Trump supporters: What do you think of this information?

His staff pleaded with him. His attorneys pleaded with him. His political allies pleaded with him. His media allies pleaded with him.

His CHILDREN pleaded with him.

And he refused. While cops were being attacked and people were hiding from the mob and saying goodbye to their loved ones. He liked it.

The Trumpsters must know more than his staff, his attorneys, his political allies, his media allies, and his children, huh? What were those people THINKING? How DARE they plead with him! Who are THEY, anyway!

He was been made fun of, for wanting mass executions. You are joining him in pushing back at that.

Is it your intent to support his call for mass, public executions?
Who is calling for mass executions?
Settle down Karen.
I am calling for very SPECIFIC executions.
Of Trump and everybody and anybody who stoked The Capitol insurrection with The BIG LIE.
And only (of course) after they are given a fair trial and convicted.
Prove where it says it’s within his duty to immediately stop a small riot? Be specific in citing the law.

By allowing he attack on the Constitutional process to continue unabated for hours betrayed his oath of office.

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

His email about Pence encouraged and inflamed the rioting MOB to further the attack the Constitutional process underway.

He is the Benedict Donald.
Who is calling for mass executions?
Settle down Karen.
I am calling for very SPECIFIC executions.
Of Trump and everybody and anybody who stoked The Capitol insurrection with The BIG LIE.
And only (of course) after they are given a fair trial and convicted.

Sure. "Fair trial".

Teh worst part is, people like you, will start the civil war, and then you will whine like a faggot, all surprised that people are fighting back against you, and there will be zero awareness by you of the connection between your actions and their consequences.
Sure. "Fair trial".

Teh worst part is, people like you, will start the civil war, and then you will whine like a faggot, all surprised that people are fighting back against you, and there will be zero awareness by you of the connection between your actions and their consequences.
Do you have anything relevant.....or even informed or interesting to say here about the topic at hand?

Which is the fact that the ex, one-term, twice impeached, 45th President of the United States incited a violent insurrection on The U.S. Capitol in order to illegally remain in power after getting TROUNCED in a legitimate and fair election; and you don't even care.

the real question is WHY do you hate your own country?
supply and demand, moron. works every time. Econ 101. reduce supply and price goes up if demand is constant, and it is.
Supply and demand

Wow, you made it to page 2 of a high school economics book

And then figured out the global oil market, while outsmarting all the experts, too! Amazing.

Just coincidence that it all turned out to be Biden's fault.

Or you don't know what the hell you are talking about.

Hmm, tough call.
It's a high crime. Dereliction. It shows he is unfit for office.
Do you have anything relevant.....or even informed or interesting to say here about the topic at hand?

Which is the fact that the ex, one-term, twice impeached, 45th President of the United States incited a violent insurrection on The U.S. Capitol in order to illegally remain in power after getting TROUNCED in a legitimate and fair election; and you don't even care.

the real question is WHY do you hate your own country?

The reality of the situation is that even the Deep State fbi, had to admit that there was not insurrection.

So, your excuse for your mass executions, is just a lie.

So, what is your real reason for wanting to see your enemies executed?

You know, scratch that. It is unfair of me to ask you to actually answer a question.

You want them dead, and you are lying about why. That is enough, YOu are a want a be tyrant.

People like you are how genocides happen.
1) I’m not sure why you insist on discussing the legal implications here when I have repeatedly explicitly stated that I’m not stating that. Once again, I’m specifically only discussing the moral aspect of this. If you can’t address that then simply say you can’t. Not sure why you insist on changing the subject.

I’m not changing the subject. We’re talking about Trump on Jan 6, aren’t we?
2) Your pivot to Chaz is noted. This isn’t about Chaz. It’s about Trump’s behavior. I don’t see how you guys can defend his actions on Jan 6.

I didn’t say it was about CHAZ, I’m talking about Democrat hypocrisy. Specifically, their inaction during CHAZ and the riots compared to their vehement condemnation of Trump’s inaction on Jan 6.
3) Asking you if you support Trump was in response to you saying the following: “Every one of your posts here are obviously rooted in your loathing for Trump. Nothing more.”

The distinction here is that my posts are not rooted in support for Trump but rather, in logical and critical evaluation of events.
I can now say that you are biased in your view of defending Trump since you have now admitted that you support Trump just as you can say that I loathe Trump.

I have never defended Trump in this discussion. That is patently false.
I’m not changing the subject. We’re talking about Trump on Jan 6, aren’t we?

I didn’t say it was about CHAZ, I’m talking about Democrat hypocrisy. Specifically, their inaction during CHAZ and the riots compared to their vehement condemnation of Trump’s inaction on Jan 6.

The distinction here is that my posts are not rooted in support for Trump but rather, in logical and critical evaluation of events.

I have never defended Trump in this discussion. That is patently false.
Haha, right. You haven't defended trump. You've merely tried to distract from the important issues, denied Baseline facts, and tried to justify his actions. But no, you aren't defending him. What a joke.
It is a strawman. It’s a claim that I have not made.

Your statement that I loathe Trump is on equal footing as me showing that you support Trump. Your goal was to show that I am biased in my view of Trump because I dislike him. I can respond to that with the same reasoning of you - that you are biased in your view of Trump because you support him.
But I don’t support him. I did not support his inaction on Jan 6 and I certainly did not support the actions of the rioters.

However, as I said before, however much I can criticize Trump for Jan 6, I simply cannot ignore the fact that Democrats were just as grossly negligent duriong the riots in 2020 and CHAZ.

That’s my main issue here: Democrat hypocrisy.
I’m not changing the subject. We’re talking about Trump on Jan 6, aren’t we?

I didn’t say it was about CHAZ, I’m talking about Democrat hypocrisy. Specifically, their inaction during CHAZ and the riots compared to their vehement condemnation of Trump’s inaction on Jan 6.

The distinction here is that my posts are not rooted in support for Trump but rather, in logical and critical evaluation of events.

I have never defended Trump in this discussion. That is patently false.
1) I‘m talking about Trump‘s actions on Jan 6 being morally reprehensible. You seem like you desperately want to pivot away from that.

2) So you tried pivoting to Chaz instead of addressing the topic. Noted. I’m seeing a pattern here.

3) You think your posts are rooted in logic. I disagree. Looks like you supported him and now you’re desperately trying to steer the conversation away from addressing how morally lacking this man is.

4) So you don’t think you have defended Trump. Then answer whether he behaved in a morally reprehensible way leading up to and on Jan 6. Stop pivoting.

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