Trump supporters, time for a NEW TACTIC!

And lets add a couple more also, in the establishment leadership. Up to 4 or 5 total is what we need concentrate on to bring the pressure. They have to run also if they are in the House, so let us start giving them something to worry about besides Trump and Cruz, and how they are gonna screw them.

We are smart, lets find the most VULNERABLE and start PUSHING, after we tell them WHY, lol!

If you were smart, you wouldn’t be supporting Donald Trump for President. He’s arguably the least qualified person to head a major party ticket in recent memory. But hey, go for it. The TEA party gave us Sharon Angle, Christine O’Donnell, Stephanie McMahon, Marco Rubio and Todd Akin….
I agree with the O. P. to the extent he is saying the GOP Establishment needs to be horse-whipped.

There are more Republican pussies in the Senate than there are at the Bunny Ranch...we have learned that too well...very stupid ones too, to be just now...this week...finally figuring out how pissed their constituents are and how pissed they are going to be if THEY blow up the Republican Party just because they may have to endure a candidate they can't control.

Even though being in the Washington Beltway seems to make one impervious to Facts and Reason...I think it finally occurred to them that The Folks are really really pissed.

I was for Rubio, until he became Establishment.

Now, every time some loser like Romney yaps, I get more determined to vote for Trump...even if he is Crazy...if Sanity is what we have had for the last 7 plus years....its high time we tried Crazy.

But, I do think a light came on for these Fools this week. The Republican Senate has been bending and grabbing their ankles for Obama at every chance...and supplying their own Vaseline...but not McConnell this week...I have never seen him show stones like he did in an interview about Obama's appointment to the Supreme Court. I am convinced he will resign rather than allow a hearing on that Judge.

And Romney has shut his dumb-ass up except to say he was voting for Cruz, as did Senator Lindsay Graham, who previously said he would rather take poison. Cruz is the Establishment!

Trump is the reason for all this. He has given voice to the Very Pissed.

And those Clowns in Washington, D. C.---the Democrat Clowns and the Republican Clowns...both are scared Shit-less.

Fuck em.
Are all you people on both sides all "astro turfers" trying to out astro turf each other? Isn't there any REAL people on this site at all who want to discuss how to box the GOP establishment, house leaders into a corner?

Considering about 1/2 of the States have voted and most of those are in the South, likely the majority of GOP seats are already decided. You guys who supposedly hate the career politicians have primaried 0.00 of them. Way to go.

The States that are left are the wealthy states in the NE and out West primarily where there are more democrats in power. Your pull is zilch.

I guess you could vote for democrats in the General election. That’ll show Paul Ryan whose boss….LOL
I agree with the O. P. to the extent he is saying the GOP Establishment needs to be horse-whipped.

There are more Republican pussies in the Senate than there are at the Bunny Ranch...we have learned that too well...very stupid ones too, to be just now...this week...finally figuring out how pissed their constituents are and how pissed they are going to be if THEY blow up the Republican Party just because they may have to endure a candidate they can't control.

Even though being in the Washington Beltway seems to make one impervious to Facts and Reason...I think it finally occurred to them that The Folks are really really pissed.

I was for Rubio, until he became Establishment.

Now, every time some loser like Romney yaps, I get more determined to vote for Trump...even if he is Crazy...if Sanity is what we have had for the last 7 plus years....its high time we tried Crazy.

But, I do think a light came on for these Fools this week. The Republican Senate has been bending and grabbing their ankles for Obama at every chance...and supplying their own Vaseline...but not McConnell this week...I have never seen him show stones like he did in an interview about Obama's appointment to the Supreme Court. I am convinced he will resign rather than allow a hearing on that Judge.

And Romney has shut his dumb-ass up except to say he was voting for Cruz, as did Senator Lindsay Graham, who previously said he would rather take poison. Cruz is the Establishment!

Trump is the reason for all this. He has given voice to the Very Pissed.

And those Clowns in Washington, D. C.---the Democrat Clowns and the Republican Clowns...both are scared Shit-less.

Fuck em.

He’s validated the idiocy of the politically inept by showing that a politically inept person who is also a rich celebrity can elevate to the top of a party if he is crude enough and willing to do so.
I agree with the O. P. to the extent he is saying the GOP Establishment needs to be horse-whipped.

There are more Republican pussies in the Senate than there are at the Bunny Ranch...we have learned that too well...very stupid ones too, to be just now...this week...finally figuring out how pissed their constituents are and how pissed they are going to be if THEY blow up the Republican Party just because they may have to endure a candidate they can't control.

