TRUMP SUPPORTERS - -What are you hoping for?

I'd say a civil war at this point is a forgone conclusion. With 330 million people, there are enough angry with the stolen election to start it...and the rest of us will have to take sides to protect ourselves. The Democrats have proven they are out to purge all conservatives...and that only stokes the fires.
Not all conservatives, just those that think armed insurrection is the way to go. Y'all are acting like bigger snowflakes than the liberals ever did in '16.
They're so emotional now that all we can do is watch and see what happens.

I hope those who are complicit in this (from Trump to talk radio) are held accountable if/when this goes south.
Quote me one thing Trump said that is invoking violence?

Can you answer this question honestly?

Do you think the assault on the Capital would have happened without Trump's leadership?
First off there was no Trump lead assault on the capital. That destruction was by BLM and Antifa Agitators, Why did the DC police escort the mob in? Why did security in the Capital allow them inside?
Do you think it would have happened without Trump's leadership?
Avoiding the question? Give me a quote where Trump incited violence in the Capital?

I asked first. You want the discussion to devolve into a wordsmithing a bunch of petty denials. Not playing.

Can you answer this question honestly?

Do you think the assault on the Capital would have happened without Trump's leadership?

You can't (or won't) answer because you know the truth. Trump owns it. He owns you.
Ok so you admit you cannot give a quote where Trump said to do anything but peacefully demonstrate.. I thought so, thanks for playing, you lose
Nah. I'm just pointing out that you're full of shit. And you're confirming it. You won't answer the question because it makes you look bad. I get it. If I was you, I'd hide too.
you are the claiming Trump was inciting violence, just asking you to prove it by giving us the Trump quote where he did this.
Otherwise JSTFU

No, you're just playing lawyer. Looking for "plausible deniability". Weak.

But to be clear, you want a civil war, right?
I'd say a civil war at this point is a forgone conclusion. With 330 million people, there are enough angry with the stolen election to start it...and the rest of us will have to take sides to protect ourselves. The Democrats have proven they are out to purge all conservatives...and that only stokes the fires.
Not all conservatives, just those that think armed insurrection is the way to go. Y'all are acting like bigger snowflakes than the liberals ever did in '16.
They're so emotional now that all we can do is watch and see what happens.

I hope those who are complicit in this (from Trump to talk radio) are held accountable if/when this goes south.
Quote me one thing Trump said that is invoking violence?

Can you answer this question honestly?

Do you think the assault on the Capital would have happened without Trump's leadership?
First off there was no Trump lead assault on the capital. That destruction was by BLM and Antifa Agitators, Why did the DC police escort the mob in? Why did security in the Capital allow them inside?
Do you think it would have happened without Trump's leadership?
Avoiding the question? Give me a quote where Trump incited violence in the Capital?

I asked first. You want the discussion to devolve into a wordsmithing a bunch of petty denials. Not playing.

Can you answer this question honestly?

Do you think the assault on the Capital would have happened without Trump's leadership?

You can't (or won't) answer because you know the truth. Trump owns it. He owns you.
Ok so you admit you cannot give a quote where Trump said to do anything but peacefully demonstrate.. I thought so, thanks for playing, you lose
Nah. I'm just pointing out that you're full of shit. And you're confirming it. You won't answer the question because it makes you look bad. I get it. If I was you, I'd hide too.
you are the claiming Trump was inciting violence, just asking you to prove it by giving us the Trump quote where he did this.
Otherwise JSTFU

No, you're just playing lawyer. Looking for "plausible deniability". Weak.

But to be clear, you want a civil war, right?

To be clear, you want an unhinged troll running your country, right?
Call it whatever you want. You are enabling a Communist takeover of this country. You are a traitor.
You are delusional. Dangerously so
They truly believe it. They really think that a war will save us from going communist.

I've never seen delusion like this.
So you would like to see this country go communist?
OK now we know what side you are on
Um, no.

You are delusional. You have been conned. Punked. Fooled.
Again another liberal refusing to answer a direct question.
Seems like that is what they do best.
Seems like that is what they do best.
What they do best is attach themselves like a barnacle to anything the media says no matter how dishonest or stupid it is.
I'd say a civil war at this point is a forgone conclusion. With 330 million people, there are enough angry with the stolen election to start it...and the rest of us will have to take sides to protect ourselves. The Democrats have proven they are out to purge all conservatives...and that only stokes the fires.
Not all conservatives, just those that think armed insurrection is the way to go. Y'all are acting like bigger snowflakes than the liberals ever did in '16.
They're so emotional now that all we can do is watch and see what happens.

I hope those who are complicit in this (from Trump to talk radio) are held accountable if/when this goes south.
Quote me one thing Trump said that is invoking violence?

Can you answer this question honestly?

