Trump Team Unveils ‘Pudding Fingers’ Ad Against DeSantis

I have to come clean, this is ridiculous.

DeSantis isn't even running yet!

Maybe he will, maybe he won't, but this is premature in my view.

It only invites unnecessary discord on the Right.

And the best part is that Trump is attacking him for wanting to spend less.
And the best part is that Trump is attacking him for wanting to spend less.

And Trumps supporters still don't get it.

It's amazing how they bash Biden for wanting the debt ceiling increased, but don't say a word about how Trump (and Pelosi) eliminated the debt ceiling all together for 2 full years.
Not one word about all the spending bills Trump signed into law. Or budget bills that he signed.

They're so loyal to Trump, they don't even realize what they're supporting or opposing.

I've given them the list of liberal things that Trump did. Gave them comparisons of Trump & Biden, explained in detail how they were similar, and they still just refuse to accept that Trump is more closely aligned with Biden than any actual conservative.

And I get called a liberal for pointing it out.

I suppose us actual conservatives are just dinosaurs. The left has won the war against conservatism.
I've given them the list of liberal things that Trump did. Gave them comparisons of Trump & Biden, explained in detail how they were similar, and they still just refuse to accept that Trump is more closely aligned with Biden than any actual conservative.

Despite the handwringing from our collective joke of a media, Trump actually grew the GOP tent.

He did appoint a panoply of federal judges to the courts (including the Supremes). If memory serves, that Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. Hmmm. Sounds kinda conservative.

He also cut taxes, secured our border, and made our NATO allies pay their fair share. He even gutted regulations to lengths not seen since the Reagan era. All things Republicans had been promising to do for decades, but had never delivered on to such a grand extent as the Trumpster.

But it is also true that Trump delivered on things the Democrats had always promised. Such as reforming NAFTA, and being the first President since Carter to not start any new wars.

I don't care if you can easily label Trump a "conservative" or not - he was a great President - and he earned this former Democrat's vote.

And the conservative dinosaurs who want to whine about it are obsolete since the majority of Republican voters are solidly aligned with MAGA.
Despite the handwringing from our collective joke of a media, Trump actually grew the GOP tent.

With swamp creatures and uneducated voters. He lost us fiscal conservatives, a lot of independents and some moderate democrats.
Why he lost the mod. dems, no one can say. Because Trump is a moderate democrat.
Increased the size and scope of government
Spent $8 trillion in 4 years.
Banned bump stocks.
Only vetoed 1 spending bill in 4 years.
Struck a deal with Saudi Arabia, Mexico and US oil companies to DECREASE oil production
Funded Planned Parenthood and gender studies in Pakistan and Afghanistan
The Platinum Plan that spent $500 BILLION on black communities, just because they were black communities.
Reauthorize FISA (702. Spying on Americans without a warrant)

All that is some liberal crap. You, IIRC, supported those things. (unless you were just being sarcastic
He did appoint a panoply of federal judges to the courts (including the Supremes). If memory serves, that Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. Hmmm. Sounds kinda conservative.

Roe v Wade wasn't overturned. The SC just allowed the states to decide.
BTW, appointing republican judges is something a republican president is supposed to do.
That's like paying your kid for doing his homework. Or praising someone for not robbing a liquor store.
He also cut taxes,

He gave us shit for a tax cut. Less than 5% for most Americans. But he also eliminated so many tax deductions, that it was revenue neutral to the governments CAFR.

secured our border,

He tried. And I give him credit for doing that. But don't give him one ounce of credit for fixing the reasons why they come here. WAGES.
In Mexico, the minimum wage is like $8 per DAY. Not hour.
So if they get a job making $8 per hour here, they can make in one week, as much as they make in a month. Actually is like 1.25 months.
By fixing that, the USD would have to be equalized with the PESO. Which would be THE best thing our government could do, because it would not only solve the immigration problem. But it would bring so many manufacturing jobs back to the US.
If you don't understand that, let me give you an example:
Would you rather have $100 in your pocket that buys only $20 worth of stuff.
Or $20 in your pocket that buys $20 worth of stuff?
To an average citizens, it doesn't much matter. Except for the fact that our money would go further.
But to a corporation with say 20 or more employee's, it's the difference between having to outsource jobs to Mexico or China, or manufacturing here in the USA.

So you see, it would kill several birds with one stone.

and made our NATO allies pay their fair share.
What NATO countries paid after Trumps dealing, wasn't enough to spit on. They didn't drastically increase what they were paying. That's just a bunch of BS that Trump fed you, and you bought it.

He even gutted regulations to lengths not seen since the Reagan era. All things Republicans had been promising to do for decades, but had never delivered on to such a grand extent as the Trumpster.

He did knock down some regulations. And I praised Trump for many of those. Like the amount of time it takes to get a drilling permit. It went from 5 to 7years down to 2 to 5 years.
But don't for one minutes think that it helped to create more drilling. Because oil companies always have a ton of drilling permits on hand. They've never been without drilling permits for the simple fact that there's just not enough drilling companies to drill all the wells they have permits for.
Another falsehood from Trump to make you believe a lie. As in a lie, with just enough truth in it to make you believe it's all true.
But it is also true that Trump delivered on things the Democrats had always promised. Such as reforming NAFTA,

Nafta was just reworded. Nothing more. Nothing less. We didn't get any advantages out of his new deal that we didn't have before.
The same thing goes for the China trade deal.

and being the first President since Carter to not start any new wars.

Presidents aren't support to start new wars. He didn't get us out of any either. Remember, we were still bombing countries. Countries that posed no threat to our national security. Afghanistan & Syria...
I don't care if you can easily label Trump a "conservative" or not - he was a great President - and he earned this former Democrat's vote.

"Conservatism" isn't a label. It's an ideology. One that built this country. One that kept the debt within reason. One that kept the government out of our personal and business lives and allowed the free market to dictate most of every market created by US companies. It also kept American companies here in the USA that built the worlds largest middle class.

And the conservative dinosaurs who want to whine about it are obsolete since the majority of Republican voters are solidly aligned with MAGA.

MAGA is just a damn campaign slogan. Because Trump didn't make American great. He didn't even try.
IF Trump wanted to make America great, he'd fix our monetary issues and help actually increase the value of the USD, so we could go back to when $8hr was a middle class wage. A time where Americans could afford to buy American. And foreign countries could afford to buy American products. When the national debt was in the billions, not the trillions.

The democrats have go so far off a cliff, that they make Trump look like a super star.
Why? Because Trump is left of center, where moderate democrats are.
I can see why you like him. Because he's standing where your party used to be.

But keep in mind, your party back then, and independents like me used to agree on a lot more things. But the one thing we always agreed on was keeping the national debt within reason. There was no 2 ways about it. It had to stay within reason, or else the the amount of people living in poverty would grow. Jobs would leave the country in droves. And the cost of living would increase for everyone.
Since politicians like Trump (namely Reagan) have taken over, the poverty level has risen, jobs have left the country, and the government has had to step into area's that in the 70 or before, wasn't even needed.
Like healthcare, bailing out corporations, increasing welfare to more than just food. Now they're having to provide housing, phones help with bills, drug rehab, child care and a shit ton of other things that most Americans didn't need, because we had jobs. Now we have retail and fast food jobs.
Speak english. Because what's coming out of your brain isn't computing. Thank fuck? What does that even mean?
Is English still our official language? It's hard to tell since your side keeps letting in more people from shit hole countries.

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