Even though being in the Washington Beltway seems to make one impervious to Facts and Reason...I think it finally occurred to them that The Folks are really really pissed.

I was for Rubio, until he became Establishment.

Now, every time some loser like Romney yaps, I get more determined to vote for Trump...even if he is Crazy...if Sanity is what we have had for the last 7 plus years....its high time we tried Crazy.

But, I do think a light came on for these Fools this week. The Republican Senate has been bending and grabbing their ankles for Obama at every chance...and supplying their own Vaseline...but not McConnell this week...I have never seen him show stones like he did in an interview about Obama's appointment to the Supreme Court. I am convinced he will resign rather than allow a hearing on that Judge.

And Romney has shut his dumb-ass up except to say he was voting for Cruz, as did Senator Lindsay Graham, who previously said he would rather take poison. Cruz is the Establishment!

Trump is the reason for all this. He has given voice to the Very Pissed.

And those Clowns in Washington, D. C.---the Democrat Clowns and the Republican Clowns...both are scared Shit-less.

Fuck em.

He’s validated the idiocy of the politically inept by showing that a politically inept person who is also a rich celebrity can elevate to the top of a party if he is crude enough and willing to do so.
aka.........she wants RINO's with no spine to concede to them even more.
I agree with the O. P. to the extent he is saying the GOP Establishment needs to be horse-whipped.

There are more Republican pussies in the Senate than there are at the Bunny Ranch...we have learned that too well...very stupid ones too, to be just now...this week...finally figuring out how pissed their constituents are and how pissed they are going to be if THEY blow up the Republican Party just because they may have to endure a candidate they can't control.

Even though being in the Washington Beltway seems to make one impervious to Facts and Reason...I think it finally occurred to them that The Folks are really really pissed.

I was for Rubio, until he became Establishment.

Now, every time some loser like Romney yaps, I get more determined to vote for Trump...even if he is Crazy...if Sanity is what we have had for the last 7 plus years....its high time we tried Crazy.

But, I do think a light came on for these Fools this week. The Republican Senate has been bending and grabbing their ankles for Obama at every chance...and supplying their own Vaseline...but not McConnell this week...I have never seen him show stones like he did in an interview about Obama's appointment to the Supreme Court. I am convinced he will resign rather than allow a hearing on that Judge.

And Romney has shut his dumb-ass up except to say he was voting for Cruz, as did Senator Lindsay Graham, who previously said he would rather take poison. Cruz is the Establishment!

Trump is the reason for all this. He has given voice to the Very Pissed.

And those Clowns in Washington, D. C.---the Democrat Clowns and the Republican Clowns...both are scared Shit-less.

Fuck em.

He’s validated the idiocy of the politically inept by showing that a politically inept person who is also a rich celebrity can elevate to the top of a party if he is crude enough and willing to do so.

The Jury is still out on whether he is "politically inept". He does not become so just because a pinhead on a message board so describes him.

He will answer any question, without a filter as to what he thinks....and so will make some mistakes...but damn its refreshing....and such a contrast to that rapacious power-hungry pathological liar and swindler who thinks that just because her husband was president, she gets to be president too.

Should be a hell of a battle.
Here is the deal------------> We know that the House is going to stay in GOP hands. They may lose a few seats, but not enough to flip it to the Democrats.

So here is what we do-----------> If you have twitter, start rumbling about if the person with the most votes doesn't win the nomination, then people in Wisconsin and Louisiana need to show their displeasure by voting AGAINST Paul Ryan, and Steve Scalise. Keep this going, and watch how fast their tune changes.

They want to play hardball, then play hardball with them!

They want to stop Trump, then get their candyass establishment voters off the bench and defeat him in the primaries. If not, use TWITTER, and start getting people to threaten to take down Ryan and Scalise if they pull some convention bullshit. They like to exert pressure, give the candy, panty, waists some back!

Mitch McConnell and other Republicans want to stop Trump for a reason. 30-50% of the Republican party will not vote for him. Here's a great article as to why Republicans will be voting for Hillary Clinton.
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump

Trump and his supporters have chased off every single voting block you can shake a stick at. Specifically 17% of the population, or 23 million voters, Hispanics that are now solidly in Hillary Clinton's column. The GOP nominee, historically since Reagan need at least 40% of this block to win the White House, this year it's 46%. Trump is polling at a NEGATIVE 80% with this block. Even the Republican Latino block stated months ago that they would not support a Trump nominee. 4.5 million new Latino voters just registered that have never voted in their lives to cast a vote against Donald Trump.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump


These numbers equate to a 39.5 million vote DEFICIT for Trump. Now add in the largest voting block in this country women at 54% who will be voting heavily for the 1st woman Presidential nominee in this nation's history, along with blacks, Muslims and every other minority and the Republican party is left with a base, of angry, ignorant, bigoted white males that will be voting for Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton is going to paint this country BLUE from sea to shining sea.