Do you think the assault on the Capital would have happened without Trump's leadership?
First off there was no Trump lead assault on the capital. That destruction was by BLM and Antifa Agitators, Why did the DC police escort the mob in? Why did security in the Capital allow them inside?
Do you think it would have happened without Trump's leadership?
Avoiding the question? Give me a quote where Trump incited violence in the Capital?

I asked first. You want the discussion to devolve into a wordsmithing a bunch of petty denials. Not playing.

Can you answer this question honestly?

Do you think the assault on the Capital would have happened without Trump's leadership?

You can't (or won't) answer because you know the truth. Trump owns it. He owns you.
Ok so you admit you cannot give a quote where Trump said to do anything but peacefully demonstrate.. I thought so, thanks for playing, you lose
Nah. I'm just pointing out that you're full of shit. And you're confirming it. You won't answer the question because it makes you look bad. I get it. If I was you, I'd hide too.
you are the claiming Trump was inciting violence, just asking you to prove it by giving us the Trump quote where he did this.
Otherwise JSTFU

No, you're just playing lawyer. Looking for "plausible deniability". Weak.

But to be clear, you want a civil war, right?

To be clear, you want an unhinged troll running your country, right?
and you want a senile old socialist and a racist black bitch running your country, right?
Show me what he did to make you think he is unhinged, be specific
I thought that obvious--our corrupt pols aren't going to leave willingly--they have to be removed by force preferable in handcuffs.......our politicans are now above the law and above the voters.
You really need to take your garbage somewhere else.

I'm looking into how to report this to the FBI as we speak
Lesh-------you are truly pathetic. Don't threaten babe---go for it. I can handle them as I watch you prove that you are the type of lowlife that the communist love to have tattle. It indicates a huge mental issue in you. I'll even help you out----I am officially rebelling against my corrupt government ---my loyalities have never been to any politicians and I want you and my corrupt government to know this.
I'd say a civil war at this point is a forgone conclusion. With 330 million people, there are enough angry with the stolen election to start it...and the rest of us will have to take sides to protect ourselves. The Democrats have proven they are out to purge all conservatives...and that only stokes the fires.
Not all conservatives, just those that think armed insurrection is the way to go. Y'all are acting like bigger snowflakes than the liberals ever did in '16.
They're so emotional now that all we can do is watch and see what happens.

I hope those who are complicit in this (from Trump to talk radio) are held accountable if/when this goes south.
Quote me one thing Trump said that is invoking violence?

Can you answer this question honestly?

Do you think the assault on the Capital would have happened without Trump's leadership?
First off there was no Trump lead assault on the capital. That destruction was by BLM and Antifa Agitators, Why did the DC police escort the mob in? Why did security in the Capital allow them inside?
Do you think it would have happened without Trump's leadership?
Avoiding the question? Give me a quote where Trump incited violence in the Capital?

I asked first. You want the discussion to devolve into a wordsmithing a bunch of petty denials. Not playing.

Can you answer this question honestly?

Do you think the assault on the Capital would have happened without Trump's leadership?

You can't (or won't) answer because you know the truth. Trump owns it. He owns you.
Ok so you admit you cannot give a quote where Trump said to do anything but peacefully demonstrate.. I thought so, thanks for playing, you lose
Nah. I'm just pointing out that you're full of shit. And you're confirming it. You won't answer the question because it makes you look bad. I get it. If I was you, I'd hide too.
you are the claiming Trump was inciting violence, just asking you to prove it by giving us the Trump quote where he did this.
Otherwise JSTFU

No, you're just playing lawyer. Looking for "plausible deniability". Weak.

But to be clear, you want a civil war, right?

To be clear, you want an unhinged troll running your country, right?

No, I do not support Biden as president. I voted for the other guy.

My question stand. You do want a civil war, do you not?
To be clear, you want an unhinged troll running your country, right?
and you want a senile old socialist and a racist black bitch running your country, right?

Nope. Only very small minds, those inundated with the "lesser-of-two-evils" nonsense, think that way.
Show me what he did to make you think he is unhinged, be specific

"Be specific"? Fuck you and your pompous posturing. I'm not going to spend several hours (in reality it would take much longer) cataloguing every example of Trump's trolling. Especially when you and I both know it wouldn't do ANY good. You'd stick your head right back up Trump's ass and continue reciting propaganda.
You really need to take your garbage somewhere else.
I'm looking into how to report this to the FBI as we speak
Look at how emotional and aggressive they've gotten in this thread.

The question I asked was perfectly reasonable, and they went full drama queen again.

People are dying in the streets. We are in a period of escalating political unrest.

It is a dramatic time. Pretending otherwise, is just you gaslighting.
You really need to take your garbage somewhere else.
I'm looking into how to report this to the FBI as we speak
Look at how emotional and aggressive they've gotten in this thread.

