Trump tells Democratic women of colour to leave U.S. in 'racist and disgusting' tweets

I would like to suggest that Trump go back to the land of his father or grandfather, but he seems to have trouble keeping that straight.

You cannot impeach a member of Congress.

She is still a snake.

Takes one to know one.

ohhhh.....lookie .......little Penelope answering with personal attacks now!!!

Try harder Penilope.

Psychological projection is a defense mechanism people subconsciously employ in order to cope with difficult feelings or emotions. Psychological projection involves projecting undesirable feelings or emotions onto someone else, rather than admitting to or dealing with the unwanted feelings. Nov 15, 2017
Psychological Projection: Dealing With Undesirable Emotions


WASHINGTON (AP) — Starkly injecting race into his criticism of liberal Democrats, President Donald Trump said Sunday that four congresswomen of color should go back to the “broken and crime infested” countries they came from, ignoring the fact that all of the women are American citizens and three were born in the U.S. His attack drew a searing condemnation from Democrats who labeled the remarks racist and breathtakingly divisive.

Leave the US, Trump tells liberal congresswomen of color

YOU are so wrong!
Here is exactly what Trump said!
He told her to go back to her country and correct the problems there AND then come back to the USA AFTER she fixed HER country!

ONCE again the MSM slanting the story.
But as is with most of the Anti-Trump stories... FACTS seem to have a way of overriding emotions!
HERE is exactly what Trump wrote!
U.S. President Donald Trump on Sunday assailed a group of Democratic congresswomen of colour as foreign-born troublemakers who should go back to the "broken and crime-infested places from which they came," ignoring the fact that the women are American citizens and all but one was born in the U.S.

Can there be a more disgusting human being sitting as President of the U.S than Trump. And what does this say for the people supporting this ugly orange clown. Disgusting.

There was nothing racist about it except in your head, jackass

You cannot impeach a member of Congress.

She is still a snake.

Takes one to know one.

ohhhh.....lookie .......little Penelope answering with personal attacks now!!!

Try harder Penilope.

Psychological projection is a defense mechanism people subconsciously employ in order to cope with difficult feelings or emotions. Psychological projection involves projecting undesirable feelings or emotions onto someone else, rather than admitting to or dealing with the unwanted feelings. Nov 15, 2017
Psychological Projection: Dealing With Undesirable Emotions

*sigh* :itsok:

This is President Trump not being able to rise above the fray. That’s playing right into Rep Omar’s hands. Stooping down to her obstreperous level to win a tweet war is callow and beneath the office.

Knock off the walking thesaurus jive, numbnuts....posting is about communication, not trying to impress with an obsolete collection of unrelated words. Trump knows exactly what he's doing...saying what most Americans believe about these racist witches. AOC's reply shows the depth of her hatred of being challenged....he baits she attacks.
She came here ... She can leave here if she hates it so much...

The reason she came here is because it is NOT like where she came from but now wants to turn the US into where she came from...

Nobody hated America more than Trump did before he stole the election. Did you ever hear him criticize the US government before he became a candidate?

Fuck him and fuck you. Fake patriots.
She came here ... She can leave here if she hates it so much...

The reason she came here is because it is NOT like where she came from but now wants to turn the US into where she came from...

Nobody hated America more than Trump did before he stole the election. Did you ever hear him criticize the US government before he became a candidate?

Fuck him and fuck you. Fake patriots.
Ponzi had millions too Just no morons to make him president

Ponzi collapsed the stock market and brought on the Great Depression...Trump has the DJ at an all-time high. Better come up with a better comparison next time, ol friend o mine.


WASHINGTON (AP) — Starkly injecting race into his criticism of liberal Democrats, President Donald Trump said Sunday that four congresswomen of color should go back to the “broken and crime infested” countries they came from, ignoring the fact that all of the women are American citizens and three were born in the U.S. His attack drew a searing condemnation from Democrats who labeled the remarks racist and breathtakingly divisive.

Leave the US, Trump tells liberal congresswomen of color

Does Trump know that 3 of the 4 were born here?

Do you know that 3 of the 4 were born here?

donny grifter doesn't even know where is dad wad born.
Done quite well in the market but don't give trump the credit

But you'd pin the blame on him if it went in the crapper where Obozo put it. Trump's market is a symbol of optimism and millions of new jobs and customers for goods and services. If the Fed would cut the prime 1% it would really take off.
The time to play nice (and be diplomatic) with these loons was about 2007. That all came and went $13T debt ago. Time to dominate and eliminate. Losing this internal War is not an option. Do whatever it takes.

Trump is the best shot. Trump 2020.
Ponzi had millions too Just no morons to make him president

Ponzi collapsed the stock market and brought on the Great Depression...Trump has the DJ at an all-time high. Better come up with a better comparison next time, ol friend o mine.

I love hearing fictionalized history. Ponzi's scheme collapsed in 1920. The Great depression started in 1929.

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