Trump Supporters Dating Site: Married People OK, Gays Go Away

Yes folks it's true. The hypocrisy is unending. Created to cater to supporters of God Own Party and the serial cheater and pussy grabber in chief, are suborning...... well, Cheating in marriage

This is the party that claims it believes in high moral standards and family values. What a laugh. Read more below


I wonder if Trump has joined yet .

New dating site for Trump fans which blocks gay people lets you in if you're married

Oh, and it is discriminatory :

A new dating site for fans of Donald Trump bans anyone looking for same-sex relationships.
When signing up to Trump. dating , users are asked if they are a “Straight Man” or “Straight Woman”.
There are no other options.

More hypocrisy!!

Here is the link to the actual site. It is defiantly real:

Welcome To Trump.Dating - Your "America First" Partner Await

We believe that by matching patriotic and political viewpoints as a base foundation of the relationship, it will allow one to focus on what really matters -- conversation, commonalities, and if all goes well, courting. Being with someone who shares the same core standards is absolutely essential if you're truly searching for a real, life-changing relationship and we have a feeling that if you're on this site, that's exactly what you're looking for. So, what are you waiting for?

Standards and values?? Please tell us more about that

Like you give a damn.

And your offense at consensual sexual contact, ie pussy grabbing is noted. Prude.
You think that I'm a prude? That is too fucking funny. You have no idea what I've done!
Nor do we want to :thup:
Last edited:
again--the Dems/blacks/libs are not hypocrites/haters/liars/etc
they are inhuman is what you are saying...they are NOT human !!!!??!!
Gays are NOT looked upon favorably by the black community.

The black vote and latino vote was a major factor in getting Prop 8 in California passed. A deviant mentally ill Federal Court Judge highhandedly struck it down.
Yes folks it's true. The hypocrisy is unending. Created to cater to supporters of God Own Party and the serial cheater and pussy grabber in chief, are suborning...... well, Cheating in marriage

This is the party that claims it believes in high moral standards and family values. What a laugh. Read more below


I wonder if Trump has joined yet .

New dating site for Trump fans which blocks gay people lets you in if you're married

Oh, and it is discriminatory :

A new dating site for fans of Donald Trump bans anyone looking for same-sex relationships.
When signing up to Trump. dating , users are asked if they are a “Straight Man” or “Straight Woman”.
There are no other options.

More hypocrisy!!

Here is the link to the actual site. It is defiantly real:

Welcome To Trump.Dating - Your "America First" Partner Await

We believe that by matching patriotic and political viewpoints as a base foundation of the relationship, it will allow one to focus on what really matters -- conversation, commonalities, and if all goes well, courting. Being with someone who shares the same core standards is absolutely essential if you're truly searching for a real, life-changing relationship and we have a feeling that if you're on this site, that's exactly what you're looking for. So, what are you waiting for?

Standards and values?? Please tell us more about that
The site is also set up for friendship with the politically like minded and allows the option ‘happily married’ for such people. Just because you have a penchant for shagging as many peeps as possible, regressivepervert, you shouldn’t be projecting that onto others.

The company who owns this site also has other dating sites:

The site has been set up by Friends Worldwide, Inc., company based in Miami Beach, Florida, which started up in November 2011 to provide dating service.

It tells users that “since 2001, our portfolio of top rated sites has represented over 75 diverse dating communities based upon the personal interests and unique lifestyle choices of our members.”

Yet another nothing burger of a thread from you, regressivepervert, just so you can whine about gays and the GOP.


Yes folks it's true. The hypocrisy is unending. Created to cater to supporters of God Own Party and the serial cheater and pussy grabber in chief, are suborning...... well, Cheating in marriage

This is the party that claims it believes in high moral standards and family values. What a laugh. Read more below


I wonder if Trump has joined yet .

