Trump supporters like the attitude

Trump supporters are anarchists who only praise the Constitution when it supports their agenda.
I don't think they're Anarchists. I think they embrace the power of the government to advance their agenda. Only an over reaching government can stop Muslims from immigrating. Only an over reaching government can stifle dissent. Only an over reaching government can start a tariff war, bomb the shit out of ISIS or roll back civil rights.

No, they aren't Anarchists.
They want a Dictator....we have at least one Drumpf supporter here who has said so repeatedly.
Are Trump supporters true ideologues? Why do they flock to Trump?

When the Tea Party movement began seven years ago, they proclaimed themselves to be dyed in the wool Conservatives, dedicated to the orthodoxy of Conservative values. Smaller government, tax cuts across the board (except for the poor who would receive a radical tax hike), a reduction, if not end, to entitlement programs and a fervent defense of social issues like abortion and Gay marriage.

All these positions are in Ted Cruz's back pocket.

Why hasn't Cruz benefitted from massive Tea Party support? And, more interestingly, why has Donald Trump?

Are the Trump supporters enthralled by Trump's policies, or his swagger, his attitude, his anger and his bite?

Are those the qualities Trump supporters admire? Are Trump's policies sufficiently Conservative to pass muster with the Tea Party?

Has the right wing abandoned its political purity test, a test they used against Republican incumbents as they 'primaries' so many of them out of office? Or are they in love with the tough talk? So much in love to forget their own principles?

Style or substance? It seems to me, at least, that the political ethos of the Tea Party can be left on the stoop so long as a strutting, pompous, boorish thug is running as a Republican, no matter what his policies might be.
The Trump candidacy is a real tribute to the unfortunate ascendency of form over substance.
Are Trump supporters true ideologues? Why do they flock to Trump?

When the Tea Party movement began seven years ago, they proclaimed themselves to be dyed in the wool Conservatives, dedicated to the orthodoxy of Conservative values. Smaller government, tax cuts across the board (except for the poor who would receive a radical tax hike), a reduction, if not end, to entitlement programs and a fervent defense of social issues like abortion and Gay marriage.

All these positions are in Ted Cruz's back pocket.

Why hasn't Cruz benefitted from massive Tea Party support? And, more interestingly, why has Donald Trump?

Are the Trump supporters enthralled by Trump's policies, or his swagger, his attitude, his anger and his bite?

Are those the qualities Trump supporters admire? Are Trump's policies sufficiently Conservative to pass muster with the Tea Party?

Has the right wing abandoned its political purity test, a test they used against Republican incumbents as they 'primaries' so many of them out of office? Or are they in love with the tough talk? So much in love to forget their own principles?

Style or substance? It seems to me, at least, that the political ethos of the Tea Party can be left on the stoop so long as a strutting, pompous, boorish thug is running as a Republican, no matter what his policies might be.

It's a cult of personality.
A cult of stupidity based on personality.
It seems to me, at least, that the political ethos of the Tea Party can be left on the stoop so long as a strutting, pompous, boorish thug is running as a Republican, no matter what his policies might be.

Trump is nothing compared to Hillary. She let four men die with no backup. She let her husband prey on women unabated. She kept 2000+ classified emails on her server and deleted them, with 22 of them being too sensitive to declassify.
The questio9n is not who is better or who is worse. The question is about the ideology of Trump supporters. Whether those supporters are the same ideologically pure Tea Party types who caused a rift in the GOP or those supporters simply are attracted to the style of Donald Trump.

The Tea Party began a purge of what they saw as RINOS and drove many incumbent Republicans out of their seats through the primary process. Are these the same rock ribbed ideologues now in Trump's camp? If so, why did their firm belief in Tea Party values get tossed aside for the likes of Trump?

Were those values so dear, or are they expendable if offered a tough talking, vulgar man such as Donald Trump?
Ever notice how not even one Trump follower can explain why they believe Trump? They have no idea, they just know that they do.

Not what? A trump supporter? Okay....are you voting for any incumbents this year?

You know what? You are trying to pick a fight where there is none. I have not made up my mind yet, other than I shall never vote for Hillary.
Maybe I just won't vote. My prerogative, AND my decision...alone. I am in a wait/see mode. Not too crazy about Cruz.
I have thought that about the DC establishment for a long time...btw. It is not new.

Its incredibly bewildering trying to figure out the mind of a republican these days.

Same here...especially since I am not a Republican. I am not a Party person, period.

It's more bewildering trying to figure out conservative values...
Conservative values in a political context are completely meaningless, they are constantly shifting. The most important human values, the things that are most valuable to me, never change. That would be true conservatism. The Trump candidacy is anything but conservative.
Are Trump supporters true ideologues? Why do they flock to Trump?

