Trump Tells Team to Target 10% Spending, 20% Fed Workers Cuts

More Bold Assertions, Kazzie?

92% of ECONOMISTS polled by the U of Chicago business school......

It convinced enough people that a job is hopeless and they should give up.


You suffer all the pathologies of your a Rush fan?
More Bold Assertions, Kazzie?

92% of ECONOMISTS polled by the U of Chicago business school......

It convinced enough people that a job is hopeless and they should give up.


You suffer all the pathologies of your a Rush fan?

92% of economists from the U of Chicago business school agreed with something that isn't in contention, unemployment went down. The discussion is what that means. With historical lows of labor participation, it doesn't mean shit.

Damn you're dumb. You didn't read your own link or grasp the discussion. That is so classic you.

On the other hand, you did record your voice and play it back so you could whack off to it
The discussion is what that means. With historical lows of labor participation, it doesn't mean shit.

This was the first statement put to them...

Because of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, the U.S. unemployment rate was lower at the end of 2010 than it would have been without the stimulus bill.

See the "BECAUSE" thingy?

With what part of it are you struggling?

Do you see ANY mention of LFPR?

With historical lows of labor participation, it doesn't mean shit.

There's a guy who calls himself Corvet (named himself after his favorite car - I kid you should seek him out.....he is all that stands between you and the honorific "The Dumbest MBA Ever"...)
well no shit sherlock. What it doesn't say is it gave recovery. all it states is that some people got jobs. Whether or not they kept them past that money is another thing altogether.
Take us from conjecture to certainty....

Show me what makes you believe they didn't.
It simple, did the money run out? yes it did. Cause all of the jobs made no investment for future money. It was spend only. when the well dries up, the jobs go away. Come on man economics 101.

I actually passed that course.... And several more advanced versions....


So we should see net job losses after March 2010, right!

Can you count backward from 81?

Cause that is the length of the current private sector payrolls' streak.

According to the data.
the people of the country?

Show me.....


Let’s start with Obama’s stimulus. The standard Republican talking point is that it failed, meaning it didn’t reduce unemployment. Yet in a survey of leading economists conducted by the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business, 92 percent agreed that the stimulus succeeded in reducing the jobless rate. On the harder question of whether the benefit exceeded the cost, more than half thought it did, one in three was uncertain, and fewer than one in six disagreed.

Do you know how often you find that kind of consensus among economists?

Actually, now that I think of it.......

What economists think about Donald Trump’s 100-day plan
Well, here you go:

Stimulus Money for 'Shovel Ready' Projects; Where Did It Go?

"Remember when Obama got his trillion-odd dollars of "stimulus money" which he and the Democrats breathlessly said we needed for "shovel ready" jobs to re-build roads and infrastructure? Please e-mail me if anything of the sort got built in your town. Nothing got built in the cities where I spend time.

Roads are bad in Atlanta. I recently drove though Buckhead with its bone-jarring potholes. Folks have to have SUVs there to survive the roads, some with potholes so big that you can bass fish in them after a good rain.

When the stimulus bill (or as lobbyists for graft-grabbing special interests called it, "The Show") was proposed, it was made to sound urgent. Politicians said it would bring "rigor" to the economy. It turns out it also brought mortis.

So where did all that sweet stimulus money go? Of the money spent in swing state Wisconsin, 80 percent went to public sector unions-those with already locked-in jobs. In fact, right-to-work states got $266 less per person in stimulus money than heavily unionized states. Where Democrats had a vast majority of representatives, their states got $460 per person more."

Read more at Stimulus Money for 'Shovel Ready' Projects; Where Did It Go?
The rich "get rewarded" to create Jobs Booms; where have all the capital gains tax preferences gone?

The distribution of household incomes has become more unequal during the post-2008 economic recovery as the effects of the recession reversed.[66][67][68] CBO reported in November 2014 that the share of pre-tax income received by the top 1% had risen from 13.3% in 2009 to 14.6% in 2011.[1] During 2012 alone, incomes of the wealthiest 1 percent rose nearly 20%, whereas the income of the remaining 99 percent rose 1% in comparison.--
Again, the jobs left due to obummercare, regulations, and jobs going overseas. No 1% was going to waste money on jobs. it was a no rewards economy. Fk, the entire climate fiasco fked with jobs.
Are you actually citing the gripes of some random idiot in Atlanta?

With a sample of 1, what's your standard deviation?
I'm citing what actually happened.
92% of economists from the U of Chicago business school agreed with something that isn't in contention, unemployment went down. The discussion is what that means. With historical lows of labor participation, it doesn't mean shit.

Damn you're dumb. You didn't read your own link or grasp the discussion. That is so classic you.

