Trump supporters like the attitude

No. They cant. But then again, no one was able to explain why they belied then Senator Obama. People supported him because they wanted to believe him.

It is what it is.

But this time around, you want to attack those that are doing what you did 8 years ago.
So then that's the standard you prefer to live down to. Now I'm beginning to see the possibilities for fundamental change with Trump.
Excuse me. I dont wish to live down to any standard. To the contrary, I am quite happy with the standards I have set for my life.

But I am a realist and I am not like you....I am not looking to poke holes in reality to prove it is wrong.

Here is reality......politicians make promises. If one likes the promise, one supports the promiser unless the promiser is proven to be a liar....although even then, people tend to believe.

Obama promised to change the way things are done in Washington. People believed him yet no one asked him how he plans to do it. He lied to them about public financing but people believed him anyway. He had a state and US senate record of pure partisanship but he promised to work in a bi partisan way and people believed him.


Because that is human nature. People believe what they want to believe.

You want to criticize me for recognizing human nature, go for it. But looking at your posts, you seem to have a lot of hatred and, to be quite frank, you seem quite miserable.


I am happy....and what other people believe has very little affect on my life.
So in other words: You have absolutely no idea why you believe Trump.

HIs answer right here you dumbass liar.

"Here is reality......politicians make promises. If one likes the promise, one supports the promiser unless the promiser is proven to be a liar.."

That is an answer. That you don't agree doesn't mean it is not an answer.

You asshole.
All his answer shows is that both you and he have no idea why you believe Trump.

That you do not agree with our reason, does not mean the reason does not exist.

You are an asshole.
So then that's the standard you prefer to live down to. Now I'm beginning to see the possibilities for fundamental change with Trump.
Excuse me. I dont wish to live down to any standard. To the contrary, I am quite happy with the standards I have set for my life.

But I am a realist and I am not like you....I am not looking to poke holes in reality to prove it is wrong.

Here is reality......politicians make promises. If one likes the promise, one supports the promiser unless the promiser is proven to be a liar....although even then, people tend to believe.

Obama promised to change the way things are done in Washington. People believed him yet no one asked him how he plans to do it. He lied to them about public financing but people believed him anyway. He had a state and US senate record of pure partisanship but he promised to work in a bi partisan way and people believed him.


Because that is human nature. People believe what they want to believe.

You want to criticize me for recognizing human nature, go for it. But looking at your posts, you seem to have a lot of hatred and, to be quite frank, you seem quite miserable.


I am happy....and what other people believe has very little affect on my life.
So in other words: You have absolutely no idea why you believe Trump.

HIs answer right here you dumbass liar.

"Here is reality......politicians make promises. If one likes the promise, one supports the promiser unless the promiser is proven to be a liar.."

That is an answer. That you don't agree doesn't mean it is not an answer.

You asshole.
All his answer shows is that both you and he have no idea why you believe Trump.

That you do not agree with our reason, does not mean the reason does not exist.

You are an asshole.
You never had a reason, that's why you have nothing to say now.
to the contrary, I have seen on the news interviews with Trump supporters who make it quite clear as to why they support him.

Ironically, I rarely hear anyone give a good reason to support Hillary. They all same the same thing..

Q: Why do you support her
A: Because she is so accomplished

Q: What has she accomplished?
A: She was Secretary of State.

Q: How is that an accomplishment?
A: It take a special person to succeed as Secretary of State

Q: How do you define her success as Secretary of State?
A: How do you define the success of any Secretary of State.

Q: So if you can not define her as successful as Secretary of State, how do you know she was successful?
A: It is obvious. She travelled more than any Secretary of State in history

Q: How does that equate to success?
A: What are you, a Fox News reporter?
But they just can't seem to explain why they believe him.
No. They cant. But then again, no one was able to explain why they belied then Senator Obama. People supported him because they wanted to believe him.

It is what it is.

