Trump takes the 5th 400 times...

/------/ Tell me what laws are broken when a company gives benefits to employees instead of cash.
Maybe you have a job. Maybe your McD manager lets you have a free meal for lunch every day because you do such a great job cleaning the bathrooms. That is 265 free meals a year x $6 each equals $1,560 a year in free food. Do you declare those meals on your taxes?

He's going to jail.

The case was proven.
CALL: It wasn't Trump, and if he knew, he would have canned his greedy ass............Rick Gates worked as a deputy to Paul Manafort -- NOT TRUMP - but as one of Trump's employee's aid. How is that Trump's wrongdoing?
RESPONSE: It's funny, or perhaps sad how Trump supporters are always relegated to arguing that Trump doesn't know what is going on under him.
Trump's cult are obsessed with a laptop.
And Hunter's dick pics.

General Flynn was caught in a perjury trap. The FBI said he didn't need a lawyer present when questioned.

Oh, that's possible.
But 'perjury traps'.....catch (hold for it).....Liars. Perjurers.
Otherwise, such 'traps' wouldn't be all that useful. No?

On a slight jog to that issue though is ----- is the suspicion that this particular Lieutenant General wasn't really the best and the brightest that America's Army has in inventory. It's a pity. He comes across as not only a MAGA fringie loon.....but a dumb one too.
Doesn't reflect well on our military. IMHO

"...maybe you should offer your stupid with more humility."

With no reference to the worthiness of the target of the above wit......we can offer a hat-tip for good word-smithing to its' author.

And Hunter's dick pics.

Oh, that's possible.
But 'perjury traps'.....catch (hold for it).....Liars. Perjurers.
Otherwise, such 'traps' wouldn't be all that useful. No?

On a slight jog to that issue though is ----- is the suspicion that this particular Lieutenant General wasn't really the best and the brightest that America's Army has in inventory. It's a pity. He comes across as not only a MAGA fringie loon.....but a dumb one too.
Doesn't reflect well on our military. IMHO

With no reference to the worthiness of the target of the above wit......we can offer a hat-tip for good word-smithing to its' author.
/———/ Thanks for tipping your hat.
“You see the mob takes the Fifth,” he said. “If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?”

Trump said it best only the guilty need to take the 5th.
Trump took the 5th 400 times in his recent disposition for fraud because he is guilty and he has no response. He has no excuse that will hold up under penalty of perjury, and he is 100% guilty.
This disposition is serious stuff and he can't tell lies like at his rallies or he gets charged with perjury, so his only option is to take the 5th, like a mob criminal.

Trump's lawyers: You have been caught lying already, shut your stupid mouth.

I have a Masters in finance and run one of the top small hedge funds in the country.
I run the bank

spin, the GOP need it to survive, just like they need lies.

What does a republican need more, lies or spin? I think lies.

It's his right. But in a civil case it can be used against him.

Your Hero.

Yeah, in criminal trials taking the 5th carries no negative inference (or shouldn't). But in civil absolutely does. Its called 'Adverse Inference', and Trump gave them 400 instances of it.

"A punitive “adverse-inference instruction” is a sanction that would allow the judge to instruct the jury to infer facts about the non-producing party's missing evidence in a way that would be adverse to that party's case."

Hey, no problem. But wait until the jurors see the video of Trump taking the 5th over 400 times & he'll have that bird shoved up his ass so far he'll be crying uncle.

Trump will be crawling on his hands & knees begging the N.Y.A.G. to settle. Wait for it.

Your Gangster hero played chickenshit & took the 5th over 400 times, loser.


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/——-/ Second request. Assuming you work, do you pay taxes on all of your perks?

Whether I cheat on my taxes is irrelevant as to whether or not Trump did and once again got caught.

You also want to equate someone getting a lunch discount to avoiding hundreds of thousands in taxes. It's not going to work.
/——-/ Second request. Assuming you work, do you pay taxes on all of your perks?

BTW, I'm retired. Did I when I worked? Yes, where I worked made sure of it.

I worked 12 hour shifts. On a rare occasion I would be asked to work 16 I would get a meal. Sucked but I had to pay taxes on that meal.
They got more on the Trump REGIME, You, MORON, in 4 years, than they ever did Hillary in 15 years.

Allen Weisselberg, 75, the longtime chief financial officer of the Trump Organization, reached a deal with the Manhattan District Attorney's Office, pleading guilty on Thursday to 15 felonies. He admitted to failing to pay taxes on some $1.7 million in income and is expected to face five months in prison as well as five years of probation.

Rick Gates worked as a deputy to Paul Manafort on Trump's 2016 presidential campaign. He was indicted in October of 2017 and entered a plea deal in February of 2018, pleading guilty to charges of conspiracy and lying to investigators.

