Trump Sues to Block Release of his Financials

I dont blame him.
What makes you believe Trump is above the law?

Why Is Trump So Worried About His Finances Going Public? – Rolling Stone

"Suing a Democratic committee chairman is only the latest action the president has taken to prevent his finances from going public.

"After House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal (D-MA) sent a letter to the IRS formally requesting six years of Trump’s tax returns, the president said he was 'not inclined' to comply the request, and, according to the Washington Post, is willing to take the fight to keep his returns secret to the Supreme Court.

"Defying the request, which the Ways and Means Committee is entitled to make, would amount to a violation of federal law.

"Nevertheless, as they did with Mazers USA, Trump’s lawyers wrote a letter to the Treasury Department, which oversees the IRS, pressuring them to tell IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig not to comply with Neal’s request for Trump’s tax returns.

"While testifying before Congress earlier this month, Rettig, visibly shaking, said he was 'working on a letter' to respond to Neal."
I dont think he is above the law. What a stupid assumption.
I dont think he is above the law. What a stupid assumption.
Why did you imply support for his suit to block the legally required release of his tax records if you don't think the rich-bi*tch is above the law?

What happened to liberals? They now rollover on their belly for the government.

Trump is taking legal action to try to block the release is part of the legal system. Trump is using the legal system to block what he believes is wrong.

We need some real liberals back in America instead of the frauds and fakes that are currently out there including the OP.
Trump is taking legal action to try to block the release is part of the legal system. Trump is using the legal system to block what he believes is wrong.
Trump is the most lawless POTUS in history. His Treasury Secretary has no legal ground for refusing to hand over Trump's tax returns; the law requires he furnish such documents, and if he doesn't he will find his rich, white, Wall Street ass in jail, which is exactly where Trump and his crime family are headed after he leaves "public service."
Why doesnt Trump open up his records and put this to bed ? He can then get on with the important job of MAGA.

Only if EVERY single last one Congressman does it!
Go for it. Who would have a problem with that ?

You're the one who brought it up.

So, deal or no deal Tommy Taint?
I have just agreed with you. This should not be partisan.

You didn't answer being the pussy you are!
Why Is Trump So Worried About His Finances Going Public? – Rolling Stone

"On Monday, the president went so far as to sue House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings (D-MD), as well as his own accounting firm, in an attempt to block a subpoena of Trump’s accounting firm...."

"Cummings initially wrote Mazers USA, the accounting firm in question, seeking Trump’s financial records on March 20th, weeks after the president’s former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, testified publicly before the Oversight Committee that Trump had lied about his finances in an effort to mislead lenders.

"The company responded, Cummings said, by requesting a 'friendly' subpoena to formalize the process, after which it planned to comply with Congress.

"Last week, Trump’s attorneys tried to pressure Mazers USA into not honoring a subpoena from Cummings, writing that it 'would not be valid or enforceable.'"

Ready for the good part?

Trump wants Democrats to pay his legal bills in this obfuscation.

Is it simply taken for granted that this president holds himself above all legal accountability and Republicans will inevitably support him to the hilt?

And he's going to lose. Congress has absolute power in Article 1 oversight, and no court is going to rule otherwise. The courts do not get involved in disputes between coequal branches, and even when they have, they demanded a good faith effort from both sides. Trump just flatly refusing to honor the oversight powers of Congress, is a flagarant disregard of a good faith effort.Trump doesn't have a legal leg to stand on. All financial institutions have legal liability for not handing over any documents subpoenaed by Congress, and will not wait for any court decisions before doing so, and there is nothing Trump can do to stop them from handing them over, and Deutsche Bank already is as we speak.
When has moron scump gone on MSNBC CNN ?

Donald Trump's full CNN interview with Jake Tapper - CNN Video

Mic drop motherfucker.

Like I said, Obama was the biggest fucking pansy wussy to ever be president. He had 7 out of 8 media outlets sucking his cock daily and he still bitched. Trump has ONE out of 8 putting out his message and he tolerates the other 7 FAR more than Obama tolerated Foxnews.
Yeah, I remember Obama calling Fox News the enemy of the people and claiming everything the entire media establishment said was lies.


yes I will release my tax returns

I release them by ______ (full in date)

I might release them

Fuck you people

Republicans see no problem with this.

Nope, none at all. He's not required to release them so I have no issues with him giving the finger to the democrats.
So, as long as he fights Democrats you don't give a rat;s ass how much money flows into his pockets & what he gave away to get it. I knew you assfucks hated America but I dodn't know it was this bad.

No, quite the contrary. I LOVE America. America is based on a constitution and a justice system whose foundation is "innocent until proven guilty." You have no right to see anyones financials because you don't like them. If you think Trump cheated on his taxes produce proof. Otherwise, fuck off.