But this time around, you want to attack those that are doing what you did 8 years ago.
So then that's the standard you prefer to live down to. Now I'm beginning to see the possibilities for fundamental change with Trump.
Excuse me. I dont wish to live down to any standard. To the contrary, I am quite happy with the standards I have set for my life.

But I am a realist and I am not like you....I am not looking to poke holes in reality to prove it is wrong.

Here is reality......politicians make promises. If one likes the promise, one supports the promiser unless the promiser is proven to be a liar....although even then, people tend to believe.

Obama promised to change the way things are done in Washington. People believed him yet no one asked him how he plans to do it. He lied to them about public financing but people believed him anyway. He had a state and US senate record of pure partisanship but he promised to work in a bi partisan way and people believed him.


Because that is human nature. People believe what they want to believe.

You want to criticize me for recognizing human nature, go for it. But looking at your posts, you seem to have a lot of hatred and, to be quite frank, you seem quite miserable.


I am happy....and what other people believe has very little affect on my life.
So in other words: You have absolutely no idea why you believe Trump.
I don't believe trump. I don't think he believes himself to be honest.

But you asked why people believe Trump.

And I gave you an answer.(of which you ignored)

The only other answer is...well..."because they are assholes and idiots and dumbass fools"

But I don't believe that. I believe they want to believe him, so they do.

But you want to believe they are assholes and idiots and dumbass fools....

so go for it.
Excuse me. I dont wish to live down to any standard. To the contrary, I am quite happy with the standards I have set for my life.

But I am a realist and I am not like you....I am not looking to poke holes in reality to prove it is wrong.

Here is reality......politicians make promises. If one likes the promise, one supports the promiser unless the promiser is proven to be a liar....although even then, people tend to believe.

Obama promised to change the way things are done in Washington. People believed him yet no one asked him how he plans to do it. He lied to them about public financing but people believed him anyway. He had a state and US senate record of pure partisanship but he promised to work in a bi partisan way and people believed him.


Because that is human nature. People believe what they want to believe.

You want to criticize me for recognizing human nature, go for it. But looking at your posts, you seem to have a lot of hatred and, to be quite frank, you seem quite miserable.


I am happy....and what other people believe has very little affect on my life.
So in other words: You have absolutely no idea why you believe Trump.

HIs answer right here you dumbass liar.

"Here is reality......politicians make promises. If one likes the promise, one supports the promiser unless the promiser is proven to be a liar.."

That is an answer. That you don't agree doesn't mean it is not an answer.

You asshole.
All his answer shows is that both you and he have no idea why you believe Trump.

That you do not agree with our reason, does not mean the reason does not exist.

You are an asshole.
You never had a reason, that's why you have nothing to say now.

HIs answer right here you dumbass liar.

"Here is reality......politicians make promises. If one likes the promise, one supports the promiser unless the promiser is proven to be a liar.."

That is an answer. That you don't agree doesn't mean it is not an answer.

You asshole.
Excuse me. I dont wish to live down to any standard. To the contrary, I am quite happy with the standards I have set for my life.

But I am a realist and I am not like you....I am not looking to poke holes in reality to prove it is wrong.

Here is reality......politicians make promises. If one likes the promise, one supports the promiser unless the promiser is proven to be a liar....although even then, people tend to believe.

Obama promised to change the way things are done in Washington. People believed him yet no one asked him how he plans to do it. He lied to them about public financing but people believed him anyway. He had a state and US senate record of pure partisanship but he promised to work in a bi partisan way and people believed him.


Because that is human nature. People believe what they want to believe.

You want to criticize me for recognizing human nature, go for it. But looking at your posts, you seem to have a lot of hatred and, to be quite frank, you seem quite miserable.


I am happy....and what other people believe has very little affect on my life.
So in other words: You have absolutely no idea why you believe Trump.

HIs answer right here you dumbass liar.

"Here is reality......politicians make promises. If one likes the promise, one supports the promiser unless the promiser is proven to be a liar.."

That is an answer. That you don't agree doesn't mean it is not an answer.

