TRUMP SUPPORTERS - -What are you hoping for?

I am going to say I no longer care what they want but if they want war then be warned if a Civil War does erupt throwing this country into chaos and without a government then NATO and the U.N. will put boots on the ground and end this war!

So let me be clear those that believe Trump should be President will lose and slaughtered if they go further into what they wish to happen!

Mmm, interesting that you think you need outside help to win.
And knowing how much of a racist neo-confederate dic sucker you are...

Did this make you giddy?? Did someone waving the Confederate flag in the US Capitol during an insurrection make you moist??
View attachment 441653

Or did you just claim Antifa did it?

Shut yo coward ass up
The flag of treason, racism, and hate in the heart of American democracy is a fitting symbol of the lawless, reprehensible right.

Not everyone on the right flies the Flag of Dixie that was General Lee Battle Flag and not the Confederate Flag...

Most of those assholes do not vote usually and usually have a straight line for their family tree...
Look at how emotional and aggressive they've gotten in this thread.

The question I asked was perfectly reasonable, and they went full drama queen again.
It's too late for that as the election has already been stolen and the left must be pinching themselves in
disbelief at how easy it all was.

With that in mind we should A) outlaw Dominion vote changing machines.
B) Do away with mail in voting. Go back to paper ballots as many nations have done (we are always lectured and shamed because we don't emulate Europe enough. Guess who is not for that when it comes to
voting security?).
C) Conduct a full investigation into the theft of our democracy.
D) Voter I.D.s mandated for everyone.
E) Impeach the judges that helped steal the election.

You ask, you get.
I am going to say I no longer care what they want but if they want war then be warned if a Civil War does erupt throwing this country into chaos and without a government then NATO and the U.N. will put boots on the ground and end this war!

So let me be clear those that believe Trump should be President will lose and slaughtered if they go further into what they wish to happen!

Mmm, interesting that you think you need outside help to win.
And knowing how much of a racist neo-confederate dic sucker you are...

Did this make you giddy?? Did someone waving the Confederate flag in the US Capitol during an insurrection make you moist??
View attachment 441653

Or did you just claim Antifa did it?

Shut yo coward ass up
The flag of treason, racism, and hate in the heart of American democracy is a fitting symbol of the lawless, reprehensible right.

Not everyone on the right flies the Flag of Dixie that was General Lee Battle Flag and not the Confederate Flag...

Most of those assholes do not vote usually and usually have a straight line for their family tree...

Your smearing of the South, especially the rural south, is noted and held against you, you bigot.

Beyond that, you are correct, not everyone flies the Battle Flag. It is a harmless symbol of regional pride, and many on the right are not from the South.

It has made some inroads into the North as a symbol of rural culture or general rebellion-ness, but less so.
Look at how emotional and aggressive they've gotten in this thread.

The question I asked was perfectly reasonable, and they went full drama queen again.
It's too late for that as the election has already been stolen and the left must be pinching themselves in
disbelief at how easy it all was.

With that in mind we should A) outlaw Dominion vote changing machines.
B) Do away with mail in voting. Go back to paper ballots as many nations have done (we are always lectured and shamed because we don't emulate Europe enough. Guess who is not for that when it comes to
voting security?).
C) Conduct a full investigation into the theft of our democracy.
D) Voter I.D.s mandated for everyone.
E) Impeach the judges that helped steal the election.

You ask, you get.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI is warning of plans for armed protests at all 50 state capitals and in Washington, D.C., in the days leading up to President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration, stoking fears of more bloodshed after last week’s deadly siege at the U.S. Capitol.


Please tell us what you'd like to see happen over the next week. If things go your way, how does the next eight days (and beyond, if you wish) play out?

And please, no thinly-veiled threats. This is a serious, historic time. Please be serious and specific.

What are you hoping for? Are violence and bloodshed acceptable to you? Are you trying to change the course of history here?

Right now for chinese communist party toads, like you, to shut up.
Right now for chinese communist party toads, like you, to shut up.
I'd say a civil war at this point is a forgone conclusion. With 330 million people, there are enough angry with the stolen election to start it...and the rest of us will have to take sides to protect ourselves. The Democrats have proven they are out to purge all conservatives...and that only stokes the fires.
Not all conservatives, just those that think armed insurrection is the way to go. Y'all are acting like bigger snowflakes than the liberals ever did in '16.
I don't think we are at that point yet, but it may be the only way to resolve this issue.
Not all conservatives, just those that think armed insurrection is the way to go. Y'all are acting like bigger snowflakes than the liberals ever did in '16.
What would you do if our roles were reversed? If you believed the election was stolen. If a state violated their own constitution and then their supreme court upheld it. If every lawsuit was dismissed on procedural grounds and evidence was never heard. If subpoenas for voting machine records were ignored. If state voting officials barred observers. If secretaries of state rushed to wipe voting machines.

Would you just roll over and take it?

We had 4 years of tramp, didn't we. NO ONE STOLE THE ELECTION!!
That certainly isn't proof, moron.
Right now for chinese communist party toads, like you, to shut up.
ROFL! You mean like Twitter, Facebook, youTube and about 14 other platforms have said to all conservatives?

Go fuck yourself, you Nazi asshole
Another drama queen who can't answer the straightforward questions in the OP.

It's a stupid question, and it's addressed to the wrong people. No one in here is planning to anything in any state capitol in the next few weeks. Why don't you ask the people who are?
Right now for chinese communist party toads, like you, to shut up.
ROFL! You mean like Twitter, Facebook, youTube and about 14 other platforms have said to all conservatives?

Go fuck yourself, you Nazi asshole
Another drama queen who can't answer the straightforward questions in the OP.

It's a stupid question, and it's addressed to the wrong people. No one in here is planning to anything in any state capitol in the next few weeks. Why don't you ask the people who are?
I will tell you this. If violence is the last option I hope it’s taken to the extreme and thousands of you left wingers pay the price.
There ya go. There's some honesty.
I’d call it common sense. Do you really think you can screw people over and destroy a nation without a reaction?
But that didn't happen. You have been lied to.

So there is no way for me to answer your question.
Playing stupid isn’t going to save you from the consequences. We’ve sent military forces around the world to defeat communism. Why would you think we wouldn’t do it here.
I will tell you this. If violence is the last option I hope it’s taken to the extreme and thousands of you left wingers pay the price.
There ya go. There's some honesty.
I’d call it common sense. Do you really think you can screw people over and destroy a nation without a reaction?
Yes, they do, and they would be right. Did any conservatives do anything about the George Floyd riots? Nope. That just sat there and took it. That's what they all do.
I will tell you this. If violence is the last option I hope it’s taken to the extreme and thousands of you left wingers pay the price.
There ya go. There's some honesty.
I’d call it common sense. Do you really think you can screw people over and destroy a nation without a reaction?
But that didn't happen. You have been lied to.

So there is no way for me to answer your question.
It did happen, you Nazi asshole. This country is now a one party state.
I will tell you this. If violence is the last option I hope it’s taken to the extreme and thousands of you left wingers pay the price.
There ya go. There's some honesty.
I’d call it common sense. Do you really think you can screw people over and destroy a nation without a reaction?
But that didn't happen. You have been lied to.

So there is no way for me to answer your question.
Playing stupid isn’t going to save you from the consequences. We’ve sent military forces around the world to defeat communism. Why would you think we wouldn’t do it here.

Again, we simply exist in different realities.

Yours is full of delusion, misinformation and paranoia.

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