Trump supporters: get ready for civil war

Won't be a war. We'll just run the Democrats into Californicate and build a fence.

Might as well have some fun doing a couple dozen catapults in Yuma and give em an e-ticket ride over the Colorado River. :lol:
It's true the Republicans in the congress and the senate are cowards.... and have abdicated their sworn allegiance to the constitution and have turned a blind eye to the lawlessness of this president and his whole crooked administration by neglecting their oversight responsibilities....

If THEY had done their jobs with oversight, then the whole country would not have had the pajesus scared out of them by Trump's many abuses of power and the Republicans would not have gotten their ass kicked with losses this midterm election... imo.... letting him slide for everything from nepotism to pay for play, has shown how terrible they really are....

LOL you can't be serious..... the Democrats should have won both the House and Senate but did not, that is what happens in Midterms for every President for decades. You don't have the Senate and that will prevent your agenda of obstruction and the illegal attempt to de-legitimize a duly elected President, you have tried for 2 years to remove him from office ILLEGALLY. You people are FILTHY.
We don't need to send it to obstruct your garbage oh, we have the house, and Mueller investigation was started by Republicans and he is a Republican. Sorry about law enforcement LOL
A sick feeling has been growing in my stomach as I have realized another civil war is coming in America. It feels unavoidable. You can't subjugate, censor, marginalize, ridicule and intimidate half the population forever. Eventually they will respond with whatever tools they have left. It's not yet clear what the trigger will be, or the main focus of the conflict. I hope it's to protect Christianity and not a skirmish over race, gender or "free speech." The USA is now two different nations at war with one other. It cannot endure. This was all avoidable —if only conservatives had leaders who would represent their interests fearlessly, selflessly and effectively. What a hideous, ugly disaster and what a tragic end to the American project. Heartbreaking.
Don't think so, we are so intermingled it would be impossible to draw the battle lines. What are we going to do, feud with our neighbors who have different political signs in their yard?
A sick feeling has been growing in my stomach as I have realized another civil war is coming in America. It feels unavoidable. You can't subjugate, censor, marginalize, ridicule and intimidate half the population forever. Eventually they will respond with whatever tools they have left. It's not yet clear what the trigger will be, or the main focus of the conflict. I hope it's to protect Christianity and not a skirmish over race, gender or "free speech." The USA is now two different nations at war with one other. It cannot endure. This was all avoidable —if only conservatives had leaders who would represent their interests fearlessly, selflessly and effectively. What a hideous, ugly disaster and what a tragic end to the American project. Heartbreaking.

Got enough tissue?
To quote another" Don't fire till you see the whites of their eyes"

In modern warfare, by the time you see the "whites of their eyes", you've eaten half a dozen frag grenades....This is what we have no idea what you'd be getting yourself into.
A sick feeling has been growing in my stomach as I have realized another civil war is coming in America. It feels unavoidable. You can't subjugate, censor, marginalize, ridicule and intimidate half the population forever. Eventually they will respond with whatever tools they have left. It's not yet clear what the trigger will be, or the main focus of the conflict. I hope it's to protect Christianity and not a skirmish over race, gender or "free speech." The USA is now two different nations at war with one other. It cannot endure. This was all avoidable —if only conservatives had leaders who would represent their interests fearlessly, selflessly and effectively. What a hideous, ugly disaster and what a tragic end to the American project. Heartbreaking.
Nothing lasts forever...
To quote another" Don't fire till you see the whites of their eyes"

In modern warfare, by the time you see the "whites of their eyes", you've eaten half a dozen frag grenades....This is what we have no idea what you'd be getting yourself into.
When outclassed, and outgunned; you don't take on your opponent. You take away everything they're fighting for...
It's true the Republicans in the congress and the senate are cowards.... and have abdicated their sworn allegiance to the constitution and have turned a blind eye to the lawlessness of this president and his whole crooked administration by neglecting their oversight responsibilities....

If THEY had done their jobs with oversight, then the whole country would not have had the pajesus scared out of them by Trump's many abuses of power and the Republicans would not have gotten their ass kicked with losses this midterm election... imo.... letting him slide for everything from nepotism to pay for play, has shown how terrible they really are....