The question I asked was perfectly reasonable, and they went full drama queen again.
My God! censor them. We do not want upset. :auiqs.jpg:
Why should you be censored?

I want you people to self-identify as easily as possible.

That is the people that were cheated out of the person they elected.
I'd say a civil war at this point is a forgone conclusion. With 330 million people, there are enough angry with the stolen election to start it...and the rest of us will have to take sides to protect ourselves. The Democrats have proven they are out to purge all conservatives...and that only stokes the fires.
Not all conservatives, just those that think armed insurrection is the way to go. Y'all are acting like bigger snowflakes than the liberals ever did in '16.
They're so emotional now that all we can do is watch and see what happens.

I hope those who are complicit in this (from Trump to talk radio) are held accountable if/when this goes south.
Quote me one thing Trump said that is invoking violence?

Can you answer this question honestly?

Do you think the assault on the Capital would have happened without Trump's leadership?
First off there was no Trump lead assault on the capital. That destruction was by BLM and Antifa Agitators, Why did the DC police escort the mob in? Why did security in the Capital allow them inside?
Do you think it would have happened without Trump's leadership?
Avoiding the question? Give me a quote where Trump incited violence in the Capital?

I asked first. You want the discussion to devolve into a wordsmithing a bunch of petty denials. Not playing.

Can you answer this question honestly?

Do you think the assault on the Capital would have happened without Trump's leadership?

You can't (or won't) answer because you know the truth. Trump owns it. He owns you.
Ok so you admit you cannot give a quote where Trump said to do anything but peacefully demonstrate.. I thought so, thanks for playing, you lose
Nah. I'm just pointing out that you're full of shit. And you're confirming it. You won't answer the question because it makes you look bad. I get it. If I was you, I'd hide too.
you are the claiming Trump was inciting violence, just asking you to prove it by giving us the Trump quote where he did this.
Otherwise JSTFU

No, you're just playing lawyer. Looking for "plausible deniability". Weak.

But to be clear, you want a civil war, right?

To be clear, you want an unhinged troll running your country, right?

No, I do not support Biden as president. I voted for the other guy.

The "other guy"? That's what I thought. You're a lesser-of-two-evils moron.

My question stand. You do want a civil war, do you not?

No. Why are you asking such an in idiotic question? Just a diversion?
You really need to take your garbage somewhere else.
I'm looking into how to report this to the FBI as we speak
Look at how emotional and aggressive they've gotten in this thread.

The question I asked was perfectly reasonable, and they went full drama queen again.
My God! censor them. We do not want upset. :auiqs.jpg:
Why should you be censored?

I want you people to self-identify as easily as possible.


Strangely your party seems to think otherwise. THey are afraid of conservatives and their ideas having a voice.
You really need to take your garbage somewhere else.
I'm looking into how to report this to the FBI as we speak
Look at how emotional and aggressive they've gotten in this thread.

The question I asked was perfectly reasonable, and they went full drama queen again.
My God! censor them. We do not want upset. :auiqs.jpg:
Why should you be censored?

I want you people to self-identify as easily as possible.

I make no difference on a small message board.Censoring people with national followings in the millions is wrong and it is what Communists do. Off hand, do you know an American I can talk to, I am tired of talking to you.
You really need to take your garbage somewhere else.
I'm looking into how to report this to the FBI as we speak
Look at how emotional and aggressive they've gotten in this thread.

The question I asked was perfectly reasonable, and they went full drama queen again.
My God! censor them. We do not want upset. :auiqs.jpg:
Why should you be censored?

I want you people to self-identify as easily as possible.


Strangely your party seems to think otherwise. THey are afraid of conservatives and their ideas having a voice.
I could never be a Democrat. So once again, you lie about me.
They are members of a cult, and they don't know they are in a cult.

Keeping pouring gas on the fire. People dying in the streets and you want to stroke the fires higher.
Americans are not going to cower to Trumpian terrorists...or any terrorists.
Unlike the House and Senate and Supreme Court cowered to the BLM and Antifa groups
The house, Senate and SC had nothing to do with States and their governor's reacting to local violence within their States?
You really need to take your garbage somewhere else.
I'm looking into how to report this to the FBI as we speak
Look at how emotional and aggressive they've gotten in this thread.

The question I asked was perfectly reasonable, and they went full drama queen again.
My God! censor them. We do not want upset. :auiqs.jpg:
Why should you be censored?

I want you people to self-identify as easily as possible.


Strangely your party seems to think otherwise. THey are afraid of conservatives and their ideas having a voice.
I could never be a Democrat. So once again, you lie about me.

Really? Are you a registered Communist?

REgardless, in the ongoing battle, you obviously side with and support them, and their lies.

Generally speaking.

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