Paul Manafort, who chaired Trump's 2016 campaign and also worked as his campaign manager, was indicted along with Gates in October of 2017. A jury found him guilty of tax fraud and bank fraud in August of 2018. He also pleaded guilty about a month later to charges related to money laundering, witness tampering and lobbying violations.

In 2016, George Papadopoulos served as an adviser to Trump's presidential campaign. He pleaded guilty in 2017 to lying to FBI agents regarding his communication with individuals who claimed to have ties to prominent Russian officials.

Roger Stone was indicted and arrested in January of 2019 on seven counts, including lying to Congress, obstruction of an official proceeding and witness tampering. This was related to special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.
Stone was convicted and sentenced to more than three years in prison in February of 2020. Trump commuted his sentence before he had to report to prison.

The retired Army lieutenant general served as a national security adviser to Trump's 2016 campaign. Michael Flynn was then selected to serve as his national security adviser but was fired after less than a month into that role after it was reported he lied about his contact with Russian officials.

In December of 2017, he formalized a deal to plead guilty to making false statements to the FBI regarding his Russian contacts.

Elliott Broidy was a fundraiser for Trump's 2016 presidential campaign and was involved with his inaugural committee. He pleaded guilty in October of 2020 to carrying out a secret lobbying campaign in exchange for millions of dollars.

Steve Bannon served as the chief executive officer of Trump's 2016 campaign and then as a White House strategist for much of 2017. He was convicted by a grand jury in July of contempt of Congress over his refusal to comply with a subpoena to appear before the House select committee investigating the January 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol.

A Guide to Trump Allies Who've Pleaded Guilty or Been ... › ... › Robert Mueller › FBI
So lets take these one at a time.

Weisselberg was conviced of TAX EVASION......what does that have to do with Trump?

Tim Geitner did the same thing and the Obama still nominated him for Sec of the know the guy who COLLECTS TAXES...and the dems voted for him............
Whether I cheat on my taxes is irrelevant as to whether or not Trump did and once again got caught.

You also want to equate someone getting a lunch discount to avoiding hundreds of thousands in taxes. It's not going to work.
When did Trump cheat on his taxes?
So lets take these one at a time.

Weisselberg was conviced of TAX EVASION......what does that have to do with Trump?

Tim Geitner did the same thing and the Obama still nominated him for Sec of the know the guy who COLLECTS TAXES...and the dems voted for him............

To note a difference. I condemned both Obama and Timmy for that many times.
It's interesting to see how far some on here will go in their defense of Trump. If a Dem had tried even 1/4 of the crap that Trump has done, they'd be calling for their skull and to have them executed publicly.
So lets take these one at a time.

Weisselberg was conviced of TAX EVASION......what does that have to do with Trump?

Tim Geitner did the same thing and the Obama still nominated him for Sec of the know the guy who COLLECTS TAXES...and the dems voted for him............
Weisselberg was conviced of TAX EVASION......what does that have to do with Trump?

Because it involved his compensation from GriftyCo. It is inconsistent with the code for an employer to provide the types of benefits Weisselberg (and members of his family) received in lieu of taxable salary.

Tim Geitner did the same thing and the Obama still nominated him for Sec of the

No, he didn' should post the details...
Because it involved his compensation from GriftyCo. It is inconsistent with the code for an employer to provide the types of benefits Weisselberg (and members of his family) received in lieu of taxable salary.

No, he didn' should post the details...
Do you ever watch the news?

He's sorry....awwwwww

So for dunking on you, what do I get besides smugness and satisfaction?
I can't help noticing how your posts are all crap, all the time.

Given your demonstrated ignorance and analytical ineptitude, maybe you should offer your stupid with more humility.
You couldn’t even read the questions asked in a transcript. So your assessment of my intelligence is of no value. And of course, you’re a known liar. So your assessment of anybody’s honesty means less than nothing.

You have a lot to be humble about. Work on That, my little pawn.
You couldn’t even read the questions asked in a transcript. So your assessment of my intelligence is of no value. And of course, you’re a known liar. So your assessment of anybody’s honesty means less than nothing.

You have a lot to be humble about. Work on That, my little pawn.
More 100% lip should get that stapled..
Your posts stink since all you do is talk out of your ass all the time.

Face it, Horseshit; nobody at this site believes you to be in any way honest, ever.
You're clearly still hurting from being flogged with the links demonstrating the truth of my post...which utterly vaporized yet another of your xitty legal analyses..
You're clearly still hurting from being flogged with the links demonstrating the truth of my post...which utterly vaporized yet another of your xitty legal analyses..
You never posted any links, in any thread, ever, which even supported any of your simpleton claims much less demonstrating the “truth” [sic] of your assertions.

You’ve been beaten so thoroughly and for so long that you’re not even salvageable as a source for glue.

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