You asshole.
All his answer shows is that both you and he have no idea why you believe Trump.

That you do not agree with our reason, does not mean the reason does not exist.

You are an asshole.
You never had a reason, that's why you have nothing to say now.
The reason I gave is the exact reason why anyone believes any candidate in any election.
But they just can't seem to explain why they believe him.
No. They cant. But then again, no one was able to explain why they belied then Senator Obama. People supported him because they wanted to believe him.

It is what it is.

But this time around, you want to attack those that are doing what you did 8 years ago.
So then that's the standard you prefer to live down to. Now I'm beginning to see the possibilities for fundamental change with Trump.
Excuse me. I dont wish to live down to any standard. To the contrary, I am quite happy with the standards I have set for my life.

But I am a realist and I am not like you....I am not looking to poke holes in reality to prove it is wrong.

Here is reality......politicians make promises. If one likes the promise, one supports the promiser unless the promiser is proven to be a liar....although even then, people tend to believe.

Obama promised to change the way things are done in Washington. People believed him yet no one asked him how he plans to do it. He lied to them about public financing but people believed him anyway. He had a state and US senate record of pure partisanship but he promised to work in a bi partisan way and people believed him.


Because that is human nature. People believe what they want to believe.

You want to criticize me for recognizing human nature, go for it. But looking at your posts, you seem to have a lot of hatred and, to be quite frank, you seem quite miserable.


I am happy....and what other people believe has very little affect on my life.
So in other words: You have absolutely no idea why you believe Trump.
I don't believe trump. I don't think he believes himself to be honest.

But you asked why people believe Trump.

And I gave you an answer.(of which you ignored)

The only other answer is...well..."because they are assholes and idiots and dumbass fools"

But I don't believe that. I believe they want to believe him, so they do.

But you want to believe they are assholes and idiots and dumbass fools....

so go for it.
Your so called answer is insufficient.
So in other words: You have absolutely no idea why you believe Trump.

HIs answer right here you dumbass liar.

"Here is reality......politicians make promises. If one likes the promise, one supports the promiser unless the promiser is proven to be a liar.."

That is an answer. That you don't agree doesn't mean it is not an answer.

You asshole.
All his answer shows is that both you and he have no idea why you believe Trump.

That you do not agree with our reason, does not mean the reason does not exist.

You are an asshole.
You never had a reason, that's why you have nothing to say now.

HIs answer right here you dumbass liar.

"Here is reality......politicians make promises. If one likes the promise, one supports the promiser unless the promiser is proven to be a liar.."

That is an answer. That you don't agree doesn't mean it is not an answer.

You asshole.
Keep barking ankle biter.
So in other words: You have absolutely no idea why you believe Trump.

HIs answer right here you dumbass liar.

"Here is reality......politicians make promises. If one likes the promise, one supports the promiser unless the promiser is proven to be a liar.."

That is an answer. That you don't agree doesn't mean it is not an answer.

You asshole.
All his answer shows is that both you and he have no idea why you believe Trump.

That you do not agree with our reason, does not mean the reason does not exist.

You are an asshole.
You never had a reason, that's why you have nothing to say now.
The reason I gave is the exact reason why anyone believes any candidate in any election.

Ask yourself...

When did the mainstream of conservatism embrace heavy government regulation of trade, in short, protectionism?

When did the mainstream of conservatism embrace a guarantee that Social Security be untouched?

1. When we realized that our current "Free Trade" is actually heavily and unfairly biased in the favor of our enemies and rivals.

2. When we realized that the government is not strong enough to "touch" it and survive.

So you admit that the free market fails on trade and must be regulated by the government. Yeah, no shit.

And we also ignore politicians who claim they're going to reform Social Security with privatized, market based, solutions?

Yeah, no shit.

