TRUMP SUPPORTERS - -What are you hoping for?

You think this will be a nice country to live in, after that?
After you start a war?

I do not. I read history. Wars are ugly. Wars destroy

NOTHING good comes from them

In fact nothing comes from them but blood and shit and lives destroyed.

You may think it will be fun.

You're wrong

1. Your side started this, with your refusal to recognize Trump's election.

2. I do not think it will be fun. I think it is unavoidable, because you people will not stop your violence and oppression.
What violence? What oppression?

The violence of the last two years, by blm and antifa, with the support the dem party and, by the order of dem elected officials, the police.

For one example.
BLM has a legitimate beef. Over 10,000 people were arrested in the race riots, just by June 8. Democrats support BLM's call for equal treatment in the justice system, not the riots.
What is their beef? We all agreed what happened to George Floyd was bad. Why riot and burn down small businesses and the police station and then continue to loot and riot for months? Why take down statues of abolitionists? Why take down statues of George Washington?

The hypocrisy is mind blowing.
If you don't know what their beef is, you're part of what they're complaining about. You don't listen. This isn't the place to relitigate BLM, although it seems to be the right's favorite pasttime, turning the conversation there.

There is no hypocrisy. The two situations are entirely different.
I'd say a civil war at this point is a forgone conclusion.

With 330 million people, there are enough angry with the stolen election to start it...and the rest of us will have to take sides to protect ourselves.

The Democrats have proven they are out to purge all conservatives...and that only stokes the fires.
:thankusmile: :yes_text12: Could not have said it better myself.
So we have two more with whom domestic terrorism is fine.

Got it.
Fuck off shill,your fucked up mind thinks our forefathers were domestic terrorists,I only condone violence as a last resort if that’s what it takes to get america back from America hating commies like you who are in government,
You just thanked a guy for saying that civil war is a foregone conclusion.

Now you're saying you only condone violence as a last resort.

Which one is it? Is this too complicated for you?

And have you responded to the question in the OP?
I'd say a civil war at this point is a forgone conclusion.

With 330 million people, there are enough angry with the stolen election to start it...and the rest of us will have to take sides to protect ourselves.

The Democrats have proven they are out to purge all conservatives...and that only stokes the fires.
:thankusmile: :yes_text12: Could not have said it better myself.
So we have two more with whom domestic terrorism is fine.

Got it.
Fuck off shill,your fucked up mind thinks our forefathers were domestic terrorists,I only condone violence as a last resort if that’s what it takes to get america back from America hating commies like you who are in government,
You just thanked a guy for saying that civil war is a foregone conclusion.

Now you're saying you only condone violence as a last resort.

Which one is it? Is this too complicated for you?

And have you responded to the question in the OP?

Obviously he considers this to be a time of last resort.

Can't say I blame him.
You think this will be a nice country to live in, after that?
After you start a war?

I do not. I read history. Wars are ugly. Wars destroy

NOTHING good comes from them

In fact nothing comes from them but blood and shit and lives destroyed.

You may think it will be fun.

You're wrong

1. Your side started this, with your refusal to recognize Trump's election.

2. I do not think it will be fun. I think it is unavoidable, because you people will not stop your violence and oppression.
What violence? What oppression?

The violence of the last two years, by blm and antifa, with the support the dem party and, by the order of dem elected officials, the police.

For one example.
BLM has a legitimate beef. Over 10,000 people were arrested in the race riots, just by June 8. Democrats support BLM's call for equal treatment in the justice system, not the riots.
What is their beef? We all agreed what happened to George Floyd was bad. Why riot and burn down small businesses and the police station and then continue to loot and riot for months? Why take down statues of abolitionists? Why take down statues of George Washington?

The hypocrisy is mind blowing.
If you don't know what their beef is, you're part of what they're complaining about. You don't listen. This isn't the place to relitigate BLM, although it seems to be the right's favorite pasttime, turning the conversation there.

There is no hypocrisy. The two situations are entirely different.
OK....I am not following your logic or what their beef is. If my kids are angry with me they don't smash the windows in the house. Don't destroy other people's properties.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI is warning of plans for armed protests at all 50 state capitals and in Washington, D.C., in the days leading up to President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration, stoking fears of more bloodshed after last week’s deadly siege at the U.S. Capitol.


Please tell us what you'd like to see happen over the next week. If things go your way, how does the next eight days (and beyond, if you wish) play out?

And please, no thinly-veiled threats. This is a serious, historic time. Please be serious and specific.

