Trump supporters like the attitude

I don't believe trump. I don't think he believes himself to be honest.

But you asked why people believe Trump.

And I gave you an answer.(of which you ignored)

The only other answer is...well..."because they are assholes and idiots and dumbass fools"

But I don't believe that. I believe they want to believe him, so they do.

But you want to believe they are assholes and idiots and dumbass fools....

so go for it.
Your so called answer is insufficient.

It is fine for you to believe that.

When you take the additional step and claim that we don't have an answer for you question?

That is where you start acting like a complete asshole.

YOu asshole.
Aren't you embarrassed to be this shallow and unsubstantial? You should be, it's a real problem for you.
So tell me.....whoever you voted for in 2007.....why did you believe him?
I voted for me in 2007, that's why.

But you have a history as a proven liar.
So in other words: You have absolutely no idea why you believe Trump.
I don't believe trump. I don't think he believes himself to be honest.

But you asked why people believe Trump.

And I gave you an answer.(of which you ignored)

The only other answer is...well..."because they are assholes and idiots and dumbass fools"

But I don't believe that. I believe they want to believe him, so they do.

But you want to believe they are assholes and idiots and dumbass fools....

so go for it.
Your so called answer is insufficient.

It is fine for you to believe that.

When you take the additional step and claim that we don't have an answer for you question?

That is where you start acting like a complete asshole.

YOu asshole.
Aren't you embarrassed to be this shallow and unsubstantial? You should be, it's a real problem for you.

Jarhead just kicked your ass.

As I did before in a very similar fashion.

Keep telling your self otherwise. Fool.
You keep kicking your own ass, you're just too slow to realize it.
I don't believe trump. I don't think he believes himself to be honest.

But you asked why people believe Trump.

And I gave you an answer.(of which you ignored)

The only other answer is...well..."because they are assholes and idiots and dumbass fools"

But I don't believe that. I believe they want to believe him, so they do.

But you want to believe they are assholes and idiots and dumbass fools....

so go for it.
Your so called answer is insufficient.

It is fine for you to believe that.

When you take the additional step and claim that we don't have an answer for you question?

That is where you start acting like a complete asshole.

YOu asshole.
Aren't you embarrassed to be this shallow and unsubstantial? You should be, it's a real problem for you.
So tell me.....whoever you voted for in 2007.....why did you believe him?
I voted for me in 2007, that's why.
and there you have it.

You have no trust in anyone because you don't believe working on a hunch is worthy....and the best you can do is trust only yourself.

I find that disturbing.
Your so called answer is insufficient.

It is fine for you to believe that.

When you take the additional step and claim that we don't have an answer for you question?

That is where you start acting like a complete asshole.

YOu asshole.
Aren't you embarrassed to be this shallow and unsubstantial? You should be, it's a real problem for you.
So tell me.....whoever you voted for in 2007.....why did you believe him?
I voted for me in 2007, that's why.

But you have a history as a proven liar.
Meaning I keep disputing your childish nonsense.
I don't believe trump. I don't think he believes himself to be honest.

But you asked why people believe Trump.

And I gave you an answer.(of which you ignored)

The only other answer is...well..."because they are assholes and idiots and dumbass fools"

But I don't believe that. I believe they want to believe him, so they do.

But you want to believe they are assholes and idiots and dumbass fools....

so go for it.
Your so called answer is insufficient.

It is fine for you to believe that.

When you take the additional step and claim that we don't have an answer for you question?

That is where you start acting like a complete asshole.

YOu asshole.
Aren't you embarrassed to be this shallow and unsubstantial? You should be, it's a real problem for you.

Jarhead just kicked your ass.

As I did before in a very similar fashion.

Keep telling your self otherwise. Fool.
You keep kicking your own ass, you're just too slow to realize it.
do you consider yourself an intelligent poster on here? I mean....this response of yours.....really? That's the best you got?
Your so called answer is insufficient.

It is fine for you to believe that.

When you take the additional step and claim that we don't have an answer for you question?

That is where you start acting like a complete asshole.

YOu asshole.
Aren't you embarrassed to be this shallow and unsubstantial? You should be, it's a real problem for you.
So tell me.....whoever you voted for in 2007.....why did you believe him?
I voted for me in 2007, that's why.
and there you have it.

You have no trust in anyone because you don't believe working on a hunch is worthy....and the best you can do is trust only yourself.

I find that disturbing.
You should be disturbed that you follow a bombastic demagogue for unknown reasons.
Your so called answer is insufficient.

It is fine for you to believe that.

