Trump team will not say if he's received daily briefing after terror attacks!


Gold Member
Jun 25, 2016
Trolling/No Content
Jesus Christ. How scary is this? What the hell have you done, America?

(CNN) President-elect Donald Trump's transition team declined Tuesday to say whether he is receiving his daily classified briefing in the wake of terrorist attacks in Germany and Turkey.

Transition spokesman Jason Miller said Trump is in "regular contact with his national security team with regard to the developing situation in Europe and Turkey" and "closely monitoring and being briefed on these rapidly unfolding events."

But transition officials have not answered repeated inquiries from CNN on whether he received his daily classified briefing Tuesday, or specifically, who briefed him. Trump has come under criticism for not receiving his daily presidential briefing since the election, though he is briefed every day by his pick for national security adviser, retired Army Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn, who receives the President's Daily Brief.
Trump team will not say if he's received daily briefing after terror attacks -

Is this the kind of bullshit we have to look forward to over the next 4 years? Endless speculation? Endless dodging, evading and excuses from the Trump admin?

Anyone remember the last time Republicans were in charge and they ignored "Bin Laden to attack...."? I guess America didn't learn their lesson from the last clusterfuck of a Republican admin.
Relax, Trump's in charge now. You can come along for the ride, but you're going to have to sit in the back.
So... you want Trump to issue an executive order or something? Did Obama abdicate November 9th?
Jesus Christ. How scary is this? What the hell have you done, America?

(CNN) President-elect Donald Trump's transition team declined Tuesday to say whether he is receiving his daily classified briefing in the wake of terrorist attacks in Germany and Turkey.

Transition spokesman Jason Miller said Trump is in "regular contact with his national security team with regard to the developing situation in Europe and Turkey" and "closely monitoring and being briefed on these rapidly unfolding events."

But transition officials have not answered repeated inquiries from CNN on whether he received his daily classified briefing Tuesday, or specifically, who briefed him. Trump has come under criticism for not receiving his daily presidential briefing since the election, though he is briefed every day by his pick for national security adviser, retired Army Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn, who receives the President's Daily Brief.
Trump team will not say if he's received daily briefing after terror attacks -

Is this the kind of bullshit we have to look forward to over the next 4 years? Endless speculation? Endless dodging, evading and excuses from the Trump admin?

Anyone remember the last time Republicans were in charge and they ignored "Bin Laden to attack...."? I guess America didn't learn their lesson from the last clusterfuck of a Republican admin.

What the hell have you done, America?

Finally put an end to the Clinton crime family.

and they ignored "Bin Laden to attack...."?

I agree, Clinton should have arrested or killed Bin Laden when he had the chance.
Jesus Christ. How scary is this? What the hell have you done, America?

(CNN) President-elect Donald Trump's transition team declined Tuesday to say whether he is receiving his daily classified briefing in the wake of terrorist attacks in Germany and Turkey.

Transition spokesman Jason Miller said Trump is in "regular contact with his national security team with regard to the developing situation in Europe and Turkey" and "closely monitoring and being briefed on these rapidly unfolding events."

But transition officials have not answered repeated inquiries from CNN on whether he received his daily classified briefing Tuesday, or specifically, who briefed him. Trump has come under criticism for not receiving his daily presidential briefing since the election, though he is briefed every day by his pick for national security adviser, retired Army Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn, who receives the President's Daily Brief.
Trump team will not say if he's received daily briefing after terror attacks -

Is this the kind of bullshit we have to look forward to over the next 4 years? Endless speculation? Endless dodging, evading and excuses from the Trump admin?

Anyone remember the last time Republicans were in charge and they ignored "Bin Laden to attack...."? I guess America didn't learn their lesson from the last clusterfuck of a Republican admin.
Wow, you are really struggling with this election defeat
Wonder what the calls from Syria and Turkey to Trump were like? Passionate cries to push Obama out of office and take action?
Yeah! Wow! Really scary! Trump won't even comment on whether or not he's taken the oath of office yet!!! Maybe he thinks the question is too stupid?
If he would have had a briefing, he would have made damn sure everybody knew it.
Get your daily briefings, Donald, and kick the children advising you to the curb.
Maybe he was on the golf course with Obama. Has the current CIC issued any statements regarding the terror attacks or are we looking to Trump a month early?
Jesus Christ. How scary is this? What the hell have you done, America?

(CNN) President-elect Donald Trump's transition team declined Tuesday to say whether he is receiving his daily classified briefing in the wake of terrorist attacks in Germany and Turkey.

Transition spokesman Jason Miller said Trump is in "regular contact with his national security team with regard to the developing situation in Europe and Turkey" and "closely monitoring and being briefed on these rapidly unfolding events."

But transition officials have not answered repeated inquiries from CNN on whether he received his daily classified briefing Tuesday, or specifically, who briefed him. Trump has come under criticism for not receiving his daily presidential briefing since the election, though he is briefed every day by his pick for national security adviser, retired Army Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn, who receives the President's Daily Brief.
Trump team will not say if he's received daily briefing after terror attacks -

Is this the kind of bullshit we have to look forward to over the next 4 years? Endless speculation? Endless dodging, evading and excuses from the Trump admin?

Anyone remember the last time Republicans were in charge and they ignored "Bin Laden to attack...."? I guess America didn't learn their lesson from the last clusterfuck of a Republican admin.

What the hell have you done, America?

Finally put an end to the Clinton crime family.

and they ignored "Bin Laden to attack...."?

I agree, Clinton should have arrested or killed Bin Laden when he had the chance.

Good thing we had a democrat do Bush's job for him, right? And oh, (brace yourself, I'm gonna pour salt on the ready?)

....He was black! A black man had to do the job that a white Republican failed to do.
So what? Do you imagine having a point?
What part of-

"Transition spokesman Jason Miller said Trump is in "regular contact with his national security team with regard to the developing situation in Europe and Turkey" and "closely monitoring and being briefed on these rapidly unfolding events."
-do you not understand?

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