Trump supporters: What did Trump mean that he will "revisit" DACA if Congress doesn't act?

He might drag it out longer. Who knows?

No matter what he does you bed wetters will condemn it.

Like every other issues, Trump has either several positions, or no position, depending on how you want to look at it.
The bottom line is, he doesn't really give a fuck one way or another on the DACA people.
I hope he means people living here illegally will be deported if Congress cannot pass a law that is Constitutional.
It means he will look for other possible options to deal with the problem the reality is though this is the responsibility of Congress and it's one they have ignored for a very long time under both Republican and Democrat Presidents.
He's going to use no law as ammo to take immigration, as a dem talking point,
off the table for the midterms.

You see it's now in the hands of Congress to protect the Dreamers. They make
the law, not the POTUS. Well, Chuck and Nancy now have the Dreamers' hopes
and dreams in their hands.

When he revisits this, he will lay waste to whatever they did to keep this from
being accomplished. Are the Dems going to "Resist" with the lives of 800,000
in their hands? I could come up with an hour's worth of material blackballing the
dems with just that alone...The Donald will be at his best.

I would suggest that the Donald give out a million candles to the throngs
of people that will hold the candlelight procession while singing the Battle Hymn of the Republic in Spanish, as the Border Patrol
tosses the asses of the dreamers back across the Rio Grande.

While blaming it all on Chuck and Nancy and antifa and BLM and whatever
other far left group the dems can muster.
it means Donnie is a fucktard of a leader sitting on his ass waiting for who the hell knows what, he doesn't.
It means he will look for other possible options to deal with the problem the reality is though this is the responsibility of Congress and it's one they have ignored for a very long time under both Republican and Democrat Presidents.
What options are those?
It means he will look for other possible options to deal with the problem the reality is though this is the responsibility of Congress and it's one they have ignored for a very long time under both Republican and Democrat Presidents.
What options are those?
Don't know he could always do some type of EO like Obama did as I said this is the Responsibility of Congress not the President.
I hope he means people living here illegally will be deported if Congress cannot pass a law that is Constitutional.
That's not what he meant, he's been saying all days that he loves them and wants them legalized
I am confused as to what he meant. Revisit how? Thanks.

Is not my job, man.
I am relieved to know that I am not the only one who doesn't know what the hell Trump was talking about. His supporters have no clue either.

I think his response was for nobody to have a clue including Congress.

The Republicans in Congress are not working in unison with Trump, so why not throw this problem in their laps? I'm sure when they heard Trump, they said "Oh shit, now what are we going to do?"

It's a damned if you do and a damned if you don't kind of issue. If Congress votes to get rid of DACA, then they will be blamed for being heartless SOB's by the left. If they vote to keep it, they will make enemies with their Republican constituents.

If they don't do anything on DACA, then they will be throwing the ball back in Trumps court, and no matter what he does, he can blame it on the Republican Congress.

Pretty slick if you ask me.

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