Trump supporters try to doxx jurors and post violent threats after his conviction

Haha, the cult twostep
Great. So we agree that the statute of limitations for the misdemeanor is of no consequence because it wasn’t charged. Bragg did not play “fast and loose”.
In your opinion, a local politician running for District Attorney on the pledge of prosecuting a past president is the best thing to do. WOW! At the same time, New York City has gone into the dumper regarding violent crime, murders, and the streets turning into sewers. For you, that is a great trade. WOW!

Name these continuous successes. Real ones though.

I’ll make it easy for you. Name just one.
11 million jobs? Historically low unemployment? More people insured than ever? Pumping more oil than ever before?
rescued the economy from the tRump free fall, kept inflation lower here than almost anywhere else in the world, protected toxic exposed vets, built the coalition that's supporting Ukraine, student debt relief, doing something about the failed approach to weed, advances n climate and environment legislation, the list goes on and on.

One long litany of success after success.
11 million jobs? Historically low unemployment? More people insured than ever? Pumping more oil than ever before?
rescued the economy from the tRump free fall, kept inflation lower here than almost anywhere else in the world, protected toxic exposed vets, built the coalition that's supporting Ukraine, student debt relief, doing something about the failed approach to weed, advances n climate and environment legislation, the list goes on and on.

One long litany of success after success.
There’s not one Biden policy you can point to which is a success. The only thing which is doing well are things he ignores.
11 million jobs? Historically low unemployment? More people insured than ever? Pumping more oil than ever before?
rescued the economy from the tRump free fall, kept inflation lower here than almost anywhere else in the world, protected toxic exposed vets, built the coalition that's supporting Ukraine, student debt relief, doing something about the failed approach to weed, advances n climate and environment legislation, the list goes on and on.

One long litany of success after success.
The jobs are just a natural recovery after the COVID shut downs. That has nothing to do with any Biden policy.

Demand for oil is far outpacing supply.

The ACA is not much different than MEDICAD

Student debt relief is just more deficit spending and it’s illegal.
You don't think there is any possibility he is just lying about this?
Well I'm going to show you that I'm not a hopeless partisan. All politicians lie. They lie like they breathe. Trump is no exception.

I'm sure he sought to capitalize beyond what was real, though there were certainly some eyebrow raising anomalies.

If he really believed it he went about it the wrong way.

Let's be clear about this....I don't think the RNC is above it either.

The incoming age of virtual participation may not be controllable or even policable IMO.
11 million jobs? Historically low unemployment? More people insured than ever? Pumping more oil than ever before?
rescued the economy from the tRump free fall, kept inflation lower here than almost anywhere else in the world, protected toxic exposed vets, built the coalition that's supporting Ukraine, student debt relief, doing something about the failed approach to weed, advances n climate and environment legislation, the list goes on and on.

One long litany of success after success.
If that had any basis in truth, why has this happened?

Why do fewer than a quarter of our country believe we are moving in the RIGHT DIRECTION?
Well I'm going to show you that I'm not a hopeless partisan. All politicians lie. They lie like they breathe. Trump is no exception.

I'm sure he sought to capitalize beyond what was real, though there were certainly some eyebrow raising anomalies.

If he really believed it he went about it the wrong way.

Let's be clear about this....I don't think the RNC is above it either.

The incoming age of virtual participation may not be controllable or even policable IMO.
Don't you think lying about our elections is worse than just about any lie an American politician can make?
I'm just saying it's possible that at least some of the participants are not Americans, and are simply trying to pile on and create as much division as
It's is possible. But that would be like saying it's possible that your neighbor who has a dog ordered some dog shit on Amazon and had it shipped to the Fed Ex office, where he paid an Uber to drive him to your house, then paid some kid to drop it in your yard.

Of course that would be silly, since he doesn't need to do any of that. He can just let the dog outside, and the dog will shit in your yard.

Why would anyone need to make an effort to do what the cult is happily already doing for free?
The expired misdemeanor wasn't changed. It was expired. Did you not understand that?

Your desperate attempt to revise what was in the article allows you to accept the consequences of your TDS.
All of this irrelevant crybabing was dismissed long ago.

Don't feed the sea lions.

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