On the other hand, you did record your voice and play it back so you could whack off to it
The discussion is what that means. With historical lows of labor participation, it doesn't mean shit.

This was the first statement put to them...

Because of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, the U.S. unemployment rate was lower at the end of 2010 than it would have been without the stimulus bill.

See the "BECAUSE" thingy?

With what part of it are you struggling?

Do you see ANY mention of LFPR?

With historical lows of labor participation, it doesn't mean shit.

There's a guy who calls himself Corvet (named himself after his favorite car - I kid you should seek him out.....he is all that stands between you and the honorific "The Dumbest MBA Ever"...)
well no shit sherlock. What it doesn't say is it gave recovery. all it states is that some people got jobs. Whether or not they kept them past that money is another thing altogether.
Take us from conjecture to certainty....

Show me what makes you believe they didn't.
It simple, did the money run out? yes it did. Cause all of the jobs made no investment for future money. It was spend only. when the well dries up, the jobs go away. Come on man economics 101.

I actually passed that course.... And several more advanced versions....


So we should see net job losses after March 2010, right!

Can you count backward from 81?

Cause that is the length of the current private sector payrolls' streak.

According to the data.
I asked a very simple question which you as a true libturd avoided answering. Nice and expected.

So again, did the money run out since there was no investment made with it?

What happened to that company Solydra? How profitable did that company get after it received it's subsidy? Oh yeah went out of business. Can't make this shit up. These dufus's wish to continue to challenge and lose. There is nothing on their side of success. It's why the congress went up in count of conservatives the last three elections. And these stupid fks still don't get it.

"2011 —Solyndra, squandered government subsidy; 2012 — Benghazi; Obama lied about terrorist attack; 2012 — Sebelius violated Hatch Act; 2012 — Government hacked Sharyl Attkisson’s computer; 2012 – Obama used alias email ID to communicate with Hillary on her illegal server; 2013 — IRS targeted conservative charities; 2014 — VA corruption and mismanagement; 2015 — Falsified/altered border security data; 2016 — Iran ransom; 2009-16 — Taxpayers paid over $44.35 million for Obama and family vacations; etc. 2012 was an exceptional year for screw-ups.

Read more here: Obama’s term filled with scandals

"Solyndra Scandal
Key coverage of the investigation into Solyndra, the Silicon Valley startup that collapsed, leaving taxpayers liable for $535 million in federal guarantees .

Documents show politics infused Obama ‘green’ programs
Joe Stephens and Carol D. Leonnig DEC 25, 2011

Since the failure of solar-panel company Solyndra, President Obama’s $80 billion clean-technology program has begun to look like a political liability."

Solyndra Scandal | Full Coverage of Failed Solar Startup - The Washington Post
Show me.....


Let’s start with Obama’s stimulus. The standard Republican talking point is that it failed, meaning it didn’t reduce unemployment. Yet in a survey of leading economists conducted by the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business, 92 percent agreed that the stimulus succeeded in reducing the jobless rate. On the harder question of whether the benefit exceeded the cost, more than half thought it did, one in three was uncertain, and fewer than one in six disagreed.

Do you know how often you find that kind of consensus among economists?

Actually, now that I think of it.......

What economists think about Donald Trump’s 100-day plan
Well, here you go:

Stimulus Money for 'Shovel Ready' Projects; Where Did It Go?

"Remember when Obama got his trillion-odd dollars of "stimulus money" which he and the Democrats breathlessly said we needed for "shovel ready" jobs to re-build roads and infrastructure? Please e-mail me if anything of the sort got built in your town. Nothing got built in the cities where I spend time.

Roads are bad in Atlanta. I recently drove though Buckhead with its bone-jarring potholes. Folks have to have SUVs there to survive the roads, some with potholes so big that you can bass fish in them after a good rain.

When the stimulus bill (or as lobbyists for graft-grabbing special interests called it, "The Show") was proposed, it was made to sound urgent. Politicians said it would bring "rigor" to the economy. It turns out it also brought mortis.

So where did all that sweet stimulus money go? Of the money spent in swing state Wisconsin, 80 percent went to public sector unions-those with already locked-in jobs. In fact, right-to-work states got $266 less per person in stimulus money than heavily unionized states. Where Democrats had a vast majority of representatives, their states got $460 per person more."

Read more at Stimulus Money for 'Shovel Ready' Projects; Where Did It Go?
The rich "get rewarded" to create Jobs Booms; where have all the capital gains tax preferences gone?

