TRUMP SUPPORTERS - -What are you hoping for?

So the best I can get here is that YES

Trumpers DO want violence

And they feel entitled to it because there were protests months ago

Tell me I'm wrong
I am going to say I no longer care what they want but if they want war then be warned if a Civil War does erupt throwing this country into chaos and without a government then NATO and the U.N. will put boots on the ground and end this war! So let me be clear those that believe Trump should be President will lose and slaughtered if they go further into what they wish to happen!
Mmm, interesting that you think you need outside help to win.
Personally, I don't. I have faith the military would do its duty to stamp out any widespread rebellion.

So, talk to the guy that thinks that you people would need outside help. Why you flapping your gums at me?

I am writing to you directly and letting you know fools like you dream of a Civil War and killing all those that oppose your hatred and oppression will be killed quickly and yes NATO and the U.N. step in because that mean the country is torn apart and we are a Super Power with a Nuclear Arsenal that idiots like you would use against the civilian population so you can win but after doing it you would win nothing because you would also be dead!

Yes, I responded to you. THne this other guy jumped in and I responded to him, about what HE said.

Seriously. Are you people high?
You were asked what you want. Your response was excuses for violence. So you WANT violence?

Nope. My response to the op was earlier and ignored. I was responding to your attacks on my side.

I have been opposed to the violence for the last 4 years. But, I was outvoted, (it seems) so, this is the new normal.

I'm not going to let you pretend that this started last week.

You start a war, you don't get to whine about the other side fighting back.
I'll assume that you're in with the domestic terrorists.

NEGATIVE. I'll never join Antifa.
Yet you support their counterpart.

Birds of a feather. I hope your jihad fails.
So...Where is your anti-Antifa threads?

I care so much about violence and must have started numerous threads opposing the riots, the bloodshed, the 30 people who died...

...would you mind linking to one?
Antifa, as fucked up and ridiculous as they are, have not launched an armed insurrection, spurred on by a manic, paranoid President, that has targeted Congress and killed people trying to defend Congress. Putting every capitol building in the country on high alert. And, all based on a lie.

Maybe a terrorist like you doesn't understand the difference.

So, maybe this will help.

So the best I can get here is that YES

Trumpers DO want violence

And they feel entitled to it because there were protests months ago

Tell me I'm wrong

When you call your riots "protests" you are making excuses for your violence.

That is you being wrong.
I'll assume that you're in with the domestic terrorists.

NEGATIVE. I'll never join Antifa.
Yet you support their counterpart.

Birds of a feather. I hope your jihad fails.
So...Where is your anti-Antifa threads?

I care so much about violence and must have started numerous threads opposing the riots, the bloodshed, the 30 people who died...

...would you mind linking to one?
Antifa, as fucked up and ridiculous as they are, have not launched an armed insurrection, spurred on by a manic, paranoid President, that has targeted Congress and killed people trying to defend Congress. Putting every capitol building in the country on high alert. And, all based on a lie.

Maybe a terrorist like you doesn't understand the difference.

So, maybe this will help.

30 people died. Billions in property damage.

And you said nothing?

I thought you cared about violence and bloodshed?

Guess that was a lie.

Just another Mac thread exposing his hypocrisy and situational ethics.

You care when "caring" fits your agenda.
When you call your riots "protests" you are making excuses for your violence.
So you ARE using the protests from last summer as an excuse for violence NOW.

That's very clear.

How you could pretend that whatever happened last summer justifies "Hang Mike Pence", killing cops, threatening law makers, and ransacking the seat of government is unclear though
I'll assume that you're in with the domestic terrorists.

NEGATIVE. I'll never join Antifa.
Yet you support their counterpart.

Birds of a feather. I hope your jihad fails.
So...Where is your anti-Antifa threads?

I care so much about violence and must have started numerous threads opposing the riots, the bloodshed, the 30 people who died...

...would you mind linking to one?
Antifa, as fucked up and ridiculous as they are, have not launched an armed insurrection, spurred on by a manic, paranoid President, that has targeted Congress and killed people trying to defend Congress. Putting every capitol building in the country on high alert. And, all based on a lie.

Maybe a terrorist like you doesn't understand the difference.

So, maybe this will help.


Correct. Antifa only launched an armed insurrection, spurred on by a manic and paranoid party and big media and big tech, that targeted federal building and federal agents and regular people in the streets and businesses and homes, killing people in the streets, terrorizing millions of people across the country, all based on a lie.

When you minimize their actions and pretend it was justified, you are supporting that violence.

You are complicit. You are one of them.
I'll assume that you're in with the domestic terrorists.

NEGATIVE. I'll never join Antifa.
Yet you support their counterpart.

Birds of a feather. I hope your jihad fails.
So...Where is your anti-Antifa threads?

I care so much about violence and must have started numerous threads opposing the riots, the bloodshed, the 30 people who died...

...would you mind linking to one?
Antifa, as fucked up and ridiculous as they are, have not launched an armed insurrection, spurred on by a manic, paranoid President, that has targeted Congress and killed people trying to defend Congress. Putting every capitol building in the country on high alert. And, all based on a lie.

Maybe a terrorist like you doesn't understand the difference.

So, maybe this will help.

30 people died. Billions in property damage.

And you said nothing?

I thought you cared about violence and bloodshed?

