Trump supporters: get ready for civil war


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
A sick feeling has been growing in my stomach as I have realized another civil war is coming in America. It feels unavoidable. You can't subjugate, censor, marginalize, ridicule and intimidate half the population forever. Eventually they will respond with whatever tools they have left. It's not yet clear what the trigger will be, or the main focus of the conflict. I hope it's to protect Christianity and not a skirmish over race, gender or "free speech." The USA is now two different nations at war with one other. It cannot endure. This was all avoidable —if only conservatives had leaders who would represent their interests fearlessly, selflessly and effectively. What a hideous, ugly disaster and what a tragic end to the American project. Heartbreaking.
Dude, Globalist Socialism is not, and never has been America. Capitalism built this great country, for better or worse, bad and good.
Globalist Socialism is a dead end which will invariably end in disaster.
A sick feeling has been growing in my stomach as I have realized another civil war is coming in America. It feels unavoidable. You can't subjugate, censor, marginalize, ridicule and intimidate half the population forever. Eventually they will respond with whatever tools they have left. It's not yet clear what the trigger will be, or the main focus of the conflict. I hope it's to protect Christianity and not a skirmish over race, gender or "free speech." The USA is now two different nations at war with one other. It cannot endure. This was all avoidable —if only conservatives had leaders who would represent their interests fearlessly, selflessly and effectively. What a hideous, ugly disaster and what a tragic end to the American project. Heartbreaking.
if only conservatives had leaders who would represent their interests fearlessly, selflessly and effectively.
So what you are saying is that if more Republicans were conservative and stood up to the asshole, liberal, Democrats, that the war would of been avoided?
Trump treats Americans like a family going to disney: i'll turn this car around, i'll shut the government down!
It won't happen if we don't give up our second amendment rights. THAT is the dilemma the left is faced with. But if they try to force it, that's when the shit will hit the fan and I don't think they want to go down that road.
Well I thought we were already in a civil war; for years now. On one hand you have whacko lefties who care more about Hondurans than homeless Americans and you have conservatives saying Americans first.

It's a no brainer. How can any conservative even have a discussion with lefties who hate our guts? Fuck them all.
It's true the Republicans in the congress and the senate are cowards.... and have abdicated their sworn allegiance to the constitution and have turned a blind eye to the lawlessness of this president and his whole crooked administration by neglecting their oversight responsibilities....

If THEY had done their jobs with oversight, then the whole country would not have had the pajesus scared out of them by Trump's many abuses of power and the Republicans would not have gotten their ass kicked with losses this midterm election... imo.... letting him slide for everything from nepotism to pay for play, has shown how terrible they really are....

Maybe OP shouldn't create a daily dozen division pimp threads if so concerned.
It's true the Republicans in the congress and the senate are cowards.... and have abdicated their sworn allegiance to the constitution and have turned a blind eye to the lawlessness of this president and his whole crooked administration by neglecting their oversight responsibilities....

If THEY had done their jobs with oversight, then the whole country would not have had the pajesus scared out of them by Trump's many abuses of power and the Republicans would not have gotten their ass kicked with losses this midterm election... imo.... letting him slide for everything from nepotism to pay for play, has shown how terrible they really are....


List the abuses. Stop with the fucking talking points.
It's true the Republicans in the congress and the senate are cowards.... and have abdicated their sworn allegiance to the constitution and have turned a blind eye to the lawlessness of this president and his whole crooked administration by neglecting their oversight responsibilities....

If THEY had done their jobs with oversight, then the whole country would not have had the pajesus scared out of them by Trump's many abuses of power and the Republicans would not have gotten their ass kicked with losses this midterm election... imo.... letting him slide for everything from nepotism to pay for play, has shown how terrible they really are....


Here is a perfect example of blind faith from someone who’s USMB name is “Care4all”...

If you cannot see the MSM, Democrats and RINO’s are deeply flawed by now you’re too far gone for recovery...

