Trump supporting kids being targeted in schools by teachers

"The teacher asked, 'Who supports Donald Trump?'" Jackson recalled to WHDH-TV. "And I was the only one to raise my hand."
That sIimely half assed excuse for a teacher should be summarily terminated with no pay or benefits. Just outright fired, dumped on their ass and kicked to the curb.

We know damn well that teacher only apologized because they were pressured to keep their job. Their desire and attitude still hasn't changed. They have no place in education. Had this been anything other than Trump, they WOULD have been fired, suspended, a lot more than an "apology."

Now we know why we have the silent majority. What kid would want to raise their hand only to be laughed at and mocked by the whole classroom.

A woman who was teaching a seventh-grade class for O'Maley Innovation Middle School in Gloucester, Massachusetts.
Image source: WHDH-TV video screenshot
The subject was the debate between President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden — and 12-year-old Jackson Cody said he became a fast target not only of other students, but also the teacher.
"The teacher asked, 'Who supports Donald Trump?'" Jackson recalled to WHDH-TV. "And I was the only one to raise my hand."

He noted to WBZ that "a few kids were going to raise their hands, but then they heard the teacher say to me, 'Oh Mr. Jackson, I thought I liked you.'"
Image source: WHDH-TV video screenshot
It got worse.
"Then she asked why I support a racist and a pedophile," he noted to WHDH.
Jackson added to the station that "she also said, 'I am ashamed of any woman who voted for Donald Trump,' and I told her my mom and one of my grandmothers voted for Donald Trump."
Other kids in the class smelled blood — and apparently his teacher did, too.
"I was just upset because other kids in the class were ganging up on me, laughing at me, and she was laughing and wouldn't say anything to them," Jackson noted to WHDH.

This is our public education system at work, much like Palestinian children are taught that the Zionist nation are evil and all need to be murdered.
I don't mind someone who is a republican or conservative. But the minute you tell me you support trump I know what you stand for or at least you are ok backing a liar, racist, bully, manipulator, and a sexist I don't want to know you or be associated with you.
"The teacher asked, 'Who supports Donald Trump?'" Jackson recalled to WHDH-TV. "And I was the only one to raise my hand."
That sIimely half assed excuse for a teacher should be summarily terminated with no pay or benefits. Just outright fired, dumped on their ass and kicked to the curb.

We know damn well that teacher only apologized because they were pressured to keep their job. Their desire and attitude still hasn't changed. They have no place in education. Had this been anything other than Trump, they WOULD have been fired, suspended, a lot more than an "apology."

Now we know why we have the silent majority. What kid would want to raise their hand only to be laughed at and mocked by the whole classroom.

Poor kid only raised his hand cause he was being honest.
Neo-Marxist Dimm's punish honesty and critical thought. It's a descendant and nihilistic political state!
And, this upcoming election will decide if we go down this rabbit hole, or not!!
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A woman who was teaching a seventh-grade class for O'Maley Innovation Middle School in Gloucester, Massachusetts.
Image source: WHDH-TV video screenshot
The subject was the debate between President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden — and 12-year-old Jackson Cody said he became a fast target not only of other students, but also the teacher.
"The teacher asked, 'Who supports Donald Trump?'" Jackson recalled to WHDH-TV. "And I was the only one to raise my hand."

He noted to WBZ that "a few kids were going to raise their hands, but then they heard the teacher say to me, 'Oh Mr. Jackson, I thought I liked you.'"
Image source: WHDH-TV video screenshot
It got worse.
"Then she asked why I support a racist and a pedophile," he noted to WHDH.
Jackson added to the station that "she also said, 'I am ashamed of any woman who voted for Donald Trump,' and I told her my mom and one of my grandmothers voted for Donald Trump."
Other kids in the class smelled blood — and apparently his teacher did, too.
"I was just upset because other kids in the class were ganging up on me, laughing at me, and she was laughing and wouldn't say anything to them," Jackson noted to WHDH.