Republicans, in the senate are looking at this Tsunami headed right at them, it's probably too late but they have decided to break out the life jackets anyway. They are now willing to forfeit the White House to Hillary Clinton, while trying to save the Senate and a ton of seats in the house, along with all the down ballot races that will be going on across this country. Governors, state legislatures, etc.
McConnell Tells GOP Senators: We’ll Drop Trump ‘Like A Hot Rock’

In your efforts to get a non establishment candidate you have rino'd yourselves right into a Hillary Clinton Presidency a loss of the Senate and a ton of seats in the house. You have already shattered the Republican Party into pieces, there is no more damage you can do.

Last edited:
Are all you people on both sides all "astro turfers" trying to out astro turf each other? Isn't there any REAL people on this site at all who want to discuss how to box the GOP establishment, house leaders into a corner?

Considering about 1/2 of the States have voted and most of those are in the South, likely the majority of GOP seats are already decided. You guys who supposedly hate the career politicians have primaried 0.00 of them. Way to go.

The States that are left are the wealthy states in the NE and out West primarily where there are more democrats in power. Your pull is zilch.

I guess you could vote for democrats in the General election. That’ll show Paul Ryan whose boss….LOL

That is correct Candy. If the only choice if they screw Trump/Cruz is a Democrat for those House seats, then so be it!

Political hardball can be played in either direction. The difference here is---------->if we contact Trump/Cruz supporters and they put the screws to us, in those races, we put the screws to them.

The GOP establishment wants to play, we make Ryan and Scalise PAY!
Here is the deal------------> We know that the House is going to stay in GOP hands. They may lose a few seats, but not enough to flip it to the Democrats.

So here is what we do-----------> If you have twitter, start rumbling about if the person with the most votes doesn't win the nomination, then people in Wisconsin and Louisiana need to show their displeasure by voting AGAINST Paul Ryan, and Steve Scalise. Keep this going, and watch how fast their tune changes.

They want to play hardball, then play hardball with them!

They want to stop Trump, then get their candyass establishment voters off the bench and defeat him in the primaries. If not, use TWITTER, and start getting people to threaten to take down Ryan and Scalise if they pull some convention bullshit. They like to exert pressure, give the candy, panty, waists some back!

Mitch McConnell and other Republicans want to stop Trump for a reason. 30-50% of the Republican party will not vote for him. Here's a great article as to why Republicans will be voting for Hillary Clinton.
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump

Trump and his supporters have chased off every single voting block you can shake a stick at. Specifically 17% of the population, or 23 million voters, Hispanics that are now solidly in Hillary Clinton's column. The GOP nominee, historically since Reagan need at least 40% of this block to win the White House, this year it's 46%. Trump is polling at a NEGATIVE 80% with this block. Even the Republican Latino block stated months ago that they would not support a Trump nominee. 4.5 million new Latino voters just registered that have never voted in their lives to cast a vote against Donald Trump.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump


These numbers equate to a 39.5 million vote DEFICIT for Trump. Now add in the largest voting block in this country women at 54% who will be voting heavily for the 1st woman Presidential nominee in this nation's history, along with blacks, Muslims and every other minority and the Republican party is left with a base, of angry, ignorant, bigoted white males that will be voting for Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton is going to paint this country BLUE from sea to shining sea.

Republicans, in the senate are looking at this Tsunami headed right at them, it's probably too late but they have decided to break out the life jackets anyway. They are now willing to forfeit the White House to Hillary Clinton, while trying to save the Senate and a ton of seats in the house, along with all the down ballot races that will be going on across this country. Governors, state legislatures, etc.

In your efforts to get a non establishment candidate you have rino'd yourselves right into a Hillary Clinton Presidency a loss of the Senate and a ton of seats in the house. You have already shattered the Republican Party into pieces, there is no more damage you can do.


So you want to throw out what the people willing to actually trudge down to the ballot box and cast a vote say, because you care? Then get YOUR ass of this site and get involved to help someone you want!

It is easy to sit and preach from keyboard, but when you actually have to do something, what happens!

No way Jose! It is time we DO something if the establishment goes against the people who thought enough about the process to show and vote.