Funny chit. You only "love" the Constitution when it works for you. Congress does have that right to see those returns.

And really, it has nothing to do with Trump is cheating ( the State pf NY is going to get Trump who has scammed America out of millions but hey, you claim to love America? Really).

It has to do to who he owes his money & where his income cone from.

How do you know when Trump makes a decision is it is for the good of country or his wallet. You just proved you don't care. I mean really, it is not like Trump is honest about anything.
Why Is Trump So Worried About His Finances Going Public? – Rolling Stone

"On Monday, the president went so far as to sue House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings (D-MD), as well as his own accounting firm, in an attempt to block a subpoena of Trump’s accounting firm...."

"Cummings initially wrote Mazers USA, the accounting firm in question, seeking Trump’s financial records on March 20th, weeks after the president’s former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, testified publicly before the Oversight Committee that Trump had lied about his finances in an effort to mislead lenders.

"The company responded, Cummings said, by requesting a 'friendly' subpoena to formalize the process, after which it planned to comply with Congress.

"Last week, Trump’s attorneys tried to pressure Mazers USA into not honoring a subpoena from Cummings, writing that it 'would not be valid or enforceable.'"

Ready for the good part?

Trump wants Democrats to pay his legal bills in this obfuscation.

Is it simply taken for granted that this president holds himself above all legal accountability and Republicans will inevitably support him to the hilt?

And he's going to lose. Congress has absolute power in Article 1 oversight, and no court is going to rule otherwise. The courts do not get involved in disputes between coequal branches, and even when they have, they demanded a good faith effort from both sides. Trump just flatly refusing to honor the oversight powers of Congress, is a flagarant disregard of a good faith effort.Trump doesn't have a legal leg to stand on. All financial institutions have legal liability for not handing over any documents subpoenaed by Congress, and will not wait for any court decisions before doing so, and there is nothing Trump can do to stop them from handing them over, and Deutsche Bank already is as we speak.

Wrong. Subpoenas are based on suspicion of a crime, not hate for a president. If they can't produce evidence that Trump committed a crime, the courts will rule the subpoenas illegal.
Why not just release them though. I don't believe he did anything wrong and broke no law. What would be the harm? I think his approval rating would rise 10 points if they were released.

Why should he be required to do anything to prove he is innocent against allegations. It is called innocent until proven guilty, it used to be the standard for Americans, it seems the left no wants you guilty unless proven otherwise and you have to prove you did nothing. That seems oppressive and tyrannical.

So, law enforcement can not take files from people/companies they are investigating.

Why are Democrats so infatuated with his Financial background?

When you are a subject to partisan witch hunts for several years running, you would be worried about it. Since there is no law requiring that Trump or anyone else running for the White House to publish their tax documents, Democrats continous insistence on it for three years without due cause is becoming an example of harassment.

Democrats who REQUESTED for the documents from the IRS (who turned it down) , then the Democrats go for the subpoena they make clear they have no probable cause to bank on, thus another witch hunt becomes the only possibility.
Look at Russia. Trump has said & done a lot of questionable things to the favor of Putin. Trump also lied about his business in Russia. One reason to know a President's financials is to be assured within some reason that his decisions are what is best for our country & not his wallet.

No tax returns, no divestment of his businesses, no truth.

Right now, all you have is his word & that ain't worth shit.
Did he say he'd have more flexibility after he's re-elected?

So how did Obama personally gain from nuclear arms talk with Russia?
Lets bring in a Special Prosecutor to investigate that shall we.
Bring it on. See, I am not afraid like you Trumpettes are.
Why Is Trump So Worried About His Finances Going Public? – Rolling Stone

"On Monday, the president went so far as to sue House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings (D-MD), as well as his own accounting firm, in an attempt to block a subpoena of Trump’s accounting firm...."

"Cummings initially wrote Mazers USA, the accounting firm in question, seeking Trump’s financial records on March 20th, weeks after the president’s former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, testified publicly before the Oversight Committee that Trump had lied about his finances in an effort to mislead lenders.

"The company responded, Cummings said, by requesting a 'friendly' subpoena to formalize the process, after which it planned to comply with Congress.

"Last week, Trump’s attorneys tried to pressure Mazers USA into not honoring a subpoena from Cummings, writing that it 'would not be valid or enforceable.'"

Ready for the good part?

Trump wants Democrats to pay his legal bills in this obfuscation.

Is it simply taken for granted that this president holds himself above all legal accountability and Republicans will inevitably support him to the hilt?