When the Tea Party movement began seven years ago, they proclaimed themselves to be dyed in the wool Conservatives, dedicated to the orthodoxy of Conservative values. Smaller government, tax cuts across the board (except for the poor who would receive a radical tax hike), a reduction, if not end, to entitlement programs and a fervent defense of social issues like abortion and Gay marriage.

All these positions are in Ted Cruz's back pocket.

Why hasn't Cruz benefitted from massive Tea Party support? And, more interestingly, why has Donald Trump?

Are the Trump supporters enthralled by Trump's policies, or his swagger, his attitude, his anger and his bite?

Are those the qualities Trump supporters admire? Are Trump's policies sufficiently Conservative to pass muster with the Tea Party?

Has the right wing abandoned its political purity test, a test they used against Republican incumbents as they 'primaries' so many of them out of office? Or are they in love with the tough talk? So much in love to forget their own principles?

Style or substance? It seems to me, at least, that the political ethos of the Tea Party can be left on the stoop so long as a strutting, pompous, boorish thug is running as a Republican, no matter what his policies might be.
Seems to me you are not paying attention.
Your premise is wrong, your conclusions are wrong and therefore your questions have no relevancy.
It seems to me, at least, that the political ethos of the Tea Party can be left on the stoop so long as a strutting, pompous, boorish thug is running as a Republican, no matter what his policies might be.

Trump is nothing compared to Hillary. She let four men die with no backup. She let her husband prey on women unabated. She kept 2000+ classified emails on her server and deleted them, with 22 of them being too sensitive to declassify.
The questio9n is not who is better or who is worse. The question is about the ideology of Trump supporters. Whether those supporters are the same ideologically pure Tea Party types who caused a rift in the GOP or those supporters simply are attracted to the style of Donald Trump.

The Tea Party began a purge of what they saw as RINOS and drove many incumbent Republicans out of their seats through the primary process. Are these the same rock ribbed ideologues now in Trump's camp? If so, why did their firm belief in Tea Party values get tossed aside for the likes of Trump?

Were those values so dear, or are they expendable if offered a tough talking, vulgar man such as Donald Trump?
Ever notice how not even one Trump follower can explain why they believe Trump? They have no idea, they just know that they do.

Says the liar who just dismisses everything trump supporters tell him, to maintain his own lie, if only inside his moronic brain.
Liberals are discombobulated, Trump is peeling away Democrats who want a job and are sick of illegals running amok.
It's a campaign driven by fear and division. Is that the best Trump has to offer?

Can his vulgarity be the most appealing quality?

Compared to what cheating on your wife and banging an intern in the oval office? You people got no cred, zero. :laugh: the person you refer to running for President?
Not what? A trump supporter? Okay....are you voting for any incumbents this year?

You know what? You are trying to pick a fight where there is none. I have not made up my mind yet, other than I shall never vote for Hillary.
Maybe I just won't vote. My prerogative, AND my decision...alone. I am in a wait/see mode. Not too crazy about Cruz.
I have thought that about the DC establishment for a long time...btw. It is not new.

Its incredibly bewildering trying to figure out the mind of a republican these days.

Same here...especially since I am not a Republican. I am not a Party person, period.

It's more bewildering trying to figure out conservative values...
Conservative values in a political context are completely meaningless, they are constantly shifting. The most important human values, the things that are most valuable to me, never change. That would be true conservatism. The Trump candidacy is anything but conservative.
no. He is not a conservative nor is his candidacy.
Most of his supporters wouldn't know conservatism if it hit them in the face. They know two things....they are sick and tired of hearing about how government will take their money to make their lives better and not do it...and they are sick and tired of Washington doing absolutely nothing but blame the other side of the aisle.

They support him because the establishment doesn't. It is that simple. They finally have someone who says what they want to hear without all of the political correctiveness getting in the way.

What they dont realize is....without the establishment in congress, Trump wont be able to do most of anything he says.

Same holds true for Bernie.

They both say what they believe the people want to hear....and neither will be able to get congress to work with them.

In my eyes, their high numbers of support are not support for them as candidates...instead, it is evidence of how people have had it with the establishment.
Liberals are discombobulated, Trump is peeling away Democrats who want a job and are sick of illegals running amok.
It's a campaign driven by fear and division. Is that the best Trump has to offer?

Can his vulgarity be the most appealing quality?

Compared to what cheating on your wife and banging an intern in the oval office? You people got no cred, zero. :laugh: the person you refer to running for President?
No...the one running for president blamed the "other woman"...

