TRUMP SUPPORTERS - -What are you hoping for?

They're not being very specific here yet.

Either they don't know, or they don't want to say.
Sometime you argue that Americans must come together

Then you sneer at the other side and taunt them

You only pretend to be a moderate when you really are a flaming radical just like everyone else
And yet, I've said it a thousand times:

People like you won't be a part of any unity.

We'll just have to find a way to work around you.
You think this will be a nice country to live in, after that?
After you start a war?

I do not. I read history. Wars are ugly. Wars destroy

NOTHING good comes from them

In fact nothing comes from them but blood and shit and lives destroyed.

You may think it will be fun.

You're wrong
This is all your fault.

You made me do it.


Murderers, Rapists & Terrorists
Is this your defection from not really caring about violence and bloodshed?

...cuz it ain't working...

Ol' glasshead can see right through him.

30 people die in leftwing riots...crickets.

But NOW suddenly stopping violence has become important.

You're dispicable.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI is warning of plans for armed protests at all 50 state capitals and in Washington, D.C., in the days leading up to President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration, stoking fears of more bloodshed after last week’s deadly siege at the U.S. Capitol.


Please tell us what you'd like to see happen over the next week. If things go your way, how does the next eight days (and beyond, if you wish) play out?

And please, no thinly-veiled threats. This is a serious, historic time. Please be serious and specific.

What are you hoping for? Are violence and bloodshed acceptable to you? Are you trying to change the course of history here?

This is as close as Trump will ever get to his much talked about public works program which he never acted on during his term. You see, these Trumpers are going to end up causing this country to build a lot more prisons and psych wards.
This is all your fault.

You made me do it.


Murderers, Rapists & Terrorists
Is this your defection from not really caring about violence and bloodshed?

...cuz it ain't working...

Ol' glasshead can see right through him.

30 people die in leftwing riots...crickets.

But NOW suddenly stopping violence has become important.

You're dispicable.
I can understand your need to change the subject and put me on the defensive.

You support domestic terrorism. I do not.

None of your lies will change that.
You think this will be a nice country to live in, after that?
After you start a war?

I do not. I read history. Wars are ugly. Wars destroy

NOTHING good comes from them

In fact nothing comes from them but blood and shit and lives destroyed.

You may think it will be fun.

You're wrong
Finally we agree on something.

So...are you willing to launch a Mueller type investigation into election irregularities to avoid one?
This is all your fault.

You made me do it.


Murderers, Rapists & Terrorists
Is this your defection from not really caring about violence and bloodshed?

...cuz it ain't working...

Ol' glasshead can see right through him.

30 people die in leftwing riots...crickets.

But NOW suddenly stopping violence has become important.

You're dispicable.
I can understand your need to change the subject and put me on the defensive.

You support domestic terrorism. I do not.

None of your lies will change that.
How am I lying? suddenly pretend to put a premium on much so that you started thus thread.

Fact...We've had far worse politically motivated violence in this country in the last six months didn't care enough to oppose THAT violence...because that was your side...advancing YOUR agenda. only started "caring" enough to oppose violence and bloodshed when it was suddenly politically expedient...

So where is the lie?
You think this will be a nice country to live in, after that?
After you start a war?

I do not. I read history. Wars are ugly. Wars destroy

NOTHING good comes from them

In fact nothing comes from them but blood and shit and lives destroyed.

You may think it will be fun.

You're wrong
Finally we agree on something.

So...are you willing to launch a Mueller type investigation into election irregularities to avoid one?
Investigate all you want. But DON'T advocate that people die.

This is all your fault.

You made me do it.


Murderers, Rapists & Terrorists
Is this your defection from not really caring about violence and bloodshed?

...cuz it ain't working...

Ol' glasshead can see right through him.

30 people die in leftwing riots...crickets.

But NOW suddenly stopping violence has become important.

You're dispicable.
I can understand your need to change the subject and put me on the defensive.

You support domestic terrorism. I do not.

None of your lies will change that.
How am I lying? suddenly pretend to put a premium on much so that you started thus thread.

Fact...We've had far worse politically motivated violence in this country in the last six months didn't care enough to oppose THAT violence...because that was your side...advancing YOUR agenda. only started "caring" enough to oppose violence and bloodshed when it was suddenly politically expedient...

So where is the lie? seem to understand that war is a really horrible thing to be avoided at all costs...and yet you continue to advcate violence.

This is all your fault.

You made me do it.


Murderers, Rapists & Terrorists
Is this your defection from not really caring about violence and bloodshed?

...cuz it ain't working...

Ol' glasshead can see right through him.

30 people die in leftwing riots...crickets.

But NOW suddenly stopping violence has become important.

You're dispicable.
I can understand your need to change the subject and put me on the defensive.

You support domestic terrorism. I do not.

None of your lies will change that.
How am I lying? suddenly pretend to put a premium on much so that you started thus thread.

Fact...We've had far worse politically motivated violence in this country in the last six months didn't care enough to oppose THAT violence...because that was your side...advancing YOUR agenda. only started "caring" enough to oppose violence and bloodshed when it was suddenly politically expedient...

So where is the lie? seem to understand that war is a really horrible thing to be avoided at all costs...and yet you continue to advcate violence.

This has been building for years, decades, and fed by talk radio and the internet.

Now the sheep are out of control, and not even their own party can stop them.

There are quite a few people who will have blood on their hands.
Investigate all you want. But DON'T advocate that people die.

I'm not. I actually honestly agree.

A civil war is going to be terrible.

I'm not saying I want it...I'm saying it's coming whether I want it or not. Because both sides think they have a winning hand.

BOTH SIDES need to step back from the brink.

But that's not going to happen...and you guys aren't prepared.

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