The distribution of household incomes has become more unequal during the post-2008 economic recovery as the effects of the recession reversed.[66][67][68] CBO reported in November 2014 that the share of pre-tax income received by the top 1% had risen from 13.3% in 2009 to 14.6% in 2011.[1] During 2012 alone, incomes of the wealthiest 1 percent rose nearly 20%, whereas the income of the remaining 99 percent rose 1% in comparison.--
Again, the jobs left due to obummercare, regulations, and jobs going overseas. No 1% was going to waste money on jobs. it was a no rewards economy. Fk, the entire climate fiasco fked with jobs.
Are you actually citing the gripes of some random idiot in Atlanta?

With a sample of 1, what's your standard deviation?
I'm citing what actually happened.'re not "citing" shit, except some fundie with a hair across her ass.
Well, here you go:

Stimulus Money for 'Shovel Ready' Projects; Where Did It Go?

"Remember when Obama got his trillion-odd dollars of "stimulus money" which he and the Democrats breathlessly said we needed for "shovel ready" jobs to re-build roads and infrastructure? Please e-mail me if anything of the sort got built in your town. Nothing got built in the cities where I spend time.

Roads are bad in Atlanta. I recently drove though Buckhead with its bone-jarring potholes. Folks have to have SUVs there to survive the roads, some with potholes so big that you can bass fish in them after a good rain.

When the stimulus bill (or as lobbyists for graft-grabbing special interests called it, "The Show") was proposed, it was made to sound urgent. Politicians said it would bring "rigor" to the economy. It turns out it also brought mortis.

So where did all that sweet stimulus money go? Of the money spent in swing state Wisconsin, 80 percent went to public sector unions-those with already locked-in jobs. In fact, right-to-work states got $266 less per person in stimulus money than heavily unionized states. Where Democrats had a vast majority of representatives, their states got $460 per person more."

Read more at Stimulus Money for 'Shovel Ready' Projects; Where Did It Go?
The rich "get rewarded" to create Jobs Booms; where have all the capital gains tax preferences gone?

The distribution of household incomes has become more unequal during the post-2008 economic recovery as the effects of the recession reversed.[66][67][68] CBO reported in November 2014 that the share of pre-tax income received by the top 1% had risen from 13.3% in 2009 to 14.6% in 2011.[1] During 2012 alone, incomes of the wealthiest 1 percent rose nearly 20%, whereas the income of the remaining 99 percent rose 1% in comparison.--
Again, the jobs left due to obummercare, regulations, and jobs going overseas. No 1% was going to waste money on jobs. it was a no rewards economy. Fk, the entire climate fiasco fked with jobs.
Are you actually citing the gripes of some random idiot in Atlanta?

With a sample of 1, what's your standard deviation?
I'm citing what actually happened.'re not "citing" shit, except some fundie with a hair across her ass.
dude this thread/ forum isn't big enough to post all of the shit that can be cited. Or, you could actually go and read up on the thingy called the internet and see where all the stimulus fail went.
The discussion is what that means. With historical lows of labor participation, it doesn't mean shit.

This was the first statement put to them...

Because of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, the U.S. unemployment rate was lower at the end of 2010 than it would have been without the stimulus bill.

See the "BECAUSE" thingy?

With what part of it are you struggling?

Do you see ANY mention of LFPR?

With historical lows of labor participation, it doesn't mean shit.

There's a guy who calls himself Corvet (named himself after his favorite car - I kid you should seek him out.....he is all that stands between you and the honorific "The Dumbest MBA Ever"...)
well no shit sherlock. What it doesn't say is it gave recovery. all it states is that some people got jobs. Whether or not they kept them past that money is another thing altogether.
Take us from conjecture to certainty....

Show me what makes you believe they didn't.
It simple, did the money run out? yes it did. Cause all of the jobs made no investment for future money. It was spend only. when the well dries up, the jobs go away. Come on man economics 101.

I actually passed that course.... And several more advanced versions....


So we should see net job losses after March 2010, right!

Can you count backward from 81?

Cause that is the length of the current private sector payrolls' streak.

According to the data.
I asked a very simple question which you as a true libturd avoided answering. Nice and expected.

So again, did the money run out since there was no investment made with it?

What happened to that company Solydra? How profitable did that company get after it received it's subsidy? Oh yeah went out of business. Can't make this shit up. These dufus's wish to continue to challenge and lose. There is nothing on their side of success. It's why the congress went up in count of conservatives the last three elections. And these stupid fks still don't get it.

"2011 —Solyndra, squandered government subsidy; 2012 — Benghazi; Obama lied about terrorist attack; 2012 — Sebelius violated Hatch Act; 2012 — Government hacked Sharyl Attkisson’s computer; 2012 – Obama used alias email ID to communicate with Hillary on her illegal server; 2013 — IRS targeted conservative charities; 2014 — VA corruption and mismanagement; 2015 — Falsified/altered border security data; 2016 — Iran ransom; 2009-16 — Taxpayers paid over $44.35 million for Obama and family vacations; etc. 2012 was an exceptional year for screw-ups.