Sort of an indication of the character of the candidate.
It seems to me, at least, that the political ethos of the Tea Party can be left on the stoop so long as a strutting, pompous, boorish thug is running as a Republican, no matter what his policies might be.

Trump is nothing compared to Hillary. She let four men die with no backup. She let her husband prey on women unabated. She kept 2000+ classified emails on her server and deleted them, with 22 of them being too sensitive to declassify.
The questio9n is not who is better or who is worse. The question is about the ideology of Trump supporters. Whether those supporters are the same ideologically pure Tea Party types who caused a rift in the GOP or those supporters simply are attracted to the style of Donald Trump.

The Tea Party began a purge of what they saw as RINOS and drove many incumbent Republicans out of their seats through the primary process. Are these the same rock ribbed ideologues now in Trump's camp? If so, why did their firm belief in Tea Party values get tossed aside for the likes of Trump?

Were those values so dear, or are they expendable if offered a tough talking, vulgar man such as Donald Trump?
Ever notice how not even one Trump follower can explain why they believe Trump? They have no idea, they just know that they do.
You're a lib. Therefore, you are a braindead government leech and your posts don't count.
It seems to me, at least, that the political ethos of the Tea Party can be left on the stoop so long as a strutting, pompous, boorish thug is running as a Republican, no matter what his policies might be.

Trump is nothing compared to Hillary. She let four men die with no backup. She let her husband prey on women unabated. She kept 2000+ classified emails on her server and deleted them, with 22 of them being too sensitive to declassify.
The questio9n is not who is better or who is worse. The question is about the ideology of Trump supporters. Whether those supporters are the same ideologically pure Tea Party types who caused a rift in the GOP or those supporters simply are attracted to the style of Donald Trump.

The Tea Party began a purge of what they saw as RINOS and drove many incumbent Republicans out of their seats through the primary process. Are these the same rock ribbed ideologues now in Trump's camp? If so, why did their firm belief in Tea Party values get tossed aside for the likes of Trump?

Were those values so dear, or are they expendable if offered a tough talking, vulgar man such as Donald Trump?
Ever notice how not even one Trump follower can explain why they believe Trump? They have no idea, they just know that they do.
to the contrary, I have seen on the news interviews with Trump supporters who make it quite clear as to why they support him.

Ironically, I rarely hear anyone give a good reason to support Hillary. They all same the same thing..

Q: Why do you support her
A: Because she is so accomplished

Q: What has she accomplished?
A: She was Secretary of State.

Q: How is that an accomplishment?
A: It take a special person to succeed as Secretary of State

Q: How do you define her success as Secretary of State?
A: How do you define the success of any Secretary of State.

Q: So if you can not define her as successful as Secretary of State, how do you know she was successful?
A: It is obvious. She travelled more than any Secretary of State in history

Q: How does that equate to success?
A: What are you, a Fox News reporter?
It seems to me, at least, that the political ethos of the Tea Party can be left on the stoop so long as a strutting, pompous, boorish thug is running as a Republican, no matter what his policies might be.

Trump is nothing compared to Hillary. She let four men die with no backup. She let her husband prey on women unabated. She kept 2000+ classified emails on her server and deleted them, with 22 of them being too sensitive to declassify.
The questio9n is not who is better or who is worse. The question is about the ideology of Trump supporters. Whether those supporters are the same ideologically pure Tea Party types who caused a rift in the GOP or those supporters simply are attracted to the style of Donald Trump.

The Tea Party began a purge of what they saw as RINOS and drove many incumbent Republicans out of their seats through the primary process. Are these the same rock ribbed ideologues now in Trump's camp? If so, why did their firm belief in Tea Party values get tossed aside for the likes of Trump?

Were those values so dear, or are they expendable if offered a tough talking, vulgar man such as Donald Trump?
Ever notice how not even one Trump follower can explain why they believe Trump? They have no idea, they just know that they do.
You're a lib. Therefore, you are a braindead government leech and your posts don't count.
You're too fucking stupid to have an opinion.
It seems to me, at least, that the political ethos of the Tea Party can be left on the stoop so long as a strutting, pompous, boorish thug is running as a Republican, no matter what his policies might be.

Trump is nothing compared to Hillary. She let four men die with no backup. She let her husband prey on women unabated. She kept 2000+ classified emails on her server and deleted them, with 22 of them being too sensitive to declassify.
The questio9n is not who is better or who is worse. The question is about the ideology of Trump supporters. Whether those supporters are the same ideologically pure Tea Party types who caused a rift in the GOP or those supporters simply are attracted to the style of Donald Trump.