This is our public education system at work, much like Palestinian children are taught that the Zionist nation are evil and all need to be murdered.
I don't mind someone who is a republican or conservative. But the minute you tell me you support trump I know what you stand for or at least you are ok backing a liar, racist, bully, manipulator, and a sexist I don't want to know you or be associated with you.
No wonder you hate yourself
yeah well …. being taught to debate like Trump in Jr. High could be physically dangerous for the lad.
Its sad that only one kid in that class thinks for himself while the rest just follow the leader

The kid is fearless.
The rest of her students were afraid.
This is what our public schools have been turning out!
And then, they become voters.....

A woman who was teaching a seventh-grade class for O'Maley Innovation Middle School in Gloucester, Massachusetts.
Image source: WHDH-TV video screenshot
The subject was the debate between President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden — and 12-year-old Jackson Cody said he became a fast target not only of other students, but also the teacher.
"The teacher asked, 'Who supports Donald Trump?'" Jackson recalled to WHDH-TV. "And I was the only one to raise my hand."

He noted to WBZ that "a few kids were going to raise their hands, but then they heard the teacher say to me, 'Oh Mr. Jackson, I thought I liked you.'"
Image source: WHDH-TV video screenshot
It got worse.
"Then she asked why I support a racist and a pedophile," he noted to WHDH.
Jackson added to the station that "she also said, 'I am ashamed of any woman who voted for Donald Trump,' and I told her my mom and one of my grandmothers voted for Donald Trump."
Other kids in the class smelled blood — and apparently his teacher did, too.
"I was just upset because other kids in the class were ganging up on me, laughing at me, and she was laughing and wouldn't say anything to them," Jackson noted to WHDH.

This is our public education system at work, much like Palestinian children are taught that the Zionist nation are evil and all need to be murdered.
I don't mind someone who is a republican or conservative. But the minute you tell me you support trump I know what you stand for or at least you are ok backing a liar, racist, bully, manipulator, and a sexist I don't want to know you or be associated with you.
You sound just like a cocksucking, fudge packing faggot and there are many here who don't want to know you either. Well I guess with the exception of your cocksucking, fudge packing, queer friends.

A woman who was teaching a seventh-grade class for O'Maley Innovation Middle School in Gloucester, Massachusetts.
Image source: WHDH-TV video screenshot
The subject was the debate between President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden — and 12-year-old Jackson Cody said he became a fast target not only of other students, but also the teacher.
"The teacher asked, 'Who supports Donald Trump?'" Jackson recalled to WHDH-TV. "And I was the only one to raise my hand."

He noted to WBZ that "a few kids were going to raise their hands, but then they heard the teacher say to me, 'Oh Mr. Jackson, I thought I liked you.'"
Image source: WHDH-TV video screenshot
It got worse.
"Then she asked why I support a racist and a pedophile," he noted to WHDH.
Jackson added to the station that "she also said, 'I am ashamed of any woman who voted for Donald Trump,' and I told her my mom and one of my grandmothers voted for Donald Trump."
Other kids in the class smelled blood — and apparently his teacher did, too.
"I was just upset because other kids in the class were ganging up on me, laughing at me, and she was laughing and wouldn't say anything to them," Jackson noted to WHDH.

This is our public education system at work, much like Palestinian children are taught that the Zionist nation are evil and all need to be murdered.
I don't mind someone who is a republican or conservative. But the minute you tell me you support trump I know what you stand for or at least you are ok backing a liar, racist, bully, manipulator, and a sexist I don't want to know you or be associated with you.

Right back at you
This shutdown has shown up that teachers are not meeting a reasonable standard of quality. We had a biology teacher who showed a Breonna Taylor video... I mean, come on!

