Trump supporters like the attitude

He's makes fun of women, people with birth defects, calls Mexicans rapists, and is a disgusting human being. That appeals to some people
Being employed also appeals to some people.

The Dems have proposed college for all Americans and being able to restructure your student debt. That will unlock positions for people. Fact.

What had Trump proposed?
The ONLY Pro-American candidate is Sanders.
Hillary makes her living from giving speeches to Goldman-Sachs, so I don't believe anything she says.

I see why you think Hillary may allow her greed to trump over her acting in the best interest of America.
I see why you think Trump may allow his desire for personal gain to be more important to him than the best interest of America.

I don't necessarily agree with you as it pertains to both...but I can understand why you may think that.


Why do you see Kasich or Cruz as not being pro American?
Trump talks Pro-America without having to be prompted to do so.
Cruz and Kasich are non-Ricardian Free Market f'ers.
lol. Sorry I asked. I should have realized. I actually thought your original comment had more than just personal sentiment behind it.
My bad.
Are Trump supporters true ideologues? Why do they flock to Trump?

When the Tea Party movement began seven years ago, they proclaimed themselves to be dyed in the wool Conservatives, dedicated to the orthodoxy of Conservative values. Smaller government, tax cuts across the board (except for the poor who would receive a radical tax hike), a reduction, if not end, to entitlement programs and a fervent defense of social issues like abortion and Gay marriage.

All these positions are in Ted Cruz's back pocket.

Why hasn't Cruz benefitted from massive Tea Party support? And, more interestingly, why has Donald Trump?

Are the Trump supporters enthralled by Trump's policies, or his swagger, his attitude, his anger and his bite?

Are those the qualities Trump supporters admire? Are Trump's policies sufficiently Conservative to pass muster with the Tea Party?

Has the right wing abandoned its political purity test, a test they used against Republican incumbents as they 'primaries' so many of them out of office? Or are they in love with the tough talk? So much in love to forget their own principles?

Style or substance? It seems to me, at least, that the political ethos of the Tea Party can be left on the stoop so long as a strutting, pompous, boorish thug is running as a Republican, no matter what his policies might be.

Trump is the Great Divider, that is what is attracting a large contingent of the Right.
of course.
Afterall, that's all you got.
Are Trump supporters true ideologues? Why do they flock to Trump?

When the Tea Party movement began seven years ago, they proclaimed themselves to be dyed in the wool Conservatives, dedicated to the orthodoxy of Conservative values. Smaller government, tax cuts across the board (except for the poor who would receive a radical tax hike), a reduction, if not end, to entitlement programs and a fervent defense of social issues like abortion and Gay marriage.

All these positions are in Ted Cruz's back pocket.

Why hasn't Cruz benefitted from massive Tea Party support? And, more interestingly, why has Donald Trump?

Are the Trump supporters enthralled by Trump's policies, or his swagger, his attitude, his anger and his bite?

Are those the qualities Trump supporters admire? Are Trump's policies sufficiently Conservative to pass muster with the Tea Party?

Has the right wing abandoned its political purity test, a test they used against Republican incumbents as they 'primaries' so many of them out of office? Or are they in love with the tough talk? So much in love to forget their own principles?

Style or substance? It seems to me, at least, that the political ethos of the Tea Party can be left on the stoop so long as a strutting, pompous, boorish thug is running as a Republican, no matter what his policies might be.

Trump is the Great Divider, that is what is attracting a large contingent of the Right.
of course.
Afterall, that's all you got.

Go back and read all my posts for the last 6 months regarding Trump and see if that's 'all I got'.
Ask yourself...

When did the mainstream of conservatism embrace heavy government regulation of trade, in short, protectionism?

When did the mainstream of conservatism embrace a guarantee that Social Security be untouched?
Ask yourself...

When did the mainstream of conservatism embrace heavy government regulation of trade, in short, protectionism?

When did the mainstream of conservatism embrace a guarantee that Social Security be untouched?

1. When we realized that our current "Free Trade" is actually heavily and unfairly biased in the favor of our enemies and rivals.

2. When we realized that the government is not strong enough to "touch" it and survive.
Ask yourself...

When did the mainstream of conservatism embrace heavy government regulation of trade, in short, protectionism?

When did the mainstream of conservatism embrace a guarantee that Social Security be untouched?

1. When we realized that our current "Free Trade" is actually heavily and unfairly biased in the favor of our enemies and rivals.

