TRUMP SUPPORTERS - -What are you hoping for?

I will tell you this. If violence is the last option I hope it’s taken to the extreme and thousands of you left wingers pay the price.
There ya go. There's some honesty.
I’d call it common sense. Do you really think you can screw people over and destroy a nation without a reaction?
But that didn't happen. You have been lied to.

So there is no way for me to answer your question.
Playing stupid isn’t going to save you from the consequences. We’ve sent military forces around the world to defeat communism. Why would you think we wouldn’t do it here.

Again, we simply exist in different realities.

Yours is full of delusion, misinformation and paranoia.
What would you call silencing free speech and ostracizing those with differing views from the party in power? Do you have another descriptive word for it?

I'd call it "shunning", or maybe "political correctness". It's sure as hell not "communism".
"Communism" has just become a simple, catch-all word for them. It means nothing at this point. It's just an epithet.
Communism has a lot of names the latest one is "Progressive".
You don't even know what communism is.
I bet you do.
I actually do. That's why I know you don't. When you start calling Americans Communists, it automatically proves you don't.
The ones supporting this narrative are not Americans either. I do not care what you call them Commie works for me. We done?

WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI is warning of plans for armed protests at all 50 state capitals and in Washington, D.C., in the days leading up to President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration, stoking fears of more bloodshed after last week’s deadly siege at the U.S. Capitol.


Please tell us what you'd like to see happen over the next week. If things go your way, how does the next eight days (and beyond, if you wish) play out?

And please, no thinly-veiled threats. This is a serious, historic time. Please be serious and specific.

What are you hoping for? Are violence and bloodshed acceptable to you? Are you trying to change the course of history here?
A peaceful transition of power. If anyone riots, shoot them.
If they storm the Capitol, shoot them dead.
I will tell you this. If violence is the last option I hope it’s taken to the extreme and thousands of you left wingers pay the price.
There ya go. There's some honesty.
I’d call it common sense. Do you really think you can screw people over and destroy a nation without a reaction?
But that didn't happen. You have been lied to.

So there is no way for me to answer your question.
Playing stupid isn’t going to save you from the consequences. We’ve sent military forces around the world to defeat communism. Why would you think we wouldn’t do it here.

Again, we simply exist in different realities.

Yours is full of delusion, misinformation and paranoia.
What would you call silencing free speech and ostracizing those with differing views from the party in power? Do you have another descriptive word for it?

I'd call it "shunning", or maybe "political correctness". It's sure as hell not "communism".
"Communism" has just become a simple, catch-all word for them. It means nothing at this point. It's just an epithet.
Communism has a lot of names the latest one is "Progressive".
In your alternate universe, sure.
How about yours? You know where the election was not stolen and Braindead China Joe is the popular politician in US history. And the lie you believe is so big you have to silence half of America.

Nobody is buying this bullshit but for some reason you think they are. I wonder why?
But I disagree with the silencing.

You are ignorant of my politics. Not my fault.

Gawd, you people are so simplistic.
But you agree with the fraud. Thank God for small favors, right Commie?
What fraud are we talking about this time, Trumpster?
The six states Biden stole. Tell me why is the FBI shredding ballots in GA?
I don't know that they are. That "fact" was most likely provided to you in your universe. So, to this point, I'll have to side with the USSC, the state Supreme Courts, the Justice Department, the Attorney General, the FBI, the Republican governors and the Republican election officials over your alternate universe sources.

I don't know if you will understand this, but here goes: Not being a mindless, obedient Trumpster does not make a person a communist.

There. I tried.
I’ll drop it as soon as you show me which one of those trusted groups had a trial where evidence could be presented.
None. There wasn't enough REAL evidence after being investigated.
No investigation has been done. Politicians holding hearings in their state is not an investigation.