Read more here: Obama’s term filled with scandals

"Solyndra Scandal
Key coverage of the investigation into Solyndra, the Silicon Valley startup that collapsed, leaving taxpayers liable for $535 million in federal guarantees .

Documents show politics infused Obama ‘green’ programs
Joe Stephens and Carol D. Leonnig DEC 25, 2011

Since the failure of solar-panel company Solyndra, President Obama’s $80 billion clean-technology program has begun to look like a political liability."

Solyndra Scandal | Full Coverage of Failed Solar Startup - The Washington Post opinion?

You're a moron....

and here is a Solyndra update...

Exclusive: Controversial U.S. energy loan program has wiped out losses
well no shit sherlock. What it doesn't say is it gave recovery. all it states is that some people got jobs. Whether or not they kept them past that money is another thing altogether.
Take us from conjecture to certainty....

Show me what makes you believe they didn't.
It simple, did the money run out? yes it did. Cause all of the jobs made no investment for future money. It was spend only. when the well dries up, the jobs go away. Come on man economics 101.

I actually passed that course.... And several more advanced versions....


So we should see net job losses after March 2010, right!

Can you count backward from 81?

Cause that is the length of the current private sector payrolls' streak.

According to the data.
I asked a very simple question which you as a true libturd avoided answering. Nice and expected.

So again, did the money run out since there was no investment made with it?

What happened to that company Solydra? How profitable did that company get after it received it's subsidy? Oh yeah went out of business. Can't make this shit up. These dufus's wish to continue to challenge and lose. There is nothing on their side of success. It's why the congress went up in count of conservatives the last three elections. And these stupid fks still don't get it.

"2011 —Solyndra, squandered government subsidy; 2012 — Benghazi; Obama lied about terrorist attack; 2012 — Sebelius violated Hatch Act; 2012 — Government hacked Sharyl Attkisson’s computer; 2012 – Obama used alias email ID to communicate with Hillary on her illegal server; 2013 — IRS targeted conservative charities; 2014 — VA corruption and mismanagement; 2015 — Falsified/altered border security data; 2016 — Iran ransom; 2009-16 — Taxpayers paid over $44.35 million for Obama and family vacations; etc. 2012 was an exceptional year for screw-ups.

Read more here: Obama’s term filled with scandals

"Solyndra Scandal
Key coverage of the investigation into Solyndra, the Silicon Valley startup that collapsed, leaving taxpayers liable for $535 million in federal guarantees .

Documents show politics infused Obama ‘green’ programs
Joe Stephens and Carol D. Leonnig DEC 25, 2011

Since the failure of solar-panel company Solyndra, President Obama’s $80 billion clean-technology program has begun to look like a political liability."

Solyndra Scandal | Full Coverage of Failed Solar Startup - The Washington Post opinion?

You're a moron....

and here is a Solyndra update...

Exclusive: Controversial U.S. energy loan program has wiped out losses
The rich "get rewarded" to create Jobs Booms; where have all the capital gains tax preferences gone?
Again, the jobs left due to obummercare, regulations, and jobs going overseas. No 1% was going to waste money on jobs. it was a no rewards economy. Fk, the entire climate fiasco fked with jobs.
Are you actually citing the gripes of some random idiot in Atlanta?

With a sample of 1, what's your standard deviation?
I'm citing what actually happened.'re not "citing" shit, except some fundie with a hair across her ass.
dude this thread/ forum isn't big enough to post all of the shit that can be cited. Or, you could actually go and read up on the thingy called the internet and see where all the stimulus fail went.
I recently cited the consensus of economists surveyed by the Booth School of Business.......which is unusually strong on this question....

You've dribbled random claptrap from your lip.

Since March 2010, the economy has added more than 15 million net new jobs.........THAT is a FACT.......
well no shit sherlock. What it doesn't say is it gave recovery. all it states is that some people got jobs. Whether or not they kept them past that money is another thing altogether.
Take us from conjecture to certainty....

Show me what makes you believe they didn't.
It simple, did the money run out? yes it did. Cause all of the jobs made no investment for future money. It was spend only. when the well dries up, the jobs go away. Come on man economics 101.

I actually passed that course.... And several more advanced versions....


So we should see net job losses after March 2010, right!

Can you count backward from 81?

Cause that is the length of the current private sector payrolls' streak.