If the establishment wants to play, make Ryan and Scalise PAY, and the other 2 we choose later! And if you don't like it..........tough toenails!
Stupidity is voting for the people who got us in this mess in the first place and expect them to fix it this time.
Are all you people on both sides all "astro turfers" trying to out astro turf each other? Isn't there any REAL people on this site at all who want to discuss how to box the GOP establishment, house leaders into a corner?

Considering about 1/2 of the States have voted and most of those are in the South, likely the majority of GOP seats are already decided. You guys who supposedly hate the career politicians have primaried 0.00 of them. Way to go.

The States that are left are the wealthy states in the NE and out West primarily where there are more democrats in power. Your pull is zilch.

I guess you could vote for democrats in the General election. That’ll show Paul Ryan whose boss….LOL

That is correct Candy. If the only choice if they screw Trump/Cruz is a Democrat for those House seats, then so be it!

Political hardball can be played in either direction. The difference here is---------->if we contact Trump/Cruz supporters and they put the screws to us, in those races, we put the screws to them.

The GOP establishment wants to play, we make Ryan and Scalise PAY!

Republicans want to stop Trump for a reason. 30-50% of the Republican party will not vote for him. Here's a great article as to why Republicans will be voting for Hillary Clinton.
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump

Trump and his supporters have chased off every single voting block you can shake a stick at. Specifically 17% of the population, or 23 million voters, Hispanics that are now solidly in Hillary Clinton's column. The GOP nominee, historically since Reagan needed at least 40% of this block to win the White House, this year it's 46%. Trump is polling at a NEGATIVE 80% with this block. Even the Republican Latino block stated months ago that they would not support a Trump nominee. 4.5 million new Latino voters just registered that have never voted in their lives to cast a vote against Donald Trump.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

You've already rino'd yourselves into a Hillary Clinton Presidency a loss of the Senate and a ton of seats in the house. Mitch McConnell and other Republicans already know that Hillary Clinton will be the next POTUS, they are trying to save the Senate and the House and all the down ballot races in this country.
McConnell Tells GOP Senators: We’ll Drop Trump ‘Like A Hot Rock’

IOW you have already done enough damage to last the Republican party for decades. You've shattered it into pieces. The next Republican President may not even be born yet.

Last edited:
And lets add a couple more also, in the establishment leadership. Up to 4 or 5 total is what we need concentrate on to bring the pressure. They have to run also if they are in the House, so let us start giving them something to worry about besides Trump and Cruz, and how they are gonna screw them.

We are smart, lets find the most VULNERABLE and start PUSHING, after we tell them WHY, lol!

If you were smart, you wouldn’t be supporting Donald Trump for President. He’s arguably the least qualified person to head a major party ticket in recent memory. But hey, go for it. The TEA party gave us Sharon Angle, Christine O’Donnell, Stephanie McMahon, Marco Rubio and Todd Akin….

I agree with the O. P. to the extent he is saying the GOP Establishment needs to be horse-whipped.

There are more Republican pussies in the Senate than there are at the Bunny Ranch...we have learned that too well...very stupid ones too, to be just now...this week...finally figuring out how pissed their constituents are and how pissed they are going to be if THEY blow up the Republican Party just because they may have to endure a candidate they can't control.

Even though being in the Washington Beltway seems to make one impervious to Facts and Reason...I think it finally occurred to them that The Folks are really really pissed.

I was for Rubio, until he became Establishment.

Now, every time some loser like Romney yaps, I get more determined to vote for Trump...even if he is Crazy...if Sanity is what we have had for the last 7 plus years....its high time we tried Crazy.

But, I do think a light came on for these Fools this week. The Republican Senate has been bending and grabbing their ankles for Obama at every chance...and supplying their own Vaseline...but not McConnell this week...I have never seen him show stones like he did in an interview about Obama's appointment to the Supreme Court. I am convinced he will resign rather than allow a hearing on that Judge.

And Romney has shut his dumb-ass up except to say he was voting for Cruz, as did Senator Lindsay Graham, who previously said he would rather take poison. Cruz is the Establishment!

Trump is the reason for all this. He has given voice to the Very Pissed.

And those Clowns in Washington, D. C.---the Democrat Clowns and the Republican Clowns...both are scared Shit-less.

Fuck em.

He’s validated the idiocy of the politically inept by showing that a politically inept person who is also a rich celebrity can elevate to the top of a party if he is crude enough and willing to do so.
aka.........she wants RINO's with no spine to concede to them even more.

I agree with the O. P. to the extent he is saying the GOP Establishment needs to be horse-whipped.

