Trump Supporters Dating Site: Married People OK, Gays Go Away

"Comparative religion can be, and is taught. That is different than teaching religion where mythology is presented as fact. Children are also taught that people of different religious and ethnic background have equal value . They are taught that discrimination based on race, religion, gender and being handicapped is wrong. Why is sexual orientation and gender identity different.? Oh right, the sex part."

It's right there in the bolded. Children don't even need to be thinking about sex, how about that? That's reality knocking. Children and sex do not really belong in the same sentence. Yet here you go, wanting to tell them all about it, just in case they can be groomed.
Children are aware of sexuality, gender and the fact that some are different in terms of their sexuality. Are you really so deranged and ignorant as to think that teaching children to accept and respect others -and themselves - child abuse. Be careful with that shit...both of you!

All children need to know is that there are boys, and there are girls. That's it!
The fact is that whether you or anybody else likes it or not, kids, depending on their age, know a whole lot more. In fact they know and understand a shitload more than you do. I wrote this a while back. Try to learn something instead of just putting your ignorance and bigotry on display.

LGBT Issues, Children and Education by Progressive Patriot 2.12.14

Many people who rail against gay marriage and gay rights have deluded themselves into believing that if we do not support and allow marriage, the issue will somehow go away. They claim that children will be taught that homosexuality is normal and good. Well know this, LGBT issues and people are a part of modern culture and depriving gays rights will not change that and you can’t shield the children from it.

Children always have and always will struggle with their developing sexuality including sexual orientation and gender identity issues. In the past, for the most part, children were left to try to understand these things alone and in silence. They would feel guilty and confused about any sexual matters and especially any LGBTI issues. Today, there is much open discussion about these issues-in the print and social media, among peers, on television, just about everywhere. In this electronic society where kids spend much of their days on line, it cannot be avoided. Many children know an LGBT child or adult. Children hear and see this all, and like it or not, they are very much aware. As we progress as a society, more and more of that discussion is positive, and young people are much more accepting of those who are different than many adults care to imagine. There is nothing short of criminalizing these lifestyles, and snuffing out free speech-in effect becoming Russia-that anybody can do about it. Can anyone dispute or refute any part of this statement?

My next question is: What do parents, educators and the rest of us do? Here are some options:

1. Do nothing, be silent. Leave the children to their own devices to figure things out for themselves. After all, that’s the way it was 30, 40, 50 years ago and everything was just fine. Or was it? In any case, this is now, times are different and sexuality is a much more salient part of life and discourse. This may not be a great option, if it ever was.

2. Condemn homosexuality openly and vehemently. Doing so will have the effect of marginalizing LGBT kids, crushing them with guilt, and setting them up for bullying. Then all that will be left to do is to keep tract of the suicides and mass shootings.

3. Engage in constructive dialogue with the kids and among ourselves as adults. Dispense with the hysteria and misinformation and start to deal with this as part of our human experience. We could dispense with rhetoric about “promoting homosexuality” and the scare tactics such as it leading to incest, polygamy and bestiality. Rather, the emphasis would be on human relations, not sex because relationships are really what it’s about. We could just let kids know that they are OK and loved no matter who and what they are…….because whatever they are, that’s what they are going to be. Maybe, just maybe it’s time to make a choice between ideology and religion on one hand, and the children that we claim to care so much about on the other. The only question is ….will they be happy, confident and secure, or guilt ridden, miserable and confused.
However, you still have ass hats who want to pretend that the issue will just go away. That is ignorant and dangerous.

Wrong, faggot! Know why? Because we were all kids once, and we know what we knew when we were kids, and it wasn't about homosexuality. You didn't think that through to a logical conclusion, huh? What, you think people forget how it was when they were kids or something? :blowpop:

I'm glad none of my teachers were forcing faggotry on us, too. We used to make fun of the homo teachers. Something that wasn't really known about until 8th or 9th grade.

Looks like all you have are ad hominems and appeals to ignorance. You can even begin to address the issue in an intelligent and thoughtful way so you have to call names and pretend that the experience of kids today is the same as it was 50 years ago. That is really fucking stupid!

So you're still running with: "Adults don't know what it's like to be kids" amirite? Good luck with that!

Like all adults were never kids or anything, and can remember those times. :cuckoo:

You take people for being dumber than what they are, ok? And lemme tell ya summin' son, you ain't super smart or anything remotely like that, k?

You need to stop insulting people's intelligence.
Yes folks it's true. The hypocrisy is unending. Created to cater to supporters of God Own Party and the serial cheater and pussy grabber in chief, are suborning...... well, Cheating in marriage

This is the party that claims it believes in high moral standards and family values. What a laugh. Read more below


I wonder if Trump has joined yet .

New dating site for Trump fans which blocks gay people lets you in if you're married

Oh, and it is discriminatory :

A new dating site for fans of Donald Trump bans anyone looking for same-sex relationships.
When signing up to Trump. dating , users are asked if they are a “Straight Man” or “Straight Woman”.
There are no other options.

