Trump Take Usa Back in time

again nothing refuting my post.
you say green jobs are good, show me

and what kind of energy should we use? you guys never answer it.

We should use a range of different energies, but should shift toward renewable as fossil fuels are reduced. Coal is a thing of the past. The price of gas makes coal too expensive, and automation guarantees there will never be many jobs mining it.

so give me the best renewable

pick one, you tards hate all those options.

noone is agaonst renewables, but its not cost effective for regular folks, make it cheaper.
Idiocy no matter what thread you're in.
Germany had so much renewable energy on Sunday that it had to pay people to use electricity
I was reading one of the other articles. One man wants algorithms regulated like drugs.

Obviously, you don't know what an algorithm is, and any article that might claim what you say was written by an idiot.
plural noun: algorithms
  1. a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially by a computer.
    "a basic algorithm for division"

Obviously you didn't read what she did..

again nothing refuting my post.
you say green jobs are good, show me

and what kind of energy should we use? you guys never answer it.

We should use a range of different energies, but should shift toward renewable as fossil fuels are reduced. Coal is a thing of the past. The price of gas makes coal too expensive, and automation guarantees there will never be many jobs mining it.

so give me the best renewable

pick one, you tards hate all those options.

noone is agaonst renewables, but its not cost effective for regular folks, make it cheaper.
Idiocy no matter what thread you're in.
Germany had so much renewable energy on Sunday that it had to pay people to use electricity

one day, how cool, let us know when we regular folks can afford solar

Regular folk are already using solar generated electricity.
Top 5 Largest Solar Power Plants in the United States

Pie chart time

again nothing refuting my post.
you say green jobs are good, show me

and what kind of energy should we use? you guys never answer it.

We should use a range of different energies, but should shift toward renewable as fossil fuels are reduced. Coal is a thing of the past. The price of gas makes coal too expensive, and automation guarantees there will never be many jobs mining it.

so give me the best renewable

pick one, you tards hate all those options.

noone is agaonst renewables, but its not cost effective for regular folks, make it cheaper.
Idiocy no matter what thread you're in.
Germany had so much renewable energy on Sunday that it had to pay people to use electricity

one day, how cool, let us know when we regular folks can afford solar

Regular folk are already using solar generated electricity.
Top 5 Largest Solar Power Plants in the United States
Study: Wind & Solar up to 5X More Costly than Existing Coal and Nuclear

As the chart indicates:

  • Electricity from new solar is nearly 5 times more expensive than from existing nuclear and over 3.5 times more expensive than from existing coal.
  • Electricity from new wind is over 3.5 times more expensive than from existing nuclear and over 2.5 times more expensive than from existing coal.
The world laught at Usa. mine work ?
Trump opens old mine works just to have the ego to say. I Trump did make ... new jobs...

Seriously Mr Trump ? Dirty Mining Jobs ? We are in 2017 . Not in 1960

Welcome China. The new leading country in clima. China well be benefit what Usa could have got. Many new green jobs for future. With Trump the Usa will be the loosing country in the future. Trump is a idiot

Usa are back in time together with Bangladech and the other country in the bottom of the list

Well done Trump. Well done. Idiot

after that broken english post i wouldnt call anyone an idiot. a misspelling or typo can happen but your grammar really sucks, 4 year olds know the language better

You couldn't counter the facts of what he said though, could you?
The world laught at Usa. mine work ?
Trump opens old mine works just to have the ego to say. I Trump did make ... new jobs...

Seriously Mr Trump ? Dirty Mining Jobs ? We are in 2017 . Not in 1960

Welcome China. The new leading country in clima. China well be benefit what Usa could have got. Many new green jobs for future. With Trump the Usa will be the loosing country in the future. Trump is a idiot

Usa are back in time together with Bangladech and the other country in the bottom of the list

Well done Trump. Well done. Idiot

after that broken english post i wouldnt call anyone an idiot. a misspelling or typo can happen but your grammar really sucks, 4 year olds know the language better

You couldn't counter the facts of what he said though, could you?

what facts?

that post was a joke, it was written by a 4 year old.
from what i got, he said coal jobs bad, green jobs good.

if green jobs are do good, why do green energy companies fail?

hint: if green energy was better and cheaper people would use it. have you seen the cost if solar panels? they aint cheap.

_You listen to too much right wing radio. China is the world's largest investor in green energy, and they already have all those new hi-tech manufacturing jobs. They will also get all those jobs we could have had before Trump decided we would go back to horse and buggy days.

