Robert Reich.

The facts will prove the right-wingers' new hero Trump, is no where near the business wizard he says he is. Actually, he hardly rises to mediocre as a businessman. But, as can be seen by the right-wingers in lockstep swallowing his snake oil, he is an extraordinary con man.

If Trump is a con man, what does that make Hillary?
Right-wingers have been taken in by Republican con men for decades.

“Tricky Dick” Nixon scammed the conservatives with his “Secret Plan” to end the Vietnam War. He milked this promise for two election cycles. His downfall did not come from the people discovering his lies about ending the war, but from his staff’s illegal break-in at the Watergate Hotel. The right-wingers defend his innocence to this day. Suckers!!!

Reagan scammed the righties with his “Trickle Down” snake oil. Along with this was his inspired deregulation of the savings and loan industry, which wiped out the savings of millions of average Americans. His policies were responsible for increasing the national debt more than any president before him. The Reagan Myth has replaced the truth of his administration.

The scam artists of the GOP , Bush Sr. Dubya, continued to fool the gullible conservatives with their own lies and tall tales.

But even as proficient as Bush I and II were as con men, Trump is rapidly becoming the champion Republican con man.

Proof of this can be found at the following link:

Robert Reich - Timeline | Facebook

Trump supporters, only proceed to the link if you dare. The post at the link tells the truth about Donald Trump. Anyone familiar with U.S. financial history will find the relevant facts lead to the same figures as the post's author Robert Reich.

The facts will prove the right-wingers' new hero Trump, is no where near the business wizard he says he is. Actually, he hardly rises to mediocre as a businessman. But, as can be seen by the right-wingers in lockstep swallowing his snake oil, he is an extraordinary con man.


And the progressive liberals have been taken in by democratic con men for decades too

Bill ended welfare as you know it, gave you NAFTA and the repeal of Glass-Steagal, Obama promised real Hope & Change (tm) then gave more $trillions to the poor banks who are only doing god's work, did nothing about the NSA spy state and bombed more countries than Bu$h, now you have Hillary who will save you from the evil Trump and the Russian menace.... but don't worry, she's a real progressive who will reign in wall street and the MIC... that's why all the neocons support her....

And no, Trump isn't any better, they're all part of the democratic-republican, corporate oligarchy that has been screwing the "common" people for decades (centuries)

Oh, and did you read that Bu$h sr is voting for Hillary, can you guess why?


Cut off on Reagan. He was USA all the way. Hence his distance from GH who was always a globalist.

As to the Bushes not only but supporting Hillary right from the get go all globalists. Best friends. The twins call them Aunt Hillary and Uncle Bill.

THAT'S why I wanted to bazooka barf when the whole Bush family took over Cruz and his freaking campaign and I still had posters on here trying to tell me Cruz wasn't inside the beltway.

You nailed it! Cruz was the biggest con man this election, he's no conservative no more than rdean is. Cruz tried and tried to suck up to the GOP establishment, desperate to become a member. It was only when they shunned his attempts, I'm guessing because he wasn't that likeable, that he donned this costume of anti-establishment conservative. The GOP establishment knows its a fake con, which is why he's despised so much in congress.
Cut off on Reagan. He was USA all the way. Hence his distance from GH who was always a globalist.

As to the Bushes not only but supporting Hillary right from the get go all globalists. Best friends. The twins call them Aunt Hillary and Uncle Bill.

THAT'S why I wanted to bazooka barf when the whole Bush family took over Cruz and his freaking campaign and I still had posters on here trying to tell me Cruz wasn't inside the beltway.

Ah, Saint Ronnie, the great hero who started it all with his trickle down economics

But he was indeed USA all the way, $billions for the war budget, sponsoring death squads in South America, the magnificent invasion of Grenada, Iran-contra, Nancy and just say no, alzheimers....

Right-wingers have been taken in by Republican con men for decades.

“Tricky Dick” Nixon scammed the conservatives with his “Secret Plan” to end the Vietnam War. He milked this promise for two election cycles. His downfall did not come from the people discovering his lies about ending the war, but from his staff’s illegal break-in at the Watergate Hotel. The right-wingers defend his innocence to this day. Suckers!!!