2. When we realized that the government is not strong enough to "touch" it and survive.
No, that just shows you abandoned conservatism. And, that's not necessarily wrong. The Republican party was really the "conservative" party in 1860. And when the Republicans had their real big crack up, the progressives and least conservative part of the party left to form TR's Bull Moose party. And, it was never really put back together again.
Ask yourself...

When did the mainstream of conservatism embrace heavy government regulation of trade, in short, protectionism?

When did the mainstream of conservatism embrace a guarantee that Social Security be untouched?

1. When we realized that our current "Free Trade" is actually heavily and unfairly biased in the favor of our enemies and rivals.

2. When we realized that the government is not strong enough to "touch" it and survive.
No, that just shows you abandoned conservatism. And, that's not necessarily wrong. The Republican party was really the "conservative" party in 1860. And when the Republicans had their real big crack up, the progressives and least conservative part of the party left to form TR's Bull Moose party. And, it was never really put back together again.
you realize, I am sure, that the more the demcoratic party caters to the far left, the more likely the same thing will happen to them that happened to the republican party.
Ask yourself...

When did the mainstream of conservatism embrace heavy government regulation of trade, in short, protectionism?

When did the mainstream of conservatism embrace a guarantee that Social Security be untouched?

1. When we realized that our current "Free Trade" is actually heavily and unfairly biased in the favor of our enemies and rivals.

2. When we realized that the government is not strong enough to "touch" it and survive.
No, that just shows you abandoned conservatism. And, that's not necessarily wrong. The Republican party was really the "conservative" party in 1860. And when the Republicans had their real big crack up, the progressives and least conservative part of the party left to form TR's Bull Moose party. And, it was never really put back together again.

Conservatism does NOT require sticking to bad Trade Deals that are rigged against US.
Ask yourself...

When did the mainstream of conservatism embrace heavy government regulation of trade, in short, protectionism?

When did the mainstream of conservatism embrace a guarantee that Social Security be untouched?

1. When we realized that our current "Free Trade" is actually heavily and unfairly biased in the favor of our enemies and rivals.

2. When we realized that the government is not strong enough to "touch" it and survive.
No, that just shows you abandoned conservatism. And, that's not necessarily wrong. The Republican party was really the "conservative" party in 1860. And when the Republicans had their real big crack up, the progressives and least conservative part of the party left to form TR's Bull Moose party. And, it was never really put back together again.

Conservatism does NOT require sticking to bad Trade Deals that are rigged against US.
and wanting to fix bad trade deals that are rigged against the US does not require a conservative.
Ask yourself...

When did the mainstream of conservatism embrace heavy government regulation of trade, in short, protectionism?

When did the mainstream of conservatism embrace a guarantee that Social Security be untouched?

1. When we realized that our current "Free Trade" is actually heavily and unfairly biased in the favor of our enemies and rivals.

2. When we realized that the government is not strong enough to "touch" it and survive.
No, that just shows you abandoned conservatism. And, that's not necessarily wrong. The Republican party was really the "conservative" party in 1860. And when the Republicans had their real big crack up, the progressives and least conservative part of the party left to form TR's Bull Moose party. And, it was never really put back together again.

Conservatism does NOT require sticking to bad Trade Deals that are rigged against US.
and wanting to fix bad trade deals that are rigged against the US does not require a conservative.

That is true.
Ask yourself...

When did the mainstream of conservatism embrace heavy government regulation of trade, in short, protectionism?

When did the mainstream of conservatism embrace a guarantee that Social Security be untouched?

1. When we realized that our current "Free Trade" is actually heavily and unfairly biased in the favor of our enemies and rivals.

2. When we realized that the government is not strong enough to "touch" it and survive.
No, that just shows you abandoned conservatism. And, that's not necessarily wrong. The Republican party was really the "conservative" party in 1860. And when the Republicans had their real big crack up, the progressives and least conservative part of the party left to form TR's Bull Moose party. And, it was never really put back together again.

Conservatism does NOT require sticking to bad Trade Deals that are rigged against US.
Ronald Reagan on Free Trade
Ask yourself...

When did the mainstream of conservatism embrace heavy government regulation of trade, in short, protectionism?

When did the mainstream of conservatism embrace a guarantee that Social Security be untouched?

1. When we realized that our current "Free Trade" is actually heavily and unfairly biased in the favor of our enemies and rivals.

2. When we realized that the government is not strong enough to "touch" it and survive.
No, that just shows you abandoned conservatism. And, that's not necessarily wrong. The Republican party was really the "conservative" party in 1860. And when the Republicans had their real big crack up, the progressives and least conservative part of the party left to form TR's Bull Moose party. And, it was never really put back together again.