New dating site for Trump fans which blocks gay people lets you in if you're married

Oh, and it is discriminatory :

A new dating site for fans of Donald Trump bans anyone looking for same-sex relationships.
When signing up to Trump. dating , users are asked if they are a “Straight Man” or “Straight Woman”.
There are no other options.

More hypocrisy!!

Here is the link to the actual site. It is defiantly real:

Welcome To Trump.Dating - Your "America First" Partner Await

We believe that by matching patriotic and political viewpoints as a base foundation of the relationship, it will allow one to focus on what really matters -- conversation, commonalities, and if all goes well, courting. Being with someone who shares the same core standards is absolutely essential if you're truly searching for a real, life-changing relationship and we have a feeling that if you're on this site, that's exactly what you're looking for. So, what are you waiting for?

Standards and values?? Please tell us more about that
The site is also set up for friendship with the politically like minded and allows the option ‘happily married’ for such people. Just because you have a penchant for shagging as many peeps as possible, regressivepervert, you shouldn’t be projecting that onto others.

The company who owns this site also has other dating sites:

The site has been set up by Friends Worldwide, Inc., company based in Miami Beach, Florida, which started up in November 2011 to provide dating service.

It tells users that “since 2001, our portfolio of top rated sites has represented over 75 diverse dating communities based upon the personal interests and unique lifestyle choices of our members.”

Yet another nothing burger of a thread from you, regressivepervert, just so you can whine about gays and the GOP.


It is a DATING service!
Yes folks it's true. The hypocrisy is unending. Created to cater to supporters of God Own Party and the serial cheater and pussy grabber in chief, are suborning...... well, Cheating in marriage

This is the party that claims it believes in high moral standards and family values. What a laugh. Read more below


I wonder if Trump has joined yet .

New dating site for Trump fans which blocks gay people lets you in if you're married

Oh, and it is discriminatory :

A new dating site for fans of Donald Trump bans anyone looking for same-sex relationships.
When signing up to Trump. dating , users are asked if they are a “Straight Man” or “Straight Woman”.
There are no other options.

More hypocrisy!!

Here is the link to the actual site. It is defiantly real:

Welcome To Trump.Dating - Your "America First" Partner Await

We believe that by matching patriotic and political viewpoints as a base foundation of the relationship, it will allow one to focus on what really matters -- conversation, commonalities, and if all goes well, courting. Being with someone who shares the same core standards is absolutely essential if you're truly searching for a real, life-changing relationship and we have a feeling that if you're on this site, that's exactly what you're looking for. So, what are you waiting for?

Standards and values?? Please tell us more about that
The site is also set up for friendship with the politically like minded and allows the option ‘happily married’ for such people. Just because you have a penchant for shagging as many peeps as possible, regressivepervert, you shouldn’t be projecting that onto others.

The company who owns this site also has other dating sites:

The site has been set up by Friends Worldwide, Inc., company based in Miami Beach, Florida, which started up in November 2011 to provide dating service.

It tells users that “since 2001, our portfolio of top rated sites has represented over 75 diverse dating communities based upon the personal interests and unique lifestyle choices of our members.”

Yet another nothing burger of a thread from you, regressivepervert, just so you can whine about gays and the GOP.


It is a DATING service!
Love, Romance & FRIENDSHIP!!!
again--the Dems/blacks/libs are not hypocrites/haters/liars/etc
they are inhuman is what you are saying...they are NOT human !!!!??!!
Gays are NOT looked upon favorably by the black community.

The black vote and latino vote was a major factor in getting Prop 8 in California passed. A deviant mentally ill Federal Court Judge highhandedly struck it down.
Yes I voted in that election. It was one of those trick Props worded so a Yes vote was against it.

Also in that election Californians voted to allow 13 year old girls to get abortions without parental notification.
The web site that I posted a clear indication that "your side" embraces, defends, and promotes immoral sexual behavior> They just have different ideas about what is immoral sexual behavior and , as I have shown, are blatant hypocrites.

