Trump supporters like the attitude

1. When we realized that our current "Free Trade" is actually heavily and unfairly biased in the favor of our enemies and rivals.

2. When we realized that the government is not strong enough to "touch" it and survive.

So you admit that the free market fails on trade and must be regulated by the government. Yeah, no shit.

And we also ignore politicians who claim they're going to reform Social Security with privatized, market based, solutions?

Yeah, no shit.

See, this is what happens to conservatism. Eventually it sinks in, even through the thick conservative skull, that the fundamental principles of conservatism are doomed to fail, then,

conservatism liberalizes itself, and comes up with a new set of conservative principles, which in all likelihood will also eventually fails.
That is how progress drags conservatism along behind it.

I admit nothing.

The so called "Free Trade" we have at this point in time is not working out in our interests.

Why? Is it because it is not really "Free Trade" but a scam set up to benefit our enemies and rivals?

Or is it because we just are hopelessly unable to compete for whatever reason?

I don't know or care at this point in time.

But I do know that I want that situation to change.

IN our favor.

You didn't admit that trade must be heavily regulated by the government?

lol, you're mental.

I stated that I do not believe that we have "Free Trade" with our trading partners at this time.

"Heavily regulated" sounds subjective. I certainly support contract enforcement, and standardized weights and measures for two examples.

I do not support nationalizing of any industries. I do not support high levels of corporate taxation.

INdeed, I have an issue with Double Taxation.

You seem to be trying to put words in my mouth.

What are you trying to say?

I'm pointing out that you people who hate government are lying.
maybe you should have the premise correct before calling people liars.

Conservatives believe in government. Strong belief in local government (including state).

What we don't like is when federal government gets so large, it trumps decisions by the local governments as it pertains to local governing.

Get a grip NYC.......just because we are not progressives does not mean we are hateful lying idiots.
I voted for me in 2007, that's why.
and there you have it.

You have no trust in anyone because you don't believe working on a hunch is worthy....and the best you can do is trust only yourself.

I find that disturbing.
You should be disturbed that you follow a bombastic demagogue for unknown reasons.
I agree...if that is what I do.

But it isn't. You just felt the need to paint it that way so you can continue to divert from my answer allowing you to continue to childishly bash people who you disagree with.

I get it.
No you don't get it at all. I'm saying all Trump followers are equally confused because they aren't making choices based on any kind of reasoning. Trump's appeal is entirely emotional. That's why he can say or do anything and his followers continue without questioning.
exactly how Sanders is doing it....exactly how Obama did it....exactly how the Democrats secure the black vote and the women vote.....

So I guess pretty much all those that support a candidate is the kind of idiot you describe a Trump supporter to be.

I don't see that as being an idiot. I see it as human nature to support a candidate who says what you want to hear.

But i'll tell you what....... I will simply say...."you are right".


End of this useless dialogue.
You believe Donald Trump because he says all the hateful bigoted horseshit you were already predisposed to believe.
and there you have it.

You have no trust in anyone because you don't believe working on a hunch is worthy....and the best you can do is trust only yourself.

I find that disturbing.
You should be disturbed that you follow a bombastic demagogue for unknown reasons.
I agree...if that is what I do.

But it isn't. You just felt the need to paint it that way so you can continue to divert from my answer allowing you to continue to childishly bash people who you disagree with.

I get it.
No you don't get it at all. I'm saying all Trump followers are equally confused because they aren't making choices based on any kind of reasoning. Trump's appeal is entirely emotional. That's why he can say or do anything and his followers continue without questioning.
exactly how Sanders is doing it....exactly how Obama did it....exactly how the Democrats secure the black vote and the women vote.....

So I guess pretty much all those that support a candidate is the kind of idiot you describe a Trump supporter to be.

I don't see that as being an idiot. I see it as human nature to support a candidate who says what you want to hear.

But i'll tell you what....... I will simply say...."you are right".


End of this useless dialogue.
You believe Donald Trump because he says all the hateful bigoted horseshit you were already predisposed to believe.
Sounds like a plan.
and there you have it.

You have no trust in anyone because you don't believe working on a hunch is worthy....and the best you can do is trust only yourself.

