Trump supporters: What do you think of this information?

But I don’t support him. I did not support his inaction on Jan 6 and I certainly did not support the actions of the rioters.

Why is it that so many of your fellow Trump supporters defend Trump for how he acted on Jan 6? Why do so many of you guys still support him?
That's a big enchilada of objections, deflections, and goalpost dancing the good poster GhostR has offered up in post #892. I will respond to those that should have a response. But can only get to a handful this morning. Can get to the rest later.

Let's go:

Indeed you did. You said that watching that "shit" would anger you.
I hate to put words in your mouth.....but dear poster Ghost, you weren't really talking about 'shit'.

You were talking about the hearings.
I'm more than mildly sure you know that.
And everybody else does too.

Don’t be an idiot. Even if I hadn’t used the word “Shit”, it would still piss me off to watch the hearings.

Jesus Christ man.

I demur.
Responsible Leadership ....recognizes the necessity of notification in that situation. I know you know that. Don Trump was specifically told that many of his supporters would not come into the fenced Ellipse area because 'the mags' would alert on their metal weapons. He acknowledged they may be armed but they weren't there to hurt him. So what followed is that he, and Rudy, and Fredo Trump, and Eastman, and Mo Brooks (in a bullet-proof vest, no less)....intentionally and predictably incited that crowd.

1.) The crowd was already excited. Trump supporters were pissed off and claiming election fraud for two months at this point.

2.) Trump supporters declared a full day before Jan 6 that they were going to March to the Capital. It doesn’t matter what Trump said in his speech, they were going to the Capital anyway.
Then......then!.....he directed them to go directly at our legislators convening in a joint session over two miles away.
THAT ain't leadership. That ain't responsible leadership by the chief law enforcement officer in the United States of America.

I'm mildly sure you know that too.

Oh I know what he said. I just don’t agree that he ordered them to break in to the Capital. You would be hard pressed to prove that this is what he specifically told them to do.
We don't know that.

“We don’t know that”? Obviously no one else did or you wouldn’t be condemning Trump for not notifying them.
That no one else made a call to the Capitol soon as they heard the march order.

Regardless, the directive to march to the Capitol came as a surprise to local law enforcement. Even to many of the Ellipse rally organizers, though not all. Revealed in the hearings:

"The committee displayed a text exchange from Jan. 4 between White House Ellipse rally organizer Kylie Kremer and MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell in which the pair discussed secret plans to have Trump call for protesters to march to a second location, either the Supreme Court or Capitol on Jan. 6. Kremer urges Lindell to keep the plans secret, since they did not have permits for the march."

Regardless, the timing was too short. Trump surprised law enforcement by ordering a march....and then the march immediately began.
Fronted and we learned in the the tip-of-the-spear Proud Boys and Oathkeepers, who acted as shock-troops to breach the thin blue line of officers at the Capitol.

Oh Jesus.
In short, Trump knew they were armed. He knew he could anger and incite them (years of rallies had well informed him on that. As testified to in the hearings). He then directed them to go at our legislators. There was not time to react by the local law enforcement. To erect vehicle and pedestrian guidance barriers; to call in extra staff.

But apparently there was time to remove barricades and allow them in. Have you forgotten about that?
Don Trump knew he was going to order a march. He failed to alert the officials of DC governance, the federal Parks police; the Capitol police force. He could have done so at any time in the two weeks that 'march' plan had been formulated.

Again, everyone knew full well that they were marching to the Capital. They made no secret of this.
The hearings would have informed poster GoR of that.

And lurking behind the secrecy is the question: Why?
Why did they want to keep it secret?
Was it their intention to have a an un-reinforced Capitol police contingent on hand?
To not have a reinforced contingent of Metropolitan police along the surprise march route?


This sounds like so much conspiracy theory nonsense.
So the only way your nonsense works is if hundreds and hundreds of people you know nothing about are lying.

I don't think I really have to say anything else about that. I think It embarrasses itself and you.

Did you really expect these yahoos to accept full responsibilty for their actions?

These dumbasses took Trump’s rhetoric and twisted it the same way the Democrats did.

Again, I’ve watched the full video of the Jan 6 speech and heard nothing that could be definitively construed as incitement to break into the Capital.

This is the exact same thinking that is trying to cancel Dave Chappelle and label him as transphobic even though he never said anything transphobic.