A fake web site proves nothing.
TheRegressivePervert has yet to provide any evidence that the site has any connection at all to Mr. Trump. I think that he knows damn well that it does not, and was being intentionally deceptive (as is nearly always the case with him) in starting this thread to imply that it does.
That is idiotic and dishonest. Do you know what a strawman argument is. You just did it. You attributed an argument to me that I never made. I never said that Trump was connected to that wed site/dating service and you know it. You cannot refute the facts that I presented so you make try to shoot me down with some false bullshit. Shame!

Who do you think you're fooling?

It is blatantly obvious that you intended, even if you didn't say it directly, to convey that the web site in question was reflective of Mr. Trump and those who support him. The title of this thread proves it. And you know damn well that what you are trying to convey is a bald-faced lie. Now, you're trying to backpedal, and claim that you didn't mean to say what you very clearly, undeniably did mean to say. Not that there is any surprise in seeing this behavior from you; it is entirely consistent with the utter lack of integrity, honesty, and basic decency that you have always displayed. You've never given anyone on this forum any reason to expect otherwise from you.
TheRegressivePervert has yet to provide any evidence that the site has any connection at all to Mr. Trump. I think that he knows damn well that it does not, and was being intentionally deceptive (as is nearly always the case with him) in starting this thread to imply that it does.
That is idiotic and dishonest. Do you know what a strawman argument is. You just did it. You attributed an argument to me that I never made. I never said that Trump was connected to that wed site/dating service and you know it. You cannot refute the facts that I presented so you make try to shoot me down with some false bullshit. Shame!

Who do you think you're fooling?

It is blatantly obvious that you intended, even if you didn't say it directly, to convey that the web site in question was reflective of Mr. Trump and those who support him. The title of this thread proves it. And you know damn well that what you are trying to convey is a bald-faced lie. Now, you're trying to backpedal, and claim that you didn't mean to say what you very clearly, undeniably did mean to say. Not that there is any surprise in seeing this behavior from you; it is entirely consistent with the utter lack of integrity, honesty, and basic decency that you have always displayed. You've never given anyone on this forum any reason to expect otherwise from you.
You are clearly deranged. And now ignored. You are not worth another key stroke of my time
Yes folks it's true. The hypocrisy is unending. Created to cater to supporters of God Own Party and the serial cheater and pussy grabber in chief, are suborning...... well, Cheating in marriage

This is the party that claims it believes in high moral standards and family values. What a laugh. Read more below


I wonder if Trump has joined yet .

New dating site for Trump fans which blocks gay people lets you in if you're married

Oh, and it is discriminatory :

A new dating site for fans of Donald Trump bans anyone looking for same-sex relationships.
When signing up to Trump. dating , users are asked if they are a “Straight Man” or “Straight Woman”.
There are no other options.

More hypocrisy!!

Here is the link to the actual site. It is defiantly real:

Welcome To Trump.Dating - Your "America First" Partner Await

We believe that by matching patriotic and political viewpoints as a base foundation of the relationship, it will allow one to focus on what really matters -- conversation, commonalities, and if all goes well, courting. Being with someone who shares the same core standards is absolutely essential if you're truly searching for a real, life-changing relationship and we have a feeling that if you're on this site, that's exactly what you're looking for. So, what are you waiting for?

Standards and values?? Please tell us more about that
The site is also set up for friendship with the politically like minded and allows the option ‘happily married’ for such people. Just because you have a penchant for shagging as many peeps as possible, regressivepervert, you shouldn’t be projecting that onto others.

The company who owns this site also has other dating sites:

The site has been set up by Friends Worldwide, Inc., company based in Miami Beach, Florida, which started up in November 2011 to provide dating service.

It tells users that “since 2001, our portfolio of top rated sites has represented over 75 diverse dating communities based upon the personal interests and unique lifestyle choices of our members.”

Yet another nothing burger of a thread from you, regressivepervert, just so you can whine about gays and the GOP.


