TRUMP SUPPORTERS - -What are you hoping for?

WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI is warning of plans for armed protests at all 50 state capitals and in Washington, D.C., in the days leading up to President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration, stoking fears of more bloodshed after last week’s deadly siege at the U.S. Capitol.


Please tell us what you'd like to see happen over the next week. If things go your way, how does the next eight days (and beyond, if you wish) play out?

And please, no thinly-veiled threats. This is a serious, historic time. Please be serious and specific.

What are you hoping for? Are violence and bloodshed acceptable to you? Are you trying to change the course of history here?
I was hoping you left wing lunatics would stop with your bullshit and not leave us with violence as the only option to fight. But you obviously aren’t going to do that.
So what would you like to see happen over the next eight days.

Looks like you back violence.

A straight, clear, specific answer would be really neat, thanks.
It’s not that straight forward. Are you going to continue supporting censorship and left wing mob rule? You have as much to do with what happens as I do. I will tell you this. If violence is the last option I hope it’s taken to the extreme and thousands of you left wingers pay the price.
I'd say a civil war at this point is a forgone conclusion. With 330 million people, there are enough angry with the stolen election to start it...and the rest of us will have to take sides to protect ourselves. The Democrats have proven they are out to purge all conservatives...and that only stokes the fires.
Not all conservatives, just those that think armed insurrection is the way to go. Y'all are acting like bigger snowflakes than the liberals ever did in '16.
They're so emotional now that all we can do is watch and see what happens.

I hope those who are complicit in this (from Trump to talk radio) are held accountable if/when this goes south.
Quote me one thing Trump said that is invoking violence?

Can you answer this question honestly?

Do you think the assault on the Capital would have happened without Trump's leadership?
Quote me one thing Trump said that is invoking violence?
That's not the subject of THIS thread.

Clearly many of you people want violence. You want to claim that Trump isn't stoking that? Fine.

But you need to stop
I was hoping you left wing lunatics would stop with your bullshit and not leave us with violence as the only option to fight. But you obviously aren’t going to do that.
What a load of shit.

No one is responsible for your actions but YOU

You soiund like the guy that beats his wife then says "Well if she didn't burn dinner I wouldn't have to smack her around"
If I told you to stop throwing gas on the lit stove and you didn’t then you deserve the ass beating.
Quote me one thing Trump said that is invoking violence?
That's not the subject of THIS thread.

Clearly many of you people want violence. You want to claim that Trump isn't stoking that? Fine.

But you need to stop
Where were you calling for this over the last year? You fucking people started us down this road. You need to stop.
You sound like the guy that beats his wife then says "Well if she didn't burn dinner I wouldn't have to smack her around"
It’s not that straight forward. Are you going to continue supporting censorship and left wing mob rule?
YOU are responsible for your own actions.

No one else
You act like we just have to put up with you fucking people and it’s our fault for having to deal with you assholes.
You think this will be a nice country to live in, after that?
After you start a war?

I do not. I read history. Wars are ugly. Wars destroy

NOTHING good comes from them

In fact nothing comes from them but blood and shit and lives destroyed.

You may think it will be fun.

You're wrong

1. Your side started this, with your refusal to recognize Trump's election.

2. I do not think it will be fun. I think it is unavoidable, because you people will not stop your violence and oppression.
What violence? What oppression?

The violence of the last two years, by blm and antifa, with the support the dem party and, by the order of dem elected officials, the police.

For one example.
I also blame Republicans who are justifying the actions, goals and threats of those few. Depends who you're speaking with, doesn't it, if it is "a few" or 75 million?
I agree. The OP may be too broad. People who voted for Trump may not be happy at all with the attempted insurrection, or Trump's more recent roll in it. And even people who are saying the "election was stolen" may not all to blame, despite no evidence of a stolen election. They may have been misinformed by the MSM (Fox and Msnbc) about was is legal in campaingns and frankly voter suppression/expression and what is illegal. But not everyone wanted to take over the Capital and overturn and election. Trump did.