I find that disturbing.
You should be disturbed that you follow a bombastic demagogue for unknown reasons.
I agree...if that is what I do.

But it isn't. You just felt the need to paint it that way so you can continue to divert from my answer allowing you to continue to childishly bash people who you disagree with.

I get it.
No you don't get it at all. I'm saying all Trump followers are equally confused because they aren't making choices based on any kind of reasoning. Trump's appeal is entirely emotional. That's why he can say or do anything and his followers continue without questioning.
exactly how Sanders is doing it....exactly how Obama did it....exactly how the Democrats secure the black vote and the women vote.....

So I guess pretty much all those that support a candidate is the kind of idiot you describe a Trump supporter to be.

I don't see that as being an idiot. I see it as human nature to support a candidate who says what you want to hear.

But i'll tell you what....... I will simply say...."you are right".


End of this useless dialogue.
You believe Donald Trump because he says all the hateful bigoted horseshit you were already predisposed to believe.

Many Trump supporters practice the same bigotry and hate as their candidate.
You should be disturbed that you follow a bombastic demagogue for unknown reasons.
I agree...if that is what I do.

But it isn't. You just felt the need to paint it that way so you can continue to divert from my answer allowing you to continue to childishly bash people who you disagree with.

I get it.
No you don't get it at all. I'm saying all Trump followers are equally confused because they aren't making choices based on any kind of reasoning. Trump's appeal is entirely emotional. That's why he can say or do anything and his followers continue without questioning.
exactly how Sanders is doing it....exactly how Obama did it....exactly how the Democrats secure the black vote and the women vote.....

So I guess pretty much all those that support a candidate is the kind of idiot you describe a Trump supporter to be.

I don't see that as being an idiot. I see it as human nature to support a candidate who says what you want to hear.

But i'll tell you what....... I will simply say...."you are right".


End of this useless dialogue.
You believe Donald Trump because he says all the hateful bigoted horseshit you were already predisposed to believe.

Many Trump supporters practice the same bigotry and hate as their candidate.

Unlike your ilk:
Top Black Lives Matter Activist: 'We Will Incite Riots Everywhere if Trump Wins'
You should be disturbed that you follow a bombastic demagogue for unknown reasons.
I agree...if that is what I do.

But it isn't. You just felt the need to paint it that way so you can continue to divert from my answer allowing you to continue to childishly bash people who you disagree with.

I get it.
No you don't get it at all. I'm saying all Trump followers are equally confused because they aren't making choices based on any kind of reasoning. Trump's appeal is entirely emotional. That's why he can say or do anything and his followers continue without questioning.
exactly how Sanders is doing it....exactly how Obama did it....exactly how the Democrats secure the black vote and the women vote.....

So I guess pretty much all those that support a candidate is the kind of idiot you describe a Trump supporter to be.

I don't see that as being an idiot. I see it as human nature to support a candidate who says what you want to hear.

But i'll tell you what....... I will simply say...."you are right".


End of this useless dialogue.
You believe Donald Trump because he says all the hateful bigoted horseshit you were already predisposed to believe.

Many Trump supporters practice the same bigotry and hate as their candidate.

The other GOP candidates support hate for Americans via their Economic policies.
You should be disturbed that you follow a bombastic demagogue for unknown reasons.
I agree...if that is what I do.

But it isn't. You just felt the need to paint it that way so you can continue to divert from my answer allowing you to continue to childishly bash people who you disagree with.

I get it.
No you don't get it at all. I'm saying all Trump followers are equally confused because they aren't making choices based on any kind of reasoning. Trump's appeal is entirely emotional. That's why he can say or do anything and his followers continue without questioning.
exactly how Sanders is doing it....exactly how Obama did it....exactly how the Democrats secure the black vote and the women vote.....

So I guess pretty much all those that support a candidate is the kind of idiot you describe a Trump supporter to be.

I don't see that as being an idiot. I see it as human nature to support a candidate who says what you want to hear.

But i'll tell you what....... I will simply say...."you are right".


End of this useless dialogue.
You believe Donald Trump because he says all the hateful bigoted horseshit you were already predisposed to believe.