I wonder if Trump regrets being such a dick to so many governors now?
Nope. He will have more power and followers out of office. All globalists treasonous losers will be targeted.
Targeted how?
Ancient Chinese secret.
I assume you're just referring to the usual Trumpster trolling. Welcome to bansville. :)
Your censorship, lies, stealing elections will not go unpunished.
You are the liar because you have not proven a stolen election.
You are an ignorant fool.
I assume you're just referring to the usual Trumpster trolling. Welcome to bansville. :)
Your censorship, lies, stealing elections will not go unpunished.

LOL - bring it, bitch. Funny thing is, I'm not a Democrat. Don't support them in the slightest. But you fuckers are beyond stupid. Glad to see you finally kicked to the curb.
Fuck you bitch.
Sorry. You're not my type.
Sorry I am not a camel, you know your type.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI is warning of plans for armed protests at all 50 state capitals and in Washington, D.C., in the days leading up to President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration, stoking fears of more bloodshed after last week’s deadly siege at the U.S. Capitol.


Please tell us what you'd like to see happen over the next week. If things go your way, how does the next eight days (and beyond, if you wish) play out?

And please, no thinly-veiled threats. This is a serious, historic time. Please be serious and specific.

What are you hoping for? Are violence and bloodshed acceptable to you? Are you trying to change the course of history here?
A peaceful transition of power. If anyone riots, shoot them.
If they storm the Capitol, shoot them dead.

And if they storm a federal court house in Portland, give them hugs and flowers?

WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI is warning of plans for armed protests at all 50 state capitals and in Washington, D.C., in the days leading up to President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration, stoking fears of more bloodshed after last week’s deadly siege at the U.S. Capitol.


Please tell us what you'd like to see happen over the next week. If things go your way, how does the next eight days (and beyond, if you wish) play out?

And please, no thinly-veiled threats. This is a serious, historic time. Please be serious and specific.

What are you hoping for? Are violence and bloodshed acceptable to you? Are you trying to change the course of history here?
A peaceful transition of power. If anyone riots, shoot them.
If they storm the Capitol, shoot them dead.
No hate there. Pathetic.
I assume you're just referring to the usual Trumpster trolling. Welcome to bansville. :)
Your censorship, lies, stealing elections will not go unpunished.

LOL - bring it, bitch. Funny thing is, I'm not a Democrat. Don't support them in the slightest. But you fuckers are beyond stupid. Glad to see you finally kicked to the curb.
Fuck you bitch.
Sorry. You're not my type.
Sorry I am not a camel, you know your type.
Honestly, it's the deranged moron thing that is the big turnoff. Also, the Trump odor is off-putting.
I assume you're just referring to the usual Trumpster trolling. Welcome to bansville. :)
Your censorship, lies, stealing elections will not go unpunished.

LOL - bring it, bitch. Funny thing is, I'm not a Democrat. Don't support them in the slightest. But you fuckers are beyond stupid. Glad to see you finally kicked to the curb.
Fuck you bitch.
Sorry. You're not my type.
Sorry I am not a camel, you know your type.
Honestly, it's the deranged moron thing that is the big turnoff. Also, the Trump odor is off-putting.
Move to San Fransisco you can smell the shit there. A premier Democratic shithole.
I will tell you this. If violence is the last option I hope it’s taken to the extreme and thousands of you left wingers pay the price.
There ya go. There's some honesty.
I’d call it common sense. Do you really think you can screw people over and destroy a nation without a reaction?
But that didn't happen. You have been lied to.

So there is no way for me to answer your question.
Playing stupid isn’t going to save you from the consequences. We’ve sent military forces around the world to defeat communism. Why would you think we wouldn’t do it here.

Again, we simply exist in different realities.

Yours is full of delusion, misinformation and paranoia.
What would you call silencing free speech and ostracizing those with differing views from the party in power? Do you have another descriptive word for it?