What are they going to do run an extension cord across the Pacific ocean?

Once again they claimed the solar panel market years ago..


OK. I get it now. The reason you oppose renewable energy so much is you are too dumb to realize we can build those power plants here just like they have them there. You really think it would take long extension chords.
RIDDLE ME THIS....................How many Americans would embrace the Utopia of Solar and Wind Power from the Liberals if they knew their electricity bills went up 2.5 to 5 times their current bill??????????????????

In Europe..............
OK. I get it now. The reason you oppose renewable energy so much is you are too dumb to realize we can build those power plants here just like they have them there. You really think it would take long extension chords.

These people are truly stupid. They think that the high cost of renewable energy will never go down, or the low cost of fossil fuels will never go up. I can remember the dream of nuclear power being "too cheap to meter"
We should use a range of different energies, but should shift toward renewable as fossil fuels are reduced. Coal is a thing of the past. The price of gas makes coal too expensive, and automation guarantees there will never be many jobs mining it.

so give me the best renewable

pick one, you tards hate all those options.

noone is agaonst renewables, but its not cost effective for regular folks, make it cheaper.
Idiocy no matter what thread you're in.
Germany had so much renewable energy on Sunday that it had to pay people to use electricity

one day, how cool, let us know when we regular folks can afford solar

Regular folk are already using solar generated electricity.
Top 5 Largest Solar Power Plants in the United States

Pie chart time

View attachment 130833

And? I don't think anyone is questioning what our major sources are now. Just whether we should start converting to more use of renewable sources. Were you confused by that?
OK. I get it now. The reason you oppose renewable energy so much is you are too dumb to realize we can build those power plants here just like they have them there. You really think it would take long extension chords.

These people are truly stupid. They think that the high cost of renewable energy will never go down, or the low cost of fossil fuels will never go up. I can remember the dream of nuclear power being "too cheap to meter"

I know that. You know that. Hell, even they know that. They are right wingers. They can't help themselves. It has nothing to do with facts. They committed themselves to oppose any alternative energy way back when Al Gore first started advocating it, and they just can't back off from their original commitment.
What are they going to do run an extension cord across the Pacific ocean?

Once again they claimed the solar panel market years ago..

The USA used to be the scientific innovator for the world. Republicans have systematically attacked the means by which we used to be number one in the world.
How so? Got any facts to support your thesis? The Simpson Show doesn't count.
OK. I get it now. The reason you oppose renewable energy so much is you are too dumb to realize we can build those power plants here just like they have them there. You really think it would take long extension chords.

These people are truly stupid. They think that the high cost of renewable energy will never go down, or the low cost of fossil fuels will never go up. I can remember the dream of nuclear power being "too cheap to meter"

I know that. You know that. Hell, even they know that. They are right wingers. They can't help themselves. It has nothing to do with facts. They committed themselves to oppose any alternative energy way back when Al Gore first started advocating it, and they just can't back off from their original commitment.
We've committed ourselves to put money into what works instead of flushing it down the toilet. Innovation and capitalism will keep the technology coming. You lefties act like government is responsible for every decent invention since the wheel.
OK. I get it now. The reason you oppose renewable energy so much is you are too dumb to realize we can build those power plants here just like they have them there. You really think it would take long extension chords.

These people are truly stupid. They think that the high cost of renewable energy will never go down, or the low cost of fossil fuels will never go up. I can remember the dream of nuclear power being "too cheap to meter"

I know that. You know that. Hell, even they know that. They are right wingers. They can't help themselves. It has nothing to do with facts. They committed themselves to oppose any alternative energy way back when Al Gore first started advocating it, and they just can't back off from their original commitment.
I don't oppose alternate forms of energy.........Solar........Wind..........Geothermal............

I OPPOSE THE COSTS of it......................

Your side keeps saying the costs are going down...........well they are to a degree.........but overall they are vastly higher than other forms of energy that your side is trying to remove.............Under the Obama administration they were trying to KILL FOSSIL FUELS through regulations.................and the AVERAGE AMERICAN is PAYING FOR IT...............Like in the Kemper Power Plant that HAS FAILED..........and higher costs associated with new Solar and Wind Power plants............

Driving the cost of fossil fuels up to support your argument that it's getting cheaper to use solar is BS to be quite honest............If you have to force other forms of energy production up to make yours more affordable.....then you have no case..........
OK. I get it now. The reason you oppose renewable energy so much is you are too dumb to realize we can build those power plants here just like they have them there. You really think it would take long extension chords.