There are more Republican pussies in the Senate than there are at the Bunny Ranch...we have learned that too well...very stupid ones too, to be just now...this week...finally figuring out how pissed their constituents are and how pissed they are going to be if THEY blow up the Republican Party just because they may have to endure a candidate they can't control.

Even though being in the Washington Beltway seems to make one impervious to Facts and Reason...I think it finally occurred to them that The Folks are really really pissed.

I was for Rubio, until he became Establishment.

Now, every time some loser like Romney yaps, I get more determined to vote for Trump...even if he is Crazy...if Sanity is what we have had for the last 7 plus years....its high time we tried Crazy.

But, I do think a light came on for these Fools this week. The Republican Senate has been bending and grabbing their ankles for Obama at every chance...and supplying their own Vaseline...but not McConnell this week...I have never seen him show stones like he did in an interview about Obama's appointment to the Supreme Court. I am convinced he will resign rather than allow a hearing on that Judge.

And Romney has shut his dumb-ass up except to say he was voting for Cruz, as did Senator Lindsay Graham, who previously said he would rather take poison. Cruz is the Establishment!

Trump is the reason for all this. He has given voice to the Very Pissed.

And those Clowns in Washington, D. C.---the Democrat Clowns and the Republican Clowns...both are scared Shit-less.

Fuck em.

He’s validated the idiocy of the politically inept by showing that a politically inept person who is also a rich celebrity can elevate to the top of a party if he is crude enough and willing to do so.

The Jury is still out on whether he is "politically inept". He does not become so just because a pinhead on a message board so describes him.

He will answer any question, without a filter as to what he thinks....and so will make some mistakes...but damn its refreshing....and such a contrast to that rapacious power-hungry pathological liar and swindler who thinks that just because her husband was president, she gets to be president too.

Should be a hell of a battle.

Here is the deal------------> We know that the House is going to stay in GOP hands. They may lose a few seats, but not enough to flip it to the Democrats.

So here is what we do-----------> If you have twitter, start rumbling about if the person with the most votes doesn't win the nomination, then people in Wisconsin and Louisiana need to show their displeasure by voting AGAINST Paul Ryan, and Steve Scalise. Keep this going, and watch how fast their tune changes.

They want to play hardball, then play hardball with them!

They want to stop Trump, then get their candyass establishment voters off the bench and defeat him in the primaries. If not, use TWITTER, and start getting people to threaten to take down Ryan and Scalise if they pull some convention bullshit. They like to exert pressure, give the candy, panty, waists some back!

Mitch McConnell and other Republicans want to stop Trump for a reason. 30-50% of the Republican party will not vote for him. Here's a great article as to why Republicans will be voting for Hillary Clinton.
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump

Trump and his supporters have chased off every single voting block you can shake a stick at. Specifically 17% of the population, or 23 million voters, Hispanics that are now solidly in Hillary Clinton's column. The GOP nominee, historically since Reagan need at least 40% of this block to win the White House, this year it's 46%. Trump is polling at a NEGATIVE 80% with this block. Even the Republican Latino block stated months ago that they would not support a Trump nominee. 4.5 million new Latino voters just registered that have never voted in their lives to cast a vote against Donald Trump.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump


These numbers equate to a 39.5 million vote DEFICIT for Trump. Now add in the largest voting block in this country women at 54% who will be voting heavily for the 1st woman Presidential nominee in this nation's history, along with blacks, Muslims and every other minority and the Republican party is left with a base, of angry, ignorant, bigoted white males that will be voting for Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton is going to paint this country BLUE from sea to shining sea.

Republicans, in the senate are looking at this Tsunami headed right at them, it's probably too late but they have decided to break out the life jackets anyway. They are now willing to forfeit the White House to Hillary Clinton, while trying to save the Senate and a ton of seats in the house, along with all the down ballot races that will be going on across this country. Governors, state legislatures, etc.
McConnell Tells GOP Senators: We’ll Drop Trump ‘Like A Hot Rock’

In your efforts to get a non establishment candidate you have rino'd yourselves right into a Hillary Clinton Presidency a loss of the Senate and a ton of seats in the house. You have already shattered the Republican Party into pieces, there is no more damage you can do.


And just for all of your information, this plan is now being tweeted, and released on Facebook. We are going to reach EVERY Trump/Cruz supporter we can, and give them a path of retaliation, if their political masters pull some crap! It is time they all, and some of you learn, that voting is sacrosanct! If they want to go against the will of the people, then these people need be removed!

If they really believe, what they CLAIM to believe, then they shouldn't mind losing their jobs at all; NOW SHOULD THEY!

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