What are you hoping for? Are violence and bloodshed acceptable to you? Are you trying to change the course of history here?
I'm not sure I qualify as a Trump supporter but I did vote for him as the lesser evil. The first time in decades I have voted Donkephant, but then again he's not realy part of the DC insider system.
Personally what I'd like to see is a fair media/sm and the end of cancel culture and a return to idealogical debate vs. cancel culture which is possible the most dangerius aspect of 2020. This is far more important than who inhabits the white house. Personally I have lost faith in the election process either way. A free press would have left no doubt.
Same here,I’m not a trump supporter either only voting for him both times cause he was the lesser evil of the two,cause the alternative was ten times worse both times and this fact hurts the feelings of the op troll.
You think this will be a nice country to live in, after that?
After you start a war?

I do not. I read history. Wars are ugly. Wars destroy

NOTHING good comes from them

In fact nothing comes from them but blood and shit and lives destroyed.

You may think it will be fun.

You're wrong

1. Your side started this, with your refusal to recognize Trump's election.

2. I do not think it will be fun. I think it is unavoidable, because you people will not stop your violence and oppression.
What violence? What oppression?

The violence of the last two years, by blm and antifa, with the support the dem party and, by the order of dem elected officials, the police.

For one example.
BLM has a legitimate beef. Over 10,000 people were arrested in the race riots, just by June 8. Democrats support BLM's call for equal treatment in the justice system, not the riots.
What is their beef? We all agreed what happened to George Floyd was bad. Why riot and burn down small businesses and the police station and then continue to loot and riot for months? Why take down statues of abolitionists? Why take down statues of George Washington?

The hypocrisy is mind blowing.
If you don't know what their beef is, you're part of what they're complaining about. You don't listen. This isn't the place to relitigate BLM, although it seems to be the right's favorite pasttime, turning the conversation there.

There is no hypocrisy. The two situations are entirely different.
OK....I am not following your logic or what their beef is. If my kids are angry with me they don't smash the windows in the house. Don't destroy other people's properties.

All the "beefs" took place in dem controlled cities.

you want police reform, who exactly is stopping you?
I'd say a civil war at this point is a forgone conclusion.

With 330 million people, there are enough angry with the stolen election to start it...and the rest of us will have to take sides to protect ourselves.

The Democrats have proven they are out to purge all conservatives...and that only stokes the fires.
:auiqs.jpg: Republicans approved every vote that was counted. Only a small percent of 73 million believe the election was stolen. Far fewer yet are willing to die over the word of a lying politician. They will become a small red stain in history.
So says the lying paid shill of Langley.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI is warning of plans for armed protests at all 50 state capitals and in Washington, D.C., in the days leading up to President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration, stoking fears of more bloodshed after last week’s deadly siege at the U.S. Capitol.


Please tell us what you'd like to see happen over the next week. If things go your way, how does the next eight days (and beyond, if you wish) play out?

And please, no thinly-veiled threats. This is a serious, historic time. Please be serious and specific.

What are you hoping for? Are violence and bloodshed acceptable to you? Are you trying to change the course of history here?
the complete removal of our corrupt congress----------and other corrupt pols which should include whitmere along with the removal of their puppet masters like the communist chinese and big tech that have bought and paid for them.

Time to clean house-----------------I do believe.
I'd say a civil war at this point is a forgone conclusion. With 330 million people, there are enough angry with the stolen election to start it...and the rest of us will have to take sides to protect ourselves. The Democrats have proven they are out to purge all conservatives...and that only stokes the fires.
Please get more specific. Narrow it down to the next eight days.
These folks continue to opine about Civil Wars...
Then the minute something happens -- these same folks immediately start claiming "Antifa", "BLM" or someone else did it....They are cowards
You trolls have failed to disprove antifa incited the riots at the White House.
Trump is the leader of Antifa?!?!
I'd say a civil war at this point is a forgone conclusion. With 330 million people, there are enough angry with the stolen election to start it...and the rest of us will have to take sides to protect ourselves. The Democrats have proven they are out to purge all conservatives...and that only stokes the fires.
Not all conservatives, just those that think armed insurrection is the way to go. Y'all are acting like bigger snowflakes than the liberals ever did in '16.
They're so emotional now that all we can do is watch and see what happens.

I hope those who are complicit in this (from Trump to talk radio) are held accountable if/when this goes south.

See, that's the thing, you leftists place no blame on democrats. They have been out of control for 12 years and all you do n.v is blame republicans.
:thankusmile: Well said.:thup:

WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI is warning of plans for armed protests at all 50 state capitals and in Washington, D.C., in the days leading up to President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration, stoking fears of more bloodshed after last week’s deadly siege at the U.S. Capitol.


Please tell us what you'd like to see happen over the next week. If things go your way, how does the next eight days (and beyond, if you wish) play out?

And please, no thinly-veiled threats. This is a serious, historic time. Please be serious and specific.

