TRUMP SUPPORTERS - -What are you hoping for?

I'm confused. What would you suggest "my side" do?

Calm the rhetoric.

You don't understand that your side is throwing gasoline on a fire.

Calling the protest at the Capitol insurrection...attempting to expel GOP lawmakers that objected to the electoral count... shutting down conservative social media...banning a sitting president from Twitter...

All these things are ratcheting up the tension.
Calling a spade a spade is not "throwing gsoline" on anything..Miimizing an insurrection which lead to 5 deaths including a cop is iresponsible and inviting WORSE
I'm confused. What would you suggest "my side" do?

Calm the rhetoric.

You don't understand that your side is throwing gasoline on a fire.

Calling the protest at the Capitol insurrection...attempting to expel GOP lawmakers that objected to the electoral count... shutting down conservative social media...banning a sitting president from Twitter...

All these things are ratcheting up the tension.
Calling a spade a spade is not "throwing gsoline" on anything..Miimizing an insurrection which lead to 5 deaths including a cop is iresponsible and inviting WORSE
And it might have been much worse unless there were the capital police who risked their lives to protect lawmakers. (on both sides btw. They may have wanted Pence's head)
I also blame Republicans who are justifying the actions, goals and threats of those few. Depends who you're speaking with, doesn't it, if it is "a few" or 75 million?
I didn't vote for either candidate, but what I am hoping for is for Mac to STFU on the subject.

His absolutely obsessive preoccupation with Trump is not the sign of a healthy individual. I would suggest he contact a therapist with experience in treating monomania.
I'd say a civil war at this point is a forgone conclusion. With 330 million people, there are enough angry with the stolen election to start it...and the rest of us will have to take sides to protect ourselves. The Democrats have proven they are out to purge all conservatives...and that only stokes the fires.
Not all conservatives, just those that think armed insurrection is the way to go. Y'all are acting like bigger snowflakes than the liberals ever did in '16.
They're so emotional now that all we can do is watch and see what happens.

I hope those who are complicit in this (from Trump to talk radio) are held accountable if/when this goes south.

See, that's the thing, you leftists place no blame on democrats. They have been out of control for 12 years and all you do n.v is blame republicans.
So you're not responsible for your actions. We made you do it.

Rapists, murderers and jihadis make the same argument.

YOu start a war, whining when people fight back is unbecoming.
I started a war. Okay, got it.

YOU is sometimes a plural.

But you knew that.

You effectively lied, to avoid responding honestly.

I answered your op question honestly.

Funny, how I am fine defending my positions and policies honestly, while people like you, the left (plural, not just you personally)

feel a need to be dishonest so much.

And by "funny" I mean, it shows that on some level, you know that you are in the wrong, that you are the bad guys.
You were asked what you want. Your response was excuses for violence. So you WANT violence?

No, this was my response to the op. Later I addressed your side's attacks on us.

1. Violence and bloodshed has been UNacceptable to me these last two years. But America has accepted it as the new normal. I am sad about that. Not buying this silly story that it started last week in dc.

2. I don't really have any clear hopes for the future at this point. You people keep finding each possible avenue forward and shutting it down, most recently banning the speech alternative Parler.

3. I would LOVE to change the course of history. This course we are on, sucks ass.
When you call your riots "protests" you are making excuses for your violence.
So you ARE using the protests from last summer as an excuse for violence NOW.

That's very clear.

How you could pretend that whatever happened last summer justifies "Hang Mike Pence", killing cops, threatening law makers, and ransacking the seat of government is unclear though

You start a war, being upset that people fight back, just makes you look stupid and weak.

You should have thought this though better.


You dont' think this is OVER, do you?

It is just beginning. If you don't like where it is headed, now is the time to work to change it.

Not pouring more fuel on the fire.
I'd say a civil war at this point is a forgone conclusion. With 330 million people, there are enough angry with the stolen election to start it...and the rest of us will have to take sides to protect ourselves. The Democrats have proven they are out to purge all conservatives...and that only stokes the fires.
Not all conservatives, just those that think armed insurrection is the way to go. Y'all are acting like bigger snowflakes than the liberals ever did in '16.
One of the GOP politicians (Boebert) compared this to 1776.

1776 wasn't based on a lie. But her message is clear.
You people are lying through your teeth. The election was fraudulent. The mass censorship is a huge admission of guilt. The people losing their jobs amounts to a Communist takeover. If people do start shooting it is because the assholes asked for it.

You are one of those assholes.
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WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI is warning of plans for armed protests at all 50 state capitals and in Washington, D.C., in the days leading up to President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration, stoking fears of more bloodshed after last week’s deadly siege at the U.S. Capitol.


Please tell us what you'd like to see happen over the next week. If things go your way, how does the next eight days (and beyond, if you wish) play out?