It is a DATING service!
Dating service for pedophiles.
TheRegressivePervert has yet to provide any evidence that the site has any connection at all to Mr. Trump. I think that he knows damn well that it does not, and was being intentionally deceptive (as is nearly always the case with him) in starting this thread to imply that it does.
That is idiotic and dishonest. Do you know what a strawman argument is. You just did it. You attributed an argument to me that I never made. I never said that Trump was connected to that wed site/dating service and you know it. You cannot refute the facts that I presented so you make try to shoot me down with some false bullshit. Shame!

Who do you think you're fooling?

It is blatantly obvious that you intended, even if you didn't say it directly, to convey that the web site in question was reflective of Mr. Trump and those who support him. The title of this thread proves it. And you know damn well that what you are trying to convey is a bald-faced lie. Now, you're trying to backpedal, and claim that you didn't mean to say what you very clearly, undeniably did mean to say. Not that there is any surprise in seeing this behavior from you; it is entirely consistent with the utter lack of integrity, honesty, and basic decency that you have always displayed. You've never given anyone on this forum any reason to expect otherwise from you.
You are clearly deranged. And now ignored. You are not worth another key stroke of my time
Fags like you are emotional hemophiliacs. You prove that every time you post.
TheRegressivePervert has yet to provide any evidence that the site has any connection at all to Mr. Trump. I think that he knows damn well that it does not, and was being intentionally deceptive (as is nearly always the case with him) in starting this thread to imply that it does.
That is idiotic and dishonest. Do you know what a strawman argument is. You just did it. You attributed an argument to me that I never made. I never said that Trump was connected to that wed site/dating service and you know it. You cannot refute the facts that I presented so you make try to shoot me down with some false bullshit. Shame!

Who do you think you're fooling?

It is blatantly obvious that you intended, even if you didn't say it directly, to convey that the web site in question was reflective of Mr. Trump and those who support him. The title of this thread proves it. And you know damn well that what you are trying to convey is a bald-faced lie. Now, you're trying to backpedal, and claim that you didn't mean to say what you very clearly, undeniably did mean to say. Not that there is any surprise in seeing this behavior from you; it is entirely consistent with the utter lack of integrity, honesty, and basic decency that you have always displayed. You've never given anyone on this forum any reason to expect otherwise from you.
You are clearly deranged. And now ignored. You are not worth another key stroke of my time
Fags like you are emotional hemophiliacs. You prove that every time you post.

You still have yet to provide even a the faintest shred of evidence that this site has anything to do with Mr. Trump or with those who support them.

Much more likely, it is a creation of degenerate perverted filth such as yourself.

This is pretty much the sort of solid digestive waste that sane people expect from your kind.

In any event, this is rich, coming from you, the most open and vehement defender and advocate on this forum of the sexual manipulation, exploitation,and abuse of children.
OP claims to be heterosexual, yet reads "Pink News" daily.

Also 90% of OPs threads center around homosexuality.

Just be like Bruce and kick the closet door out, dude! :badgrin:


You still have yet to provide even a the faintest shred of evidence that this site has anything to do with Mr. Trump or with those who support them.

Much more likely, it is a creation of degenerate perverted filth such as yourself.

This is pretty much the sort of solid digestive waste that sane people expect from your kind.

In any event, this is rich, coming from you, the most open and vehement defender and advocate on this forum of the sexual manipulation, exploitation,and abuse of children.
You're reported. That shit is unacceptable

You still have yet to provide even a the faintest shred of evidence that this site has anything to do with Mr. Trump or with those who support them.

Much more likely, it is a creation of degenerate perverted filth such as yourself.

This is pretty much the sort of solid digestive waste that sane people expect from your kind.

In any event, this is rich, coming from you, the most open and vehement defender and advocate on this forum of the sexual manipulation, exploitation,and abuse of children.
You're reported. That shit is unacceptable

The truth is there, in your own postings, for everyone to see. How is it acceptable for you to have openly defended the sexual abuse of children, but not for me to call attention to where you have done so?

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