Many Trump supporters practice the same bigotry and hate as their candidate.
As Trump has no Conservative bona fides except immigration, can it be said that the hard core Tea Party types are not in love with Trump? Are they still using the same standard of Comservative orthodoxy? They used that standard to motivate the base and purge Republican held seats in federal, state and local offices. They were a potent weapon.

But the resulting chaos in the GOP threatens to render that party into ittelevence. A contested conventional n in a contentious year.

Are the Trump supporters not in line with the Tea Party agenda, or has Trump tapped into the anger ginned up by talk radio and other Conservative pundits? Is the GOP reaping the whirlwind?

Is Trump the inevitable nexus of entertainment and politics? Are we living in the world fort old in the 70's era movie NETWORK?

Does the fact that Trump's support in emotional rather than policy driven make Trump a greater danger to our political system than we can bear? Has the partisan vitriol come to a head and that head sports orange hair?

Trump,struts and threatens and incites and acts as vulgar as my drunken uncle at a family wedding. And the Hoy Poloy eats it up. Is this politics or "professional wrestling""?

If Trump is not ideologically pure and it's all emotion wrapped up in the appearance of the love child of P,T. Barnum and Benito Mussolini, have America redefined politics for the 21st century, or are we about to make a catastrophic mistake?,
I agree...if that is what I do.

But it isn't. You just felt the need to paint it that way so you can continue to divert from my answer allowing you to continue to childishly bash people who you disagree with.

I get it.
No you don't get it at all. I'm saying all Trump followers are equally confused because they aren't making choices based on any kind of reasoning. Trump's appeal is entirely emotional. That's why he can say or do anything and his followers continue without questioning.
exactly how Sanders is doing it....exactly how Obama did it....exactly how the Democrats secure the black vote and the women vote.....

So I guess pretty much all those that support a candidate is the kind of idiot you describe a Trump supporter to be.

I don't see that as being an idiot. I see it as human nature to support a candidate who says what you want to hear.

But i'll tell you what....... I will simply say...."you are right".


End of this useless dialogue.
You believe Donald Trump because he says all the hateful bigoted horseshit you were already predisposed to believe.

Many Trump supporters practice the same bigotry and hate as their candidate.
As Trump has no Conservative bona fides except immigration, can it be said that the hard core Tea Party types are not in love with Trump? Are they still using the same standard of Comservative orthodoxy? They used that standard to motivate the base and purge Republican held seats in federal, state and local offices. They were a potent weapon.

But the resulting chaos in the GOP threatens to render that party into ittelevence. A contested conventional n in a contentious year.

Are the Trump supporters not in line with the Tea Party agenda, or has Trump tapped into the anger ginned up by talk radio and other Conservative pundits? Is the GOP reaping the whirlwind?

Is Trump the inevitable nexus of entertainment and politics? Are we living in the world fort old in the 70's era movie NETWORK?

Does the fact that Trump's support in emotional rather than policy driven make Trump a greater danger to our political system than we can bear? Has the partisan vitriol come to a head and that head sports orange hair?

Trump,struts and threatens and incites and acts as vulgar as my drunken uncle at a family wedding. And the Hoy Poloy eats it up. Is this politics or "professional wrestling""?

If Trump is not ideologically pure and it's all emotion wrapped up in the appearance of the love child of P,T. Barnum and Benito Mussolini, have America redefined politics for the 21st century, or are we about to make a catastrophic mistake?,

The fact that you think, even for a SECOND, that Trump is supported by more than 2 or 3 of the Globalist Conservative Talk Radio scumbags shows me you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.
No you don't get it at all. I'm saying all Trump followers are equally confused because they aren't making choices based on any kind of reasoning. Trump's appeal is entirely emotional. That's why he can say or do anything and his followers continue without questioning.
exactly how Sanders is doing it....exactly how Obama did it....exactly how the Democrats secure the black vote and the women vote.....

So I guess pretty much all those that support a candidate is the kind of idiot you describe a Trump supporter to be.

I don't see that as being an idiot. I see it as human nature to support a candidate who says what you want to hear.

But i'll tell you what....... I will simply say...."you are right".