This years Mid Term Election was one of the best on record for a sitting POTUS, his accomplishments in less than 2 years makes fools of the last 4 administrations combined, our trade agreements are finally reflecting our best interest, for once someone stands up to Russia, our economic position today is robust because Big Business believes in the current occupant of the White House...

The actions by a few are so despicable, yet so many fools follow their lead, yes we are bound for a Revolution, it amazes me how so many people today have no idea why the 1st Revolutionary War occurred...
Democrats don’t want a civil war. They know they have no chance whatsoever to win. The Republicans have all the guns and support with Law Enforcement and Military.

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It's true the Republicans in the congress and the senate are cowards.... and have abdicated their sworn allegiance to the constitution and have turned a blind eye to the lawlessness of this president and his whole crooked administration by neglecting their oversight responsibilities....

If THEY had done their jobs with oversight, then the whole country would not have had the pajesus scared out of them by Trump's many abuses of power and the Republicans would not have gotten their ass kicked with losses this midterm election... imo.... letting him slide for everything from nepotism to pay for play, has shown how terrible they really are....


Here is a perfect example of blind faith from someone who’s USMB name is “Care4all”...

If you cannot see the MSM, Democrats and RINO’s are deeply flawed by now you’re too far gone for recovery...

This years Mid Term Election was one of the best on record for a sitting POTUS, his accomplishments in less than 2 years makes fools of the last 4 administrations combined, our trade agreements are finally reflecting our best interest, for once someone stands up to Russia, our economic position today is robust because Big Business believes in the current occupant of the White House...

The actions by a few are so despicable, yet so many fools follow their lead, yes we are bound for a Revolution, it amazes me how so many people today have no idea why the 1st Revolutionary War occurred...

And IF that mother trucker Paul Ryan had cared about saving Congress for the R's there would have been fewer losses. And yes many just do not know because of the lack of true education why the First Revolutionary War occurred, let alone how and why it was won.
Democrats don’t want a civil war. They know they have no chance whatsoever to win. The Republicans have all the guns and support with Law Enforcement and Military.

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We have a distinct advantage. We don't shoot sideways.I've never personally yelled "yo bitch" at a deer whilst taking a shot.

Trump treats Americans like a family going to disney: i'll turn this car around, i'll shut the government down!
I noticed that you didnt mention the kids, Nancy "blinkie" Pelosi and Chuckie Schmoozer. The spoiled brats in the room, cant get their way to bring more diseased, future, Democrap, voters. Are you feeling butt hurt lately?
It's true the Republicans in the congress and the senate are cowards.... and have abdicated their sworn allegiance to the constitution and have turned a blind eye to the lawlessness of this president and his whole crooked administration by neglecting their oversight responsibilities....

If THEY had done their jobs with oversight, then the whole country would not have had the pajesus scared out of them by Trump's many abuses of power and the Republicans would not have gotten their ass kicked with losses this midterm election... imo.... letting him slide for everything from nepotism to pay for play, has shown how terrible they really are....

You are so full of shit. It was the last 1/2 white faggot, who bowed to all the other leaders like a slave, who tried to fundamentally transform this country and was breaking the constitution on his way to a 3rd world dick tator ship. 43 establishment republicraps left office, we knew it was coming, and after the bitch from San Fransicko takes the gavel and starts blathering again, 2020 is when you fuckers are going to go wild with your butt hurtness.

A sick feeling has been growing in my stomach as I have realized another civil war is coming in America. It feels unavoidable. You can't subjugate, censor, marginalize, ridicule and intimidate half the population forever. Eventually they will respond with whatever tools they have left. It's not yet clear what the trigger will be, or the main focus of the conflict. I hope it's to protect Christianity and not a skirmish over race, gender or "free speech." The USA is now two different nations at war with one other. It cannot endure. This was all avoidable —if only conservatives had leaders who would represent their interests fearlessly, selflessly and effectively. What a hideous, ugly disaster and what a tragic end to the American project. Heartbreaking.
It# conservatives calling for civil war? Just because they lost a midterm?

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