I think I saw that the Lincoln Project was going to support a basic lesson in civics. And that is not meant as a diss to the gop or Trump fans. The US Sup Ct pretty much ended the civil rights act and voting. It would of course still be illegal to say no blacks (or any other group) doesn't get to vote. Black dems are pissed because its now much easier to keep blacks from voting, but they tend to overwhelmingly be dems … and working class at that. So as long as rules apply to everyone, it's legal.
The violence of the last two years, by blm and antifa, with the support the dem party and, by the order of dem elected officials, the police.
Accurate or not...that is NOT an excuse for violence HERE...NOW

And Excuse is all it is.
You’re like a thief calling the cops after you were robbed because stealing is wrong.
I'll assume that you're in with the domestic terrorists.

NEGATIVE. I'll never join Antifa.
Yet you support their counterpart.

Birds of a feather. I hope your jihad fails.
So...Where is your anti-Antifa threads?

I care so much about violence and must have started numerous threads opposing the riots, the bloodshed, the 30 people who died...

...would you mind linking to one?
Antifa, as fucked up and ridiculous as they are, have not launched an armed insurrection, spurred on by a manic, paranoid President, that has targeted Congress and killed people trying to defend Congress. Putting every capitol building in the country on high alert. And, all based on a lie.

Maybe a terrorist like you doesn't understand the difference.

So, maybe this will help.


Launched an armed insurrection? The fantasy world you leftists create is stunning!

I sure wish I could have just received some reasonable, adult, intelligent responses.

That's all I was asking for.

I think we've established you are a hypocrite with partisan situational ethics merely attempting to score political points... but whatever falsehood you tell yourself to justify your bullshit, I hope it doesn't help you sleep at night.
Somehow you guys haven't figured that, when you refuse to participate in the thread like an intelligent adult and go after me personally, that you're only confirming and verifying my opinion of you.

I asked a clear and direct question. Again. And you Trumpsters went drama queen. Again. I do appreciate that.
I'd say a civil war at this point is a forgone conclusion. With 330 million people, there are enough angry with the stolen election to start it...and the rest of us will have to take sides to protect ourselves. The Democrats have proven they are out to purge all conservatives...and that only stokes the fires.
Not all conservatives, just those that think armed insurrection is the way to go. Y'all are acting like bigger snowflakes than the liberals ever did in '16.
They're so emotional now that all we can do is watch and see what happens.

I hope those who are complicit in this (from Trump to talk radio) are held accountable if/when this goes south.
Quote me one thing Trump said that is invoking violence?
I'll wait.
He's been doing it for four years. I don't need you to admit it. You're just a Trumpster.
I'd say a civil war at this point is a forgone conclusion. With 330 million people, there are enough angry with the stolen election to start it...and the rest of us will have to take sides to protect ourselves. The Democrats have proven they are out to purge all conservatives...and that only stokes the fires.
Not all conservatives, just those that think armed insurrection is the way to go. Y'all are acting like bigger snowflakes than the liberals ever did in '16.
They're so emotional now that all we can do is watch and see what happens.

I hope those who are complicit in this (from Trump to talk radio) are held accountable if/when this goes south.
Quote me one thing Trump said that is invoking violence?
I'll wait.

Trump summoned supporters to "wild" protest, and told them to fight. They did
I'd say a civil war at this point is a forgone conclusion. With 330 million people, there are enough angry with the stolen election to start it...and the rest of us will have to take sides to protect ourselves. The Democrats have proven they are out to purge all conservatives...and that only stokes the fires.
Not all conservatives, just those that think armed insurrection is the way to go. Y'all are acting like bigger snowflakes than the liberals ever did in '16.
They're so emotional now that all we can do is watch and see what happens.

I hope those who are complicit in this (from Trump to talk radio) are held accountable if/when this goes south.
Quote me one thing Trump said that is invoking violence?
I'll wait.

Trump summoned supporters to "wild" protest, and told them to fight. They did
You know they're not going to admit anything. They're at "war".

I sure wish I could have just received some reasonable, adult, intelligent responses.

That's all I was asking for.

I think we've established you are a hypocrite with partisan situational ethics merely attempting to score political points... but whatever falsehood you tell yourself to justify your bullshit, I hope it doesn't help you sleep at night.
Somehow you guys haven't figured that, when you refuse to participate in the thread like an intelligent adult and go after me personally, that you're only confirming and verifying my opinion of you.

I asked a clear and direct question. Again. And you Trumpsters went drama queen. Again. I do appreciate that.

It's all drama queen bullshit because they have NO FACTS.
Just Trump lies.
60 federal judges and the Supreme Court, AG Bill Barr and Mitch McConnell all agree.
Just lies.

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