See, this is what happens to conservatism. Eventually it sinks in, even through the thick conservative skull, that the fundamental principles of conservatism are doomed to fail, then,

conservatism liberalizes itself, and comes up with a new set of conservative principles, which in all likelihood will also eventually fails.
That is how progress drags conservatism along behind it.
No. They cant. But then again, no one was able to explain why they belied then Senator Obama. People supported him because they wanted to believe him.

It is what it is.

But this time around, you want to attack those that are doing what you did 8 years ago.
So then that's the standard you prefer to live down to. Now I'm beginning to see the possibilities for fundamental change with Trump.
Excuse me. I dont wish to live down to any standard. To the contrary, I am quite happy with the standards I have set for my life.

But I am a realist and I am not like you....I am not looking to poke holes in reality to prove it is wrong.

Here is reality......politicians make promises. If one likes the promise, one supports the promiser unless the promiser is proven to be a liar....although even then, people tend to believe.

Obama promised to change the way things are done in Washington. People believed him yet no one asked him how he plans to do it. He lied to them about public financing but people believed him anyway. He had a state and US senate record of pure partisanship but he promised to work in a bi partisan way and people believed him.


Because that is human nature. People believe what they want to believe.

You want to criticize me for recognizing human nature, go for it. But looking at your posts, you seem to have a lot of hatred and, to be quite frank, you seem quite miserable.


I am happy....and what other people believe has very little affect on my life.
So in other words: You have absolutely no idea why you believe Trump.
I don't believe trump. I don't think he believes himself to be honest.

But you asked why people believe Trump.

And I gave you an answer.(of which you ignored)

The only other answer is...well..."because they are assholes and idiots and dumbass fools"

But I don't believe that. I believe they want to believe him, so they do.

But you want to believe they are assholes and idiots and dumbass fools....

so go for it.
Your so called answer is insufficient.

It is fine for you to believe that.

When you take the additional step and claim that we don't have an answer for you question?

That is where you start acting like a complete asshole.

YOu asshole.
So in other words: You have absolutely no idea why you believe Trump.

HIs answer right here you dumbass liar.

"Here is reality......politicians make promises. If one likes the promise, one supports the promiser unless the promiser is proven to be a liar.."

That is an answer. That you don't agree doesn't mean it is not an answer.

You asshole.
All his answer shows is that both you and he have no idea why you believe Trump.

That you do not agree with our reason, does not mean the reason does not exist.

You are an asshole.
You never had a reason, that's why you have nothing to say now.
The reason I gave is the exact reason why anyone believes any candidate in any election.
No wrong again. Some candidates have a history of consistent positions on a number of issues. Some candidates can actually explain their positions with some measure of deductive reasoning. No such attributes could possibly characterize Trump.
HIs answer right here you dumbass liar.

"Here is reality......politicians make promises. If one likes the promise, one supports the promiser unless the promiser is proven to be a liar.."

That is an answer. That you don't agree doesn't mean it is not an answer.

You asshole.
All his answer shows is that both you and he have no idea why you believe Trump.

That you do not agree with our reason, does not mean the reason does not exist.

You are an asshole.
You never had a reason, that's why you have nothing to say now.

HIs answer right here you dumbass liar.

"Here is reality......politicians make promises. If one likes the promise, one supports the promiser unless the promiser is proven to be a liar.."

That is an answer. That you don't agree doesn't mean it is not an answer.

You asshole.
Keep barking ankle biter.

Here is reality......politicians make promises. If one likes the promise, one supports the promiser unless the promiser is proven to be a liar.."

That is an answer. That you don't agree doesn't mean it is not an answer.

You asshole.
So then that's the standard you prefer to live down to. Now I'm beginning to see the possibilities for fundamental change with Trump.
Excuse me. I dont wish to live down to any standard. To the contrary, I am quite happy with the standards I have set for my life.

But I am a realist and I am not like you....I am not looking to poke holes in reality to prove it is wrong.

Here is reality......politicians make promises. If one likes the promise, one supports the promiser unless the promiser is proven to be a liar....although even then, people tend to believe.

