Trump supporters like the attitude

He also is DC establishment....which many of us are sick to death of.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Sheesh I do not know what happened with that post....I edited but it is directed to Nosmo King.
Are Trump supporters true ideologues? Why do they flock to Trump?

When the Tea Party movement began seven years ago, they proclaimed themselves to be dyed in the wool Conservatives, dedicated to the orthodoxy of Conservative values. Smaller government, tax cuts across the board (except for the poor who would receive a radical tax hike), a reduction, if not end, to entitlement programs and a fervent defense of social issues like abortion and Gay marriage.

All these positions are in Ted Cruz's back pocket.

Why hasn't Cruz benefitted from massive Tea Party support? And, more interestingly, why has Donald Trump?

Are the Trump supporters enthralled by Trump's policies, or his swagger, his attitude, his anger and his bite?

Are those the qualities Trump supporters admire? Are Trump's policies sufficiently Conservative to pass muster with the Tea Party?

Has the right wing abandoned its political purity test, a test they used against Republican incumbents as they 'primaries' so many of them out of office? Or are they in love with the tough talk? So much in love to forget their own principles?

Style or substance? It seems to me, at least, that the political ethos of the Tea Party can be left on the stoop so long as a strutting, pompous, boorish thug is running as a Republican, no matter what his policies might be.
Trump supporters can be consigned to one of three categories:

Hateful bigots, like Trump.

'Angry' republicans – republicans who want to 'send a message' to the 'establishment'; they don't care whether they win the GE or not, they just want to express their extremism and contempt for sound, responsible governance.

And the cowardly blind partisans – they want to win the GE, but they're deluding themselves into thinking Trump can win, they turn a blind eye to Trump's bigotry and hate, and believe that once Trump is the nominee, they can 'clean up' Trump and the mess he's made of the GOP and win in November.
Are Trump supporters true ideologues? Why do they flock to Trump?
You seem obsessed like a serial killer stalking Trump supporters as if they are blacks who get under your skin marching for Civil Rights. I remember observing how the white racist would attend the black free speech marches just to belittle them and attack them with verbal abuse just as the libs are doing today against Trump supporters. Trump haters need to look in the mirror at their own reflection because you have inherited your grandfathers KKK democrat strategies of intimidation and stereotyping anybody not of your kind. History repeat!



The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Black Americans that liberal democrats hold bigotry towards and discriminate against, like past Southern Democrat Ku Klux Klan shamed black Republican supporters to vote Democrat but bigots today is shaming blacks such as:

Ben Carson

Herman Cain

Condoleezza Rice

Gen. Collin Powell

Justice Clarence Thomas

Black Conservatives

Wealthy African Americans in the 1%

Black NRA members

Black gun owners

Black Republicans

Uncle Toms

Black Banks

Blacks in Wall Street

Black Capitalist

Black Trump Supporters

Black Christians
He also is DC establishment....which many of us are sick to death of.
“DC establishment” - meaning you're sick of elected officials acting like statesmen, doing what's best for the country by placing country over party, and pursuing sound responsible governance.

Those are strange things to be 'sick' of.
He also is DC establishment....which many of us are sick to death of.
“DC establishment” - meaning you're sick of elected officials acting like statesmen, doing what's best for the country by placing country over party, and pursuing sound responsible governance.

Those are strange things to be 'sick' of.

That's a copout. And a failure to recognize the very real role that corporatist government plays in creating shit like the Trumpets.
He's makes fun of women, people with birth defects, calls Mexicans rapists, and is a disgusting human being. That appeals to some people
Being employed also appeals to some people.

The Dems have proposed college for all Americans and being able to restructure your student debt. That will unlock positions for people. Fact.

What had Trump proposed?
Are people really stupid enough to think electing Trump president will get them a job??

The wall will be built, illegals will be deported, and we'll take our jobs back from China and Mexico don't worry yourself about it we'll clean up the establishments mess.

And unicorns will fly out of Obama's ass. You fucking idiots will never learn.
Too bad there's more of US fucking idiots that YOU fucking idiots.

He also is DC establishment....which many of us are sick to death of.
“DC establishment” - meaning you're sick of elected officials acting like statesmen, doing what's best for the country by placing country over party, and pursuing sound responsible governance.

Those are strange things to be 'sick' of.