Guess that was a lie.
Obviously you ARE using last summers events to justify violence NOW


You'd be encouraging this violence even if NONE of that had happened and you know it.
There's a big difference between rolling over and realizing you might be wrong. There's another election in four years. If your arguments have any merit, they should help you. However, calling for some sort violent action is just going to result in deaths, jail time and ruined lives, just because you believed lies.
I don't disagree...but there are 200 million voting age citizens of this country.

You've got Antifa and BLM burning down the country and the media and at least a fair chunk of the left supported them.

And society takes their cues from that.

If you make violence an acceptable vehicle for change...don't be surprised when it is used for something you don't agree with.

Common sense confuses the left but I appreciate the effort.
See folks...parler got shut these violent MAGArats are forced to incite their violence HERE
I'll assume that you're in with the domestic terrorists.

NEGATIVE. I'll never join Antifa.
Yet you support their counterpart.

Birds of a feather. I hope your jihad fails.
So...Where is your anti-Antifa threads?

I care so much about violence and must have started numerous threads opposing the riots, the bloodshed, the 30 people who died...

...would you mind linking to one?
Antifa, as fucked up and ridiculous as they are, have not launched an armed insurrection, spurred on by a manic, paranoid President, that has targeted Congress and killed people trying to defend Congress. Putting every capitol building in the country on high alert. And, all based on a lie.

Maybe a terrorist like you doesn't understand the difference.

So, maybe this will help.

30 people died. Billions in property damage.

And you said nothing?

I thought you cared about violence and bloodshed?

Guess that was a lie.
Obviously you ARE using last summers events to justify violence NOW


You'd be encouraging this violence even if NONE of that had happened and you know it.
Last summer? Your pets have been Burn Loot and Murdering since Obozo took office.
I am going to say I no longer care what they want but if they want war then be warned if a Civil War does erupt throwing this country into chaos and without a government then NATO and the U.N. will put boots on the ground and end this war! So let me be clear those that believe Trump should be President will lose and slaughtered if they go further into what they wish to happen!
Mmm, interesting that you think you need outside help to win.
Personally, I don't. I have faith the military would do its duty to stamp out any widespread rebellion.

So, talk to the guy that thinks that you people would need outside help. Why you flapping your gums at me?

I am writing to you directly and letting you know fools like you dream of a Civil War and killing all those that oppose your hatred and oppression will be killed quickly and yes NATO and the U.N. step in because that mean the country is torn apart and we are a Super Power with a Nuclear Arsenal that idiots like you would use against the civilian population so you can win but after doing it you would win nothing because you would also be dead!
you are intentionally stirring shit. You're as bad as the MAGArats. You probably ARE a MAGArat
You'd be encouraging this violence even if NONE of that had happened and you know it.

We'll never know what would have been different had the left not become violent.

But as you believe you do...what are the next winning Powerball numbers, oh omniscient one?
So the best I can get here is that YES

Trumpers DO want violence

And they feel entitled to it because there were protests months ago

Tell me I'm wrong
go ahead. Tell me I'm wrong
They're not being very specific here yet.

Either they don't know, or they don't want to say.
Sometime you argue that Americans must come together

Then you sneer at the other side and taunt them

You only pretend to be a moderate when you really are a flaming radical just like everyone else
I'd say a civil war at this point is a forgone conclusion.

With 330 million people, there are enough angry with the stolen election to start it...and the rest of us will have to take sides to protect ourselves.

The Democrats have proven they are out to purge all conservatives...and that only stokes the fires.
Please get more specific. Narrow it down to the next eight days.
These folks continue to opine about Civil Wars...

Then the minute something happens -- these same folks immediately start claiming "Antifa", "BLM" or someone else did it....

They are cowards

Said the man talking on the internet.
and where are you talking??

In the streets??

I guarantee you that you turn bitch anytime you encounter something real....stick to whining online

I'm not the one talking shit about other people. I'm just the one pointing out your behavior as you do that.

My position on the violence of that last two years, is the same as it has ever been and is not impacted by whether or not, BLM or Antifa or any other dem operatives had a hand in setting up the recent riot in dc.
Here is the truth that makes people like you consistently afraid, insecure, and angry...the fact that once again, you will be on the wrong side of history......

As much as you folks try to scapegoat your racist hypocrisy by pointing your finger at BLM -- the fact is, your oppression is manufactured....what BLM fundamentally stands for is REAL AND HAS BEEN REAL FOR DECADES...

Who was "BLM" before they ever existed? they were the Black Panthers, they were the Deacons For Defense, they were the NAACP, they were SNCC -- in fact, racist ass conservatives like yourself demonized MLK for demanding police reform in the same way you demonize anyone today who demand police reform....just yall like call anyone who opposes you, communists, socialist, etc to avoid discussing the issues --- yall did the same shit to MLK...and you lost....CONSERVATIVES LOST....
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Then when history showed those who fought for civil rights were on the RIGHT SIDE -- conservative cowards like you slithered away and tried to claim you were on the right side too...AFTER THE FACT.....AFTER BLOOD WAS SPILLED...AFTER OTHER PEOPLE DID THE HEAVY fuck what you talking about now...

Hands up dont shoot never happened. Burn Loot Murder was.startred by a lie. A lie Obama and the dems used to create violence all for votes.

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