LOL you can't be serious..... the Democrats should have won both the House and Senate but did not, that is what happens in Midterms for every President for decades. You don't have the Senate and that will prevent your agenda of obstruction and the illegal attempt to de-legitimize a duly elected President, you have tried for 2 years to remove him from office ILLEGALLY. You people are FILTHY.
We don't need to send it to obstruct your garbage oh, we have the house, and Mueller investigation was started by Republicans and he is a Republican. Sorry about law enforcement LOL
You can not get rid opf Trump with out 67 Senators, sorry to burst your bubble and unless you control the Senate NO legislation that is NOT approved by Republicans gets through.
It won't happen if we don't give up our second amendment rights. THAT is the dilemma the left is faced with. But if they try to force it, that's when the shit will hit the fan and I don't think they want to go down that road. can stop the government if they want to take your guns and put you down......
A sick feeling has been growing in my stomach as I have realized another civil war is coming in America. It feels unavoidable. You can't subjugate, censor, marginalize, ridicule and intimidate half the population forever. Eventually they will respond with whatever tools they have left. It's not yet clear what the trigger will be, or the main focus of the conflict. I hope it's to protect Christianity and not a skirmish over race, gender or "free speech." The USA is now two different nations at war with one other. It cannot endure. This was all avoidable —if only conservatives had leaders who would represent their interests fearlessly, selflessly and effectively. What a hideous, ugly disaster and what a tragic end to the American project. Heartbreaking.
Don't think so, we are so intermingled it would be impossible to draw the battle lines. What are we going to do, feud with our neighbors who have different political signs in their yard?
There are plenty of liberals, who are misinformed....Then there are the liberals that are truly EVIL, who honor Luficer himself. I have enlightened many black people of the truth, and now they wont ever vote for a liberal Democrat or liberal Republican.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Hillary, Obama and the Cult of Alinsky: "True revolutionaries do not flaunt their radicalism, Alinsky taught. They cut their hair, put on suits and infiltrate the system from within. Alinsky viewed revolution as a slow, patient process. The trick was to penetrate existing institutions such as churches, unions and political parties.... Many leftists view Hillary as a sell-out because she claims to hold moderate views on some issues. However, Hillary is simply following Alinsky’s counsel to do and say whatever it takes to gain power.
Opening page - Dedication
“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”

A sick feeling has been growing in my stomach as I have realized another civil war is coming in America. It feels unavoidable. You can't subjugate, censor, marginalize, ridicule and intimidate half the population forever. Eventually they will respond with whatever tools they have left. It's not yet clear what the trigger will be, or the main focus of the conflict. I hope it's to protect Christianity and not a skirmish over race, gender or "free speech." The USA is now two different nations at war with one other. It cannot endure. This was all avoidable —if only conservatives had leaders who would represent their interests fearlessly, selflessly and effectively. What a hideous, ugly disaster and what a tragic end to the American project. Heartbreaking.
You're blaming this on conservatives?
A sick feeling has been growing in my stomach as I have realized another civil war is coming in America. It feels unavoidable. You can't subjugate, censor, marginalize, ridicule and intimidate half the population forever. Eventually they will respond with whatever tools they have left. It's not yet clear what the trigger will be, or the main focus of the conflict. I hope it's to protect Christianity and not a skirmish over race, gender or "free speech." The USA is now two different nations at war with one other. It cannot endure. This was all avoidable —if only conservatives had leaders who would represent their interests fearlessly, selflessly and effectively. What a hideous, ugly disaster and what a tragic end to the American project. Heartbreaking.
Nothing lasts forever...
quote-what-signify-a-few-lives-lost-in-a-century-or-two-the-tree-of-liberty-must-be-refreshed-from-time-thomas-jefferson-345158.jpg can stop the government if they want to take your guns and put you down......

Asymmetrical warfare ain't our Military's strong much territory in Rocky/Smokey/Appalachian mountains can they hold and occupy. Then you have 30 major cities and then the farm and ranch land. Our means of communication would be as good as theirs albeit slower....we can hack their satellites, and we have drones too. How much of a stomach would America have for soldiers and Marines killing fellow-Americans, and taking heavy casualties of their own. Your bunch in D.C. would sue for peace the second day of hostilities....if they were still alive.
It's true the Republicans in the congress and the senate are cowards.... and have abdicated their sworn allegiance to the constitution and have turned a blind eye to the lawlessness of this president and his whole crooked administration by neglecting their oversight responsibilities....

If THEY had done their jobs with oversight, then the whole country would not have had the pajesus scared out of them by Trump's many abuses of power and the Republicans would not have gotten their ass kicked with losses this midterm election... imo.... letting him slide for everything from nepotism to pay for play, has shown how terrible they really are....

LOL you can't be serious..... the Democrats should have won both the House and Senate but did not, that is what happens in Midterms for every President for decades. You don't have the Senate and that will prevent your agenda of obstruction and the illegal attempt to de-legitimize a duly elected President, you have tried for 2 years to remove him from office ILLEGALLY. You people are FILTHY.
No one ever expected or even mentioned the Democrats winning the Senate in this past mid term election...

It was a long shot because Democratic Senators had 26 Seats that were up for re-election and the Republicans only had 9 seats up for re-election.

In 2020's election, there are more Republican Senators up for re-election than Democrats.
A sick feeling has been growing in my stomach as I have realized another civil war is coming in America. It feels unavoidable. You can't subjugate, censor, marginalize, ridicule and intimidate half the population forever. Eventually they will respond with whatever tools they have left. It's not yet clear what the trigger will be, or the main focus of the conflict. I hope it's to protect Christianity and not a skirmish over race, gender or "free speech." The USA is now two different nations at war with one other. It cannot endure. This was all avoidable —if only conservatives had leaders who would represent their interests fearlessly, selflessly and effectively. What a hideous, ugly disaster and what a tragic end to the American project. Heartbreaking.
Republicans have nearly destroyed Christianity in this country with their hate and their anger and their fear and their racism.
Whatever that it is they practice is not even recognizable as Christianity in this country.

What would Jesus think of trump?

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