Conservatism does NOT require sticking to bad Trade Deals that are rigged against US.
Ronald Reagan on Free Trade

You got a point to make with that?
Ask yourself...

When did the mainstream of conservatism embrace heavy government regulation of trade, in short, protectionism?

When did the mainstream of conservatism embrace a guarantee that Social Security be untouched?

1. When we realized that our current "Free Trade" is actually heavily and unfairly biased in the favor of our enemies and rivals.

2. When we realized that the government is not strong enough to "touch" it and survive.
No, that just shows you abandoned conservatism. And, that's not necessarily wrong. The Republican party was really the "conservative" party in 1860. And when the Republicans had their real big crack up, the progressives and least conservative part of the party left to form TR's Bull Moose party. And, it was never really put back together again.

Conservatism does NOT require sticking to bad Trade Deals that are rigged against US.
Ronald Reagan on Free Trade

You got a point to make with that?
Yeah. Trump's the antithesis of Reagan. Which may be good or bad, but it sure as shit aint conservative.
One of Trump's most eloquent spokesmen.

I've been quite eloquent with you.

You just choose to lie about it.



Eloquent might be kind of stretch, but you are very persistent in avoiding the question. You've made all kinds of contortions around it. But you've failed completely to explain why you believe Trump.


Clearly and simply explained my reasons, and you, being a lying asshole pretended that I did not.

That's what you keep saying without ever actually explaining anything.

1. When we realized that our current "Free Trade" is actually heavily and unfairly biased in the favor of our enemies and rivals.

2. When we realized that the government is not strong enough to "touch" it and survive.
No, that just shows you abandoned conservatism. And, that's not necessarily wrong. The Republican party was really the "conservative" party in 1860. And when the Republicans had their real big crack up, the progressives and least conservative part of the party left to form TR's Bull Moose party. And, it was never really put back together again.

Conservatism does NOT require sticking to bad Trade Deals that are rigged against US.
Ronald Reagan on Free Trade

You got a point to make with that?
Yeah. Trump's the antithesis of Reagan. Which may be good or bad, but it sure as shit aint conservative.

Trump is a Nationalist and a Populist, not so much a Conservative.

So, what's that to you?
Ever notice how not even one Trump follower can explain why they believe Trump? They have no idea, they just know that they do.
to the contrary, I have seen on the news interviews with Trump supporters who make it quite clear as to why they support him.

Ironically, I rarely hear anyone give a good reason to support Hillary. They all same the same thing..

Q: Why do you support her
A: Because she is so accomplished

Q: What has she accomplished?
A: She was Secretary of State.

Q: How is that an accomplishment?
A: It take a special person to succeed as Secretary of State

Q: How do you define her success as Secretary of State?
A: How do you define the success of any Secretary of State.

Q: So if you can not define her as successful as Secretary of State, how do you know she was successful?
A: It is obvious. She travelled more than any Secretary of State in history

Q: How does that equate to success?
A: What are you, a Fox News reporter?
But they just can't seem to explain why they believe him.
No. They cant. But then again, no one was able to explain why they belied then Senator Obama. People supported him because they wanted to believe him.

It is what it is.

But this time around, you want to attack those that are doing what you did 8 years ago.
So then that's the standard you prefer to live down to. Now I'm beginning to see the possibilities for fundamental change with Trump.
Excuse me. I dont wish to live down to any standard. To the contrary, I am quite happy with the standards I have set for my life.

But I am a realist and I am not like you....I am not looking to poke holes in reality to prove it is wrong.

Here is reality......politicians make promises. If one likes the promise, one supports the promiser unless the promiser is proven to be a liar....although even then, people tend to believe.

Obama promised to change the way things are done in Washington. People believed him yet no one asked him how he plans to do it. He lied to them about public financing but people believed him anyway. He had a state and US senate record of pure partisanship but he promised to work in a bi partisan way and people believed him.


Because that is human nature. People believe what they want to believe.

You want to criticize me for recognizing human nature, go for it. But looking at your posts, you seem to have a lot of hatred and, to be quite frank, you seem quite miserable.


I am happy....and what other people believe has very little affect on my life.
So in other words: You have absolutely no idea why you believe Trump.
I've been quite eloquent with you.

You just choose to lie about it.



Eloquent might be kind of stretch, but you are very persistent in avoiding the question. You've made all kinds of contortions around it. But you've failed completely to explain why you believe Trump.