I'd call it "shunning", or maybe "political correctness". It's sure as hell not "communism".
"Communism" has just become a simple, catch-all word for them. It means nothing at this point. It's just an epithet.
Communism has a lot of names the latest one is "Progressive".
You don't even know what communism is.
I bet you do.
I actually do. That's why I know you don't. When you start calling Americans Communists, it automatically proves you don't.
The ones supporting this narrative are not Americans either. I do not care what you call them Commie works for me. We done?
No, we aren't, you are. You are the best gift ever as an example of someone who seriously does not know what communism is.

"Supporting this narrative?" What does that even mean? Do you know? "You don't care what I call them?" LOl! I'm not calling "them" anything. You were.

Do you have any idea just how confused you are about what it is you are talking about? We are as confused as you are about what you are talking about.

Come back when you can get your shit together, and find out what your own narrative and argument actually is. And be prepared to back up your points with documentation. Because son, you made a total idiot of yourself.
I also blame Republicans who are justifying the actions, goals and threats of those few. Depends who you're speaking with, doesn't it, if it is "a few" or 75 million?
Therein lies the crux of it all- Thank you OL (I refuse to call you an old lady- OL fits you much better) for stating an important fact.

Calling out specific players for their crimes versus calling out tens of thousands of voters for the actions of a specific few (“few” in comparison to tens of thousands) is polar opposite in effect- and most on this board know it.

Keeping the conversation in Fact Land requires effort. Keeping the conversation in La La Land requires none. Fact Land ensures that the perps are appropriately identified, punished, and expedites the process . La La Land is full of “going big” in rhetoric, using false rhetoric implying that innocent people across the country are responsible for the actions of all voters within that group. Considering the US’s voting population numbers, is that even possible? La La Land of course is where we have the emotional venters, but sometimes a fact or two can be given although more often than not the emotional snarling overrides any positivity. Maybe venting on USMB is lethargic for some, so after emotionally discharging all over the screen they can go act nicer to their families who knows lol
I agree 100% I get impatient and pissed off like any human, but it is going to take every level headed person we've got to walk this back and reach a place where we can talk again. The propaganda the past few years has been ferocious and it's the first thing we've got to chuck before we move forward. If we don't, I fear we will have civil war. I have NO patience for the posters here calling all on the left communists and China lovers and sexual deviants, and that we deserve to die. I'm not wasting my time on them, except to slap them back.

But you are fine with the people calling those on the right nazis or wacists?
The one's who stormed the Capitol are.
I also blame Republicans who are justifying the actions, goals and threats of those few. Depends who you're speaking with, doesn't it, if it is "a few" or 75 million?
Therein lies the crux of it all- Thank you OL (I refuse to call you an old lady- OL fits you much better) for stating an important fact.

Calling out specific players for their crimes versus calling out tens of thousands of voters for the actions of a specific few (“few” in comparison to tens of thousands) is polar opposite in effect- and most on this board know it.

Keeping the conversation in Fact Land requires effort. Keeping the conversation in La La Land requires none. Fact Land ensures that the perps are appropriately identified, punished, and expedites the process . La La Land is full of “going big” in rhetoric, using false rhetoric implying that innocent people across the country are responsible for the actions of all voters within that group. Considering the US’s voting population numbers, is that even possible? La La Land of course is where we have the emotional venters, but sometimes a fact or two can be given although more often than not the emotional snarling overrides any positivity. Maybe venting on USMB is lethargic for some, so after emotionally discharging all over the screen they can go act nicer to their families who knows lol
I agree 100% I get impatient and pissed off like any human, but it is going to take every level headed person we've got to walk this back and reach a place where we can talk again. The propaganda the past few years has been ferocious and it's the first thing we've got to chuck before we move forward. If we don't, I fear we will have civil war. I have NO patience for the posters here calling all on the left communists and China lovers and sexual deviants, and that we deserve to die. I'm not wasting my time on them, except to slap them back.

But you are fine with the people calling those on the right nazis or wacists?
Nope. Well, when they ARE Nazi's and racists, I guess it's okay. My point is, it's as bad on your side of the fence. We all oughta quit. You ready?

WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI is warning of plans for armed protests at all 50 state capitals and in Washington, D.C., in the days leading up to President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration, stoking fears of more bloodshed after last week’s deadly siege at the U.S. Capitol.


Please tell us what you'd like to see happen over the next week. If things go your way, how does the next eight days (and beyond, if you wish) play out?

And please, no thinly-veiled threats. This is a serious, historic time. Please be serious and specific.

What are you hoping for? Are violence and bloodshed acceptable to you? Are you trying to change the course of history here?
A peaceful transition of power. If anyone riots, shoot them.
If they storm the Capitol, shoot them dead.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI is warning of plans for armed protests at all 50 state capitals and in Washington, D.C., in the days leading up to President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration, stoking fears of more bloodshed after last week’s deadly siege at the U.S. Capitol.


Please tell us what you'd like to see happen over the next week. If things go your way, how does the next eight days (and beyond, if you wish) play out?

And please, no thinly-veiled threats. This is a serious, historic time. Please be serious and specific.

What are you hoping for? Are violence and bloodshed acceptable to you? Are you trying to change the course of history here?
A peaceful transition of power. If anyone riots, shoot them.
If they storm the Capitol, shoot them dead.

And if they storm a federal court house in Portland, give them hugs and flowers?
Shoot every last one of them.
I will tell you this. If violence is the last option I hope it’s taken to the extreme and thousands of you left wingers pay the price.
There ya go. There's some honesty.
I’d call it common sense. Do you really think you can screw people over and destroy a nation without a reaction?
But that didn't happen. You have been lied to.

So there is no way for me to answer your question.
Playing stupid isn’t going to save you from the consequences. We’ve sent military forces around the world to defeat communism. Why would you think we wouldn’t do it here.

Again, we simply exist in different realities.

Yours is full of delusion, misinformation and paranoia.
What would you call silencing free speech and ostracizing those with differing views from the party in power? Do you have another descriptive word for it?

I'd call it "shunning", or maybe "political correctness". It's sure as hell not "communism".
"Communism" has just become a simple, catch-all word for them. It means nothing at this point. It's just an epithet.
Communism has a lot of names the latest one is "Progressive".
You don't even know what communism is.
I bet you do.
I actually do. That's why I know you don't. When you start calling Americans Communists, it automatically proves you don't.
The ones supporting this narrative are not Americans either. I do not care what you call them Commie works for me. We done?
No, we aren't, you are. You are the best gift ever as an example of someone who seriously does not know what communism is.

"Supporting this narrative?" What does that even mean? Do you know? "You don't care what I call them?" LOl! I'm not calling "them" anything. You were.

Do you have any idea just how confused you are about what it is you are talking about? We are as confused as you are about what you are talking about.

Come back when you can get your shit together, and find out what your own narrative and argument actually is. And be prepared to back up your points with documentation. Because son, you made a total idiot of yourself.
You are a touch thick aren't you? I told you what is going on is not American. It goes against everything this country stands for. I could give a good fuck about pure Communism. Communism is anti American and that is an undeniable fact. So Commie still works for me.

And you should not call other people fools. Go back and look at your posts.
You are a touch thick aren't you? I told you what is going on is not American. It goes against everything this country stands for. I could give a good fuck about pure Communism. Communism is anti American and that is an undeniable fact. So Commie still works for me.

And you should not call other people fools. Go back and look at your posts.
The problem with calling everything, or everyone, you don't like "commie" is that it undermines the actual meaning of the word. That's been going on for decades, and now we've reached the point where most voters won't recognize communism when it threatens us. And in their ignorance, they'll welcome it.
I'll assume that you're in with the domestic terrorists.

NEGATIVE. I'll never join Antifa.
Yet you support their counterpart.

Birds of a feather. I hope your jihad fails.
So...Where is your anti-Antifa threads?

I care so much about violence and must have started numerous threads opposing the riots, the bloodshed, the 30 people who died...

...would you mind linking to one?
we will be waiting and waiting and waiting for the hypocrite troll to post it.LOL

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