More hypocrisy!!

Here is the link to the actual site. It is defiantly real:

Welcome To Trump.Dating - Your "America First" Partner Await

We believe that by matching patriotic and political viewpoints as a base foundation of the relationship, it will allow one to focus on what really matters -- conversation, commonalities, and if all goes well, courting. Being with someone who shares the same core standards is absolutely essential if you're truly searching for a real, life-changing relationship and we have a feeling that if you're on this site, that's exactly what you're looking for. So, what are you waiting for?

Standards and values?? Please tell us more about that
Their website their rules
Children are aware of sexuality, gender and the fact that some are different in terms of their sexuality. Are you really so deranged and ignorant as to think that teaching children to accept and respect others -and themselves - child abuse. Be careful with that shit...both of you!

All children need to know is that there are boys, and there are girls. That's it!
The fact is that whether you or anybody else likes it or not, kids, depending on their age, know a whole lot more. In fact they know and understand a shitload more than you do. I wrote this a while back. Try to learn something instead of just putting your ignorance and bigotry on display.

LGBT Issues, Children and Education by Progressive Patriot 2.12.14

Many people who rail against gay marriage and gay rights have deluded themselves into believing that if we do not support and allow marriage, the issue will somehow go away. They claim that children will be taught that homosexuality is normal and good. Well know this, LGBT issues and people are a part of modern culture and depriving gays rights will not change that and you can’t shield the children from it.

Children always have and always will struggle with their developing sexuality including sexual orientation and gender identity issues. In the past, for the most part, children were left to try to understand these things alone and in silence. They would feel guilty and confused about any sexual matters and especially any LGBTI issues. Today, there is much open discussion about these issues-in the print and social media, among peers, on television, just about everywhere. In this electronic society where kids spend much of their days on line, it cannot be avoided. Many children know an LGBT child or adult. Children hear and see this all, and like it or not, they are very much aware. As we progress as a society, more and more of that discussion is positive, and young people are much more accepting of those who are different than many adults care to imagine. There is nothing short of criminalizing these lifestyles, and snuffing out free speech-in effect becoming Russia-that anybody can do about it. Can anyone dispute or refute any part of this statement?

My next question is: What do parents, educators and the rest of us do? Here are some options:

1. Do nothing, be silent. Leave the children to their own devices to figure things out for themselves. After all, that’s the way it was 30, 40, 50 years ago and everything was just fine. Or was it? In any case, this is now, times are different and sexuality is a much more salient part of life and discourse. This may not be a great option, if it ever was.

2. Condemn homosexuality openly and vehemently. Doing so will have the effect of marginalizing LGBT kids, crushing them with guilt, and setting them up for bullying. Then all that will be left to do is to keep tract of the suicides and mass shootings.

3. Engage in constructive dialogue with the kids and among ourselves as adults. Dispense with the hysteria and misinformation and start to deal with this as part of our human experience. We could dispense with rhetoric about “promoting homosexuality” and the scare tactics such as it leading to incest, polygamy and bestiality. Rather, the emphasis would be on human relations, not sex because relationships are really what it’s about. We could just let kids know that they are OK and loved no matter who and what they are…….because whatever they are, that’s what they are going to be. Maybe, just maybe it’s time to make a choice between ideology and religion on one hand, and the children that we claim to care so much about on the other. The only question is ….will they be happy, confident and secure, or guilt ridden, miserable and confused.
However, you still have ass hats who want to pretend that the issue will just go away. That is ignorant and dangerous.

Wrong, faggot! Know why? Because we were all kids once, and we know what we knew when we were kids, and it wasn't about homosexuality. You didn't think that through to a logical conclusion, huh? What, you think people forget how it was when they were kids or something? :blowpop:

I'm glad none of my teachers were forcing faggotry on us, too. We used to make fun of the homo teachers. Something that wasn't really known about until 8th or 9th grade.

Looks like all you have are ad hominems and appeals to ignorance. You can even begin to address the issue in an intelligent and thoughtful way so you have to call names and pretend that the experience of kids today is the same as it was 50 years ago. That is really fucking stupid!

So you're still running with: "Adults don't know what it's like to be kids" amirite? Good luck with that!

Like all adults were never kids or anything. :cuckoo:
I'm running with YOU do not know what it's like to be a kid today. You are stuck in the past and have no understand of how technology and an evolving culture has changed the experience of our young people. Some of us have evolved. You have not. You're and anachronism - a dinosaur on the verge of extinction.
All children need to know is that there are boys, and there are girls. That's it!
The fact is that whether you or anybody else likes it or not, kids, depending on their age, know a whole lot more. In fact they know and understand a shitload more than you do. I wrote this a while back. Try to learn something instead of just putting your ignorance and bigotry on display.

LGBT Issues, Children and Education by Progressive Patriot 2.12.14

Many people who rail against gay marriage and gay rights have deluded themselves into believing that if we do not support and allow marriage, the issue will somehow go away. They claim that children will be taught that homosexuality is normal and good. Well know this, LGBT issues and people are a part of modern culture and depriving gays rights will not change that and you can’t shield the children from it.