End of this useless dialogue.
You believe Donald Trump because he says all the hateful bigoted horseshit you were already predisposed to believe.

Many Trump supporters practice the same bigotry and hate as their candidate.
As Trump has no Conservative bona fides except immigration, can it be said that the hard core Tea Party types are not in love with Trump? Are they still using the same standard of Comservative orthodoxy? They used that standard to motivate the base and purge Republican held seats in federal, state and local offices. They were a potent weapon.

But the resulting chaos in the GOP threatens to render that party into ittelevence. A contested conventional n in a contentious year.

Are the Trump supporters not in line with the Tea Party agenda, or has Trump tapped into the anger ginned up by talk radio and other Conservative pundits? Is the GOP reaping the whirlwind?

Is Trump the inevitable nexus of entertainment and politics? Are we living in the world fort old in the 70's era movie NETWORK?

Does the fact that Trump's support in emotional rather than policy driven make Trump a greater danger to our political system than we can bear? Has the partisan vitriol come to a head and that head sports orange hair?

Trump,struts and threatens and incites and acts as vulgar as my drunken uncle at a family wedding. And the Hoy Poloy eats it up. Is this politics or "professional wrestling""?

If Trump is not ideologically pure and it's all emotion wrapped up in the appearance of the love child of P,T. Barnum and Benito Mussolini, have America redefined politics for the 21st century, or are we about to make a catastrophic mistake?,

The fact that you think, even for a SECOND, that Trump is supported by more than 2 or 3 of the Globalist Conservative Talk Radio scumbags shows me you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.
Trump relies on fear. Fear of all Muslims, fear of immigrants, fear of political opposition.

And that fear has been ginned up since the election of the first Black president. That fear was being nurtured during the Clinton years, eight years of peace and prosperity.

Whenever "the other" is demanded as frightening, the message sinks in. And that fear has been cultivated by Right Wing pundits. Trump is taking advantage of that carefully developed fear.
exactly how Sanders is doing it....exactly how Obama did it....exactly how the Democrats secure the black vote and the women vote.....

So I guess pretty much all those that support a candidate is the kind of idiot you describe a Trump supporter to be.

I don't see that as being an idiot. I see it as human nature to support a candidate who says what you want to hear.

But i'll tell you what....... I will simply say...."you are right".


End of this useless dialogue.
You believe Donald Trump because he says all the hateful bigoted horseshit you were already predisposed to believe.

Many Trump supporters practice the same bigotry and hate as their candidate.
As Trump has no Conservative bona fides except immigration, can it be said that the hard core Tea Party types are not in love with Trump? Are they still using the same standard of Comservative orthodoxy? They used that standard to motivate the base and purge Republican held seats in federal, state and local offices. They were a potent weapon.

But the resulting chaos in the GOP threatens to render that party into ittelevence. A contested conventional n in a contentious year.

Are the Trump supporters not in line with the Tea Party agenda, or has Trump tapped into the anger ginned up by talk radio and other Conservative pundits? Is the GOP reaping the whirlwind?

Is Trump the inevitable nexus of entertainment and politics? Are we living in the world fort old in the 70's era movie NETWORK?

Does the fact that Trump's support in emotional rather than policy driven make Trump a greater danger to our political system than we can bear? Has the partisan vitriol come to a head and that head sports orange hair?

Trump,struts and threatens and incites and acts as vulgar as my drunken uncle at a family wedding. And the Hoy Poloy eats it up. Is this politics or "professional wrestling""?

If Trump is not ideologically pure and it's all emotion wrapped up in the appearance of the love child of P,T. Barnum and Benito Mussolini, have America redefined politics for the 21st century, or are we about to make a catastrophic mistake?,

The fact that you think, even for a SECOND, that Trump is supported by more than 2 or 3 of the Globalist Conservative Talk Radio scumbags shows me you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.
Trump relies on fear. Fear of all Muslims, fear of immigrants, fear of political opposition.

And that fear has been ginned up since the election of the first Black president. That fear was being nurtured during the Clinton years, eight years of peace and prosperity.

Whenever "the other" is demanded as frightening, the message sinks in. And that fear has been cultivated by Right Wing pundits. Trump is taking advantage of that carefully developed fear.

