Trump supporters: get ready for civil war

There are plenty of liberals, who are misinformed....Then there are the liberals that are truly EVIL, who honor Luficer himself. I have enlightened many black people of the truth, and now they wont ever vote for a liberal Democrat or liberal Republican.

Honor Lucifer?

You people are seriously insane.

Dangerously insane
Once again, you worthless fucking moron....Trying reading instead of looking at the pictures.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Opening page - Dedication
“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”

Hillary, Obama and the Cult of Alinsky: "True revolutionaries do not flaunt their radicalism, Alinsky taught. They cut their hair, put on suits and infiltrate the system from within. Alinsky viewed revolution as a slow, patient process. The trick was to penetrate existing institutions such as churches, unions and political parties.... Many leftists view Hillary as a sell-out because she claims to hold moderate views on some issues. However, Hillary is simply following Alinsky’s counsel to do and say whatever it takes to gain power.
A sick feeling has been growing in my stomach as I have realized another civil war is coming in America. It feels unavoidable. You can't subjugate, censor, marginalize, ridicule and intimidate half the population forever. Eventually they will respond with whatever tools they have left. It's not yet clear what the trigger will be, or the main focus of the conflict. I hope it's to protect Christianity and not a skirmish over race, gender or "free speech." The USA is now two different nations at war with one other. It cannot endure. This was all avoidable —if only conservatives had leaders who would represent their interests fearlessly, selflessly and effectively. What a hideous, ugly disaster and what a tragic end to the American project. Heartbreaking.
It# conservatives calling for civil war? Just because they lost a midterm?
Fuck you asshole, it was a liberal who shot up Republican congressmen at a ballfield because Hillary who stole the election from Bernie, lost to a guy you say is dumber than a 3rd grader.. What does that make you idiots??

Bring your shit to Florida, start a riot in the cities, see how far that goes....Dumbass..

A liberal only riots in cities that are GUN FREE ZONES. Chicken shit mother fuckers..
If you bring your gun out the cops will shoot you.

Florida is the basement of America. You keep your shit and junk in the basement
There are plenty of liberals, who are misinformed....Then there are the liberals that are truly EVIL, who honor Luficer himself. I have enlightened many black people of the truth, and now they wont ever vote for a liberal Democrat or liberal Republican.

Honor Lucifer?

You people are seriously insane.

Dangerously insane
Once again, you worthless fucking moron....Trying reading instead of looking at the pictures.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Opening page - Dedication
“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”

Hillary, Obama and the Cult of Alinsky: "True revolutionaries do not flaunt their radicalism, Alinsky taught. They cut their hair, put on suits and infiltrate the system from within. Alinsky viewed revolution as a slow, patient process. The trick was to penetrate existing institutions such as churches, unions and political parties.... Many leftists view Hillary as a sell-out because she claims to hold moderate views on some issues. However, Hillary is simply following Alinsky’s counsel to do and say whatever it takes to gain power.

Got it. Mistrust anyone with a suit and haircut that advocates things you believe in. Idiot.
A sick feeling has been growing in my stomach as I have realized another civil war is coming in America. It feels unavoidable. You can't subjugate, censor, marginalize, ridicule and intimidate half the population forever. Eventually they will respond with whatever tools they have left. It's not yet clear what the trigger will be, or the main focus of the conflict. I hope it's to protect Christianity and not a skirmish over race, gender or "free speech." The USA is now two different nations at war with one other. It cannot endure. This was all avoidable —if only conservatives had leaders who would represent their interests fearlessly, selflessly and effectively. What a hideous, ugly disaster and what a tragic end to the American project. Heartbreaking.
It# conservatives calling for civil war? Just because they lost a midterm?

That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Has nothing to do with midterms. It’s about the attack on the second amendment and the attack on the President as well as your groups going around threatening people.

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Snowflake. So easily worked up.

You’re in charge stupid. Why is the party in charge talking like this? Things must not be going well
A sick feeling has been growing in my stomach as I have realized another civil war is coming in America. It feels unavoidable. You can't subjugate, censor, marginalize, ridicule and intimidate half the population forever. Eventually they will respond with whatever tools they have left. It's not yet clear what the trigger will be, or the main focus of the conflict. I hope it's to protect Christianity and not a skirmish over race, gender or "free speech." The USA is now two different nations at war with one other. It cannot endure. This was all avoidable —if only conservatives had leaders who would represent their interests fearlessly, selflessly and effectively. What a hideous, ugly disaster and what a tragic end to the American project. Heartbreaking.
It# conservatives calling for civil war? Just because they lost a midterm?
Fuck you asshole, it was a liberal who shot up Republican congressmen at a ballfield because Hillary who stole the election from Bernie, lost to a guy you say is dumber than a 3rd grader.. What does that make you idiots??

Bring your shit to Florida, start a riot in the cities, see how far that goes....Dumbass..

A liberal only riots in cities that are GUN FREE ZONES. Chicken shit mother fuckers..
If you bring your gun out the cops will shoot you.