Children always have and always will struggle with their developing sexuality including sexual orientation and gender identity issues. In the past, for the most part, children were left to try to understand these things alone and in silence. They would feel guilty and confused about any sexual matters and especially any LGBTI issues. Today, there is much open discussion about these issues-in the print and social media, among peers, on television, just about everywhere. In this electronic society where kids spend much of their days on line, it cannot be avoided. Many children know an LGBT child or adult. Children hear and see this all, and like it or not, they are very much aware. As we progress as a society, more and more of that discussion is positive, and young people are much more accepting of those who are different than many adults care to imagine. There is nothing short of criminalizing these lifestyles, and snuffing out free speech-in effect becoming Russia-that anybody can do about it. Can anyone dispute or refute any part of this statement?

My next question is: What do parents, educators and the rest of us do? Here are some options:

1. Do nothing, be silent. Leave the children to their own devices to figure things out for themselves. After all, that’s the way it was 30, 40, 50 years ago and everything was just fine. Or was it? In any case, this is now, times are different and sexuality is a much more salient part of life and discourse. This may not be a great option, if it ever was.

2. Condemn homosexuality openly and vehemently. Doing so will have the effect of marginalizing LGBT kids, crushing them with guilt, and setting them up for bullying. Then all that will be left to do is to keep tract of the suicides and mass shootings.

3. Engage in constructive dialogue with the kids and among ourselves as adults. Dispense with the hysteria and misinformation and start to deal with this as part of our human experience. We could dispense with rhetoric about “promoting homosexuality” and the scare tactics such as it leading to incest, polygamy and bestiality. Rather, the emphasis would be on human relations, not sex because relationships are really what it’s about. We could just let kids know that they are OK and loved no matter who and what they are…….because whatever they are, that’s what they are going to be. Maybe, just maybe it’s time to make a choice between ideology and religion on one hand, and the children that we claim to care so much about on the other. The only question is ….will they be happy, confident and secure, or guilt ridden, miserable and confused.
However, you still have ass hats who want to pretend that the issue will just go away. That is ignorant and dangerous.

Wrong, faggot! Know why? Because we were all kids once, and we know what we knew when we were kids, and it wasn't about homosexuality. You didn't think that through to a logical conclusion, huh? What, you think people forget how it was when they were kids or something? :blowpop:

I'm glad none of my teachers were forcing faggotry on us, too. We used to make fun of the homo teachers. Something that wasn't really known about until 8th or 9th grade.

Looks like all you have are ad hominems and appeals to ignorance. You can even begin to address the issue in an intelligent and thoughtful way so you have to call names and pretend that the experience of kids today is the same as it was 50 years ago. That is really fucking stupid!

So you're still running with: "Adults don't know what it's like to be kids" amirite? Good luck with that!

Like all adults were never kids or anything. :cuckoo:
I'm running with YOU do not know what it's like to be a kid today. You are stuck in the past and have no understand of how technology and an evolving culture has changed the experience of our young people. Some of us have evolved. You have not. You're and anachronism - a dinosaur on the verge of extinction.
What’s changed is that kids today are assailed by regressive eejits like you brainwashing them into believing they are gender confused, and that being so is totally normal - as is choosing ones own gender - and changing that on a daily basis if one feels so inclined. You are turning them into fragile snowflakes who also demand everyone else shares the delusions you’ve convinced them that it’s desirable and normal to have.
Poor kids.
All children need to know is that there are boys, and there are girls. That's it!
The fact is that whether you or anybody else likes it or not, kids, depending on their age, know a whole lot more. In fact they know and understand a shitload more than you do. I wrote this a while back. Try to learn something instead of just putting your ignorance and bigotry on display.

LGBT Issues, Children and Education by Progressive Patriot 2.12.14

Many people who rail against gay marriage and gay rights have deluded themselves into believing that if we do not support and allow marriage, the issue will somehow go away. They claim that children will be taught that homosexuality is normal and good. Well know this, LGBT issues and people are a part of modern culture and depriving gays rights will not change that and you can’t shield the children from it.

Children always have and always will struggle with their developing sexuality including sexual orientation and gender identity issues. In the past, for the most part, children were left to try to understand these things alone and in silence. They would feel guilty and confused about any sexual matters and especially any LGBTI issues. Today, there is much open discussion about these issues-in the print and social media, among peers, on television, just about everywhere. In this electronic society where kids spend much of their days on line, it cannot be avoided. Many children know an LGBT child or adult. Children hear and see this all, and like it or not, they are very much aware. As we progress as a society, more and more of that discussion is positive, and young people are much more accepting of those who are different than many adults care to imagine. There is nothing short of criminalizing these lifestyles, and snuffing out free speech-in effect becoming Russia-that anybody can do about it. Can anyone dispute or refute any part of this statement?

