Trump tells Democratic women of colour to leave U.S. in 'racist and disgusting' tweets



WASHINGTON (AP) — Starkly injecting race into his criticism of liberal Democrats, President Donald Trump said Sunday that four congresswomen of color should go back to the “broken and crime infested” countries they came from, ignoring the fact that all of the women are American citizens and three were born in the U.S. His attack drew a searing condemnation from Democrats who labeled the remarks racist and breathtakingly divisive.

Leave the US, Trump tells liberal congresswomen of color

Perhaps then they should go back to the wet trolley tracks in Wisconsin.

Huh OP? :laugh2:

Have to admit, from the title description I was sure this was gonna be the Onion or the Babylon Bee or something.
Sure enough, you can't parody the self-parody of His Rumpiness. Amazing, incredible bigly self-parody.
I recall President Trump recently defending Speaker Pelosi against charges of racism from her own party members. The spelling of "colour" rather than color indicates infiltration by foreign agents that left wingers seem to welcome these days.
Trump is manipulating them and having fun watching the house dems eat each other. Brilliant trolling.
U.S. President Donald Trump on Sunday assailed a group of Democratic congresswomen of colour as foreign-born troublemakers who should go back to the "broken and crime-infested places from which they came," ignoring the fact that the women are American citizens and all but one was born in the U.S.

Can there be a more disgusting human being sitting as President of the U.S than Trump. And what does this say for the people supporting this ugly orange clown. Disgusting.

There was barak obama...who gave 150 billion dollars, in cash, to Iran....who promptly used the money to murder people all around the middle east...and used the money to build their nuke program so they can murder all the Jews in Israel...

That is actually disgusting....Trump calling out a bunch of America hating harpies...not so much.

You cannot impeach a member of Congress.


WASHINGTON (AP) — Starkly injecting race into his criticism of liberal Democrats, President Donald Trump said Sunday that four congresswomen of color should go back to the “broken and crime infested” countries they came from, ignoring the fact that all of the women are American citizens and three were born in the U.S. His attack drew a searing condemnation from Democrats who labeled the remarks racist and breathtakingly divisive.

Leave the US, Trump tells liberal congresswomen of color

It shows how utterly stupid he is.


WASHINGTON (AP) — Starkly injecting race into his criticism of liberal Democrats, President Donald Trump said Sunday that four congresswomen of color should go back to the “broken and crime infested” countries they came from, ignoring the fact that all of the women are American citizens and three were born in the U.S. His attack drew a searing condemnation from Democrats who labeled the remarks racist and breathtakingly divisive.

Leave the US, Trump tells liberal congresswomen of color

It shows how utterly stupid he is.

One of many gaffes that do that.

Speaking of which, since he says his own father was born in a 'very wonderful place in Germany', shouldn't he be shipped back there?

George Washington can fly him out in his Revolutionary War plane.
FORMER US President Bill Clinton took a romantic jaunt in 2002 to convicted paedophile pal Jeffrey Epstein’s “orgy island” with “two young girls” from New York, according to a shocking new interview.

The New York Post reports that Virginia Roberts, who’s accused Epstein of turning her into a “sex slave” at age 17 and forcing her to sleep with his powerful friends, claimed Clinton stayed in one of the many villas on Epstein’s US Virgin Islands estate — where group sex was a “regular occurrence.”

“I remember asking Jeffrey, ‘What’s Bill Clinton doing here?’ kind of thing, and he laughed it off and said, ‘Well, he owes me a favour,’ ” Roberts told her lawyers in a 2011 interview obtained by “He never told me what favours they were.”
U.S. President Donald Trump on Sunday assailed a group of Democratic congresswomen of colour as foreign-born troublemakers who should go back to the "broken and crime-infested places from which they came," ignoring the fact that the women are American citizens and all but one was born in the U.S.

Can there be a more disgusting human being sitting as President of the U.S than Trump. And what does this say for the people supporting this ugly orange clown. Disgusting.

What he said was that the US is a much better country than their ancestral homelands. Tongue in cheek way of saying if you don’t like it here, you would like it a lot less if you lived where your ancestors came from. You’re not American. So why do you care?
U.S. President Donald Trump on Sunday assailed a group of Democratic congresswomen of colour as foreign-born troublemakers who should go back to the "broken and crime-infested places from which they came," ignoring the fact that the women are American citizens and all but one was born in the U.S.

Can there be a more disgusting human being sitting as President of the U.S than Trump. And what does this say for the people supporting this ugly orange clown. Disgusting.
Fuck them and Fuck you.

Spoken like a true Trump Humping racist POS.
Fuck you very much.

Fuck with me cocksucker.

I have for 20 years..

One hell of a long time
Also, Omar should take off that stupid rag on her head. Muslims that came before this new wave stopped making their women wear those a long time ago, they actually wanted to be much so many Muslim immigrants converted to Christianity because they saw that Islam is not compatible in the west and that Christianity is a superior faith with superior values to Islam.
Cos you can define American you self righteous little prick.

Not you, little Mohammed.

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