Trump Take Usa Back in time

Controlling the risk of dust exposure to workers in mines | Business Queensland

Point being........stop showing old ass pictures of coal mining to justify not mining it anymore.

It's not just the mining of coal, but the burning of coal. Everything from SOx's to Hg. There is a need for 'clean coal' technology to be perfected, in order to make coal a viable long term energy source.

Again.........that technology has greatly evolved.................the newest EPA regulations under Obama were designed to put it out of business............

There is no perfect way to FULLY CLEAN THE COAL...........

The Kemper Power Plant was the first to try and meet the standards set by Obama..........and it is a miserable failure.........not long ago the papers around here were stating that it would be cheaper to run the plant now on natural gas than to continue running on coal.
Southern Company Says Its Delayed Kemper Power Plant Not Viable as Coal Plant

The startling reversal came during an earnings call Thursday at a time when Southern faces intense scrutiny from federal and state regulators and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) — and as its Mississippi Power Company subsidiary, the plant's owner, faces a Moody's downgrade over Kemper's skyrocketing costs and failure to operate despite being three years past its promised operating date. Southern took a 27 percent hit to its fourth quarter net income thanks to Kemper schedule delays.

During the call, Fanning acknowledged that Kemper can only be feasible if it runs on natural gas as financial analysts questioned him about a just-released “economic viability” study by Southern that found that low gas prices for the long-term mean the plant can't profitably gasify lignite in the gasifiers Southern spent most of $7.1 billion to build.

Fanning called a “reduction in the longterm gas price forecast” an “overwhelming change, the big change. Obviously, there are others. It is a point in time. When we had this plant certificated, we all thought that gas prices were going to be double digits and there was some spread that were way higher than where we are now.”

Fanning's comments came as the company announced it will soon file a rate case with the Mississippi Public Service Commission (PSC) seeking to recover its costs for the plant.

Although Fanning has often reassured Mississippians that they are protected by a $2.88 billion cost cap agreement limiting their liability for the plant's runaway budget, he has failed to mention that once the plant is declared operational, the cap won't protect them from additional costs of some $4 billion. That includes $200 million a year in operation and maintenance costs, a disturbingly high figure that keeps going up for the novel “clean coal” plant.

Three lawsuits dog Southern Company over Kemper Project -

The Kemper Project clean coal power plant has been generating electricity using natural gas since 2014, but now the facility is generating something else for its owner — lawsuits.

The Southern Company is embroiled in three lawsuits active in courts in Georgia and Mississippi over alleged fraud in the protracted construction and testing of the Kemper Project, which is more than two years behind schedule and more than $5 billion over budget.

The utility announced in March that the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is also investigatingthe company over financial reporting for Kemper.
Biogas is turned into synthetic oils similar to Mobil 1

Take a science class.

It's water on a machine you idiot


Mobile 1 is not water base. You're playing stupid to perfection.

It's fossil fuel you idiot..

Once again there is only two lubricants.

Oil based or water based..

Quit trying to change the subject fool.


Me using water based lubricants is just the same as me pissing on a gear to cool it off..or a drill bit.

Lawsuit: Mississippi Power’s Kemper Project ‘Fleeced’ the Public

They note in their filing, “At the same time that it was seeking a rate increase, Mississippi Power sought to disarm the public with misleading and deceptive messages … extolling the virtues of the Kemper Power Plant.” Among the claims:

  • “Kemper was ordered to be built by the Mississippi Public Service Commission after extensive hearings regarding the needs of Mississippi Power customers;”
  • “Kemper is bring jobs, growth, and progress to south Mississippi;”
  • “Energy experts the world over have hailed Kemper as the future of low-cost, clean energy;” and
  • “A recent Supreme Court decision could result in a rate increase of 35 [percent] to 40 percent.”
What’s more, they accuse the defendant of falsely claiming to the commission “that it was running out of cash could no longer borrow on its own, and could not count on its parent, Southern Company.”

Just a side note....................the Southern Company could have built 14 Natural Gas powered plants for the price of KEMPER...............Let me repeat that...............14 Natural Gas plants for the price of Kemper......................

Now the citizens of the area are paying much higher rates.................and the DAMNED THING DOESN'T EVEN USE COAL...............

Fully mitigating all aspects of Coal to produce power..........IS A MISERABLE FAILURE.
Me using water based lubricants is just the same as me pissing on a gear to cool it off..or a drill bit.


I see there is no reasoning with somebody unable to comprehend simple science. If you think mobile 1 synthetic oil is made from water, don't use it.

Mobile 1 is not water base. You're playing stupid to perfection.

It's fossil fuel you idiot..

Once again there is only two lubricants.

Oil based or water based..

Quit trying to change the subject fool.


Test Data on the newest Pennzoil's made from Natural Gas - CorvetteForum - Chevrolet Corvette Forum Discussion

Pennzoil has recently introduced a new line of motor oil made from natural gas

Once again that's fossil fuel.

The world laught at Usa. mine work ?
Trump opens old mine works just to have the ego to say. I Trump did make ... new jobs...

Seriously Mr Trump ? Dirty Mining Jobs ? We are in 2017 . Not in 1960

Welcome China. The new leading country in clima. China well be benefit what Usa could have got. Many new green jobs for future. With Trump the Usa will be the loosing country in the future. Trump is a idiot

Usa are back in time together with Bangladech and the other country in the bottom of the list

Well done Trump. Well done. Idiot

after that broken english post i wouldnt call anyone an idiot. a misspelling or typo can happen but your grammar really sucks, 4 year olds know the language better

I had our 7 y/o translate it
Mobile 1 is not water base. You're playing stupid to perfection.