Reagan scammed the righties with his “Trickle Down” snake oil. Along with this was his inspired deregulation of the savings and loan industry, which wiped out the savings of millions of average Americans. His policies were responsible for increasing the national debt more than any president before him. The Reagan Myth has replaced the truth of his administration.

The scam artists of the GOP , Bush Sr. Dubya, continued to fool the gullible conservatives with their own lies and tall tales.

But even as proficient as Bush I and II were as con men, Trump is rapidly becoming the champion Republican con man.

Proof of this can be found at the following link:

Robert Reich - Timeline | Facebook

Trump supporters, only proceed to the link if you dare. The post at the link tells the truth about Donald Trump. Anyone familiar with U.S. financial history will find the relevant facts lead to the same figures as the post's author Robert Reich.

The facts will prove the right-wingers' new hero Trump, is no where near the business wizard he says he is. Actually, he hardly rises to mediocre as a businessman. But, as can be seen by the right-wingers in lockstep swallowing his snake oil, he is an extraordinary con man.


But you see, this is why his base is so loyal.

Admitting you've been conned is a shameful thing.

They are too proud to admit they've been duped.
Cut off on Reagan. He was USA all the way. Hence his distance from GH who was always a globalist.

As to the Bushes not only but supporting Hillary right from the get go all globalists. Best friends. The twins call them Aunt Hillary and Uncle Bill.

THAT'S why I wanted to bazooka barf when the whole Bush family took over Cruz and his freaking campaign and I still had posters on here trying to tell me Cruz wasn't inside the beltway.

Ah, Saint Ronnie, the great hero who started it all with his trickle down economics

But he was indeed USA all the way, $billions for the war budget, sponsoring death squads in South America, the magnificent invasion of Grenada, Iran-contra, Nancy and just say no, alzheimers....

We did great under Reagan's policies. Libturds still hate him for kicking the commies to the curb. I love to see you assholes still cry over it.
We did great under Reagan's policies. Libturds still hate him for kicking the commies to the curb. I love to see you assholes still cry over it.

Who is "we" exactly?

And he didn't kick the commies to the curb, Gorbachev simply decided to stop playing and "tear down this wall". If there had been a hardliner in the Kremlin at the time, Ronnies warmongering could have started WWIII

I'm also not a liberal but a socialist and the 80's were a great time to grow up in so you won't hear me crying about them.

Right-wingers have been taken in by Republican con men for decades.

“Tricky Dick” Nixon scammed the conservatives with his “Secret Plan” to end the Vietnam War. He milked this promise for two election cycles. His downfall did not come from the people discovering his lies about ending the war, but from his staff’s illegal break-in at the Watergate Hotel. The right-wingers defend his innocence to this day. Suckers!!!

Reagan scammed the righties with his “Trickle Down” snake oil. Along with this was his inspired deregulation of the savings and loan industry, which wiped out the savings of millions of average Americans. His policies were responsible for increasing the national debt more than any president before him. The Reagan Myth has replaced the truth of his administration.

The scam artists of the GOP , Bush Sr. Dubya, continued to fool the gullible conservatives with their own lies and tall tales.

But even as proficient as Bush I and II were as con men, Trump is rapidly becoming the champion Republican con man.

Proof of this can be found at the following link:

Robert Reich - Timeline | Facebook

Trump supporters, only proceed to the link if you dare. The post at the link tells the truth about Donald Trump. Anyone familiar with U.S. financial history will find the relevant facts lead to the same figures as the post's author Robert Reich.

The facts will prove the right-wingers' new hero Trump, is no where near the business wizard he says he is. Actually, he hardly rises to mediocre as a businessman. But, as can be seen by the right-wingers in lockstep swallowing his snake oil, he is an extraordinary con man.


And the progressive liberals have been taken in by democratic con men for decades too

Bill ended welfare as you know it, gave you NAFTA and the repeal of Glass-Steagal, Obama promised real Hope & Change (tm) then gave more $trillions to the poor banks who are only doing god's work, did nothing about the NSA spy state and bombed more countries than Bu$h, now you have Hillary who will save you from the evil Trump and the Russian menace.... but don't worry, she's a real progressive who will reign in wall street and the MIC... that's why all the neocons support her....

And no, Trump isn't any better, they're all part of the democratic-republican, corporate oligarchy that has been screwing the "common" people for decades (centuries)

Oh, and did you read that Bu$h sr is voting for Hillary, can you guess why?