These people are truly stupid. They think that the high cost of renewable energy will never go down, or the low cost of fossil fuels will never go up. I can remember the dream of nuclear power being "too cheap to meter"

It's antique energy..

OK. I get it now. The reason you oppose renewable energy so much is you are too dumb to realize we can build those power plants here just like they have them there. You really think it would take long extension chords.

These people are truly stupid. They think that the high cost of renewable energy will never go down, or the low cost of fossil fuels will never go up. I can remember the dream of nuclear power being "too cheap to meter"

I know that. You know that. Hell, even they know that. They are right wingers. They can't help themselves. It has nothing to do with facts. They committed themselves to oppose any alternative energy way back when Al Gore first started advocating it, and they just can't back off from their original commitment.

It's gay ass faggot energy....
OK. I get it now. The reason you oppose renewable energy so much is you are too dumb to realize we can build those power plants here just like they have them there. You really think it would take long extension chords.

These people are truly stupid. They think that the high cost of renewable energy will never go down, or the low cost of fossil fuels will never go up. I can remember the dream of nuclear power being "too cheap to meter"

I know that. You know that. Hell, even they know that. They are right wingers. They can't help themselves. It has nothing to do with facts. They committed themselves to oppose any alternative energy way back when Al Gore first started advocating it, and they just can't back off from their original commitment.
I don't oppose alternate forms of energy.........Solar........Wind..........Geothermal............

I OPPOSE THE COSTS of it......................

Your side keeps saying the costs are going down...........well they are to a degree.........but overall they are vastly higher than other forms of energy that your side is trying to remove.............Under the Obama administration they were trying to KILL FOSSIL FUELS through regulations.................and the AVERAGE AMERICAN is PAYING FOR IT...............Like in the Kemper Power Plant that HAS FAILED..........and higher costs associated with new Solar and Wind Power plants............

Driving the cost of fossil fuels up to support your argument that it's getting cheaper to use solar is BS to be quite honest............If you have to force other forms of energy production up to make yours more affordable.....then you have no case..........

Which fossil fuels are being killed by regulation. Coal has already been killed by the price of gas, and it's in it's final death throes, but which other fossil fuels aren't thriving?
The USA used to be the scientific innovator for the world. Republicans have systematically attacked the means by which we used to be number one in the world.
How so? Got any facts to support your thesis? The Simpson Show doesn't count.

First they cut support for education. Programs to help us in math and science have NOT kept up with the rest of the world. And even our backdoor way to scientific advancement, what the 60's called the 'brain drain' (aka foreigners) is an avenue the republicans want to cut.
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OK. I get it now. The reason you oppose renewable energy so much is you are too dumb to realize we can build those power plants here just like they have them there. You really think it would take long extension chords.

These people are truly stupid. They think that the high cost of renewable energy will never go down, or the low cost of fossil fuels will never go up. I can remember the dream of nuclear power being "too cheap to meter"

I know that. You know that. Hell, even they know that. They are right wingers. They can't help themselves. It has nothing to do with facts. They committed themselves to oppose any alternative energy way back when Al Gore first started advocating it, and they just can't back off from their original commitment.
I don't oppose alternate forms of energy.........Solar........Wind..........Geothermal............

I OPPOSE THE COSTS of it......................

Your side keeps saying the costs are going down...........well they are to a degree.........but overall they are vastly higher than other forms of energy that your side is trying to remove.............Under the Obama administration they were trying to KILL FOSSIL FUELS through regulations.................and the AVERAGE AMERICAN is PAYING FOR IT...............Like in the Kemper Power Plant that HAS FAILED..........and higher costs associated with new Solar and Wind Power plants............

Driving the cost of fossil fuels up to support your argument that it's getting cheaper to use solar is BS to be quite honest............If you have to force other forms of energy production up to make yours more affordable.....then you have no case..........

Which fossil fuels are being killed by regulation. Coal has already been killed by the price of gas, and it's in it's final death throes, but which other fossil fuels aren't thriving?

Once again you tax and regulated a price higher of course it cost more.we are up to are eye balls in coal.

You don't have a clue how much coal we have do you?

The USA used to be the scientific innovator for the world. Republicans have systematically attacked the means by which we used to be number one in the world.
How so? Got any facts to support your thesis? The Simpson Show doesn't count.

First they cut support for education. Programs to help us in math and science have kept up with the rest of the world. And even our backdoor way to scientific advancement, what the 60's called the 'brain drain' (aka foreigners) is an avenue the republicans want to cut.

No ..trying to change the subject again?


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