Clearly and simply explained my reasons, and you, being a lying asshole pretended that I did not.

That's what you keep saying without ever actually explaining anything.


NOpe. YOu are the one lying. You. NOt me. You.

Maybe you have convinced yourself otherwise, and you really believe the nonsense that comes out of your piehole.

Don't know. DOn't care.

to the contrary, I have seen on the news interviews with Trump supporters who make it quite clear as to why they support him.

Ironically, I rarely hear anyone give a good reason to support Hillary. They all same the same thing..

Q: Why do you support her
A: Because she is so accomplished

Q: What has she accomplished?
A: She was Secretary of State.

Q: How is that an accomplishment?
A: It take a special person to succeed as Secretary of State

Q: How do you define her success as Secretary of State?
A: How do you define the success of any Secretary of State.

Q: So if you can not define her as successful as Secretary of State, how do you know she was successful?
A: It is obvious. She travelled more than any Secretary of State in history

Q: How does that equate to success?
A: What are you, a Fox News reporter?
But they just can't seem to explain why they believe him.
No. They cant. But then again, no one was able to explain why they belied then Senator Obama. People supported him because they wanted to believe him.

It is what it is.

But this time around, you want to attack those that are doing what you did 8 years ago.
So then that's the standard you prefer to live down to. Now I'm beginning to see the possibilities for fundamental change with Trump.
Excuse me. I dont wish to live down to any standard. To the contrary, I am quite happy with the standards I have set for my life.

But I am a realist and I am not like you....I am not looking to poke holes in reality to prove it is wrong.

Here is reality......politicians make promises. If one likes the promise, one supports the promiser unless the promiser is proven to be a liar....although even then, people tend to believe.

Obama promised to change the way things are done in Washington. People believed him yet no one asked him how he plans to do it. He lied to them about public financing but people believed him anyway. He had a state and US senate record of pure partisanship but he promised to work in a bi partisan way and people believed him.


Because that is human nature. People believe what they want to believe.

You want to criticize me for recognizing human nature, go for it. But looking at your posts, you seem to have a lot of hatred and, to be quite frank, you seem quite miserable.


I am happy....and what other people believe has very little affect on my life.
So in other words: You have absolutely no idea why you believe Trump.

HIs answer right here you dumbass liar.

"Here is reality......politicians make promises. If one likes the promise, one supports the promiser unless the promiser is proven to be a liar.."

That is an answer. That you don't agree doesn't mean it is not an answer.

You asshole.
Eloquent might be kind of stretch, but you are very persistent in avoiding the question. You've made all kinds of contortions around it. But you've failed completely to explain why you believe Trump.


Clearly and simply explained my reasons, and you, being a lying asshole pretended that I did not.

That's what you keep saying without ever actually explaining anything.


NOpe. YOu are the one lying. You. NOt me. You.

Maybe you have convinced yourself otherwise, and you really believe the nonsense that comes out of your piehole.

Don't know. DOn't care.


Keep repeating it to yourself Dorothy.
But they just can't seem to explain why they believe him.
No. They cant. But then again, no one was able to explain why they belied then Senator Obama. People supported him because they wanted to believe him.

It is what it is.

But this time around, you want to attack those that are doing what you did 8 years ago.
So then that's the standard you prefer to live down to. Now I'm beginning to see the possibilities for fundamental change with Trump.
Excuse me. I dont wish to live down to any standard. To the contrary, I am quite happy with the standards I have set for my life.

But I am a realist and I am not like you....I am not looking to poke holes in reality to prove it is wrong.

Here is reality......politicians make promises. If one likes the promise, one supports the promiser unless the promiser is proven to be a liar....although even then, people tend to believe.

Obama promised to change the way things are done in Washington. People believed him yet no one asked him how he plans to do it. He lied to them about public financing but people believed him anyway. He had a state and US senate record of pure partisanship but he promised to work in a bi partisan way and people believed him.


Because that is human nature. People believe what they want to believe.

You want to criticize me for recognizing human nature, go for it. But looking at your posts, you seem to have a lot of hatred and, to be quite frank, you seem quite miserable.


I am happy....and what other people believe has very little affect on my life.
So in other words: You have absolutely no idea why you believe Trump.

HIs answer right here you dumbass liar.

"Here is reality......politicians make promises. If one likes the promise, one supports the promiser unless the promiser is proven to be a liar.."

That is an answer. That you don't agree doesn't mean it is not an answer.

You asshole.
All his answer shows is that both you and he have no idea why you believe Trump.

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