When you take the additional step and claim that we don't have an answer for you question?

That is where you start acting like a complete asshole.

YOu asshole.
Aren't you embarrassed to be this shallow and unsubstantial? You should be, it's a real problem for you.

Jarhead just kicked your ass.

As I did before in a very similar fashion.

Keep telling your self otherwise. Fool.
You keep kicking your own ass, you're just too slow to realize it.
do you consider yourself an intelligent poster on here? I mean....this response of yours.....really? That's the best you got?
Being more intelligent than a Trump follower is nothing to brag about. No great accomplishment.
It is fine for you to believe that.

When you take the additional step and claim that we don't have an answer for you question?

That is where you start acting like a complete asshole.

YOu asshole.
Aren't you embarrassed to be this shallow and unsubstantial? You should be, it's a real problem for you.
So tell me.....whoever you voted for in 2007.....why did you believe him?
I voted for me in 2007, that's why.
and there you have it.

You have no trust in anyone because you don't believe working on a hunch is worthy....and the best you can do is trust only yourself.

I find that disturbing.
You should be disturbed that you follow a bombastic demagogue for unknown reasons.

YOu should be disturbed that you are such an asshole.
No, that just shows you abandoned conservatism. And, that's not necessarily wrong. The Republican party was really the "conservative" party in 1860. And when the Republicans had their real big crack up, the progressives and least conservative part of the party left to form TR's Bull Moose party. And, it was never really put back together again.

Conservatism does NOT require sticking to bad Trade Deals that are rigged against US.
Ronald Reagan on Free Trade

You got a point to make with that?
Yeah. Trump's the antithesis of Reagan. Which may be good or bad, but it sure as shit aint conservative.

Trump is a Nationalist and a Populist, not so much a Conservative.

So, what's that to you?
Not a thing. It simply seems to me that what was once the conservative party is blowing up.
It is fine for you to believe that.

When you take the additional step and claim that we don't have an answer for you question?

That is where you start acting like a complete asshole.

YOu asshole.
Aren't you embarrassed to be this shallow and unsubstantial? You should be, it's a real problem for you.
So tell me.....whoever you voted for in 2007.....why did you believe him?
I voted for me in 2007, that's why.
and there you have it.

You have no trust in anyone because you don't believe working on a hunch is worthy....and the best you can do is trust only yourself.

I find that disturbing.
You should be disturbed that you follow a bombastic demagogue for unknown reasons.
I agree...if that is what I do.

But it isn't. You just felt the need to paint it that way so you can continue to divert from my answer allowing you to continue to childishly bash people who you disagree with.

I get it.
Conservatism does NOT require sticking to bad Trade Deals that are rigged against US.
Ronald Reagan on Free Trade

You got a point to make with that?
Yeah. Trump's the antithesis of Reagan. Which may be good or bad, but it sure as shit aint conservative.

Trump is a Nationalist and a Populist, not so much a Conservative.

So, what's that to you?
Not a thing. It simply seems to me that what was once the conservative party is blowing up.
this country in this place of time does not need a conservative needs a party that respects conservative values but also respects the needs of progressives.
Conservatism does NOT require sticking to bad Trade Deals that are rigged against US.
Ronald Reagan on Free Trade

You got a point to make with that?
Yeah. Trump's the antithesis of Reagan. Which may be good or bad, but it sure as shit aint conservative.

Trump is a Nationalist and a Populist, not so much a Conservative.

So, what's that to you?
Not a thing. It simply seems to me that what was once the conservative party is blowing up.

Well, obviously.

Is anyone denying that?
Ask yourself...

When did the mainstream of conservatism embrace heavy government regulation of trade, in short, protectionism?

When did the mainstream of conservatism embrace a guarantee that Social Security be untouched?

1. When we realized that our current "Free Trade" is actually heavily and unfairly biased in the favor of our enemies and rivals.

2. When we realized that the government is not strong enough to "touch" it and survive.

So you admit that the free market fails on trade and must be regulated by the government. Yeah, no shit.

And we also ignore politicians who claim they're going to reform Social Security with privatized, market based, solutions?

Yeah, no shit.

See, this is what happens to conservatism. Eventually it sinks in, even through the thick conservative skull, that the fundamental principles of conservatism are doomed to fail, then,

conservatism liberalizes itself, and comes up with a new set of conservative principles, which in all likelihood will also eventually fails.
That is how progress drags conservatism along behind it.

I admit nothing.

The so called "Free Trade" we have at this point in time is not working out in our interests.

