Trump Team Unveils ‘Pudding Fingers’ Ad Against DeSantis

I have to come clean, this is ridiculous.

DeSantis isn't even running yet!

Maybe he will, maybe he won't, but this is premature in my view.

It only invites unnecessary discord on the Right.
Yep. It only invites unnecessary discord on the Right. That's the Orange Baboon-God, alright. Notice that Teflon Don did not actually endorse it. :stir:

I look forward to the day when Ron stands up alongside Rump on-stage, turns to him, and publicly says: "You are scum, sir." But that would take ball$.
DeSantis is a LOT better version of MAGA. Less drama and better results.
A Trump maga will only bring 4 or 5 more years of the democrats dogpiling Trump. And then Trump (once again) caving to the left, like he did his entire presidency.

You think congressional Democrats are going to let Meatball pull his theocratic shit in Washington? Fat chance.
Surely nobody expected the man who is laughably ignorant of civics, policy, and governance

The fact that you have the nerve to say that while Joe Biden flushes America's legacy down the toilet is truly stunning. Particularly when Trump turned out to be right about pretty much everything, including Europe's foolishness in handing their own energy hegemony right into Putin's lap.

You're a special kind of stupid.
By that time Rump will have been convicted of one or more felonies sufficient to constitutionally bar him from ever again taking office.


Oh man, you should take your act on the road.

Comedy gold.

Wasn't he supposed to go to jail for Russian espionage like 4 years ago?

WTH happened to that little thing?

So fucking clueless.
Whereas a DeSantis MAGA will only bring 4 or 5 more years of the Democrats dogpiling on DeSantis.

That's just an assumption. You can't say for sure. But we know what happened to Trump, their constant attacks on him since leaving office. And they're not stopping.

At least with DeSantis will have someone who won't pay the left so much attention and get down to business. That's what he's doing in FL. Why wouldn't he continue to do it. After all, it works.

Trumps strategy of caving to the left didn't seem to work out, did it? And it's still not working.
That's just an assumption. You can't say for sure.


Already seeing it in real time:

And that barely scratches the surface, regarding a "candidate" who isn't even a candidate....yet.

This will happen no matter who we run.

Wake the fuck up, my friend.
You really want to ensure people don't get their social security when they've worked their entire lives and paid into it,? Go ahead run on that. I'm sure it will be a winner.

I despise democrats. But if a Republican ran on something that stupid, I'd vote democrat.
Luckily, the GOP isn't dumb enough to run on that.

Already seeing it in real time:

And that barely scratches the surface, regarding a "candidate" who isn't even a candidate....yet.

This will happen no matter who we run.

Wake the fuck up, my friend.

Those are just news articles written by left wing morons. LMAO.. One is even titled "Opinion."
I'm talking about investigations, indictments and impeachments.

The left news is going to run crap like that against any republican. It's just white noise for most.
Those are just news articles written by left wing morons.

Yes, here on Planet Earth we call them THE MEDIA.

And they hate us, no matter who we fucking run.

So to think that placating them and replacing our champion with another will change anything they do, is a delusional pipe dream.

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