Cut off on Reagan. He was USA all the way. Hence his distance from GH who was always a globalist.

As to the Bushes not only but supporting Hillary right from the get go all globalists. Best friends. The twins call them Aunt Hillary and Uncle Bill.

THAT'S why I wanted to bazooka barf when the whole Bush family took over Cruz and his freaking campaign and I still had posters on here trying to tell me Cruz wasn't inside the beltway.

You nailed it! Cruz was the biggest con man this election, he's no conservative no more than rdean is. Cruz tried and tried to suck up to the GOP establishment, desperate to become a member. It was only when they shunned his attempts, I'm guessing because he wasn't that likeable, that he donned this costume of anti-establishment conservative. The GOP establishment knows its a fake con, which is why he's despised so much in congress.

. Finding out that Cruz and Carly were fakes. It really hurt. They played it good for some time.As soon as I realized Carly was McCains girl and then I started looking around and realized Cruz was a Bush default plant man oh man I thought walk away.

But I can't do that. I'm not a walk a way kinda joe. So we got the good fight ahead of us. I really would rather spend my last days not worrying about a thing and going back and forth from the gulf to my hill.
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Cut off on Reagan. He was USA all the way. Hence his distance from GH who was always a globalist.

As to the Bushes not only but supporting Hillary right from the get go all globalists. Best friends. The twins call them Aunt Hillary and Uncle Bill.

THAT'S why I wanted to bazooka barf when the whole Bush family took over Cruz and his freaking campaign and I still had posters on here trying to tell me Cruz wasn't inside the beltway.

Ah, Saint Ronnie, the great hero who started it all with his trickle down economics

But he was indeed USA all the way, $billions for the war budget, sponsoring death squads in South America, the magnificent invasion of Grenada, Iran-contra, Nancy and just say no, alzheimers....

We did great under Reagan's policies. Libturds still hate him for kicking the commies to the curb. I love to see you assholes still cry over it.

He turned the world around. I miss him so much.
Right-wingers have been taken in by Republican con men for decades.

“Tricky Dick” Nixon scammed the conservatives with his “Secret Plan” to end the Vietnam War. He milked this promise for two election cycles. His downfall did not come from the people discovering his lies about ending the war, but from his staff’s illegal break-in at the Watergate Hotel. The right-wingers defend his innocence to this day. Suckers!!!

Reagan scammed the righties with his “Trickle Down” snake oil. Along with this was his inspired deregulation of the savings and loan industry, which wiped out the savings of millions of average Americans. His policies were responsible for increasing the national debt more than any president before him. The Reagan Myth has replaced the truth of his administration.

The scam artists of the GOP , Bush Sr. Dubya, continued to fool the gullible conservatives with their own lies and tall tales.

But even as proficient as Bush I and II were as con men, Trump is rapidly becoming the champion Republican con man.

Proof of this can be found at the following link:

Robert Reich - Timeline | Facebook

Trump supporters, only proceed to the link if you dare. The post at the link tells the truth about Donald Trump. Anyone familiar with U.S. financial history will find the relevant facts lead to the same figures as the post's author Robert Reich.

The facts will prove the right-wingers' new hero Trump, is no where near the business wizard he says he is. Actually, he hardly rises to mediocre as a businessman. But, as can be seen by the right-wingers in lockstep swallowing his snake oil, he is an extraordinary con man.


And the progressive liberals have been taken in by democratic con men for decades too

Bill ended welfare as you know it, gave you NAFTA and the repeal of Glass-Steagal, Obama promised real Hope & Change (tm) then gave more $trillions to the poor banks who are only doing god's work, did nothing about the NSA spy state and bombed more countries than Bu$h, now you have Hillary who will save you from the evil Trump and the Russian menace.... but don't worry, she's a real progressive who will reign in wall street and the MIC... that's why all the neocons support her....

And no, Trump isn't any better, they're all part of the democratic-republican, corporate oligarchy that has been screwing the "common" people for decades (centuries)

Oh, and did you read that Bu$h sr is voting for Hillary, can you guess why?


Cut off on Reagan. He was USA all the way. Hence his distance from GH who was always a globalist.

As to the Bushes not only but supporting Hillary right from the get go all globalists. Best friends. The twins call them Aunt Hillary and Uncle Bill.