My next question is: What do parents, educators and the rest of us do? Here are some options:

1. Do nothing, be silent. Leave the children to their own devices to figure things out for themselves. After all, that’s the way it was 30, 40, 50 years ago and everything was just fine. Or was it? In any case, this is now, times are different and sexuality is a much more salient part of life and discourse. This may not be a great option, if it ever was.

2. Condemn homosexuality openly and vehemently. Doing so will have the effect of marginalizing LGBT kids, crushing them with guilt, and setting them up for bullying. Then all that will be left to do is to keep tract of the suicides and mass shootings.

3. Engage in constructive dialogue with the kids and among ourselves as adults. Dispense with the hysteria and misinformation and start to deal with this as part of our human experience. We could dispense with rhetoric about “promoting homosexuality” and the scare tactics such as it leading to incest, polygamy and bestiality. Rather, the emphasis would be on human relations, not sex because relationships are really what it’s about. We could just let kids know that they are OK and loved no matter who and what they are…….because whatever they are, that’s what they are going to be. Maybe, just maybe it’s time to make a choice between ideology and religion on one hand, and the children that we claim to care so much about on the other. The only question is ….will they be happy, confident and secure, or guilt ridden, miserable and confused.
However, you still have ass hats who want to pretend that the issue will just go away. That is ignorant and dangerous.

Wrong, faggot! Know why? Because we were all kids once, and we know what we knew when we were kids, and it wasn't about homosexuality. You didn't think that through to a logical conclusion, huh? What, you think people forget how it was when they were kids or something? :blowpop:

I'm glad none of my teachers were forcing faggotry on us, too. We used to make fun of the homo teachers. Something that wasn't really known about until 8th or 9th grade.

Looks like all you have are ad hominems and appeals to ignorance. You can even begin to address the issue in an intelligent and thoughtful way so you have to call names and pretend that the experience of kids today is the same as it was 50 years ago. That is really fucking stupid!

So you're still running with: "Adults don't know what it's like to be kids" amirite? Good luck with that!

Like all adults were never kids or anything. :cuckoo:
I'm running with YOU do not know what it's like to be a kid today. You are stuck in the past and have no understand of how technology and an evolving culture has changed the experience of our young people. Some of us have evolved. You have not. You're and anachronism - a dinosaur on the verge of extinction.

You ready to come and try and extinct me, faggot? Cuz I got a whole lot of fight left in me, boy.

Naw, People like me ain't swept under the rug just yet, in fact, we're the majority.

What if I told you we're gonna rip the children out of your faggot hands and put them back in God's, mmk?

No more of this:

Last edited:
There are gay Trump supporters and they may feel left out. I guess they should sue with LAMBDA legal...
The fact is that whether you or anybody else likes it or not, kids, depending on their age, know a whole lot more. In fact they know and understand a shitload more than you do. I wrote this a while back. Try to learn something instead of just putting your ignorance and bigotry on display.

LGBT Issues, Children and Education by Progressive Patriot 2.12.14

Many people who rail against gay marriage and gay rights have deluded themselves into believing that if we do not support and allow marriage, the issue will somehow go away. They claim that children will be taught that homosexuality is normal and good. Well know this, LGBT issues and people are a part of modern culture and depriving gays rights will not change that and you can’t shield the children from it.

Children always have and always will struggle with their developing sexuality including sexual orientation and gender identity issues. In the past, for the most part, children were left to try to understand these things alone and in silence. They would feel guilty and confused about any sexual matters and especially any LGBTI issues. Today, there is much open discussion about these issues-in the print and social media, among peers, on television, just about everywhere. In this electronic society where kids spend much of their days on line, it cannot be avoided. Many children know an LGBT child or adult. Children hear and see this all, and like it or not, they are very much aware. As we progress as a society, more and more of that discussion is positive, and young people are much more accepting of those who are different than many adults care to imagine. There is nothing short of criminalizing these lifestyles, and snuffing out free speech-in effect becoming Russia-that anybody can do about it. Can anyone dispute or refute any part of this statement?

My next question is: What do parents, educators and the rest of us do? Here are some options:

1. Do nothing, be silent. Leave the children to their own devices to figure things out for themselves. After all, that’s the way it was 30, 40, 50 years ago and everything was just fine. Or was it? In any case, this is now, times are different and sexuality is a much more salient part of life and discourse. This may not be a great option, if it ever was.

2. Condemn homosexuality openly and vehemently. Doing so will have the effect of marginalizing LGBT kids, crushing them with guilt, and setting them up for bullying. Then all that will be left to do is to keep tract of the suicides and mass shootings.

3. Engage in constructive dialogue with the kids and among ourselves as adults. Dispense with the hysteria and misinformation and start to deal with this as part of our human experience. We could dispense with rhetoric about “promoting homosexuality” and the scare tactics such as it leading to incest, polygamy and bestiality. Rather, the emphasis would be on human relations, not sex because relationships are really what it’s about. We could just let kids know that they are OK and loved no matter who and what they are…….because whatever they are, that’s what they are going to be. Maybe, just maybe it’s time to make a choice between ideology and religion on one hand, and the children that we claim to care so much about on the other. The only question is ….will they be happy, confident and secure, or guilt ridden, miserable and confused.
However, you still have ass hats who want to pretend that the issue will just go away. That is ignorant and dangerous.