Why? Is it because it is not really "Free Trade" but a scam set up to benefit our enemies and rivals?

Or is it because we just are hopelessly unable to compete for whatever reason?

I don't know or care at this point in time.

But I do know that I want that situation to change.

IN our favor.

You didn't admit that trade must be heavily regulated by the government?

lol, you're mental.
Are Trump supporters true ideologues? Why do they flock to Trump?

When the Tea Party movement began seven years ago, they proclaimed themselves to be dyed in the wool Conservatives, dedicated to the orthodoxy of Conservative values. Smaller government, tax cuts across the board (except for the poor who would receive a radical tax hike), a reduction, if not end, to entitlement programs and a fervent defense of social issues like abortion and Gay marriage.

All these positions are in Ted Cruz's back pocket.

Why hasn't Cruz benefitted from massive Tea Party support? And, more interestingly, why has Donald Trump?

Are the Trump supporters enthralled by Trump's policies, or his swagger, his attitude, his anger and his bite?

Are those the qualities Trump supporters admire? Are Trump's policies sufficiently Conservative to pass muster with the Tea Party?

Has the right wing abandoned its political purity test, a test they used against Republican incumbents as they 'primaries' so many of them out of office? Or are they in love with the tough talk? So much in love to forget their own principles?

Style or substance? It seems to me, at least, that the political ethos of the Tea Party can be left on the stoop so long as a strutting, pompous, boorish thug is running as a Republican, no matter what his policies might be.

100% agreed--another interesting thing is Evangelicals went into Trump's column and kicked Cruz to the curb. So can we finally get OFF of abortion and Planned Parenthood PLEASE.. They don't belong anywhere on a political platform anyway, and they were the reason Obama secured a 2nd term in office.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

You're right I think most of Trumps supporters know he's never supported a conservative platform (smaller government) in his life until now. He really deserves a T.V. award for his "reality campaign performance" at this time.

He and his supporters have chased off every single voting block you can shake a stick at. Specially Latino's the largest minority party in this country at 17% or 23 million voters. 4.5 million Latino''s who have never voted have rushed into to register to vote, to vote against him. He is polling at a NEGATIVE 80% when the GOP nominee historically, since Reagan needs at least 40% of this block to win the White House. Women, the largest voting block in this country are going to be voting heavily for the 1st woman Presidential nominee in this nations history.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

Now 30-50% of the Republican party are refusing to vote for a Trump nominee, they'll be voting for Hillary Clinton instead. Here is the reason for that.
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump

So yes, you're right it's his swagger, his demeanor, and his promises of wall building, deportation and his attacks on the media when he can't answer specific questions. And his "we're going to make America great again." His experience is casino's, golf courses, hotels & somehow that equates to Commander & Chief to Trump supporters.

They think they have some type of John Wayne figure, but what they really have is Colonel Custer and they're part of the 7th calvary. An all white, angry, ignorant, bigoted mob doesn't win national elections.

The Tea Party has been lead like little lambs to the slaughter on election night, by Reich wing talk show hosts that have incited this anger within the Republican party, by attacking Republicans and have continually promoted candidates that cannot win the White House. They have exploited their hate, and their ignorance, all for ratings and profits.
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance
Let’s Elect Hillary Now

It's going to be a very blue night for the Republican party in November because of them. They have effectively shattered the party into pieces.

Last edited:
Ask yourself...

When did the mainstream of conservatism embrace heavy government regulation of trade, in short, protectionism?

When did the mainstream of conservatism embrace a guarantee that Social Security be untouched?

1. When we realized that our current "Free Trade" is actually heavily and unfairly biased in the favor of our enemies and rivals.

2. When we realized that the government is not strong enough to "touch" it and survive.

So you admit that the free market fails on trade and must be regulated by the government. Yeah, no shit.

And we also ignore politicians who claim they're going to reform Social Security with privatized, market based, solutions?

Yeah, no shit.

See, this is what happens to conservatism. Eventually it sinks in, even through the thick conservative skull, that the fundamental principles of conservatism are doomed to fail, then,

conservatism liberalizes itself, and comes up with a new set of conservative principles, which in all likelihood will also eventually fails.
That is how progress drags conservatism along behind it.

I admit nothing.

The so called "Free Trade" we have at this point in time is not working out in our interests.

Why? Is it because it is not really "Free Trade" but a scam set up to benefit our enemies and rivals?

Or is it because we just are hopelessly unable to compete for whatever reason?

I don't know or care at this point in time.

But I do know that I want that situation to change.

IN our favor.