And he's going to lose. Congress has absolute power in Article 1 oversight, and no court is going to rule otherwise. The courts do not get involved in disputes between coequal branches, and even when they have, they demanded a good faith effort from both sides. Trump just flatly refusing to honor the oversight powers of Congress, is a flagarant disregard of a good faith effort.Trump doesn't have a legal leg to stand on. All financial institutions have legal liability for not handing over any documents subpoenaed by Congress, and will not wait for any court decisions before doing so, and there is nothing Trump can do to stop them from handing them over, and Deutsche Bank already is as we speak.

Wrong. Subpoenas are based on suspicion of a crime, not hate for a president. If they can't produce evidence that Trump committed a crime, the courts will rule the subpoenas illegal.

Mueller identified sevetral instances that look like Obstruction.

Trump lied about his business in Russia? Why?

Funny chit how you assfucks were demanding all this stuff about Hilaey's e-mails but hey. you cry like a baby when Trump gets hos turn.

You love Trump. Try loving your country.
Why Is Trump So Worried About His Finances Going Public? – Rolling Stone

"On Monday, the president went so far as to sue House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings (D-MD), as well as his own accounting firm, in an attempt to block a subpoena of Trump’s accounting firm...."

"Cummings initially wrote Mazers USA, the accounting firm in question, seeking Trump’s financial records on March 20th, weeks after the president’s former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, testified publicly before the Oversight Committee that Trump had lied about his finances in an effort to mislead lenders.

"The company responded, Cummings said, by requesting a 'friendly' subpoena to formalize the process, after which it planned to comply with Congress.

"Last week, Trump’s attorneys tried to pressure Mazers USA into not honoring a subpoena from Cummings, writing that it 'would not be valid or enforceable.'"

Ready for the good part?

Trump wants Democrats to pay his legal bills in this obfuscation.

Is it simply taken for granted that this president holds himself above all legal accountability and Republicans will inevitably support him to the hilt?

And he's going to lose. Congress has absolute power in Article 1 oversight, and no court is going to rule otherwise. The courts do not get involved in disputes between coequal branches, and even when they have, they demanded a good faith effort from both sides. Trump just flatly refusing to honor the oversight powers of Congress, is a flagarant disregard of a good faith effort.Trump doesn't have a legal leg to stand on. All financial institutions have legal liability for not handing over any documents subpoenaed by Congress, and will not wait for any court decisions before doing so, and there is nothing Trump can do to stop them from handing them over, and Deutsche Bank already is as we speak.

Wrong. Subpoenas are based on suspicion of a crime, not hate for a president. If they can't produce evidence that Trump committed a crime, the courts will rule the subpoenas illegal.

Overreach grasshopper, overreach!
And, you can bet your bottom dollar that the Courts consider this.
I dont blame him.
What makes you believe Trump is above the law?

Why Is Trump So Worried About His Finances Going Public? – Rolling Stone

"Suing a Democratic committee chairman is only the latest action the president has taken to prevent his finances from going public.

"After House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal (D-MA) sent a letter to the IRS formally requesting six years of Trump’s tax returns, the president said he was 'not inclined' to comply the request, and, according to the Washington Post, is willing to take the fight to keep his returns secret to the Supreme Court.

"Defying the request, which the Ways and Means Committee is entitled to make, would amount to a violation of federal law.

"Nevertheless, as they did with Mazers USA, Trump’s lawyers wrote a letter to the Treasury Department, which oversees the IRS, pressuring them to tell IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig not to comply with Neal’s request for Trump’s tax returns.

"While testifying before Congress earlier this month, Rettig, visibly shaking, said he was 'working on a letter' to respond to Neal."
I dont think he is above the law. What a stupid assumption.
I dont think he is above the law. What a stupid assumption.
Why did you imply support for his suit to block the legally required release of his tax records if you don't think the rich-bi*tch is above the law?

What happened to liberals? They now rollover on their belly for the government.

Trump is taking legal action to try to block the release is part of the legal system. Trump is using the legal system to block what he believes is wrong.

We need some real liberals back in America instead of the frauds and fakes that are currently out there including the OP.
Why do you think he stops with law suits all info into criminal behavoir?
Why Is Trump So Worried About His Finances Going Public? – Rolling Stone

"On Monday, the president went so far as to sue House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings (D-MD), as well as his own accounting firm, in an attempt to block a subpoena of Trump’s accounting firm...."

"Cummings initially wrote Mazers USA, the accounting firm in question, seeking Trump’s financial records on March 20th, weeks after the president’s former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, testified publicly before the Oversight Committee that Trump had lied about his finances in an effort to mislead lenders.

"The company responded, Cummings said, by requesting a 'friendly' subpoena to formalize the process, after which it planned to comply with Congress.

"Last week, Trump’s attorneys tried to pressure Mazers USA into not honoring a subpoena from Cummings, writing that it 'would not be valid or enforceable.'"