And please, no thinly-veiled threats. This is a serious, historic time. Please be serious and specific.

What are you hoping for? Are violence and bloodshed acceptable to you? Are you trying to change the course of history here?
Any response will result in you labeling us "racists".
I'm confused. What would you suggest "my side" do?

Calm the rhetoric.

You don't understand that your side is throwing gasoline on a fire.

Calling the protest at the Capitol insurrection...attempting to expel GOP lawmakers that objected to the electoral count... shutting down conservative social media...banning a sitting president from Twitter...

All these things are ratcheting up the tension.
Calling a spade a spade is not "throwing gsoline" on anything..Miimizing an insurrection which lead to 5 deaths including a cop is iresponsible and inviting WORSE
The shit that goes on in slums is also an insurrection.
I guess that's as close to a straight answer as I'll get from you.

I'll assume that you're in with the domestic terrorists.
You're starting to get it now
YOu start a war, whining when people fight back is unbecoming.

There is no war...but you WANT one

How many people have to die, before you consider it a war? I want to know now, so that we aren't having the same conversation while sitting in the smoking ruins, on a mound of corpses.
I am going to say I no longer care what they want but if they want war then be warned if a Civil War does erupt throwing this country into chaos and without a government then NATO and the U.N. will put boots on the ground and end this war! So let me be clear those that believe Trump should be President will lose and slaughtered if they go further into what they wish to happen!
Mmm, interesting that you think you need outside help to win.
Personally, I don't. I have faith the military would do its duty to stamp out any widespread rebellion.

So, talk to the guy that thinks that you people would need outside help. Why you flapping your gums at me?

I am writing to you directly and letting you know fools like you dream of a Civil War and killing all those that oppose your hatred and oppression will be killed quickly and yes NATO and the U.N. step in because that mean the country is torn apart and we are a Super Power with a Nuclear Arsenal that idiots like you would use against the civilian population so you can win but after doing it you would win nothing because you would also be dead!
you are intentionally stirring shit. You're as bad as the MAGArats. You probably ARE a MAGArat

Do you not realize that you are "stirring shit" too?
Does anyone think that so far anything in this thread is helping to ease tensions or avert a civil conflict?

I do not.

It only reinforces my belief that civil war is an inescapable reality.
I'd say a civil war at this point is a forgone conclusion.

With 330 million people, there are enough angry with the stolen election to start it...and the rest of us will have to take sides to protect ourselves.

The Democrats have proven they are out to purge all conservatives...and that only stokes the fires.
Please get more specific. Narrow it down to the next eight days.
These folks continue to opine about Civil Wars...

Then the minute something happens -- these same folks immediately start claiming "Antifa", "BLM" or someone else did it....

They are cowards

Said the man talking on the internet.
and where are you talking??

In the streets??

I guarantee you that you turn bitch anytime you encounter something real....stick to whining online

I'm not the one talking shit about other people. I'm just the one pointing out your behavior as you do that.

My position on the violence of that last two years, is the same as it has ever been and is not impacted by whether or not, BLM or Antifa or any other dem operatives had a hand in setting up the recent riot in dc.
Here is the truth that makes people like you consistently afraid, insecure, and angry...the fact that once again, you will be on the wrong side of history......

As much as you folks try to scapegoat your racist hypocrisy by pointing your finger at BLM -- the fact is, your oppression is manufactured....what BLM fundamentally stands for is REAL AND HAS BEEN REAL FOR DECADES...

Who was "BLM" before they ever existed? they were the Black Panthers, they were the Deacons For Defense, they were the NAACP, they were SNCC -- in fact, racist ass conservatives like yourself demonized MLK for demanding police reform in the same way you demonize anyone today who demand police reform....just yall like call anyone who opposes you, communists, socialist, etc to avoid discussing the issues --- yall did the same shit to MLK...and you lost....CONSERVATIVES LOST....
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Then when history showed those who fought for civil rights were on the RIGHT SIDE -- conservative cowards like you slithered away and tried to claim you were on the right side too...AFTER THE FACT.....AFTER BLOOD WAS SPILLED...AFTER OTHER PEOPLE DID THE HEAVY fuck what you talking about now...

Hands up dont shoot never happened. Burn Loot Murder was.startred by a lie. A lie Obama and the dems used to create violence all for votes.

Biff_Poindexter knows that it was a lie.
You think this will be a nice country to live in, after that?
After you start a war?

I do not. I read history. Wars are ugly. Wars destroy

NOTHING good comes from them

In fact nothing comes from them but blood and shit and lives destroyed.

You may think it will be fun.

You're wrong

1. Your side started this, with your refusal to recognize Trump's election.

2. I do not think it will be fun. I think it is unavoidable, because you people will not stop your violence and oppression.

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