What are you hoping for? Are violence and bloodshed acceptable to you? Are you trying to change the course of history here?
the complete removal of our corrupt congress----------and other corrupt pols which should include whitmere along with the removal of their puppet masters like the communist chinese and big tech that have bought and paid for them.

Time to clean house-----------------I do believe.
How is this removal done? Through the vote or by force? Would you like to see these people removed next week?

Would you like to see Biden's inauguration go smoothly and without incident?

WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI is warning of plans for armed protests at all 50 state capitals and in Washington, D.C., in the days leading up to President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration, stoking fears of more bloodshed after last week’s deadly siege at the U.S. Capitol.


Please tell us what you'd like to see happen over the next week. If things go your way, how does the next eight days (and beyond, if you wish) play out?

And please, no thinly-veiled threats. This is a serious, historic time. Please be serious and specific.

What are you hoping for? Are violence and bloodshed acceptable to you? Are you trying to change the course of history here?
the complete removal of our corrupt congress----------and other corrupt pols which should include whitmere along with the removal of their puppet masters like the communist chinese and big tech that have bought and paid for them.

Time to clean house-----------------I do believe.
Penelope shill is a commie,she loves her and how she violates the constitution with her dreconian laws,she hates all the patriots that marched in Michigan having their own Christmas and gave fascist whitmere the middle finger.:iyfyus.jpg:

WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI is warning of plans for armed protests at all 50 state capitals and in Washington, D.C., in the days leading up to President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration, stoking fears of more bloodshed after last week’s deadly siege at the U.S. Capitol.


Please tell us what you'd like to see happen over the next week. If things go your way, how does the next eight days (and beyond, if you wish) play out?

And please, no thinly-veiled threats. This is a serious, historic time. Please be serious and specific.

What are you hoping for? Are violence and bloodshed acceptable to you? Are you trying to change the course of history here?

Only Democrats can hold massive post election protest after they lose? STFU you double standard hypocrites. :talk2hand:
:thankusmile: :yes_text12:
I'd say a civil war at this point is a forgone conclusion. With 330 million people, there are enough angry with the stolen election to start it...and the rest of us will have to take sides to protect ourselves. The Democrats have proven they are out to purge all conservatives...and that only stokes the fires.
Not all conservatives, just those that think armed insurrection is the way to go. Y'all are acting like bigger snowflakes than the liberals ever did in '16.
They're so emotional now that all we can do is watch and see what happens.

I hope those who are complicit in this (from Trump to talk radio) are held accountable if/when this goes south.
You can't handle the fact of free speech can you?
So in your mind, inciting violence and murder are speech.

You jihadis sure so have your own rules.
That's what the british said about george washington
:thankusmile: You nailed it.:biggrin:
the complete removal of our corrupt congress----------and other corrupt pols which should include whitmere along with the removal of their puppet masters like the communist chinese and big tech that have bought and paid for them.

Time to clean house-----------------I do believe.
You need to take that insurrectionist shit to GAB where it belongs.

Say hi to the FBI by the way
I'd say a civil war at this point is a forgone conclusion. With 330 million people, there are enough angry with the stolen election to start it...and the rest of us will have to take sides to protect ourselves. The Democrats have proven they are out to purge all conservatives...and that only stokes the fires.
Not all conservatives, just those that think armed insurrection is the way to go. Y'all are acting like bigger snowflakes than the liberals ever did in '16.
They're so emotional now that all we can do is watch and see what happens.

I hope those who are complicit in this (from Trump to talk radio) are held accountable if/when this goes south.
You can't handle the fact of free speech can you?
So in your mind, inciting violence and murder are speech.

You jihadis sure so have your own rules.
That's what the british said about george washington
:thankusmile: You nailed it.:biggrin:
Holy crap, you're quite the cheerleader.

So, have you answered the question in the OP, or can you not think for yourself?
I'd say a civil war at this point is a forgone conclusion. With 330 million people, there are enough angry with the stolen election to start it...and the rest of us will have to take sides to protect ourselves. The Democrats have proven they are out to purge all conservatives...and that only stokes the fires.
Not all conservatives, just those that think armed insurrection is the way to go. Y'all are acting like bigger snowflakes than the liberals ever did in '16.
They're so emotional now that all we can do is watch and see what happens.

I hope those who are complicit in this (from Trump to talk radio) are held accountable if/when this goes south.
Quote me one thing Trump said that is invoking violence?

Can you answer this question honestly?

Do you think the assault on the Capital would have happened without Trump's leadership?
First off there was no Trump lead assault on the capital. That destruction was by BLM and Antifa Agitators, Why did the DC police escort the mob in? Why did security in the Capital allow them inside?
Do you think it would have happened without Trump's leadership?
Avoiding the question? Give me a quote where Trump incited violence in the Capital?

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