You didn't admit that trade must be heavily regulated by the government?

lol, you're mental.

I stated that I do not believe that we have "Free Trade" with our trading partners at this time.

"Heavily regulated" sounds subjective. I certainly support contract enforcement, and standardized weights and measures for two examples.

I do not support nationalizing of any industries. I do not support high levels of corporate taxation.

INdeed, I have an issue with Double Taxation.

You seem to be trying to put words in my mouth.

What are you trying to say?
Aren't you embarrassed to be this shallow and unsubstantial? You should be, it's a real problem for you.
So tell me.....whoever you voted for in 2007.....why did you believe him?
I voted for me in 2007, that's why.
and there you have it.

You have no trust in anyone because you don't believe working on a hunch is worthy....and the best you can do is trust only yourself.

I find that disturbing.
You should be disturbed that you follow a bombastic demagogue for unknown reasons.
I agree...if that is what I do.

But it isn't. You just felt the need to paint it that way so you can continue to divert from my answer allowing you to continue to childishly bash people who you disagree with.

I get it.
No you don't get it at all. I'm saying all Trump followers are equally confused because they aren't making choices based on any kind of reasoning. Trump's appeal is entirely emotional. That's why he can say or do anything and his followers continue without questioning.
Ask yourself...

When did the mainstream of conservatism embrace heavy government regulation of trade, in short, protectionism?

When did the mainstream of conservatism embrace a guarantee that Social Security be untouched?

1. When we realized that our current "Free Trade" is actually heavily and unfairly biased in the favor of our enemies and rivals.

2. When we realized that the government is not strong enough to "touch" it and survive.

So you admit that the free market fails on trade and must be regulated by the government. Yeah, no shit.

And we also ignore politicians who claim they're going to reform Social Security with privatized, market based, solutions?

Yeah, no shit.

See, this is what happens to conservatism. Eventually it sinks in, even through the thick conservative skull, that the fundamental principles of conservatism are doomed to fail, then,

conservatism liberalizes itself, and comes up with a new set of conservative principles, which in all likelihood will also eventually fails.
That is how progress drags conservatism along behind it.

I admit nothing.

The so called "Free Trade" we have at this point in time is not working out in our interests.

Why? Is it because it is not really "Free Trade" but a scam set up to benefit our enemies and rivals?

Or is it because we just are hopelessly unable to compete for whatever reason?

I don't know or care at this point in time.

But I do know that I want that situation to change.

IN our favor.

You didn't admit that trade must be heavily regulated by the government?

lol, you're mental.

I stated that I do not believe that we have "Free Trade" with our trading partners at this time.

"Heavily regulated" sounds subjective. I certainly support contract enforcement, and standardized weights and measures for two examples.

I do not support nationalizing of any industries. I do not support high levels of corporate taxation.

INdeed, I have an issue with Double Taxation.

You seem to be trying to put words in my mouth.

What are you trying to say?

I'm pointing out that you people who hate government are lying.
Aren't you embarrassed to be this shallow and unsubstantial? You should be, it's a real problem for you.
So tell me.....whoever you voted for in 2007.....why did you believe him?
I voted for me in 2007, that's why.
and there you have it.

You have no trust in anyone because you don't believe working on a hunch is worthy....and the best you can do is trust only yourself.

I find that disturbing.
You should be disturbed that you follow a bombastic demagogue for unknown reasons.

YOu should be disturbed that you are such an asshole.
I'd be most disturbed if you were allowed to operate heavy machinery.
So tell me.....whoever you voted for in 2007.....why did you believe him?
I voted for me in 2007, that's why.
and there you have it.

You have no trust in anyone because you don't believe working on a hunch is worthy....and the best you can do is trust only yourself.

I find that disturbing.
You should be disturbed that you follow a bombastic demagogue for unknown reasons.
I agree...if that is what I do.

But it isn't. You just felt the need to paint it that way so you can continue to divert from my answer allowing you to continue to childishly bash people who you disagree with.

I get it.
No you don't get it at all. I'm saying all Trump followers are equally confused because they aren't making choices based on any kind of reasoning. Trump's appeal is entirely emotional. That's why he can say or do anything and his followers continue without questioning.
exactly how Sanders is doing it....exactly how Obama did it....exactly how the Democrats secure the black vote and the women vote.....

So I guess pretty much all those that support a candidate is the kind of idiot you describe a Trump supporter to be.

I don't see that as being an idiot. I see it as human nature to support a candidate who says what you want to hear.

But i'll tell you what....... I will simply say...."you are right".


End of this useless dialogue.

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