Trump is NOT talking about Immigrants, he is talking about Illegals Immigrants and those seeking Political Asylum from hostile nations.
A major problem with hostile nations is that we have no idea where the escapees stand on the Principles important to the US.
Now try to get your facts straight before posting more artifacts.
You believe Donald Trump because he says all the hateful bigoted horseshit you were already predisposed to believe.

Many Trump supporters practice the same bigotry and hate as their candidate.
As Trump has no Conservative bona fides except immigration, can it be said that the hard core Tea Party types are not in love with Trump? Are they still using the same standard of Comservative orthodoxy? They used that standard to motivate the base and purge Republican held seats in federal, state and local offices. They were a potent weapon.

But the resulting chaos in the GOP threatens to render that party into ittelevence. A contested conventional n in a contentious year.

Are the Trump supporters not in line with the Tea Party agenda, or has Trump tapped into the anger ginned up by talk radio and other Conservative pundits? Is the GOP reaping the whirlwind?

Is Trump the inevitable nexus of entertainment and politics? Are we living in the world fort old in the 70's era movie NETWORK?

Does the fact that Trump's support in emotional rather than policy driven make Trump a greater danger to our political system than we can bear? Has the partisan vitriol come to a head and that head sports orange hair?

Trump,struts and threatens and incites and acts as vulgar as my drunken uncle at a family wedding. And the Hoy Poloy eats it up. Is this politics or "professional wrestling""?

If Trump is not ideologically pure and it's all emotion wrapped up in the appearance of the love child of P,T. Barnum and Benito Mussolini, have America redefined politics for the 21st century, or are we about to make a catastrophic mistake?,

The fact that you think, even for a SECOND, that Trump is supported by more than 2 or 3 of the Globalist Conservative Talk Radio scumbags shows me you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.
Trump relies on fear. Fear of all Muslims, fear of immigrants, fear of political opposition.

And that fear has been ginned up since the election of the first Black president. That fear was being nurtured during the Clinton years, eight years of peace and prosperity.

Whenever "the other" is demanded as frightening, the message sinks in. And that fear has been cultivated by Right Wing pundits. Trump is taking advantage of that carefully developed fear.

Trump is NOT talking about Immigrants, he is talking about Illegals Immigrants and those seeking Political Asylum from hostile nations.
A major problem with hostile nations is that we have no idea where the escapees stand on the Principles important to the US.
Now try to get your facts straight before posting more artifacts.
And what facts are you offerings? You quickly distance nourish immigrants as illegal. What's the overt suggestion? That illegal immigrant are criminals. Immigrants from hostile nations connote fifth columnists and combatants. And that's the totality. Create fear, mark a scapegoat and makes sure that scapegoat is "the other".

Many Trump supporters practice the same bigotry and hate as their candidate.
As Trump has no Conservative bona fides except immigration, can it be said that the hard core Tea Party types are not in love with Trump? Are they still using the same standard of Comservative orthodoxy? They used that standard to motivate the base and purge Republican held seats in federal, state and local offices. They were a potent weapon.

But the resulting chaos in the GOP threatens to render that party into ittelevence. A contested conventional n in a contentious year.

Are the Trump supporters not in line with the Tea Party agenda, or has Trump tapped into the anger ginned up by talk radio and other Conservative pundits? Is the GOP reaping the whirlwind?

Is Trump the inevitable nexus of entertainment and politics? Are we living in the world fort old in the 70's era movie NETWORK?

Does the fact that Trump's support in emotional rather than policy driven make Trump a greater danger to our political system than we can bear? Has the partisan vitriol come to a head and that head sports orange hair?

Trump,struts and threatens and incites and acts as vulgar as my drunken uncle at a family wedding. And the Hoy Poloy eats it up. Is this politics or "professional wrestling""?

If Trump is not ideologically pure and it's all emotion wrapped up in the appearance of the love child of P,T. Barnum and Benito Mussolini, have America redefined politics for the 21st century, or are we about to make a catastrophic mistake?,

The fact that you think, even for a SECOND, that Trump is supported by more than 2 or 3 of the Globalist Conservative Talk Radio scumbags shows me you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.
Trump relies on fear. Fear of all Muslims, fear of immigrants, fear of political opposition.

