Trump: Successful Businessman, No/ Successful Con Man, Yes

Right-wingers have been taken in by Republican con men for decades.

“Tricky Dick” Nixon scammed the conservatives with his “Secret Plan” to end the Vietnam War. He milked this promise for two election cycles. His downfall did not come from the people discovering his lies about ending the war, but from his staff’s illegal break-in at the Watergate Hotel. The right-wingers defend his innocence to this day. Suckers!!!

Reagan scammed the righties with his “Trickle Down” snake oil. Along with this was his inspired deregulation of the savings and loan industry, which wiped out the savings of millions of average Americans. His policies were responsible for increasing the national debt more than any president before him. The Reagan Myth has replaced the truth of his administration.

The scam artists of the GOP , Bush Sr. Dubya, continued to fool the gullible conservatives with their own lies and tall tales.

But even as proficient as Bush I and II were as con men, Trump is rapidly becoming the champion Republican con man.

Proof of this can be found at the following link:

Robert Reich - Timeline | Facebook

Trump supporters, only proceed to the link if you dare. The post at the link tells the truth about Donald Trump. Anyone familiar with U.S. financial history will find the relevant facts lead to the same figures as the post's author Robert Reich.

The facts will prove the right-wingers' new hero Trump, is no where near the business wizard he says he is. Actually, he hardly rises to mediocre as a businessman. But, as can be seen by the right-wingers in lockstep swallowing his snake oil, he is an extraordinary con man.


But you see, this is why his base is so loyal.

Admitting you've been conned is a shameful thing.

They are too proud to admit they've been duped.
Not really, he won with Democrat support. He didn't trick that many Republicans, and really, he may not have tricked any. Republicans knew he wasn't a Republican from the start, but they also knew we didn't want anymore Establishment Servants pretending to be Republicans, either.
You're an asshole for being a child on an adult discussion forum.

Libtards, commies, butthurt, assholes.......

The cult of Saint Ronnie having an adult discussion

It's not so much that you insulted Ronald Reagan, from your posts I'm sure people already expect very little of you, it's that you feel the need to derail a topic with blatantly childish trolling. Do you have nothing better to do? You've already derailed this one and just started basically repeating yourself, I'm sure it would make the best use of your time to go derail other threads, too.

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