Wrong, faggot! Know why? Because we were all kids once, and we know what we knew when we were kids, and it wasn't about homosexuality. You didn't think that through to a logical conclusion, huh? What, you think people forget how it was when they were kids or something? :blowpop:

I'm glad none of my teachers were forcing faggotry on us, too. We used to make fun of the homo teachers. Something that wasn't really known about until 8th or 9th grade.

Looks like all you have are ad hominems and appeals to ignorance. You can even begin to address the issue in an intelligent and thoughtful way so you have to call names and pretend that the experience of kids today is the same as it was 50 years ago. That is really fucking stupid!

So you're still running with: "Adults don't know what it's like to be kids" amirite? Good luck with that!

Like all adults were never kids or anything. :cuckoo:
I'm running with YOU do not know what it's like to be a kid today. You are stuck in the past and have no understand of how technology and an evolving culture has changed the experience of our young people. Some of us have evolved. You have not. You're and anachronism - a dinosaur on the verge of extinction.
What’s changed is that kids today are assailed by regressive eejits like you brainwashing them into believing they are gender confused, and that being so is totally normal - as is choosing ones own gender - and changing that on a daily basis if one feels so inclined. You are turning them into fragile snowflakes who also demand everyone else shares the delusions you’ve convinced them that it’s desirable and normal to have.
Poor kids.
Please explain and document EXACTLY how kids are being brainwashed and by who. We are witnessing a spontaneous cultural and social evolution that as adults, parents and educators have to deal with responsibly. Yes it is a more permissive and accepting environment, but that does not mean that any one creating the changes. The issues have always been there under the surface. Try dealing with my post above where I gave 4 options as to how to address the sexual identity issue that children face and the consequences of choosing the wrong one.
The fact is that whether you or anybody else likes it or not, kids, depending on their age, know a whole lot more. In fact they know and understand a shitload more than you do. I wrote this a while back. Try to learn something instead of just putting your ignorance and bigotry on display.

LGBT Issues, Children and Education by Progressive Patriot 2.12.14

Many people who rail against gay marriage and gay rights have deluded themselves into believing that if we do not support and allow marriage, the issue will somehow go away. They claim that children will be taught that homosexuality is normal and good. Well know this, LGBT issues and people are a part of modern culture and depriving gays rights will not change that and you can’t shield the children from it.

Children always have and always will struggle with their developing sexuality including sexual orientation and gender identity issues. In the past, for the most part, children were left to try to understand these things alone and in silence. They would feel guilty and confused about any sexual matters and especially any LGBTI issues. Today, there is much open discussion about these issues-in the print and social media, among peers, on television, just about everywhere. In this electronic society where kids spend much of their days on line, it cannot be avoided. Many children know an LGBT child or adult. Children hear and see this all, and like it or not, they are very much aware. As we progress as a society, more and more of that discussion is positive, and young people are much more accepting of those who are different than many adults care to imagine. There is nothing short of criminalizing these lifestyles, and snuffing out free speech-in effect becoming Russia-that anybody can do about it. Can anyone dispute or refute any part of this statement?

My next question is: What do parents, educators and the rest of us do? Here are some options:

1. Do nothing, be silent. Leave the children to their own devices to figure things out for themselves. After all, that’s the way it was 30, 40, 50 years ago and everything was just fine. Or was it? In any case, this is now, times are different and sexuality is a much more salient part of life and discourse. This may not be a great option, if it ever was.

2. Condemn homosexuality openly and vehemently. Doing so will have the effect of marginalizing LGBT kids, crushing them with guilt, and setting them up for bullying. Then all that will be left to do is to keep tract of the suicides and mass shootings.

3. Engage in constructive dialogue with the kids and among ourselves as adults. Dispense with the hysteria and misinformation and start to deal with this as part of our human experience. We could dispense with rhetoric about “promoting homosexuality” and the scare tactics such as it leading to incest, polygamy and bestiality. Rather, the emphasis would be on human relations, not sex because relationships are really what it’s about. We could just let kids know that they are OK and loved no matter who and what they are…….because whatever they are, that’s what they are going to be. Maybe, just maybe it’s time to make a choice between ideology and religion on one hand, and the children that we claim to care so much about on the other. The only question is ….will they be happy, confident and secure, or guilt ridden, miserable and confused.
However, you still have ass hats who want to pretend that the issue will just go away. That is ignorant and dangerous.

Wrong, faggot! Know why? Because we were all kids once, and we know what we knew when we were kids, and it wasn't about homosexuality. You didn't think that through to a logical conclusion, huh? What, you think people forget how it was when they were kids or something? :blowpop:

I'm glad none of my teachers were forcing faggotry on us, too. We used to make fun of the homo teachers. Something that wasn't really known about until 8th or 9th grade.