Florida is the basement of America. You keep your shit and junk in the basement
You are such a stupid piece of shit..."Stand Your Ground Law"..
A sick feeling has been growing in my stomach as I have realized another civil war is coming in America. It feels unavoidable. You can't subjugate, censor, marginalize, ridicule and intimidate half the population forever. Eventually they will respond with whatever tools they have left. It's not yet clear what the trigger will be, or the main focus of the conflict. I hope it's to protect Christianity and not a skirmish over race, gender or "free speech." The USA is now two different nations at war with one other. It cannot endure. This was all avoidable —if only conservatives had leaders who would represent their interests fearlessly, selflessly and effectively. What a hideous, ugly disaster and what a tragic end to the American project. Heartbreaking.
It# conservatives calling for civil war? Just because they lost a midterm?
Fuck you asshole, it was a liberal who shot up Republican congressmen at a ballfield because Hillary who stole the election from Bernie, lost to a guy you say is dumber than a 3rd grader.. What does that make you idiots??

Bring your shit to Florida, start a riot in the cities, see how far that goes....Dumbass..

A liberal only riots in cities that are GUN FREE ZONES. Chicken shit mother fuckers..
If you bring your gun out the cops will shoot you.

Florida is the basement of America. You keep your shit and junk in the basement
You are such a stupid piece of shit..."Stand Your Ground Law"..
Oh androgynous Jim lighten up
A sick feeling has been growing in my stomach as I have realized another civil war is coming in America. It feels unavoidable. You can't subjugate, censor, marginalize, ridicule and intimidate half the population forever. Eventually they will respond with whatever tools they have left. It's not yet clear what the trigger will be, or the main focus of the conflict. I hope it's to protect Christianity and not a skirmish over race, gender or "free speech." The USA is now two different nations at war with one other. It cannot endure. This was all avoidable —if only conservatives had leaders who would represent their interests fearlessly, selflessly and effectively. What a hideous, ugly disaster and what a tragic end to the American project. Heartbreaking.
It# conservatives calling for civil war? Just because they lost a midterm?
Fuck you asshole, it was a liberal who shot up Republican congressmen at a ballfield because Hillary who stole the election from Bernie, lost to a guy you say is dumber than a 3rd grader.. What does that make you idiots??

Bring your shit to Florida, start a riot in the cities, see how far that goes....Dumbass..

A liberal only riots in cities that are GUN FREE ZONES. Chicken shit mother fuckers..
If you bring your gun out the cops will shoot you.

Florida is the basement of America. You keep your shit and junk in the basement
You are such a stupid piece of shit..."Stand Your Ground Law"..
Oh androgynous Jim lighten up

Androgynous Jim. I like that. It seems to fit him better.
It's true the Republicans in the congress and the senate are cowards.... and have abdicated their sworn allegiance to the constitution and have turned a blind eye to the lawlessness of this president and his whole crooked administration by neglecting their oversight responsibilities....

If THEY had done their jobs with oversight, then the whole country would not have had the pajesus scared out of them by Trump's many abuses of power and the Republicans would not have gotten their ass kicked with losses this midterm election... imo.... letting him slide for everything from nepotism to pay for play, has shown how terrible they really are....

LOL you can't be serious..... the Democrats should have won both the House and Senate but did not, that is what happens in Midterms for every President for decades. You don't have the Senate and that will prevent your agenda of obstruction and the illegal attempt to de-legitimize a duly elected President, you have tried for 2 years to remove him from office ILLEGALLY. You people are FILTHY.
No one ever expected or even mentioned the Democrats winning the Senate in this past mid term election...

It was a long shot because Democratic Senators had 26 Seats that were up for re-election and the Republicans only had 9 seats up for re-election.

In 2020's election, there are more Republican Senators up for re-election than Democrats.
Liar the democrat leadership all said it was a blue wave and both houses would fall. As for seats they did not even win as many as retiring house members from the republicans and in both midterms for Obama the Republicans took MORE much more seats.
LOL! You are funny. Hannity has taught POTUS apologists to spin like professionals. Democrates took the house and were never seriously expected to take the senate. An early Christmas present for ya.
It's true the Republicans in the congress and the senate are cowards.... and have abdicated their sworn allegiance to the constitution and have turned a blind eye to the lawlessness of this president and his whole crooked administration by neglecting their oversight responsibilities....

If THEY had done their jobs with oversight, then the whole country would not have had the pajesus scared out of them by Trump's many abuses of power and the Republicans would not have gotten their ass kicked with losses this midterm election... imo.... letting him slide for everything from nepotism to pay for play, has shown how terrible they really are....

LOL you can't be serious..... the Democrats should have won both the House and Senate but did not, that is what happens in Midterms for every President for decades. You don't have the Senate and that will prevent your agenda of obstruction and the illegal attempt to de-legitimize a duly elected President, you have tried for 2 years to remove him from office ILLEGALLY. You people are FILTHY.
No one ever expected or even mentioned the Democrats winning the Senate in this past mid term election...