Ready for the good part?

Trump wants Democrats to pay his legal bills in this obfuscation.

Is it simply taken for granted that this president holds himself above all legal accountability and Republicans will inevitably support him to the hilt?
Trump will win because the Democrat subpoena is illegal.
Why Is Trump So Worried About His Finances Going Public? – Rolling Stone

"On Monday, the president went so far as to sue House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings (D-MD), as well as his own accounting firm, in an attempt to block a subpoena of Trump’s accounting firm...."

"Cummings initially wrote Mazers USA, the accounting firm in question, seeking Trump’s financial records on March 20th, weeks after the president’s former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, testified publicly before the Oversight Committee that Trump had lied about his finances in an effort to mislead lenders.

"The company responded, Cummings said, by requesting a 'friendly' subpoena to formalize the process, after which it planned to comply with Congress.

"Last week, Trump’s attorneys tried to pressure Mazers USA into not honoring a subpoena from Cummings, writing that it 'would not be valid or enforceable.'"

Ready for the good part?

Trump wants Democrats to pay his legal bills in this obfuscation.

Is it simply taken for granted that this president holds himself above all legal accountability and Republicans will inevitably support him to the hilt?

And he's going to lose. Congress has absolute power in Article 1 oversight, and no court is going to rule otherwise. The courts do not get involved in disputes between coequal branches, and even when they have, they demanded a good faith effort from both sides. Trump just flatly refusing to honor the oversight powers of Congress, is a flagarant disregard of a good faith effort.Trump doesn't have a legal leg to stand on. All financial institutions have legal liability for not handing over any documents subpoenaed by Congress, and will not wait for any court decisions before doing so, and there is nothing Trump can do to stop them from handing them over, and Deutsche Bank already is as we speak.

Wrong. Subpoenas are based on suspicion of a crime, not hate for a president. If they can't produce evidence that Trump committed a crime, the courts will rule the subpoenas illegal.

Mueller identified sevetral instances that look like Obstruction.

Trump lied about his business in Russia? Why?

Funny chit how you assfucks were demanding all this stuff about Hilaey's e-mails but hey. you cry like a baby when Trump gets hos turn.

You love Trump. Try loving your country.

Muller identified nothing. No collusion. No obstruction. You can't obstruct justice where no crime occurred dumbass.

Trump didn't lie about anything. He did NOT do business in Russia.

If you want his taxes prove he didn't pay his legal amount and prove the IRS let him do it.

Otherwise, FUCK OFF.
Why Is Trump So Worried About His Finances Going Public? – Rolling Stone

"On Monday, the president went so far as to sue House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings (D-MD), as well as his own accounting firm, in an attempt to block a subpoena of Trump’s accounting firm...."

"Cummings initially wrote Mazers USA, the accounting firm in question, seeking Trump’s financial records on March 20th, weeks after the president’s former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, testified publicly before the Oversight Committee that Trump had lied about his finances in an effort to mislead lenders.

"The company responded, Cummings said, by requesting a 'friendly' subpoena to formalize the process, after which it planned to comply with Congress.

"Last week, Trump’s attorneys tried to pressure Mazers USA into not honoring a subpoena from Cummings, writing that it 'would not be valid or enforceable.'"

Ready for the good part?

Trump wants Democrats to pay his legal bills in this obfuscation.

Is it simply taken for granted that this president holds himself above all legal accountability and Republicans will inevitably support him to the hilt?
Trump will win because the Democrat subpoena is illegal.
Trump will win because the Democrat subpoena is illegal
Which Democratic subpoena is illegal?

House Democrat Demands Six Years of Trump Tax Returns From I.R.S.

"Unlike the chairmen of other committees, Mr. Neal is not relying on a subpoena or standard congressional processes.

"Instead, he is invoking an authority enshrined in the tax code granted only to the tax-writing committees in Congress that gives the chairmen of the House Ways and Means Committee and the Senate Finance Committee the power to request tax information on any filer."

Trump is hiding decades of money laundering for rich Russian oligarchs, and that's the only reason he's resisting disclosing his financial records.

He's a bigger crook than Bill and Hill COMBINED.
And part of the financial records being sought are the accounts of his grandchildren!!!
Why doesnt Trump open up his records and put this to bed ? He can then get on with the important job of MAGA.
Simple because his opposition is trying to force him to do so. It seems likely that he does have something to hide or he would have released his tax returns when he entered the race. If we had every piece of information on Trump we probably would just have more confirmation of what we already know about him.

I suppose it is possible that he is just being awkward because he doesnt like being told what to do. He is in an awkward place though. If they cant get his details they will not let it drop at all.
Trump loves a good fight. The prize is immaterial. He just wants to win.

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