It's fossil fuel you idiot..

Once again there is only two lubricants.

Oil based or water based..

Quit trying to change the subject fool.


Test Data on the newest Pennzoil's made from Natural Gas - CorvetteForum - Chevrolet Corvette Forum Discussion

Pennzoil has recently introduced a new line of motor oil made from natural gas

Your link says nothing about lubricants..

You are throwing a temper tantrum and never worked around machinery..
The world laught at Usa. mine work ?
Trump opens old mine works just to have the ego to say. I Trump did make ... new jobs...

Seriously Mr Trump ? Dirty Mining Jobs ? We are in 2017 . Not in 1960

Welcome China. The new leading country in clima. China well be benefit what Usa could have got. Many new green jobs for future. With Trump the Usa will be the loosing country in the future. Trump is a idiot

Usa are back in time together with Bangladech and the other country in the bottom of the list

Well done Trump. Well done. Idiot

after that broken english post i wouldnt call anyone an idiot. a misspelling or typo can happen but your grammar really sucks, 4 year olds know the language better

I had our 7 y/o translate it

After years of watching rap music with my daughter I can comprehend it.

_You listen to too much right wing radio. China is the world's largest investor in green energy, and they already have all those new hi-tech manufacturing jobs. They will also get all those jobs we could have had before Trump decided we would go back to horse and buggy days.

again nothing refuting my post.
you say green jobs are good, show me

and what kind of energy should we use? you guys never answer it.

We should use a range of different energies, but should shift toward renewable as fossil fuels are reduced. Coal is a thing of the past. The price of gas makes coal too expensive, and automation guarantees there will never be many jobs mining it.

so give me the best renewable

pick one, you tards hate all those options.

noone is agaonst renewables, but its not cost effective for regular folks, make it cheaper.
Spoken like a true RWNJ. There is no one best energy source. It has to be matched to the application.

spoken like a lefty, no specifics just some general bullshit.
house heating and cooling what is the best way to do it?

Sorry, the world doesn't always have bumper sticker sized solutions. Some things are more complex than tight wingers want to believe.
It's fossil fuel you idiot..

Once again there is only two lubricants.

Oil based or water based..

Quit trying to change the subject fool.

Once again that's fossil fuel.


You seem to be totally confused. Are synthetics water based or oil based, when they're made from methane (aka natural gas or biogas)?

Just answer the question.
_You listen to too much right wing radio. China is the world's largest investor in green energy, and they already have all those new hi-tech manufacturing jobs. They will also get all those jobs we could have had before Trump decided we would go back to horse and buggy days.

again nothing refuting my post.
you say green jobs are good, show me

and what kind of energy should we use? you guys never answer it.

We should use a range of different energies, but should shift toward renewable as fossil fuels are reduced. Coal is a thing of the past. The price of gas makes coal too expensive, and automation guarantees there will never be many jobs mining it.

so give me the best renewable

pick one, you tards hate all those options.

noone is agaonst renewables, but its not cost effective for regular folks, make it cheaper.
Idiocy no matter what thread you're in.
Germany had so much renewable energy on Sunday that it had to pay people to use electricity
I was reading one of the other articles. One man wants algorithms regulated like drugs.

Obviously, you don't know what an algorithm is, and any article that might claim what you say was written by an idiot.
plural noun: algorithms
  1. a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially by a computer.
    "a basic algorithm for division"
It's fossil fuel you idiot..

Once again there is only two lubricants.

Oil based or water based..

Quit trying to change the subject fool.

Once again that's fossil fuel.


You seem to be totally confused. Are synthetics water based or oil based, when they're made from methane (aka natural gas or biogas)?

Just answer the question.

You don't have a clue do you the difference between natural gas and bio gas do you?

Ones water based and one is oil based..

Again Hitler used water based synthetics and look where it got him..

Introduction to Air Pollution - Pollution Control

examples of types of devices and systems used now to greatly reduce emissions from fossil fuel plants...............
Implemented over use fuels such as coal as a cheaper power source for consumers...........

In the rest of the 3rd world...........NOT SO MUCH...............

Those opposed to fossil fuel use...............sometimes refuse to see that it is not the United States that is the problem with global emissions by burning fossil fuels.......but the parts of the world that don't use the systems......................


They DEMAND and REGULATE the INDUSTRY to lower emissions to IMPOSSIBILITY.....................Therefore it is a CLEAR ATTEMPT TO DESTROY IT................

And they don't care the consequences of their actions that drive the COSTS OF ELECTRICITY through the roof...............Making everyone pay more for their IDEOLOGY..........
_You listen to too much right wing radio. China is the world's largest investor in green energy, and they already have all those new hi-tech manufacturing jobs. They will also get all those jobs we could have had before Trump decided we would go back to horse and buggy days.

again nothing refuting my post.
you say green jobs are good, show me

and what kind of energy should we use? you guys never answer it.

We should use a range of different energies, but should shift toward renewable as fossil fuels are reduced. Coal is a thing of the past. The price of gas makes coal too expensive, and automation guarantees there will never be many jobs mining it.

so give me the best renewable

pick one, you tards hate all those options.

noone is agaonst renewables, but its not cost effective for regular folks, make it cheaper.
Idiocy no matter what thread you're in.
Germany had so much renewable energy on Sunday that it had to pay people to use electricity

one day, how cool, let us know when we regular folks can afford solar

Regular folk are already using solar generated electricity.
Top 5 Largest Solar Power Plants in the United States

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