Trump Take Usa Back in time

It's not just the mining of coal, but the burning of coal. Everything from SOx's to Hg. There is a need for 'clean coal' technology to be perfected, in order to make coal a viable long term energy source.

It's already here it's called RTO and we are already using it

Thermal oxidizer - Wikipedia

You can't help but play the fool can you.

Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer on the market with the capabitlity of 99.5+% Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) oxidisation or destruction efficiency.

That's for VOC's, not for SOx or Hg

Please note the O in VOC stands for organic. And neither pollutant I mentioned is organic.
Now your just looking like a fool...only two types of lubricants.. Water based or oil based..

That's it..

Water based lubricants suck..


The best lubricants you can buy for you car are made from natural gas / biogas. You have entered the realm of the stupid, and you're paying too much rent.

Still back on that natural gas shit are you? Btw it's called methane from garbage dumps..

The best lubricants you can buy for you car are made from natural gas / biogas. You have entered the realm of the stupid, and you're paying too much rent.

Lmfao.. You don't even have a car..

Water based products once again sucks.

You don't have a clue do you?

Who said natural gas / biogas lubricants were water based? As you know oil and water don't mix (except with the right surfactants)
It's not just the mining of coal, but the burning of coal. Everything from SOx's to Hg. There is a need for 'clean coal' technology to be perfected, in order to make coal a viable long term energy source.

It's already here it's called RTO and we are already using it

Thermal oxidizer - Wikipedia

You can't help but play the fool can you.

Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer on the market with the capabitlity of 99.5+% Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) oxidisation or destruction efficiency.

That's for VOC's, not for SOx or Hg

Please note the O in VOC stands for organic. And neither pollutant I mentioned is organic.

Lmfao that's what they use to burn it and put water vapor in the air..

Still back on that natural gas shit are you? Btw it's called methane from garbage dumps..


Please educate yourself

Natural gas is composed mostly of methane, but it also contains small amounts of ethane, propane, butane, and pentane. Methane, a combination of hydrogen and carbon, is formed when plants and animals (organic matter) are trapped beneath the sedimentary layers of the earth.
The best lubricants you can buy for you car are made from natural gas / biogas. You have entered the realm of the stupid, and you're paying too much rent.

Lmfao.. You don't even have a car..

Water based products once again sucks.

You don't have a clue do you?

Who said natural gas / biogas lubricants were water based? As you know oil and water don't mix (except with the right surfactants)

Your trying to tell us natural gas is not a fossil fuel..

Still back on that natural gas shit are you? Btw it's called methane from garbage dumps..


Please educate yourself

Natural gas is composed mostly of methane, but it also contains small amounts of ethane, propane, butane, and pentane. Methane, a combination of hydrogen and carbon, is formed when plants and animals (organic matter) are trapped beneath the sedimentary layers of the earth.

That's fossil fuel idiot..

Your trying to tell us natural gas is not a fossil fuel..


Natural gas is composed mostly of methane, but it also contains small amounts of ethane, propane, butane, and pentane. Methane, a combination of hydrogen and carbon, is formed when plants and animals (organic matter) are trapped beneath the sedimentary layers of the earth.

As you said, biogas is methane, and is a renewable resource.
Please educate yourself

Natural gas is composed mostly of methane, but it also contains small amounts of ethane, propane, butane, and pentane. Methane, a combination of hydrogen and carbon, is formed when plants and animals (organic matter) are trapped beneath the sedimentary layers of the earth.

That's fossil fuel idiot..


Not if it comes from garbage. Which BTW contains very few fossils.
Your trying to tell us natural gas is not a fossil fuel..


Natural gas is composed mostly of methane, but it also contains small amounts of ethane, propane, butane, and pentane. Methane, a combination of hydrogen and carbon, is formed when plants and animals (organic matter) are trapped beneath the sedimentary layers of the earth.

As you said, biogas is methane, and is a renewable resource.

Once again water based oil sucks..

What's better a oil based magic marker or a water based one ?

The world laught at Usa. mine work ?
Trump opens old mine works just to have the ego to say. I Trump did make ... new jobs...

Seriously Mr Trump ? Dirty Mining Jobs ? We are in 2017 . Not in 1960

Welcome China. The new leading country in clima. China well be benefit what Usa could have got. Many new green jobs for future. With Trump the Usa will be the loosing country in the future. Trump is a idiot

Usa are back in time together with Bangladech and the other country in the bottom of the list

Well done Trump. Well done. Trump is on the 1 place on the Idiot list.
If making America great again is "taking us back in time", so be it.
The world laught at Usa. mine work ?
Trump opens old mine works just to have the ego to say. I Trump did make ... new jobs...

Seriously Mr Trump ? Dirty Mining Jobs ? We are in 2017 . Not in 1960

Welcome China. The new leading country in clima. China well be benefit what Usa could have got. Many new green jobs for future. With Trump the Usa will be the loosing country in the future. Trump is a idiot

Usa are back in time together with Bangladech and the other country in the bottom of the list

Well done Trump. Well done. Trump is on the 1 place on the Idiot list.
If making America great again is "taking us back in time", so be it.

This is why your so upset... The orange guy destroyed the black guy..

Yes you can its called RTOs

Which I already explained..


Do you even know what the chemical term "organic" means?

I doubt it. Your science teachers must be holding their heads in shame.

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