It was a long shot because Democratic Senators had 26 Seats that were up for re-election and the Republicans only had 9 seats up for re-election.

In 2020's election, there are more Republican Senators up for re-election than Democrats.
Liar the democrat leadership all said it was a blue wave and both houses would fall. As for seats they did not even win as many as retiring house members from the republicans and in both midterms for Obama the Republicans took MORE much more seats.
We'll try and do better in 2020 when republicans have 17 senators up for re election GL you'll need it
It's true the Republicans in the congress and the senate are cowards.... and have abdicated their sworn allegiance to the constitution and have turned a blind eye to the lawlessness of this president and his whole crooked administration by neglecting their oversight responsibilities....

If THEY had done their jobs with oversight, then the whole country would not have had the pajesus scared out of them by Trump's many abuses of power and the Republicans would not have gotten their ass kicked with losses this midterm election... imo.... letting him slide for everything from nepotism to pay for play, has shown how terrible they really are....

LOL you can't be serious..... the Democrats should have won both the House and Senate but did not, that is what happens in Midterms for every President for decades. You don't have the Senate and that will prevent your agenda of obstruction and the illegal attempt to de-legitimize a duly elected President, you have tried for 2 years to remove him from office ILLEGALLY. You people are FILTHY.
No one ever expected or even mentioned the Democrats winning the Senate in this past mid term election...

It was a long shot because Democratic Senators had 26 Seats that were up for re-election and the Republicans only had 9 seats up for re-election.

In 2020's election, there are more Republican Senators up for re-election than Democrats.
Liar the democrat leadership all said it was a blue wave and both houses would fall. As for seats they did not even win as many as retiring house members from the republicans and in both midterms for Obama the Republicans took MORE much more seats.
it was never going to be a ''blue wave'' in the Senate, sorry... no one was touting a blue wave in the Senate or Schumer being majority leader or any of that crud.... it was ALL about the House, and Pelosi...

no one was talking about picking up even 5 to 9 seats in the Senate, they were talking about picking up maybe 40 seats in the house.... the "Blue Wave" .... 23 seats would have given the House Dems the majority, 40 seats was a tidal wave... and it will be 41 once said and done and that Republican congress critter that hired that guy who picked up the absentee ballots in black neighborhoods to throw them out or change their votes loses his ass in a new election.

we felt we would have been lucky as heck to pick up 1 or 2 seats in the senate... that would not be a blue wave...
These idiotic civil war threads appear about once a month. There is a civil war going on. The civil war is in the heads of the Trumpists who are going schizoid over their support for Trump.
A sick feeling has been growing in my stomach as I have realized another civil war is coming in America. It feels unavoidable. You can't subjugate, censor, marginalize, ridicule and intimidate half the population forever. Eventually they will respond with whatever tools they have left. It's not yet clear what the trigger will be, or the main focus of the conflict. I hope it's to protect Christianity and not a skirmish over race, gender or "free speech." The USA is now two different nations at war with one other. It cannot endure. This was all avoidable —if only conservatives had leaders who would represent their interests fearlessly, selflessly and effectively. What a hideous, ugly disaster and what a tragic end to the American project. Heartbreaking.

"You can't subjugate, censor, marginalize, ridicule and intimidate half the population forever."

so perhaps conservatives should STOP doing those things.
These idiotic civil war threads appear about once a month. There is a civil war going on. The civil war is in the heads of the Trumpists who are going schizoid over their support for Trump.

a little scary to think that the thought of killing people like me is so appealing to them.
These idiotic civil war threads appear about once a month. There is a civil war going on. The civil war is in the heads of the Trumpists who are going schizoid over their support for Trump.

a little scary to think that the thought of killing people like me is so appealing to them.
At one time, people like me would allow people like you to live in this country peacefully. But after watching your kind burn cities, abuse women, kill off unborn and born children, tax the crap out of US, militarize the FBI and IRS against US, We the People have decided that your attacks on US is a declaration of WAR. In war, there is a winner and loser, and you guys who hate the military and police, are in for the fight of your life. And yes, when you are all gone, the world will be a better place..
Trump treats Americans like a family going to disney: i'll turn this car around, i'll shut the government down!
When you use someone else's words without using quotation marks you are in fact stealing from that person.
Remember that next time asshole!
These idiotic civil war threads appear about once a month. There is a civil war going on. The civil war is in the heads of the Trumpists who are going schizoid over their support for Trump.

a little scary to think that the thought of killing people like me is so appealing to them.
At one time, people like me would allow people like you to live in this country peacefully. But after watching your kind burn cities, abuse women, kill off unborn and born children, tax the crap out of US, militarize the FBI and IRS against US, We the People have decided that your attacks on US is a declaration of WAR. In war, there is a winner and loser, and you guys who hate the military and police, are in for the fight of your life. And yes, when you are all gone, the world will be a better place..
ANDA you're killing us with posts like that Thanks need a laugh with trumps DOW getting killed again

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