The Tea Party began a purge of what they saw as RINOS and drove many incumbent Republicans out of their seats through the primary process. Are these the same rock ribbed ideologues now in Trump's camp? If so, why did their firm belief in Tea Party values get tossed aside for the likes of Trump?

Were those values so dear, or are they expendable if offered a tough talking, vulgar man such as Donald Trump?
Ever notice how not even one Trump follower can explain why they believe Trump? They have no idea, they just know that they do.
to the contrary, I have seen on the news interviews with Trump supporters who make it quite clear as to why they support him.

Ironically, I rarely hear anyone give a good reason to support Hillary. They all same the same thing..

Q: Why do you support her
A: Because she is so accomplished

Q: What has she accomplished?
A: She was Secretary of State.

Q: How is that an accomplishment?
A: It take a special person to succeed as Secretary of State

Q: How do you define her success as Secretary of State?
A: How do you define the success of any Secretary of State.

Q: So if you can not define her as successful as Secretary of State, how do you know she was successful?
A: It is obvious. She travelled more than any Secretary of State in history

Q: How does that equate to success?
A: What are you, a Fox News reporter?
But they just can't seem to explain why they believe him.
It seems to me, at least, that the political ethos of the Tea Party can be left on the stoop so long as a strutting, pompous, boorish thug is running as a Republican, no matter what his policies might be.

Trump is nothing compared to Hillary. She let four men die with no backup. She let her husband prey on women unabated. She kept 2000+ classified emails on her server and deleted them, with 22 of them being too sensitive to declassify.
The questio9n is not who is better or who is worse. The question is about the ideology of Trump supporters. Whether those supporters are the same ideologically pure Tea Party types who caused a rift in the GOP or those supporters simply are attracted to the style of Donald Trump.

The Tea Party began a purge of what they saw as RINOS and drove many incumbent Republicans out of their seats through the primary process. Are these the same rock ribbed ideologues now in Trump's camp? If so, why did their firm belief in Tea Party values get tossed aside for the likes of Trump?

Were those values so dear, or are they expendable if offered a tough talking, vulgar man such as Donald Trump?
Ever notice how not even one Trump follower can explain why they believe Trump? They have no idea, they just know that they do.
to the contrary, I have seen on the news interviews with Trump supporters who make it quite clear as to why they support him.

Ironically, I rarely hear anyone give a good reason to support Hillary. They all same the same thing..

Q: Why do you support her
A: Because she is so accomplished

Q: What has she accomplished?
A: She was Secretary of State.

Q: How is that an accomplishment?
A: It take a special person to succeed as Secretary of State

Q: How do you define her success as Secretary of State?
A: How do you define the success of any Secretary of State.

Q: So if you can not define her as successful as Secretary of State, how do you know she was successful?
A: It is obvious. She travelled more than any Secretary of State in history

Q: How does that equate to success?
A: What are you, a Fox News reporter?
But they just can't seem to explain why they believe him.
No. They cant. But then again, no one was able to explain why they belied then Senator Obama. People supported him because they wanted to believe him.

It is what it is.

But this time around, you want to attack those that are doing what you did 8 years ago.
It seems to me, at least, that the political ethos of the Tea Party can be left on the stoop so long as a strutting, pompous, boorish thug is running as a Republican, no matter what his policies might be.

Trump is nothing compared to Hillary. She let four men die with no backup. She let her husband prey on women unabated. She kept 2000+ classified emails on her server and deleted them, with 22 of them being too sensitive to declassify.
The questio9n is not who is better or who is worse. The question is about the ideology of Trump supporters. Whether those supporters are the same ideologically pure Tea Party types who caused a rift in the GOP or those supporters simply are attracted to the style of Donald Trump.

The Tea Party began a purge of what they saw as RINOS and drove many incumbent Republicans out of their seats through the primary process. Are these the same rock ribbed ideologues now in Trump's camp? If so, why did their firm belief in Tea Party values get tossed aside for the likes of Trump?

Were those values so dear, or are they expendable if offered a tough talking, vulgar man such as Donald Trump?
Ever notice how not even one Trump follower can explain why they believe Trump? They have no idea, they just know that they do.
You're a lib. Therefore, you are a braindead government leech and your posts don't count.
You're too fucking stupid to have an opinion.
That's a helluva rebuttal there, buttface.
It seems to me, at least, that the political ethos of the Tea Party can be left on the stoop so long as a strutting, pompous, boorish thug is running as a Republican, no matter what his policies might be.