Looks like all you have are ad hominems and appeals to ignorance. You can even begin to address the issue in an intelligent and thoughtful way so you have to call names and pretend that the experience of kids today is the same as it was 50 years ago. That is really fucking stupid!

So you're still running with: "Adults don't know what it's like to be kids" amirite? Good luck with that!

Like all adults were never kids or anything. :cuckoo:
I'm running with YOU do not know what it's like to be a kid today. You are stuck in the past and have no understand of how technology and an evolving culture has changed the experience of our young people. Some of us have evolved. You have not. You're and anachronism - a dinosaur on the verge of extinction.

You ready to come and try and extinct me, faggot? Cuz I got a whole lot of fight left in me, boy.

Naw, People like me ain't swept under the rug just yet, in fact, we're the majority.

What if I told you we're gonna rip the children out of your faggot hands and put them back in God's, mmk?

No more of this:

The fact is that whether you or anybody else likes it or not, kids, depending on their age, know a whole lot more. In fact they know and understand a shitload more than you do. I wrote this a while back. Try to learn something instead of just putting your ignorance and bigotry on display.

LGBT Issues, Children and Education by Progressive Patriot 2.12.14

Many people who rail against gay marriage and gay rights have deluded themselves into believing that if we do not support and allow marriage, the issue will somehow go away. They claim that children will be taught that homosexuality is normal and good. Well know this, LGBT issues and people are a part of modern culture and depriving gays rights will not change that and you can’t shield the children from it.

Children always have and always will struggle with their developing sexuality including sexual orientation and gender identity issues. In the past, for the most part, children were left to try to understand these things alone and in silence. They would feel guilty and confused about any sexual matters and especially any LGBTI issues. Today, there is much open discussion about these issues-in the print and social media, among peers, on television, just about everywhere. In this electronic society where kids spend much of their days on line, it cannot be avoided. Many children know an LGBT child or adult. Children hear and see this all, and like it or not, they are very much aware. As we progress as a society, more and more of that discussion is positive, and young people are much more accepting of those who are different than many adults care to imagine. There is nothing short of criminalizing these lifestyles, and snuffing out free speech-in effect becoming Russia-that anybody can do about it. Can anyone dispute or refute any part of this statement?

My next question is: What do parents, educators and the rest of us do? Here are some options:

1. Do nothing, be silent. Leave the children to their own devices to figure things out for themselves. After all, that’s the way it was 30, 40, 50 years ago and everything was just fine. Or was it? In any case, this is now, times are different and sexuality is a much more salient part of life and discourse. This may not be a great option, if it ever was.

2. Condemn homosexuality openly and vehemently. Doing so will have the effect of marginalizing LGBT kids, crushing them with guilt, and setting them up for bullying. Then all that will be left to do is to keep tract of the suicides and mass shootings.

3. Engage in constructive dialogue with the kids and among ourselves as adults. Dispense with the hysteria and misinformation and start to deal with this as part of our human experience. We could dispense with rhetoric about “promoting homosexuality” and the scare tactics such as it leading to incest, polygamy and bestiality. Rather, the emphasis would be on human relations, not sex because relationships are really what it’s about. We could just let kids know that they are OK and loved no matter who and what they are…….because whatever they are, that’s what they are going to be. Maybe, just maybe it’s time to make a choice between ideology and religion on one hand, and the children that we claim to care so much about on the other. The only question is ….will they be happy, confident and secure, or guilt ridden, miserable and confused.
However, you still have ass hats who want to pretend that the issue will just go away. That is ignorant and dangerous.

Wrong, faggot! Know why? Because we were all kids once, and we know what we knew when we were kids, and it wasn't about homosexuality. You didn't think that through to a logical conclusion, huh? What, you think people forget how it was when they were kids or something? :blowpop:

I'm glad none of my teachers were forcing faggotry on us, too. We used to make fun of the homo teachers. Something that wasn't really known about until 8th or 9th grade.

Looks like all you have are ad hominems and appeals to ignorance. You can even begin to address the issue in an intelligent and thoughtful way so you have to call names and pretend that the experience of kids today is the same as it was 50 years ago. That is really fucking stupid!

So you're still running with: "Adults don't know what it's like to be kids" amirite? Good luck with that!

Like all adults were never kids or anything. :cuckoo:
I'm running with YOU do not know what it's like to be a kid today. You are stuck in the past and have no understand of how technology and an evolving culture has changed the experience of our young people. Some of us have evolved. You have not. You're and anachronism - a dinosaur on the verge of extinction.
What’s changed is that kids today are assailed by regressive eejits like you brainwashing them into believing they are gender confused, and that being so is totally normal - as is choosing ones own gender - and changing that on a daily basis if one feels so inclined. You are turning them into fragile snowflakes who also demand everyone else shares the delusions you’ve convinced them that it’s desirable and normal to have.
Poor kids.
So all that you can respond with is a :badgrin:
Wrong, faggot! Know why? Because we were all kids once, and we know what we knew when we were kids, and it wasn't about homosexuality. You didn't think that through to a logical conclusion, huh? What, you think people forget how it was when they were kids or something? :blowpop:

I'm glad none of my teachers were forcing faggotry on us, too. We used to make fun of the homo teachers. Something that wasn't really known about until 8th or 9th grade.

