Trump supporters: What do you think of this information?

If you say so.
Political peril for going after Trump to both Biden and the democrats. Very hard to convict.......they go after Him and come away empty handed.......even IF they could convict......wouldn't sit too well with many voters.

per Jonathan Turley and few other legal scholars.
Again, you have shown your true colors, and character, sidestepping any questions posed to you, and only engaged in partisan propaganda, no matter how absurd or outrageous the lies are you peddle.
The termites told me that they are not partisan in any human sense. They love filling your head with nonsense just for grins to see where you go with it. They love you man.
Because you’re a mindless cultists.

Even people close to Trump disagree with your stupid opinion.

Neither one of us care what "people close to Trump" think. That is no sign of Authority to either of us.

So, why are you mentioning it then?

Because you know you don't really have anything real to support your panic mongering bullshit.
Did you really expect these yahoos to accept full responsibilty for their actions
They were also saying it while they were happily doing it and bragging about it. So that excuse isn't going to fly.

Again, I’ve watched the full video of the Jan 6 speech and heard nothing that could be definitively construed as incitement to break into the Capital
Well, better clean out your ear balls, then.
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Neither one of us care what "people close to Trump" think. That is no sign of Authority to either of us.
I do care what they think. The fact that even they condemn his behavior is very telling.

It’s one thing for a political rival to speak negatively of his behavior, it’s another thing for multiple members of his own administration to speak negatively of his behavior.
I do care what they think. The fact that even they condemn his behavior is very telling.

It’s one thing for a political rival to speak negatively of his behavior, it’s another thing for multiple members of his own administration to speak negatively of his behavior.

LOL. You only pretend to care because they are useful to you, right this second. THe moment one of them is not, they will be dead to you.

This is you, not having anything real to support the panic mongering your side is engaged in.

Hey, do you know how many people died in the Antifa/BLM riots?
LOL. You only pretend to care because they are useful to you, right this second. THe moment one of them is not, they will be dead to you.

This is you, not having anything real to support the panic mongering your side is engaged in.

Hey, do you know how many people died in the Antifa/BLM riots?
You’re making things up to justify why you’re a mindless sheep defending leader. It’s obvious that you’re a partisan fool.

The fact remains that even people in his own administration have criticized Trump over his behavior and yet you can’t. You’re a mindless cultist.

I don’t know how many died from Antifa/BLM. You won’t find me supporting them. I’m not a mindless cultist like you are.
You’re making things up to justify why you’re a mindless sheep defending leader. It’s obvious that you’re a partisan fool.

The fact remains that even people in his own administration have criticized Trump over his behavior and yet you can’t. You’re a mindless cultist.

I don’t know how many died from Antifa/BLM. You won’t find me supporting them. I’m not a mindless cultist like you are.

You don't know. You don't care. Those riots and the organizations and movements that caused them, are actually dangerous, as opposed to the ONE riot from the right, where the only person that died was a rioter shot by a cop.

You are just talking shit, to support your smearing of enemies.
You don't know. You don't care. Those riots and the organizations and movements that caused them, are actually dangerous, as opposed to the ONE riot from the right, where the only person that died was a rioter shot by a cop.

You are just talking shit, to support your smearing of enemies.
You think I don’t care based on absolutely nothing. I noticed that you tend to make things up when reality doesn’t fit your little partisan worldview. You consistently prove yourself to be a liar.

I deal in facts. My point stands.
You think I don’t care based on absolutely nothing. I noticed that you tend to make things up when reality doesn’t fit your little partisan worldview. You consistently prove yourself to be a liar.

I deal in facts. My point stands.

If you cared, you would have been paying some attention to the rising death toll.

YOu care more about the partisan advantage offered to you by pretending to be outraged over the 1/6 riot, than you do about the people killed or injured or the livers ruined by the lefty riots.

That is the fact. That is the point. The rest is leftards talking shit.
If you cared, you would have been paying some attention to the rising death toll.
Stupid argument.

Do you care about people who die from cancer? Tell me the number of cancer deaths.

Do you care about people who die from car accidents? Tell me the number of car accident deaths.

Do you care about children who die from suicide? Tell me the number of suicide deaths for children.

You have lost this argument. My point stands.
I'll keep this as short and clean as I can. I'll leave everything that led to the attack on Capitol out of it:

We know that...
  1. President Trump sat in the dining room next to the Oval Office for about two hours during the attack on the Capitol
  2. Virtually everyone around him was pleading with him to do whatever it took to stop the attack
  3. A wide variety of political allies were texting his Chief of Staff, pleading with him as well
  4. With the Media Room and national cameras not 60 seconds from him, he refused to act, and instead chose to watch Fox News as it covered the attack
And here's a very, very specific question: What do you think of his refusal? Do you feel it was justified? Do you believe any of the above is fake news?

I think that if you weren't full of shit, then you'd be really angry Trump was denied a defense so he could respond. I don't give a shit how you craft an attack when he isn't allowed to defend himself. You know that too, which is why you are silent about what your side did. Obviously you know you did something wrong here
Stupid argument.

Do you care about people who die from cancer? Tell me the number of cancer deaths.

Do you care about people who die from car accidents? Tell me the number of car accident deaths.

Do you care about children who die from suicide? Tell me the number of suicide deaths for children.

You have lost this argument. My point stands.

Big difference between normal deaths from disease or accidents, than people murdered in the streets by your political allies.
Stupid argument.

Do you care about people who die from cancer? Tell me the number of cancer deaths.

Do you care about people who die from car accidents? Tell me the number of car accident deaths.

Do you care about children who die from suicide? Tell me the number of suicide deaths for children.

You have lost this argument. My point stands.

You don't care because you never care unless it serves the interest of the Demoracist party
Big difference between normal deaths from disease or accidents, than people murdered in the streets by your political allies.
Oh so if you can’t state the number of deaths for only certain things, then it shows you don’t care about them. How silly of me.

Is there a rulebook you’re using? Can I see the rulebook? Or are you just making up stupid nonsense as you go so that it fits in your stupid worldview?
You don't care because you never care unless it serves the interest of the Demoracist party
See my signature. I’ve only had it for, I don’t know, maybe 2 years.

You won’t find me defending those people. I dare you to try.

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