Trump Take Usa Back in time

I know that. You know that. Hell, even they know that. They are right wingers. They can't help themselves. It has nothing to do with facts. They committed themselves to oppose any alternative energy way back when Al Gore first started advocating it, and they just can't back off from their original commitment.
I don't oppose alternate forms of energy.........Solar........Wind..........Geothermal............

I OPPOSE THE COSTS of it......................

Your side keeps saying the costs are going down...........well they are to a degree.........but overall they are vastly higher than other forms of energy that your side is trying to remove.............Under the Obama administration they were trying to KILL FOSSIL FUELS through regulations.................and the AVERAGE AMERICAN is PAYING FOR IT...............Like in the Kemper Power Plant that HAS FAILED..........and higher costs associated with new Solar and Wind Power plants............

Driving the cost of fossil fuels up to support your argument that it's getting cheaper to use solar is BS to be quite honest............If you have to force other forms of energy production up to make yours more affordable.....then you have no case..........

Which fossil fuels are being killed by regulation. Coal has already been killed by the price of gas, and it's in it's final death throes, but which other fossil fuels aren't thriving?
Court freezes Clean Power Plan lawsuit, signaling likely end to Obama’s signature climate policy

How Trump is rolling back Obama’s legacy

Obama's attempt to KILL FOSSIL FUELS..........being shredded by the Trump administration........


I guess you didn't hear my question. Which fossil fuels are being shredded, other than the shredding that natural gas is giving coal?
You stack the deck against an ENTIRE INDUSTRY.............You force it to have HIGHER COSTS through REGULATIONS............... You openly go to the PUBLIC and say YOU WILL KILL IT.................DEMAND EPA standards that are not economically viable.................

See the prices go up as a result. and then go SEE.........WE TOLD YOU SO...........

That is what has happened.........That is why the Kemper plant was built.......that is why Coal burners were shutting down........that is why Natural Gas is now more competitive............


Go back and read the articles your plan to DESTROY IT GETS DISMANTLED.............

So what about that list of fossil fuels that aren't thriving? I'll admit coal can't compete with gas, but there are lots of fossil fuels, and you say Obama tried to kill them all. List please.
Which fossil fuels are being killed by regulation. Coal has already been killed by the price of gas, and it's in it's final death throes, but which other fossil fuels aren't thriving?

Once again you tax and regulated a price higher of course it cost more.we are up to are eye balls in coal.

You don't have a clue how much coal we have do you?


I know that no matter how much coal we have, it can't compete with gas on price. That's why coal is dead,
It supplies 10% of the power in Washington State. Your brain is dead.

I have no doubt it does. I'm pretty sure there will be coal fired plants there for quite a while. They need a diversified energy source. As old plants are retired, the replacements will reflect the much lower cost of gas.
We wouldn't even need that if the ahole liberals had not shut down the Kelso and Satsop nuclear plants before they could go on line.

So you're through trying to defend coal? Good choice.
I don't oppose alternate forms of energy.........Solar........Wind..........Geothermal............

I OPPOSE THE COSTS of it......................

Your side keeps saying the costs are going down...........well they are to a degree.........but overall they are vastly higher than other forms of energy that your side is trying to remove.............Under the Obama administration they were trying to KILL FOSSIL FUELS through regulations.................and the AVERAGE AMERICAN is PAYING FOR IT...............Like in the Kemper Power Plant that HAS FAILED..........and higher costs associated with new Solar and Wind Power plants............

Driving the cost of fossil fuels up to support your argument that it's getting cheaper to use solar is BS to be quite honest............If you have to force other forms of energy production up to make yours more affordable.....then you have no case..........

Which fossil fuels are being killed by regulation. Coal has already been killed by the price of gas, and it's in it's final death throes, but which other fossil fuels aren't thriving?
Court freezes Clean Power Plan lawsuit, signaling likely end to Obama’s signature climate policy

How Trump is rolling back Obama’s legacy

Obama's attempt to KILL FOSSIL FUELS..........being shredded by the Trump administration........


I guess you didn't hear my question. Which fossil fuels are being shredded, other than the shredding that natural gas is giving coal?
You stack the deck against an ENTIRE INDUSTRY.............You force it to have HIGHER COSTS through REGULATIONS............... You openly go to the PUBLIC and say YOU WILL KILL IT.................DEMAND EPA standards that are not economically viable.................