Looks like all you have are ad hominems and appeals to ignorance. You can even begin to address the issue in an intelligent and thoughtful way so you have to call names and pretend that the experience of kids today is the same as it was 50 years ago. That is really fucking stupid!

So you're still running with: "Adults don't know what it's like to be kids" amirite? Good luck with that!

Like all adults were never kids or anything. :cuckoo:
I'm running with YOU do not know what it's like to be a kid today. You are stuck in the past and have no understand of how technology and an evolving culture has changed the experience of our young people. Some of us have evolved. You have not. You're and anachronism - a dinosaur on the verge of extinction.
What’s changed is that kids today are assailed by regressive eejits like you brainwashing them into believing they are gender confused, and that being so is totally normal - as is choosing ones own gender - and changing that on a daily basis if one feels so inclined. You are turning them into fragile snowflakes who also demand everyone else shares the delusions you’ve convinced them that it’s desirable and normal to have.
Poor kids.
Please explain and document EXACTLY how kids are being brainwashed and by who. We are witnessing a spontaneous cultural and social evolution that as adults, parents and educators have to deal with responsibly. Yes it is a more permissive and accepting environment, but that does not mean that any one creating the changes. The issues have always been there under the surface. Try dealing with my post above where I gave 4 options as to how to address the sexual identity issue that children face and the consequences of choosing the wrong one.

The issues haven’t always been there on any significant scale. They are there now because they are being planted in young pliant minds by eejit regressive teachers and eejit regressive twats like your good self. One would have to be blind not to notice the LBGSTXYZ agenda and how they operate in schools and elsewhere. Go peddle your regressive crap to someone more gullible.
Looks like all you have are ad hominems and appeals to ignorance. You can even begin to address the issue in an intelligent and thoughtful way so you have to call names and pretend that the experience of kids today is the same as it was 50 years ago. That is really fucking stupid!

So you're still running with: "Adults don't know what it's like to be kids" amirite? Good luck with that!

Like all adults were never kids or anything. :cuckoo:
I'm running with YOU do not know what it's like to be a kid today. You are stuck in the past and have no understand of how technology and an evolving culture has changed the experience of our young people. Some of us have evolved. You have not. You're and anachronism - a dinosaur on the verge of extinction.
What’s changed is that kids today are assailed by regressive eejits like you brainwashing them into believing they are gender confused, and that being so is totally normal - as is choosing ones own gender - and changing that on a daily basis if one feels so inclined. You are turning them into fragile snowflakes who also demand everyone else shares the delusions you’ve convinced them that it’s desirable and normal to have.
Poor kids.
Please explain and document EXACTLY how kids are being brainwashed and by who. We are witnessing a spontaneous cultural and social evolution that as adults, parents and educators have to deal with responsibly. Yes it is a more permissive and accepting environment, but that does not mean that any one creating the changes. The issues have always been there under the surface. Try dealing with my post above where I gave 4 options as to how to address the sexual identity issue that children face and the consequences of choosing the wrong one.

The issues haven’t always been there on any significant scale. They are there now because they are being planted in young pliant minds by eejit regressive teachers and eejit regressive twats like your good self. One would have to be blind not to notice the LBGSTXYZ agenda and how they operate in schools and elsewhere. Go peddle your regressive crap to someone more gullible.
Again!! Give an example of how "ideas are being planted" Kid are being given permission to explore and to be who and what they are. That is different than planting ideas. The ideas come from an evolving social order and that is a good thing. Try evolving yourself
So you're still running with: "Adults don't know what it's like to be kids" amirite? Good luck with that!

Like all adults were never kids or anything. :cuckoo:
I'm running with YOU do not know what it's like to be a kid today. You are stuck in the past and have no understand of how technology and an evolving culture has changed the experience of our young people. Some of us have evolved. You have not. You're and anachronism - a dinosaur on the verge of extinction.
What’s changed is that kids today are assailed by regressive eejits like you brainwashing them into believing they are gender confused, and that being so is totally normal - as is choosing ones own gender - and changing that on a daily basis if one feels so inclined. You are turning them into fragile snowflakes who also demand everyone else shares the delusions you’ve convinced them that it’s desirable and normal to have.
Poor kids.
Please explain and document EXACTLY how kids are being brainwashed and by who. We are witnessing a spontaneous cultural and social evolution that as adults, parents and educators have to deal with responsibly. Yes it is a more permissive and accepting environment, but that does not mean that any one creating the changes. The issues have always been there under the surface. Try dealing with my post above where I gave 4 options as to how to address the sexual identity issue that children face and the consequences of choosing the wrong one.