The same thing is happening here. Trump says “Fight like hell” which is a rhetorical phrase people use every day in all kinds of circumstances and suddenly we have a massive conspiracy to take over the country. The only element missing is the the guy on the grassy knoll.
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1) I‘m talking about Trump‘s actions on Jan 6 being morally reprehensible. You seem like you desperately want to pivot away from that.

No. I have already stated that I do not agree with his inaction that day and I never defended it.

My problem - as I have also stated - is Democrat Hypocrisy.

You seem to expect me to be as outraged as you are about Trump’s inaction that day but I simply cannot after watching Democrat inaction for months.
2) So you tried pivoting to Chaz instead of addressing the topic. Noted. I’m seeing a pattern here.

Are you seeing the pattern of Democrat hypocrisy? If you don’t then you’re seeing a pattern that is not there because that has been the pattern I’ve laid down from the beginning.

3) You think your posts are rooted in logic. I disagree. Looks like you supported him and now you’re desperately trying to steer the conversation away from addressing how morally lacking this man is.

I’ve already stated multiple times that I do not defend his inaction that day. If you read all my posts again you’ll see I never actually defended it or tried to justify it. Rather, what I have consistently done is to compare the Democrat outrage to their inaction in 2020.
4) So you don’t think you have defended Trump. Then answer whether he behaved in a morally reprehensible way leading up to and on Jan 6. Stop pivoting.

Answer whether Democrat inaction regarding the 2020 riots and CHAZ was morally reprehensible.
Once again, they’re people from Trump‘s own administration. Not random people on Twitter or Facebook.

You‘re just throwing a hissy fit about it because you don’t like it. I don’t care that you don’t like it. They paint a very clear picture of Trump‘s behavior that day.
Let's see Liz Chaney thinks Trump is guilty as does Adam Kinzinger.

Pelosi previously rejected several GOP members originally selected for the panel by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy — Rep. Jim Banks of Indiana and Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio — citing "statements and actions" made by the pair that she felt would "impact the integrity of the committee." Both Banks and Jordan had publicly expressed concerns over the panel itself.

So shouldn't Pelosi have picked members of the committee that had no "statements and actions" that would impact the integrity?
But what are the opinions of Cheney and Kinzinger?

Trump Guilty of 'Most Serious Misconduct' in Presidential History: Cheney​

Illinois Congressman Adam Kinzinger says former President Donald Trump's conduct is "a stain on our history," and now that the House Select Committee investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection on the Capitol has laid out it's evidence, it's now up to prosecutors to decide if Trump should face criminal charges.
No. I have already stated that I do not agree with his inaction that day and I never defended it.

My problem - as I have also stated - is Democrat Hypocrisy.

You seem to expect me to be as outraged as you are about Trump’s inaction that day but I simply cannot after watching Democrat inaction for months.

Are you seeing the pattern of Democrat hypocrisy? If you don’t then you’re seeing a pattern that is not there because that has been the pattern I’ve laid down from the beginning.

I’ve already stated multiple times that I do not defend his inaction that day. If you read all my posts again you’ll see I never actually defended it or tried to justify it. Rather, what I have consistently done is to compare the Democrat outrage to their inaction in 2020.

Answer whether Democrat inaction regarding the 2020 riots and CHAZ was morally reprehensible.
1) Once again Democrat hypocrisy isn’t the topic. You’re still desperately trying to pivot.

2) Go start that thread and tag me in it if you want to pivot to Chaz. I’ll be happy to discuss that topic with you there instead of watching you desperately pivot away from discussing Trump.

3) Yes you have stated that you don’t agree with Trump’s actions that day as you have desperately tried to steer the conversation away from that.

4) Oh good, you’re pivoting to Chaz again. I’ll take “Desperate attempt to deflect” for $500, Alex.
Let's see Liz Chaney thinks Trump is guilty as does Adam Kinzinger.

Pelosi previously rejected several GOP members originally selected for the panel by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy — Rep. Jim Banks of Indiana and Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio — citing "statements and actions" made by the pair that she felt would "impact the integrity of the committee." Both Banks and Jordan had publicly expressed concerns over the panel itself.

So shouldn't Pelosi have picked members of the committee that had no "statements and actions" that would impact the integrity?
But what are the opinions of Cheney and Kinzinger?

