Trump supporters are very specific to what they wear to rallies--Unbelivable

I feel sorry for ya'll liberals, your going to have heart attacks by the time your in your 40s your wound so tight.

On the other hand, thanks for posting these, I'm having a great laugh.
And this:


Love this inbred moron. He's with his 3 kids, btw. Way to teach those "family values," conservative scum.
I feel sorry for ya'll liberals, your going to have heart attacks by the time your in your 40s your wound so tight.

On the other hand, thanks for posting these, I'm having a great laugh.

Look I have been around a long time, and have watched many Presidential races, and I would have never believed that a Party that I have belonged to for my entire life has turned into this.

I disagreed with politicians on many occasions and have been vocal about it, but I never hated anyone over policy differences to where I would dream of going to the extreme of actually publicly showing hate toward anyone. Regardless of our differences in politics we have always shown respect toward one another, and treated each other with dignity.

You Trump supporters have hate flowing through your blood. You're wearing it, and proudly showing it off.

The only good thing about Donald Trump is that he has made you people come out of your closet. We now know who you are and what you represent. Ignorance, Anger, Hate, Fear, Bigotry, Misogyny, Division & Extremism.

You are reminiscent of an ignorant all white angry mob, that came right out of the 1960's civil rights movement, and Ronald Reagan warned us about you and Trump over 40 years ago.

Which is why I have taken the advice of a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN and voted for Hillary Clinton.

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I have got to ask, is that really Chris Christie Hot pants in that baseball uniform? That's hysterical, I can't stop laughing over it.

lol, I know. It cracks me up too. Would probably make a good avatar...
I feel sorry for ya'll liberals, your going to have heart attacks by the time your in your 40s your wound so tight.

On the other hand, thanks for posting these, I'm having a great laugh.

Look I have been around a long time, and have watched many Presidential races, and I would have never believed that a Party that I have belonged to for my entire life has turned into this.

I disagreed with politicians on many occasions and have been vocal about it, but I never hated anyone over policy differences to where I would dream of going to the extreme of actually publicly showing hate toward anyone. Regardless of our differences in politics we have always shown respect toward one another, and treated each other with dignity.

You Trump supporters have hate flowing through your blood. You're wearing it, and proudly showing it off.

The only good thing about Donald Trump is that he has made you people come out of your closet. We now know who you are and what you represent. Ignorance, Anger, Hate, Fear, Bigotry, Misogyny, Division & Extremism.

You are reminiscent of an ignorant all white angry mob, that came right out of the 1960's civil rights movement, and Ronald Reagan warned us about you and Trump over 40 years ago.

Which is why I have taken the advice of a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN and voted for Hillary Clinton.

I've never been a republican sonny. My political affiliations are noted right in my sig there did you miss that or were you so hyped about cutting down an "enemy" that you didn't do a scrap of research on the person you were accusing of being a "hater"? Has to be the latter because even a cursory eyeball of my SIGNATURE would pretty clearly have shut you up before you "showed your ass" on the matter...

Let's see; I don't actually hate anything. I'm an "individualist." Funny you chose the term "out of the closet" there... I've been "out of the closet" for so long that I've gained a following of a couple hundred LGBTs whom I am in contact with daily on FB - I have been supporting, and speaking on behalf, of Alaskan LGBT's for 20 years (as a wealthy business woman up here I have some influence, and cash.) I'm also, as alluded, in the 1%er category - with nearly 50 [rabid] Sanders fan followers (I've talked about them often here as well.) So with all due respect, shove your presumption of /my/ "hate" up your ass. BTW I'm a woman, feel free to call me a bitch (it amuses me.)

As far as Trump goes, did it ever make you wonder how Trump was beloved and respected by most of the country, and yet the second he runs against Clinton he's suddenly a fucking Nazi? No, of course not, because your kind doesn't bother with research, you just "assume" [based on heavily edited media bias clips] and react [generally hypocritically.] Good little lemming! ~pat pat~

That said, feel free to vote for the Clinton regime, Hell if ya'll manage to get her elected I'll be on a flight out before she's sworn in!

So, anything else you'd like to accuse me of? I do so love it when people hate me simply for my opinions (or apparently in this case my sense of humor) it makes me giggle.
So Trump supporters have a sense of humor and this guy is pissed.

Feign outrage!!!
So Trump supporters have a sense of humor and this guy is pissed.

Feign outrage!!!

Yes. They're real knee-slappers. Every Trump supporter should come with a built in comedy "buh dum ching" sound effect.
Well, if you have thought you have seen it all. Believe me you haven't. Very sexist remarks--violent remarks, and they've made T-Shirts and hats out of them.

The Most Outrageously Sexist Gear Spotted at Trump Rallies

These people are hillbillies. Even if you support a person, why would you mimic the gutteral grunts and hate speech that POS posits. Deplorables? That word doesn't go nearly far enough.
And then there is you, a bunch of fascist jackbooted thugs....

I personally like my hitlery for jail T-shirt......
I would totally carry around a "buh dum ching" sound effect maker - I'm constantly making jokes it'd be the perfect accessory.
I am not sure I would judge all blacks by the actions of a few.

Most of the signs were just funny and I bet if you went to a Clinton rally the few people there would have similar clothing.

And let's consider them poor uneducated white people, why do the left win hate them so and want to disenfranchise them?
^^ It’s harder for Clinton supporters to respect Trump backers than vice versa

Nearly six-in-ten registered voters who back Clinton (58%) say they have a “hard time” respecting someone who supports Trump for president; 40% say they have “no trouble” with it. Nearly the opposite is true among Trump supporters, with 56% saying they have no trouble respecting someone who backs Clinton and 40% saying they do have trouble with it.
What do you expect from white trash though? Seriously? Who here is surprised by the t-shirts and signs. Not I.
Such juvenile displays of stupidity. These people are no doubt pissed off about the difficulties they find in their life. They're just pissed at the wrong people. It's not elected officials that make their lives difficult, it's their own stupidity and immaturity that hold them back. SMH.
Such juvenile displays of stupidity. These people are no doubt pissed off about the difficulties they find in their life. They're just pissed at the wrong people. It's not elected officials that make their lives difficult, it's their own stupidity and immaturity that hold them back. SMH.
No,,we are pissed at uneducated fucks like you....
Such juvenile displays of stupidity. These people are no doubt pissed off about the difficulties they find in their life. They're just pissed at the wrong people. It's not elected officials that make their lives difficult, it's their own stupidity and immaturity that hold them back. SMH.
No,,we are pissed at uneducated fucks like you....

I put no hurdles in your life. Your inability to negotiate them is your problem. What adult wears a shirt in public, with his family, with the word C**T in large font describing a female politician? It's this glaring lack of judgement and seriousness that holds this guy back. Not elected officials.

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