The issues haven’t always been there on any significant scale. They are there now because they are being planted in young pliant minds by eejit regressive teachers and eejit regressive twats like your good self. One would have to be blind not to notice the LBGSTXYZ agenda and how they operate in schools and elsewhere. Go peddle your regressive crap to someone more gullible.
Again!! Give an example of how "ideas are being planted" Kid are being given permission to explore and to be who and what they are. That is different than planting ideas. The ideas come from an evolving social order and that is a good thing. Try evolving yourself
99% of kids understand what gender they are until you tell them maybe they don’t, that they should explore! That’s it’s cool and normal to be confused about their gender - the gender they weren’t confused about until you told them to be! None of this is ‘evolved’ - it’s PERVERTED and it’s child abuse.
I'm running with YOU do not know what it's like to be a kid today. You are stuck in the past and have no understand of how technology and an evolving culture has changed the experience of our young people. Some of us have evolved. You have not. You're and anachronism - a dinosaur on the verge of extinction.
What’s changed is that kids today are assailed by regressive eejits like you brainwashing them into believing they are gender confused, and that being so is totally normal - as is choosing ones own gender - and changing that on a daily basis if one feels so inclined. You are turning them into fragile snowflakes who also demand everyone else shares the delusions you’ve convinced them that it’s desirable and normal to have.
Poor kids.
Please explain and document EXACTLY how kids are being brainwashed and by who. We are witnessing a spontaneous cultural and social evolution that as adults, parents and educators have to deal with responsibly. Yes it is a more permissive and accepting environment, but that does not mean that any one creating the changes. The issues have always been there under the surface. Try dealing with my post above where I gave 4 options as to how to address the sexual identity issue that children face and the consequences of choosing the wrong one.

The issues haven’t always been there on any significant scale. They are there now because they are being planted in young pliant minds by eejit regressive teachers and eejit regressive twats like your good self. One would have to be blind not to notice the LBGSTXYZ agenda and how they operate in schools and elsewhere. Go peddle your regressive crap to someone more gullible.
Again!! Give an example of how "ideas are being planted" Kid are being given permission to explore and to be who and what they are. That is different than planting ideas. The ideas come from an evolving social order and that is a good thing. Try evolving yourself
99% of kids understand what gender they are until you tell them maybe they don’t, that they should explore! That’s it’s cool and normal to be confused about their gender - the gender they weren’t confused about until you told them to be! None of this is ‘evolved’ - it’s PERVERTED and it’s child abuse.
You are either just knowingly and dishonestly making that shit up or the voices in your head are telling you that's happening. Adults are not approaching kids and saying "Look Johnny, I know that you think your a boy, but you might want to think that your a girl" That is just as stupid as stupid gets!! What is happening is that when a child develops gender dysphoria, or issues about sexual orientation -for whatever reason -enlightened adults are there for them in a supportive and understanding way to help them sort it out. That prevents suicides and other violence and well as general mental health issue. I am really have trouble understanding what the fuck is wrong with people like you and if you really believe your own bullshit.
What’s changed is that kids today are assailed by regressive eejits like you brainwashing them into believing they are gender confused, and that being so is totally normal - as is choosing ones own gender - and changing that on a daily basis if one feels so inclined. You are turning them into fragile snowflakes who also demand everyone else shares the delusions you’ve convinced them that it’s desirable and normal to have.
Poor kids.
Please explain and document EXACTLY how kids are being brainwashed and by who. We are witnessing a spontaneous cultural and social evolution that as adults, parents and educators have to deal with responsibly. Yes it is a more permissive and accepting environment, but that does not mean that any one creating the changes. The issues have always been there under the surface. Try dealing with my post above where I gave 4 options as to how to address the sexual identity issue that children face and the consequences of choosing the wrong one.

The issues haven’t always been there on any significant scale. They are there now because they are being planted in young pliant minds by eejit regressive teachers and eejit regressive twats like your good self. One would have to be blind not to notice the LBGSTXYZ agenda and how they operate in schools and elsewhere. Go peddle your regressive crap to someone more gullible.
Again!! Give an example of how "ideas are being planted" Kid are being given permission to explore and to be who and what they are. That is different than planting ideas. The ideas come from an evolving social order and that is a good thing. Try evolving yourself
99% of kids understand what gender they are until you tell them maybe they don’t, that they should explore! That’s it’s cool and normal to be confused about their gender - the gender they weren’t confused about until you told them to be! None of this is ‘evolved’ - it’s PERVERTED and it’s child abuse.
You are either just knowingly and dishonestly making that shit up or the voices in your head are telling you that's happening. Adults are not approaching kids and saying "Look Johnny, I know that you think your a boy, but you might want to think that your a girl" That is just as stupid as stupid gets!! What is happening is that when a child develops gender dysphoria, or issues about sexual orientation -for whatever reason -enlightened adults are there for them in a supportive and understanding way to help them sort it out. That prevents suicides and other violence and well as general mental health issue. I am really have trouble understanding what the fuck is wrong with people like you and if you really believe your own bullshit.

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