Nope, that wouldn't be it at all. What I am sick of is them lining their pockets. Going in with nothing and coming out (IF they come out) with millions. Why do you think they are freaking so much over Trump? Think they want to lose that gravy train???
He also is DC establishment....which many of us are sick to death of.
“DC establishment” - meaning you're sick of elected officials acting like statesmen, doing what's best for the country by placing country over party, and pursuing sound responsible governance.

Those are strange things to be 'sick' of.

Nope, that wouldn't be it at all. What I am sick of is them lining their pockets. Going in with nothing and coming out (IF they come out) with millions. Why do you think they are freaking so much over Trump? Think they want to lose that gravy train??? many sitting House And Senators have lost their primary elections this year?
He also is DC establishment....which many of us are sick to death of.
“DC establishment” - meaning you're sick of elected officials acting like statesmen, doing what's best for the country by placing country over party, and pursuing sound responsible governance.

Those are strange things to be 'sick' of.

Nope, that wouldn't be it at all. What I am sick of is them lining their pockets. Going in with nothing and coming out (IF they come out) with millions. Why do you think they are freaking so much over Trump? Think they want to lose that gravy train??? many sitting House And Senators have lost their primary elections this year?

None that I know of. What does that have to do with it?
He also is DC establishment....which many of us are sick to death of.
“DC establishment” - meaning you're sick of elected officials acting like statesmen, doing what's best for the country by placing country over party, and pursuing sound responsible governance.

Those are strange things to be 'sick' of.

Nope, that wouldn't be it at all. What I am sick of is them lining their pockets. Going in with nothing and coming out (IF they come out) with millions. Why do you think they are freaking so much over Trump? Think they want to lose that gravy train??? many sitting House And Senators have lost their primary elections this year?

None that I know of. What does that have to do with it?

Well if you Trump supporters are tired of career politicians lining their pockets, why are you guys still voting for them?
Trump supporters can be consigned to one of three categories:

Hateful bigots, like Trump.

'Angry' republicans – republicans who want to 'send a message' to the 'establishment'; they don't care whether they win the GE or not, they just want to express their extremism and contempt for sound, responsible governance.

And the cowardly blind partisans – they want to win the GE, but they're deluding themselves into thinking Trump can win, they turn a blind eye to Trump's bigotry and hate, and believe that once Trump is the nominee, they can 'clean up' Trump and the mess he's made of the GOP and win in November.

Bernie supporters can be consigned to one of three categories:

Thug bullies, like Bernie. Take people money like bullies took from classmates.

'Gangster' democrats - democrats who want to 'send a message' to Americans practicing free speech'; they don't care whether they get to have this right the same as gays, they turn a blind eye to Bernie's bullying and his supporter thugs, and believe that once Bernie is the nominee, they can 'get rich quick' Bernie Madoff and the Pyramid scheme he's made of the donkeys and win in Nov.

And the welfare case partisans - they want to win free stuff, but they're delusional into thinking Bernie can win the rich or not, they just want to express their hand out and contempt for the rich, responsible people.
He also is DC establishment....which many of us are sick to death of.
“DC establishment” - meaning you're sick of elected officials acting like statesmen, doing what's best for the country by placing country over party, and pursuing sound responsible governance.

Those are strange things to be 'sick' of.

Nope, that wouldn't be it at all. What I am sick of is them lining their pockets. Going in with nothing and coming out (IF they come out) with millions. Why do you think they are freaking so much over Trump? Think they want to lose that gravy train??? many sitting House And Senators have lost their primary elections this year?

None that I know of. What does that have to do with it?

Well if you Trump supporters are tired of career politicians lining their pockets, why are you guys still voting for them?

I'm not.
He's makes fun of women, people with birth defects, calls Mexicans rapists, and is a disgusting human being. That appeals to some people
Being employed also appeals to some people.
Are people really stupid enough to think electing Trump president will get them a job??

The wall will be built, illegals will be deported, and we'll take our jobs back from China and Mexico don't worry yourself about it we'll clean up the establishments mess.

The wall will be built, illegals will be deported, and we'll take our jobs back from China and Mexico don't worry yourself about it we'll clean up the establishments mess.[/QUOTE] ...and when we've purified the fatherland together, the master race will dominate the world.

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