Obama promised to change the way things are done in Washington. People believed him yet no one asked him how he plans to do it. He lied to them about public financing but people believed him anyway. He had a state and US senate record of pure partisanship but he promised to work in a bi partisan way and people believed him.


Because that is human nature. People believe what they want to believe.

You want to criticize me for recognizing human nature, go for it. But looking at your posts, you seem to have a lot of hatred and, to be quite frank, you seem quite miserable.


I am happy....and what other people believe has very little affect on my life.
So in other words: You have absolutely no idea why you believe Trump.
I don't believe trump. I don't think he believes himself to be honest.

But you asked why people believe Trump.

And I gave you an answer.(of which you ignored)

The only other answer is...well..."because they are assholes and idiots and dumbass fools"

But I don't believe that. I believe they want to believe him, so they do.

But you want to believe they are assholes and idiots and dumbass fools....

so go for it.
Your so called answer is insufficient.

It is fine for you to believe that.

When you take the additional step and claim that we don't have an answer for you question?

That is where you start acting like a complete asshole.

YOu asshole.
Aren't you embarrassed to be this shallow and unsubstantial? You should be, it's a real problem for you.
Ask yourself...

When did the mainstream of conservatism embrace heavy government regulation of trade, in short, protectionism?

When did the mainstream of conservatism embrace a guarantee that Social Security be untouched?

1. When we realized that our current "Free Trade" is actually heavily and unfairly biased in the favor of our enemies and rivals.

2. When we realized that the government is not strong enough to "touch" it and survive.

So you admit that the free market fails on trade and must be regulated by the government. Yeah, no shit.

And we also ignore politicians who claim they're going to reform Social Security with privatized, market based, solutions?

Yeah, no shit.

See, this is what happens to conservatism. Eventually it sinks in, even through the thick conservative skull, that the fundamental principles of conservatism are doomed to fail, then,

conservatism liberalizes itself, and comes up with a new set of conservative principles, which in all likelihood will also eventually fails.
That is how progress drags conservatism along behind it.

I admit nothing.

The so called "Free Trade" we have at this point in time is not working out in our interests.

Why? Is it because it is not really "Free Trade" but a scam set up to benefit our enemies and rivals?

Or is it because we just are hopelessly unable to compete for whatever reason?

I don't know or care at this point in time.

But I do know that I want that situation to change.

IN our favor.
Excuse me. I dont wish to live down to any standard. To the contrary, I am quite happy with the standards I have set for my life.

But I am a realist and I am not like you....I am not looking to poke holes in reality to prove it is wrong.

Here is reality......politicians make promises. If one likes the promise, one supports the promiser unless the promiser is proven to be a liar....although even then, people tend to believe.

Obama promised to change the way things are done in Washington. People believed him yet no one asked him how he plans to do it. He lied to them about public financing but people believed him anyway. He had a state and US senate record of pure partisanship but he promised to work in a bi partisan way and people believed him.


Because that is human nature. People believe what they want to believe.

You want to criticize me for recognizing human nature, go for it. But looking at your posts, you seem to have a lot of hatred and, to be quite frank, you seem quite miserable.


I am happy....and what other people believe has very little affect on my life.
So in other words: You have absolutely no idea why you believe Trump.
I don't believe trump. I don't think he believes himself to be honest.

But you asked why people believe Trump.

And I gave you an answer.(of which you ignored)

The only other answer is...well..."because they are assholes and idiots and dumbass fools"

But I don't believe that. I believe they want to believe him, so they do.

But you want to believe they are assholes and idiots and dumbass fools....

so go for it.
Your so called answer is insufficient.

It is fine for you to believe that.

When you take the additional step and claim that we don't have an answer for you question?

That is where you start acting like a complete asshole.

YOu asshole.
Aren't you embarrassed to be this shallow and unsubstantial? You should be, it's a real problem for you.
So tell me.....whoever you voted for in 2007.....why did you believe him?
Excuse me. I dont wish to live down to any standard. To the contrary, I am quite happy with the standards I have set for my life.