Trump Guilty of 'Most Serious Misconduct' in Presidential History: Cheney​

Illinois Congressman Adam Kinzinger says former President Donald Trump's conduct is "a stain on our history," and now that the House Select Committee investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection on the Capitol has laid out it's evidence, it's now up to prosecutors to decide if Trump should face criminal charges.
I don’t care that you don’t like how the hearing was presented. You people will always look for a reason to whine when Trump is being attacked.

Even your fellow Trumpster says that Trump’s actions were indefensible that day.
1) Once again Democrat hypocrisy isn’t the topic. You’re still desperately trying to pivot.

2) Go start that thread and tag me in it if you want to pivot to Chaz. I’ll be happy to discuss that topic with you there instead of watching you desperately pivot away from discussing Trump.

3) Yes you have stated that you don’t agree with Trump’s actions that day as you have desperately tried to steer the conversation away from that.

4) Oh good, you’re pivoting to Chaz again. I’ll take “Desperate attempt to deflect” for $500, Alex.

Your weird belief system that Trump needed to do something while there was rioting at the Capitol, is unsupported.
Even your fellow Trump supporter disagrees with you and says he should have done something.

Trump was the President of the United States. That was his job. I have never seen another President be held accountable for the security of one building.

Mmm, not since Reagan with the Marine Barracks bombing, and imo, that was wrong too. Presidents are not supposed to be that level of hands on.

There are a lot of valid complaints about Trump. IMO, this is not one of them.
Trump was the President of the United States. That was his job. I have never seen another President be held accountable for the security of one building.

Mmm, not since Reagan with the Marine Barracks bombing, and imo, that was wrong too. Presidents are not supposed to be that level of hands on.

There are a lot of valid complaints about Trump. IMO, this is not one of them.
Your fellow Trump supporter disagrees with you.

So do several members of Trump’s administration.
Your fellow Trump supporter disagrees with you.

So do several members of Trump’s administration.

So, to recap. I have a position with an actual reasoned argument supporting it,

and you have a position supported by citing people you hate and disagree with on nearly everything.

And you think you are doing just fine...

Time for bed. I have laughed enough.
So, to recap. I have a position with an actual reasoned argument supporting it,

and you have a position supported by citing people you hate and disagree with on nearly everything.

And you think you are doing just fine...

Time for bed. I have laughed enough.
You think you have a reasoned argument. All it actually is is you looking for a stupid excuse to defend Trump.

Meanwhile, people in Trump’s own administration said he should have done more. Fox News reporters and even Trump’s family were pleading with him to call it off.

If people in Trump’s own cabinet were disgusted with his behavior, why aren’t you? Because you’re a mindless sheep. That’s why.
Then your opinion is wrong.

“Derek Chauvin was convicted earlier this year on state charges of second-degree unintentional murder, third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter in Floyd's 2020 death.”

You asked how an opinion can be wrong. I just showed you that your opinion is wrong.

Any questions?
It wasn’t an option, so not sure your point
You think you have a reasoned argument. All it actually is is you looking for a stupid excuse to defend Trump.

Meanwhile, people in Trump’s own administration said he should have done more. Fox News reporters and even Trump’s family were pleading with him to call it off.

If people in Trump’s own cabinet were disgusted with his behavior, why aren’t you? Because you’re a mindless sheep. That’s why.
What behavior are you referring to? You just proved his point
1) Once again Democrat hypocrisy isn’t the topic. You’re still desperately trying to pivot.

I was never on Trump’s inaction in the first place to pivot away from it. I’ve been talking about Democrat hypocrisy from the very beginning.

2) Go start that thread and tag me in it if you want to pivot to Chaz. I’ll be happy to discuss that topic with you there instead of watching you desperately pivot away from discussing Trump.

Like I said: Democrat hypocrisy.
3) Yes you have stated that you don’t agree with Trump’s actions that day as you have desperately tried to steer the conversation away from that.

How many times do I need to tell you I didn’t agree with his actions before it becomes clear to you I didn’t agree with his actions?
4) Oh good, you’re pivoting to Chaz again. I’ll take “Desperate attempt to deflect” for $500, Alex.

I understand that Democrat hypocrisy may be a sore subject for you but it clearly shows that Democrats are not objective when it comes to Trump, Republicans and conservatives.

They turned a blind eye in 2020 and as a result, I simply don’t trust them to prosecute this thing fairly. Like I said before, I simply cannot get that worked up over this after what I’ve seen over the last two years or so. Whatever Trump did or did not do, I can’t ignore Democrat inaction.

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