And that fear has been ginned up since the election of the first Black president. That fear was being nurtured during the Clinton years, eight years of peace and prosperity.

Whenever "the other" is demanded as frightening, the message sinks in. And that fear has been cultivated by Right Wing pundits. Trump is taking advantage of that carefully developed fear.

Trump is NOT talking about Immigrants, he is talking about Illegals Immigrants and those seeking Political Asylum from hostile nations.
A major problem with hostile nations is that we have no idea where the escapees stand on the Principles important to the US.
Now try to get your facts straight before posting more artifacts.
And what facts are you offerings? You quickly distance nourish immigrants as illegal. What's the overt suggestion? That illegal immigrant are criminals. Immigrants from hostile nations connote fifth columnists and combatants. And that's the totality. Create fear, mark a scapegoat and makes sure that scapegoat is "the other".

Immigrants are NOT Illegals Immigrants.
Immigrants are NOT Business Visas.
Immigrants are NOT seeking Political Asylum.
These are FOUR different categories.

In terms of Immigrants, I have seen Trump has stated several times that Business Visas should be replaced by Educated Immigrants, not Immigrants who are coming here to open Teamo Stands.
1. When we realized that our current "Free Trade" is actually heavily and unfairly biased in the favor of our enemies and rivals.

2. When we realized that the government is not strong enough to "touch" it and survive.

So you admit that the free market fails on trade and must be regulated by the government. Yeah, no shit.

And we also ignore politicians who claim they're going to reform Social Security with privatized, market based, solutions?

Yeah, no shit.

See, this is what happens to conservatism. Eventually it sinks in, even through the thick conservative skull, that the fundamental principles of conservatism are doomed to fail, then,

conservatism liberalizes itself, and comes up with a new set of conservative principles, which in all likelihood will also eventually fails.
That is how progress drags conservatism along behind it.

I admit nothing.

The so called "Free Trade" we have at this point in time is not working out in our interests.

Why? Is it because it is not really "Free Trade" but a scam set up to benefit our enemies and rivals?

Or is it because we just are hopelessly unable to compete for whatever reason?

I don't know or care at this point in time.

But I do know that I want that situation to change.

IN our favor.

You didn't admit that trade must be heavily regulated by the government?

lol, you're mental.

I stated that I do not believe that we have "Free Trade" with our trading partners at this time.

"Heavily regulated" sounds subjective. I certainly support contract enforcement, and standardized weights and measures for two examples.

I do not support nationalizing of any industries. I do not support high levels of corporate taxation.

INdeed, I have an issue with Double Taxation.

You seem to be trying to put words in my mouth.

What are you trying to say?

I'm pointing out that you people who hate government are lying.

Like I said, I don't know what you mean by "heavily regulated".

This is what we have now.

The Magician's Rabbit And Bureaucratic Idiocy - Personal Liberty®

"Hahne performs magic shows for children in southern Missouri under the name of Marty the Magician. For his big finale he pulls a rabbit out of a hat — a time-honored magic trick with little risk to the rabbit, magician or audience.

In 2005, a U.S. Department of Agriculture inspector cornered him after a show. She asked to see his license. “License for?” Hahne asked. “The rabbit,” was the reply.

To keep his rabbit in the magic act Hahne was told he had to purchase a $40 annual license, take the rabbit to the veterinarian and submit to surprise home inspections. And for a kicker, if Hahne planned to take the rabbit out of town for an extended period of time, he had to submit an itinerary to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. His rabbit travels with him in a small cage adorned with USDA-mandated stickers, indicating which end is up.

But this year, the idiocy got worse. To keep his rabbit license, Hahne was told he had to submit a disaster plan covering what would happen with his rabbit in the event of every conceivable emergency: fire, flood, tornado, faulty air conditioning, ice storm, power failure.

Luckily for Hahne, a professional disaster plan writer heard about his plight and offered to write a plan for his rabbit. It must be completed by July 29. As of last week, it was 28 pages long and growing. But it was still short, considering what the USDA requested it include, according to Kim Morgan, the professional who volunteered to write the plan."