THAT'S why I wanted to bazooka barf when the whole Bush family took over Cruz and his freaking campaign and I still had posters on here trying to tell me Cruz wasn't inside the beltway.

You nailed it! Cruz was the biggest con man this election, he's no conservative no more than rdean is. Cruz tried and tried to suck up to the GOP establishment, desperate to become a member. It was only when they shunned his attempts, I'm guessing because he wasn't that likeable, that he donned this costume of anti-establishment conservative. The GOP establishment knows its a fake con, which is why he's despised so much in congress.

Sigh. Finding out that Cruz and Carly were fakes. It really hurt. They played it good for some time.As soon as I realized Carly was McCains girl and then I started looking around and realized Cruz was a Bush default plant man oh man I thought walk away.

But I can't do that. I'm not a walk a way kinda joe. So we got the good fight ahead of us. I really would rather spend my last days not worrying about a thing and going back and forth from the gulf to my hill.

Rush outed Cruz for the GOP establishment hack he is. Not intentionally, he just got on the subject one day and mentioned that he had spoken to a number of people in congress and they all told the same story. Cruz was desperate to become a card carrying member of the GOP establishment, hence their dislike of the man who then donned this costume of anti GOP establishment conservative, it disgusted them how fake the guy is.
We did great under Reagan's policies. Libturds still hate him for kicking the commies to the curb. I love to see you assholes still cry over it.

Who is "we" exactly?

And he didn't kick the commies to the curb, Gorbachev simply decided to stop playing and "tear down this wall". If there had been a hardliner in the Kremlin at the time, Ronnies warmongering could have started WWIII

I'm also not a liberal but a socialist and the 80's were a great time to grow up in so you won't hear me crying about them.
"We" as in America. The US economy picked up a great deal, GNP increased, taxes went down, Americans felt unified, etc. Reagan spread optimism. His military spending pretty much wiped out the soviets, they couldn't keep up the pace. Obviously you are one of the malcontents I was talking about. I enjoy your butthurt, hope you take it to the grave.
"We" as in America. The US economy picked up a great deal, GNP increased, taxes went down, Americans felt unified, etc. Reagan spread optimism. His military spending pretty much wiped out the soviets, they couldn't keep up the pace. Obviously you are one of the malcontents I was talking about. I enjoy your butthurt, hope you take it to the grave.

It's ok to love Saint Ronnie comrade, I just don't share your distorted version of history

And as I said, I've fond memories of the 80's and I'm really not butthurt by the 3rd rate actor that occupied the oval office at the time. I hope that doesn't ruin your day

"We" as in America. The US economy picked up a great deal, GNP increased, taxes went down, Americans felt unified, etc. Reagan spread optimism. His military spending pretty much wiped out the soviets, they couldn't keep up the pace. Obviously you are one of the malcontents I was talking about. I enjoy your butthurt, hope you take it to the grave.

It's ok to love Saint Ronnie comrade, I just don't share your distorted version of history

And as I said, I've fond memories of the 80's and I'm really not butthurt by the 3rd rate actor that occupied the oval office at the time. I hope that doesn't ruin your day
I never referred to Reagan as a Saint, that's how a child thinks. I'm glad he still makes assholes like you chew up their undies though, it's proof he did something right.
I never referred to Reagan as a Saint, that's how a child thinks. I'm glad he still makes assholes like you chew up their undies though, it's proof he did something right.

No need for you to refer to Saint Ronnie, that's what I'm here for. But it's simply a fact that all compassionate conservatives worship him and that every clown candidate always declares he's the new coming of Reagan. It's almost a religion.

Oh, and when someone criticizes your hero they're automatically an asshole, why is that?

I never referred to Reagan as a Saint, that's how a child thinks. I'm glad he still makes assholes like you chew up their undies though, it's proof he did something right.

No need for you to refer to Saint Ronnie, that's what I'm here for. But it's simply a fact that all compassionate conservatives worship him and that every clown candidate always declares he's the new coming of Reagan. It's almost a religion.

Oh, and when someone criticizes your hero they're automatically an asshole, why is that?
Come back when you grow some peach fuzz on your balls.
Come back when you grow some peach fuzz on your balls.

Oh, and another deficiency of the Saint Ronnie cult is that their sense of humour leaves a lot to be desired...



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