Trump supporters: What do you think of this information?

Your fellow Trump supporter disagrees with you.

So do several members of Trump’s administration.
So you’ll acknowlege here that I said I disagree with Trump’s actions but yet you continue to ask me the same question again and again and accuse me of deflecting?

Good Christ.
I was never on Trump’s inaction in the first place to pivot away from it. I’ve been talking about Democrat hypocrisy from the very beginning.

Like I said: Democrat hypocrisy.

How many times do I need to tell you I didn’t agree with his actions before it becomes clear to you I didn’t agree with his actions?

I understand that Democrat hypocrisy may be a sore subject for you but it clearly shows that Democrats are not objective when it comes to Trump, Republicans and conservatives.

They turned a blind eye in 2020 and as a result, I simply don’t trust them to prosecute this thing fairly. Like I said before, I simply cannot get that worked up over this after what I’ve seen over the last two years or so. Whatever Trump did or did not do, I can’t ignore Democrat inaction.
1) Look at the topic.

Trump supporters: What do you think of this information?

Is the topic about Democrat hypocrisy? The fact that you have been talking about Democrat hypocrisy from the beginning just proves that you have been trying to pivot away from the topic the entire time.

2) Democrat hypocrisy and Chaz still aren’t the topic. You’re still trying to pivot.

3) Then why are you still desperately trying to steer the conversation away from Trump?

4) I’m fine with discussing issues among Democrats. You think you’re being objective by desperately changing the subject? It looks pathetic.
Didn’t I already answer this question when I clearly said I don’t support Trump? Again, how many times do you need to be told this?

So since I answered your question already, why do you support Democrat inaction in 2020?
You answered one of my questions before you desperately tried to deflect away from the topic, yes.

Be specific with the inaction you’re referring to. If you’re so desperate to change the subject, I need you to be specific with the point you’re desperately trying to pivot to.
So you’ll acknowlege here that I said I disagree with Trump’s actions but yet you continue to ask me the same question again and again and accuse me of deflecting?

Good Christ.
Yes I acknowledge that you said you disagree with Trump’s actions. I was asking you a follow-up question when you frantically pivoted to a different subject.
You think you have a reasoned argument. All it actually is is you looking for a stupid excuse to defend Trump.

Meanwhile, people in Trump’s own administration said he should have done more. Fox News reporters and even Trump’s family were pleading with him to call it off.

If people in Trump’s own cabinet were disgusted with his behavior, why aren’t you? Because you’re a mindless sheep. That’s why.

Nope. Because I expect a President to run theh national government, not be in charge of individual building security.

There were people in charge of that building's security. If you are unhappy with the job they did, talk about what you think tehy did wrong.
1) Look at the topic.

Trump supporters: What do you think of this information?

Yeah, and? Didn’t I already answer that?
Is the topic about Democrat hypocrisy? The fact that you have been talking about Democrat hypocrisy from the beginning just proves that you have been trying to pivot away from the topic the entire time.
Democrat hypocrisy is central to the issue of the hearings and their pursuit of Trump because it proves they are not objective.

I’m sure you disagree and I don’t give a shit. I will continue to highlight their hypocrisy in any discussion where Democrats criticize or are outraged by any conservative issue, person or people.

As outraged as you are about Trump’s actions, I am equally outraged by their hypocrisy and find it thoroughly despicable.
2) Democrat hypocrisy and Chaz still aren’t the topic.

It is to me.
3) Then why are you still desperately trying to steer the conversation away from Trump?

Again, how many times do you need me to tell you I don’t support Trump?
4) I’m fine with discussing issues among Democrats. You think you’re being objective by desperately changing the subject?

Am I being objective about Trump’s words and the actions of the rioters? Yes. Have I said I do not agree with his inaction? Yes.

I don’t know what more you need from me other than to keep repeating that I am DESPERATELY trying to change the subject.
You answered one of my questions before you desperately tried to deflect away from the topic, yes.

You haven’t answered any of my questions, so?
Be specific with the inaction you’re referring to. If you’re so desperate to change the subject, I need you to be specific with the point you’re desperately trying to pivot to.

Are you kidding? Every time you said I was desperately trying to change the subject was after I stated once again their inaction during CHAZ and the 2020 riots.
Nope. Because I expect a President to run theh national government, not be in charge of individual building security.

There were people in charge of that building's security. If you are unhappy with the job they did, talk about what you think tehy did wrong.
Because you’re a mindless cultists.

Even people close to Trump disagree with your stupid opinion.
I'll keep this as short and clean as I can. I'll leave everything that led to the attack on Capitol out of it:

We know that...
  1. President Trump sat in the dining room next to the Oval Office for about two hours during the attack on the Capitol
  2. Virtually everyone around him was pleading with him to do whatever it took to stop the attack
  3. A wide variety of political allies were texting his Chief of Staff, pleading with him as well
  4. With the Media Room and national cameras not 60 seconds from him, he refused to act, and instead chose to watch Fox News as it covered the attack
And here's a very, very specific question: What do you think of his refusal? Do you feel it was justified? Do you believe any of the above is fake news?

DO you think He can be convicted over this?
Yeah, and? Didn’t I already answer that?

Democrat hypocrisy is central to the issue of the hearings and their pursuit of Trump because it proves they are not objective.

I’m sure you disagree and I don’t give a shit. I will continue to highlight their hypocrisy in any discussion where Democrats criticize or are outraged by any conservative issue, person or people.

As outraged as you are about Trump’s actions, I am equally outraged by their hypocrisy and find it thoroughly despicable.

It is to me.

Again, how many times do you need me to tell you I don’t support Trump?

Am I being objective about Trump’s words and the actions of the rioters? Yes. Have I said I do not agree with his inaction? Yes.

I don’t know what more you need from me other than to keep repeating that I am DESPERATELY trying to change the subject.
1) Yes you did briefly answer that before desperately trying to change the subject.

2) Democrat hypocrisy is the topic to you because you’re desperately trying to change the subject.

3) Your support for Trump is exactly why you’re desperately trying to change the subject away from Trump.

4) You’re not being objective in discussing the topic. If you were, you wouldn’t (again) desperately attempt to change the subject.
Are you kidding? Every time you said I was desperately trying to change the subject was after I stated once again their inaction during CHAZ and the 2020 riots.
What about Chaz and the 2020 riots? You’re so desperate to change the subject so be very specific about the point you’re trying to make.

What exactly should Democrats have done?
DO you think He can be convicted over this?
No. The best the DOJ can hope for is a hung jury.

But Garland has to at least try to send a message that we're not going to stand aside for this kind of thing. He has no choice.
It was an opinion. I showed that your opinion is wrong.

All caught up now?
It wasn't an opinion, it was fact. You stated it was. I asked, was he charged for 3rd degree murder, you said yes. Did you stutter or something? That's a fact.
Supply and demand

Wow, you made it to page 2 of a high school economics book

And then figured out the global oil market, while outsmarting all the experts, too! Amazing.

Just coincidence that it all turned out to be Biden's fault.

Or you don't know what the hell you are talking about.

Hmm, tough call.
I am much more familiar with the oil industry than you will ever be. Shutting down keystone and stopping drilling permits is the sole cause of the price rise in gas and the inflation that affects everything in the economy. As much as you libs hate it, the global oil market is based on supply and demand where demand is constant or increasing.

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