Trump is nothing compared to Hillary. She let four men die with no backup. She let her husband prey on women unabated. She kept 2000+ classified emails on her server and deleted them, with 22 of them being too sensitive to declassify.
The questio9n is not who is better or who is worse. The question is about the ideology of Trump supporters. Whether those supporters are the same ideologically pure Tea Party types who caused a rift in the GOP or those supporters simply are attracted to the style of Donald Trump.

The Tea Party began a purge of what they saw as RINOS and drove many incumbent Republicans out of their seats through the primary process. Are these the same rock ribbed ideologues now in Trump's camp? If so, why did their firm belief in Tea Party values get tossed aside for the likes of Trump?

Were those values so dear, or are they expendable if offered a tough talking, vulgar man such as Donald Trump?
Ever notice how not even one Trump follower can explain why they believe Trump? They have no idea, they just know that they do.
to the contrary, I have seen on the news interviews with Trump supporters who make it quite clear as to why they support him.

Ironically, I rarely hear anyone give a good reason to support Hillary. They all same the same thing..

Q: Why do you support her
A: Because she is so accomplished

Q: What has she accomplished?
A: She was Secretary of State.

Q: How is that an accomplishment?
A: It take a special person to succeed as Secretary of State

Q: How do you define her success as Secretary of State?
A: How do you define the success of any Secretary of State.

Q: So if you can not define her as successful as Secretary of State, how do you know she was successful?
A: It is obvious. She travelled more than any Secretary of State in history

Q: How does that equate to success?
A: What are you, a Fox News reporter?
But they just can't seem to explain why they believe him.

Trump is nothing compared to Hillary. She let four men die with no backup. She let her husband prey on women unabated. She kept 2000+ classified emails on her server and deleted them, with 22 of them being too sensitive to declassify.
The questio9n is not who is better or who is worse. The question is about the ideology of Trump supporters. Whether those supporters are the same ideologically pure Tea Party types who caused a rift in the GOP or those supporters simply are attracted to the style of Donald Trump.

The Tea Party began a purge of what they saw as RINOS and drove many incumbent Republicans out of their seats through the primary process. Are these the same rock ribbed ideologues now in Trump's camp? If so, why did their firm belief in Tea Party values get tossed aside for the likes of Trump?

Were those values so dear, or are they expendable if offered a tough talking, vulgar man such as Donald Trump?
Ever notice how not even one Trump follower can explain why they believe Trump? They have no idea, they just know that they do.
You're a lib. Therefore, you are a braindead government leech and your posts don't count.
You're too fucking stupid to have an opinion.
That's a helluva rebuttal there, buttface.

He is a complete lying asshole.

I have repeatedly explained very clearly why I support Trump and he just pretends otherwise, because he is a complete lying whore.
Trump is nothing compared to Hillary. She let four men die with no backup. She let her husband prey on women unabated. She kept 2000+ classified emails on her server and deleted them, with 22 of them being too sensitive to declassify.
The questio9n is not who is better or who is worse. The question is about the ideology of Trump supporters. Whether those supporters are the same ideologically pure Tea Party types who caused a rift in the GOP or those supporters simply are attracted to the style of Donald Trump.

The Tea Party began a purge of what they saw as RINOS and drove many incumbent Republicans out of their seats through the primary process. Are these the same rock ribbed ideologues now in Trump's camp? If so, why did their firm belief in Tea Party values get tossed aside for the likes of Trump?

Were those values so dear, or are they expendable if offered a tough talking, vulgar man such as Donald Trump?
Ever notice how not even one Trump follower can explain why they believe Trump? They have no idea, they just know that they do.
to the contrary, I have seen on the news interviews with Trump supporters who make it quite clear as to why they support him.

Ironically, I rarely hear anyone give a good reason to support Hillary. They all same the same thing..

Q: Why do you support her
A: Because she is so accomplished

Q: What has she accomplished?
A: She was Secretary of State.

Q: How is that an accomplishment?
A: It take a special person to succeed as Secretary of State

Q: How do you define her success as Secretary of State?
A: How do you define the success of any Secretary of State.

Q: So if you can not define her as successful as Secretary of State, how do you know she was successful?
A: It is obvious. She travelled more than any Secretary of State in history

Q: How does that equate to success?
A: What are you, a Fox News reporter?
But they just can't seem to explain why they believe him.
No. They cant. But then again, no one was able to explain why they belied then Senator Obama. People supported him because they wanted to believe him.

It is what it is.

But this time around, you want to attack those that are doing what you did 8 years ago.
So then that's the standard you prefer to live down to. Now I'm beginning to see the possibilities for fundamental change with Trump.

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