This kind of indoctrination has been going on in public schools for a minimum of at least, 20 years.
The left has been wanting a revolution since 1960. I would be afraid such a teacher would start killing the children as evil capitalists.
This kind of shit should be punished by taking the teachers license away forever. There are plenty of young teachers who would love a job. And something needs to be done about the teachers union too. Disband them. They should put all teaching and administration jobs up for bid every three years. If Trump can do something about our education system, and he's the only one who can, that will be more than Obama and Biden did in 8 years.
This kind of shit should be punished by taking the teachers license away forever. There are plenty of young teachers who would love a job. And something needs to be done about the teachers union too. Disband them. They should put all teaching and administration jobs up for bid every three years. If Trump can do something about our education system, and he's the only one who can, that will be more than Obama and Biden did in 8 years.

China has spent alot of money supporting our colleges and establishing Confucious Institute's!
They expect a large return on their investments.
This kind of shit should be punished by taking the teachers license away forever. There are plenty of young teachers who would love a job. And something needs to be done about the teachers union too. Disband them. They should put all teaching and administration jobs up for bid every three years. If Trump can do something about our education system, and he's the only one who can, that will be more than Obama and Biden did in 8 years.

Also, China's Xi attended an American university and he figured out how to hit a central point of indoctrination in our Country, namely our educational system!
Call me old-fashioned but that dad should take care of business. And show his son how business is taken care of. Whatever it takes to insure that shit-eating rodent does not EVER speak to your son in that manner again. It can be done through channels.... or other ways. Take care of the fucking problem.
Well in Paris a teacher was beheaded for showing a cartoon of Mohammad

I reckon conservatives are push overs and easy targets in comparison.
Ahhh.... you had me at beheaded.... I want a "teacher" to be fucking SCARED to talk to my kid (or any other kid) in that manner. Like pissing their pants scared.
Call me old-fashioned but that dad should take care of business. And show his son how business is taken care of. Whatever it takes to insure that shit-eating rodent does not EVER speak to your son in that manner again. It can be done through channels.... or other ways. Take care of the fucking problem.
Well in Paris a teacher was beheaded for showing a cartoon of Mohammad

I reckon conservatives are push overs and easy targets in comparison.
Ahhh.... you had me at beheaded.... I want a "teacher" to be fucking SCARED to talk to my kid (or any other kid) in that manner. Like pissing their pants scared.

Ain't happening in this lifetime and public education system.

A woman who was teaching a seventh-grade class for O'Maley Innovation Middle School in Gloucester, Massachusetts.
Image source: WHDH-TV video screenshot
The subject was the debate between President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden — and 12-year-old Jackson Cody said he became a fast target not only of other students, but also the teacher.
"The teacher asked, 'Who supports Donald Trump?'" Jackson recalled to WHDH-TV. "And I was the only one to raise my hand."

He noted to WBZ that "a few kids were going to raise their hands, but then they heard the teacher say to me, 'Oh Mr. Jackson, I thought I liked you.'"
Image source: WHDH-TV video screenshot
It got worse.
"Then she asked why I support a racist and a pedophile," he noted to WHDH.
Jackson added to the station that "she also said, 'I am ashamed of any woman who voted for Donald Trump,' and I told her my mom and one of my grandmothers voted for Donald Trump."
Other kids in the class smelled blood — and apparently his teacher did, too.
"I was just upset because other kids in the class were ganging up on me, laughing at me, and she was laughing and wouldn't say anything to them," Jackson noted to WHDH.

This is our public education system at work, much like Palestinian children are taught that the Zionist nation are evil and all need to be murdered.
I don't mind someone who is a republican or conservative. But the minute you tell me you support trump I know what you stand for or at least you are ok backing a liar, racist, bully, manipulator, and a sexist I don't want to know you or be associated with you.
To be honest this is about the most civil post I've received from the looney hate filled Left.

Poor kid only raised his hand cause he was being honest.
Neo-Marxist Dimm's punish honesty and critical thought. It's a descendant and nihilistic political state!
And, this upcoming election will decide if we go down this rabbit hole, or not!!

They punish and threaten independent thought and reward conformity. If you step back and actually examine something, you might see the holes in it.

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