Trump Team Unveils ‘Pudding Fingers’ Ad Against DeSantis

Yes, here on Planet Earth we call them THE MEDIA.

And they hate us, no matter who we fucking run.

So to think that placating them and replacing our champion with another will change anything they do, is a delusional pipe dream.

People with no brains are going to vote for either the democrats nominee or Trump. Everyone else will find someone respectable to vote for. Like DeSantis.
People with no brains are going to vote for either the democrats nominee or Trump.

People with no brains also wouldn't bother to fucking vote if the media didn't aggressively indoctrinate them.

And said indoctrination will be weaponized no matter who the Republican nominee turns out to be.

Unless it's Liz Cheney.

Then we will witness a Golden Age of peace and prosperity hereto we never dared to even imagine.
People with no brains also wouldn't bother to fucking vote if the media didn't aggressively indoctrinate them.

And said indoctrination will be weaponized no matter who the Republican nominee turns out to be.

Unless it's Liz Cheney.

Then we will witness a Golden Age of peace and prosperity hereto we never dared to even imagine.

90% of the voters are already "indoctrinated." Party loyalist and "Lesser of two evils" voters.
It's that dumbing down of America that we warned folks about.

Fact: 40 years ago (make that 50), do you think the voters would've stood for someone who lies as much as Trump does? Not in a million years. Just blatant lies like getting the national debt to zero in 8 years. Or making some other country pay for our border wall.
To be fair, one of Biden's biggest lies, "I'm going to end fossil fuels in the USA."

The voters would laughed them both off the stage. Now we have Trump saying stupid shit like "DeSantis isn't working for the people of Florida" and one of my new favorites "I'm going to be build new cities in this country."

And his lemmings just completely ignore the impossibly of his BS. Voters have been dumbed down to the point that they don't even care if a politician lies anymore. FFS, Something just dawned on me. Lying politicians have been normalized..

How sick is that?
People with no brains also wouldn't bother to fucking vote if the media didn't aggressively indoctrinate them.

And said indoctrination will be weaponized no matter who the Republican nominee turns out to be.

Unless it's Liz Cheney.

Then we will witness a Golden Age of peace and prosperity hereto we never dared to even imagine.

I'm getting a hint, just a hint of sarcasm in your post.

Cheney? LMAO
Trump does not care about "substantive grounds" but only about winning and punishing his opponents.
Trump supporters will never understand that...Trump is about sticking it to someone...anyone. That "someone....anyone" happens to be fellow republicans for the moment. Trump is the new Romney. Four years from now, you're not going to find a single person supporting him today that will admit to having voted for him.
Trump supporters will never understand that...Trump is about sticking it to someone...anyone. That "someone....anyone" happens to be fellow republicans for the moment. Trump is the new Romney. Four years from now, you're not going to find a single person supporting him today that will admit to having voted for him.

I remember the W supporters. I was trucker when he was president. More than once I was threatened by other truckers for not support W, the wars, the patriot act. And the other liberal crap he shoved down our throats.
It's the same way with the Trumpbots now a days.
I remember the W supporters. I was trucker when he was president. More than once I was threatened by other truckers for not support W, the wars, the patriot act. And the other liberal crap he shoved down our throats.
It's the same way with the Trumpbots now a days.

To compare Dubya, the globalist war criminal, to Trump - is apples and bowling balls.

W. has far more in common with Biden and the Dems than he ever will with Orange Man.
To compare Dubya, the globalist war criminal, to Trump - is apples and bowling balls.

W. has far more in common with Biden and the Dems than he ever will with Orange Man.

I'm not comparing the two. I'm comparing their worshippers and how "loyal" they can be. To the point of threatening violence on those who simply don't support their chosen one.
I don't like Trump because he's too liberal, too socialist, too unconstitutional for me. All the things I've listed (the proof that Trump was all those things) gets met with "you're lying," you're a libera or my favorite one "But Biden is worse" .....blah blah blah blah.
Instead of them doing just a few minutes of research, with an open mind, they just go on the defense using the same lame Trump talking points.

Those same people would be losing their minds if Biden had banned bump stocks, had passed the Platinum plan, spent $8 trillion in just 4 years or funded Planned Parenthood (as Trump did). But since Trump did it, then it's fine to them.
I'm not comparing the two. I'm comparing their worshippers and how "loyal" they can be. To the point of threatening violence on those who simply don't support their chosen one.

I've never met a Trump supporter who threatened violence, though I suppose any movement has its share of nutjobs.

I would, however, resolutely argue that violence and threats are far more ubiquitous on The Left.

I mean, as bad as Jan. 6th was - it was a cake walk compared to the months of BLM/Antifa riots/looting/violence.

Another difference is most Republican politicians recognize 1/6 happened and were constantly apologizing for it.

The Left won't even own up to what happened throughout 2020 - the most destructive and costly rampages in American history.
I've never met a Trump supporter who threatened violence, though I suppose any movement has its share of nutjobs.

I would, however, resolutely argue that violence and threats are far more ubiquitous on The Left.

I mean, as bad as Jan. 6th was - it was a cake walk compared to the months of BLM/Antifa riots/looting/violence.

You're not on the other unmoderated forum I'm on. It's a regular occurrence.

I'm 100% against BLM and antifa. And I think those who stormed the capital are morons.

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