But I am a realist and I am not like you....I am not looking to poke holes in reality to prove it is wrong.

Here is reality......politicians make promises. If one likes the promise, one supports the promiser unless the promiser is proven to be a liar....although even then, people tend to believe.

Obama promised to change the way things are done in Washington. People believed him yet no one asked him how he plans to do it. He lied to them about public financing but people believed him anyway. He had a state and US senate record of pure partisanship but he promised to work in a bi partisan way and people believed him.


Because that is human nature. People believe what they want to believe.

You want to criticize me for recognizing human nature, go for it. But looking at your posts, you seem to have a lot of hatred and, to be quite frank, you seem quite miserable.


I am happy....and what other people believe has very little affect on my life.
So in other words: You have absolutely no idea why you believe Trump.
I don't believe trump. I don't think he believes himself to be honest.

But you asked why people believe Trump.

And I gave you an answer.(of which you ignored)

The only other answer is...well..."because they are assholes and idiots and dumbass fools"

But I don't believe that. I believe they want to believe him, so they do.

But you want to believe they are assholes and idiots and dumbass fools....

so go for it.
Your so called answer is insufficient.

It is fine for you to believe that.

When you take the additional step and claim that we don't have an answer for you question?

That is where you start acting like a complete asshole.

YOu asshole.
Aren't you embarrassed to be this shallow and unsubstantial? You should be, it's a real problem for you.

Jarhead just kicked your ass.

As I did before in a very similar fashion.

Keep telling your self otherwise. Fool.
HIs answer right here you dumbass liar.

"Here is reality......politicians make promises. If one likes the promise, one supports the promiser unless the promiser is proven to be a liar.."

That is an answer. That you don't agree doesn't mean it is not an answer.

You asshole.
All his answer shows is that both you and he have no idea why you believe Trump.

That you do not agree with our reason, does not mean the reason does not exist.

You are an asshole.
You never had a reason, that's why you have nothing to say now.
The reason I gave is the exact reason why anyone believes any candidate in any election.
No wrong again. Some candidates have a history of consistent positions on a number of issues. Some candidates can actually explain their positions with some measure of deductive reasoning. No such attributes could possibly characterize Trump.
So then the only one you will ever believe is one who already held an elected position?

When you meet someone new, and they tell you don't necessarily believe them because you have no history to base it on?

And you call other shallow?
So in other words: You have absolutely no idea why you believe Trump.
I don't believe trump. I don't think he believes himself to be honest.

But you asked why people believe Trump.

And I gave you an answer.(of which you ignored)

The only other answer is...well..."because they are assholes and idiots and dumbass fools"

But I don't believe that. I believe they want to believe him, so they do.

But you want to believe they are assholes and idiots and dumbass fools....

so go for it.
Your so called answer is insufficient.

It is fine for you to believe that.

When you take the additional step and claim that we don't have an answer for you question?

That is where you start acting like a complete asshole.

YOu asshole.
Aren't you embarrassed to be this shallow and unsubstantial? You should be, it's a real problem for you.
So tell me.....whoever you voted for in 2007.....why did you believe him?
I voted for me in 2007, that's why.
Obama claimed to be bi partisan...but his voting record showed 95% party lines and 5% no vote. Never once voting with the other party.

So why did millions of people believe he would act in a bipartisan manner?
All his answer shows is that both you and he have no idea why you believe Trump.

That you do not agree with our reason, does not mean the reason does not exist.

You are an asshole.
You never had a reason, that's why you have nothing to say now.
The reason I gave is the exact reason why anyone believes any candidate in any election.
No wrong again. Some candidates have a history of consistent positions on a number of issues. Some candidates can actually explain their positions with some measure of deductive reasoning. No such attributes could possibly characterize Trump.
So then the only one you will ever believe is one who already held an elected position?

When you meet someone new, and they tell you don't necessarily believe them because you have no history to base it on?

And you call other shallow?
You have less than nothing upon which to base your faith in Trump.

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