See the prices go up as a result. and then go SEE.........WE TOLD YOU SO...........

That is what has happened.........That is why the Kemper plant was built.......that is why Coal burners were shutting down........that is why Natural Gas is now more competitive............


Go back and read the articles your plan to DESTROY IT GETS DISMANTLED.............

So what about that list of fossil fuels that aren't thriving? I'll admit coal can't compete with gas, but there are lots of fossil fuels, and you say Obama tried to kill them all. List please.
Once again you tax and regulated a price higher of course it cost more.we are up to are eye balls in coal.

You don't have a clue how much coal we have do you?


I know that no matter how much coal we have, it can't compete with gas on price. That's why coal is dead,
It supplies 10% of the power in Washington State. Your brain is dead.

I have no doubt it does. I'm pretty sure there will be coal fired plants there for quite a while. They need a diversified energy source. As old plants are retired, the replacements will reflect the much lower cost of gas.
We wouldn't even need that if the ahole liberals had not shut down the Kelso and Satsop nuclear plants before they could go on line.

So you're through trying to defend coal? Good choice.

Once again we are up to are eye balls in it

We wouldn't even need that if the ahole liberals had not shut down the Kelso and Satsop nuclear plants before they could go on line.

Maybe now that the Russians own Uranium One, that can only sell fuel to North America, the cost of nuclear fuel will be so cheap they won't be able to afford not to open up the nuclear plants.
The world laught at Usa. mine work ?
Trump opens old mine works just to have the ego to say. I Trump did make ... new jobs...

Seriously Mr Trump ? Dirty Mining Jobs ? We are in 2017 . Not in 1960

Welcome China. The new leading country in clima. China well be benefit what Usa could have got. Many new green jobs for future. With Trump the Usa will be the loosing country in the future. Trump is a idiot

Usa are back in time together with Bangladech and the other country in the bottom of the list

Well done Trump. Well done. Trump is on the 1 place on the Idiot list.

Could you make this read any tougher? Misspellings, broken English. Try again.
We wouldn't even need that if the ahole liberals had not shut down the Kelso and Satsop nuclear plants before they could go on line.

Maybe now that the Russians own Uranium One, that can only sell fuel to North America, the cost of nuclear fuel will be so cheap they won't be able to afford not to open up the nuclear plants.
I hope so and maybe Trump can get us a smoking deal from his good buddy Putin.
Maybe now that the Russians own Uranium One, that can only sell fuel to North America, the cost of nuclear fuel will be so cheap they won't be able to afford not to open up the nuclear plants.
I hope so and maybe Trump can get us a smoking deal from his good buddy Putin.

What deal.? Uranium Ones Canadian mine can only sell to north America. So how many countries can he sell uranium to? It's a closed market.
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You think that's tough. Bear513 thinks that mobile 1 synthetic oil is made from water.

Not sure what that has to do with anything other than you feeling the need to take a cheap shot at someone.

What cheap shot? Bear513 truly believes the top selling synthetic oil is made out of water, so he wouldn't use it on his machinery.
You think that's tough. Bear513 thinks that mobile 1 synthetic oil is made from water.

Not sure what that has to do with anything other than you feeling the need to take a cheap shot at someone.

What cheap shot? Bear513 truly believes the top selling synthetic oil is made out of water, so he wouldn't use it on his machinery.

What the hell does Bear thinking that synthetic oil is made out of water have to do with anything in this thread?

The only reason to post something that irrelevant to the thread is to take a cheap shot. Maybe you aren't taking a cheap shot, maybe you are incredibly dumb, you tell me which it is.
What the hell does Bear thinking that synthetic oil is made out of water have to do with anything in this thread? .

It goes to proof that the right will defend even it's lunatic fringe.

If someone on the left said something that ridiculous, every lefty would be correcting him. If a righty says something that ridiculous, his knows his fellows would defend him, just like they defend Trump.
The only reason to post something that irrelevant to the thread is to take a cheap shot..

Insanity is relevant to any discussion. If somebody is so deaf to reality, you can't debate, since he will never hear the truth.

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