This is madness.

It is not covered in this piece, but if the government doesn't think he is doing what he should, they have ARMED rabbit inspectors to go "inspect" him and his rabbit.

I hate the fact that we have people who WANT to be armed rabbit inspectors and that we have a government where such people can find a home, and are given power and guns to screw with people's lives at tax payer expense.
So tell me.....whoever you voted for in 2007.....why did you believe him?
I voted for me in 2007, that's why.
and there you have it.

You have no trust in anyone because you don't believe working on a hunch is worthy....and the best you can do is trust only yourself.

I find that disturbing.
You should be disturbed that you follow a bombastic demagogue for unknown reasons.

YOu should be disturbed that you are such an asshole.
I'd be most disturbed if you were allowed to operate heavy machinery.

I, at least, don't believe that my disagreement with something means that it does not exist.

YOu are the one who is literally out of touch with reality.
You should be disturbed that you follow a bombastic demagogue for unknown reasons.
I agree...if that is what I do.

But it isn't. You just felt the need to paint it that way so you can continue to divert from my answer allowing you to continue to childishly bash people who you disagree with.

I get it.
No you don't get it at all. I'm saying all Trump followers are equally confused because they aren't making choices based on any kind of reasoning. Trump's appeal is entirely emotional. That's why he can say or do anything and his followers continue without questioning.
exactly how Sanders is doing it....exactly how Obama did it....exactly how the Democrats secure the black vote and the women vote.....

So I guess pretty much all those that support a candidate is the kind of idiot you describe a Trump supporter to be.

I don't see that as being an idiot. I see it as human nature to support a candidate who says what you want to hear.

But i'll tell you what....... I will simply say...."you are right".


End of this useless dialogue.
You believe Donald Trump because he says all the hateful bigoted horseshit you were already predisposed to believe.

Many Trump supporters practice the same bigotry and hate as their candidate.

Said the asshole.
I agree...if that is what I do.

But it isn't. You just felt the need to paint it that way so you can continue to divert from my answer allowing you to continue to childishly bash people who you disagree with.

I get it.
No you don't get it at all. I'm saying all Trump followers are equally confused because they aren't making choices based on any kind of reasoning. Trump's appeal is entirely emotional. That's why he can say or do anything and his followers continue without questioning.
exactly how Sanders is doing it....exactly how Obama did it....exactly how the Democrats secure the black vote and the women vote.....

So I guess pretty much all those that support a candidate is the kind of idiot you describe a Trump supporter to be.

I don't see that as being an idiot. I see it as human nature to support a candidate who says what you want to hear.

But i'll tell you what....... I will simply say...."you are right".


End of this useless dialogue.
You believe Donald Trump because he says all the hateful bigoted horseshit you were already predisposed to believe.

Many Trump supporters practice the same bigotry and hate as their candidate.

Said the asshole.
I voted for me in 2007, that's why.
and there you have it.

You have no trust in anyone because you don't believe working on a hunch is worthy....and the best you can do is trust only yourself.

I find that disturbing.
You should be disturbed that you follow a bombastic demagogue for unknown reasons.

YOu should be disturbed that you are such an asshole.
I'd be most disturbed if you were allowed to operate heavy machinery.

I, at least, don't believe that my disagreement with something means that it does not exist.

YOu are the one who is literally out of touch with reality.
You still don't know why you believe Trump. You just know that you do, and that's as far as your alleged thinking takes you.
Can Trump restore the Confederacy and stop white genocide? These are the burning questions in the minds of Trump followers.
and there you have it.

You have no trust in anyone because you don't believe working on a hunch is worthy....and the best you can do is trust only yourself.

I find that disturbing.
You should be disturbed that you follow a bombastic demagogue for unknown reasons.

YOu should be disturbed that you are such an asshole.
I'd be most disturbed if you were allowed to operate heavy machinery.

I, at least, don't believe that my disagreement with something means that it does not exist.

YOu are the one who is literally out of touch with reality.
You still don't know why you believe Trump. You just know that you do, and that's as far as your alleged thinking takes you.

I know, and you know.

YOu are just of the asshole mindset that since you don't agree with my reason, that it does not exist.


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