According to the data.
I asked a very simple question which you as a true libturd avoided answering. Nice and expected.

So again, did the money run out since there was no investment made with it?

What happened to that company Solydra? How profitable did that company get after it received it's subsidy? Oh yeah went out of business. Can't make this shit up. These dufus's wish to continue to challenge and lose. There is nothing on their side of success. It's why the congress went up in count of conservatives the last three elections. And these stupid fks still don't get it.

"2011 —Solyndra, squandered government subsidy; 2012 — Benghazi; Obama lied about terrorist attack; 2012 — Sebelius violated Hatch Act; 2012 — Government hacked Sharyl Attkisson’s computer; 2012 – Obama used alias email ID to communicate with Hillary on her illegal server; 2013 — IRS targeted conservative charities; 2014 — VA corruption and mismanagement; 2015 — Falsified/altered border security data; 2016 — Iran ransom; 2009-16 — Taxpayers paid over $44.35 million for Obama and family vacations; etc. 2012 was an exceptional year for screw-ups.

Read more here: Obama’s term filled with scandals

"Solyndra Scandal
Key coverage of the investigation into Solyndra, the Silicon Valley startup that collapsed, leaving taxpayers liable for $535 million in federal guarantees .

Documents show politics infused Obama ‘green’ programs
Joe Stephens and Carol D. Leonnig DEC 25, 2011

Since the failure of solar-panel company Solyndra, President Obama’s $80 billion clean-technology program has begun to look like a political liability."

Solyndra Scandal | Full Coverage of Failed Solar Startup - The Washington Post opinion?

You're a moron....

and here is a Solyndra update...

Exclusive: Controversial U.S. energy loan program has wiped out losses
"In February it approved $6.5 billion in loan guarantees to build two nuclear reactors in Georgia"
The rich "get rewarded" to create Jobs Booms; where have all the capital gains tax preferences gone?
Again, the jobs left due to obummercare, regulations, and jobs going overseas. No 1% was going to waste money on jobs. it was a no rewards economy. Fk, the entire climate fiasco fked with jobs.
Are you actually citing the gripes of some random idiot in Atlanta?

With a sample of 1, what's your standard deviation?
I'm citing what actually happened.'re not "citing" shit, except some fundie with a hair across her ass.
dude this thread/ forum isn't big enough to post all of the shit that can be cited. Or, you could actually go and read up on the thingy called the internet and see where all the stimulus fail went.
dude this thread/ forum isn't big enough to post all of the shit that can be cited.

Will it be downhill from the Atlanta hausfrau? I assume that you led with "strength".....
well no shit sherlock. What it doesn't say is it gave recovery. all it states is that some people got jobs. Whether or not they kept them past that money is another thing altogether.
Take us from conjecture to certainty....

Show me what makes you believe they didn't.
It simple, did the money run out? yes it did. Cause all of the jobs made no investment for future money. It was spend only. when the well dries up, the jobs go away. Come on man economics 101.

I actually passed that course.... And several more advanced versions....


So we should see net job losses after March 2010, right!

Can you count backward from 81?

Cause that is the length of the current private sector payrolls' streak.

According to the data.
I asked a very simple question which you as a true libturd avoided answering. Nice and expected.

So again, did the money run out since there was no investment made with it?

What happened to that company Solydra? How profitable did that company get after it received it's subsidy? Oh yeah went out of business. Can't make this shit up. These dufus's wish to continue to challenge and lose. There is nothing on their side of success. It's why the congress went up in count of conservatives the last three elections. And these stupid fks still don't get it.

"2011 —Solyndra, squandered government subsidy; 2012 — Benghazi; Obama lied about terrorist attack; 2012 — Sebelius violated Hatch Act; 2012 — Government hacked Sharyl Attkisson’s computer; 2012 – Obama used alias email ID to communicate with Hillary on her illegal server; 2013 — IRS targeted conservative charities; 2014 — VA corruption and mismanagement; 2015 — Falsified/altered border security data; 2016 — Iran ransom; 2009-16 — Taxpayers paid over $44.35 million for Obama and family vacations; etc. 2012 was an exceptional year for screw-ups.

Read more here: Obama’s term filled with scandals

"Solyndra Scandal
Key coverage of the investigation into Solyndra, the Silicon Valley startup that collapsed, leaving taxpayers liable for $535 million in federal guarantees .

Documents show politics infused Obama ‘green’ programs
Joe Stephens and Carol D. Leonnig DEC 25, 2011

Since the failure of solar-panel company Solyndra, President Obama’s $80 billion clean-technology program has begun to look like a political liability."

Solyndra Scandal | Full Coverage of Failed Solar Startup - The Washington Post opinion?

You're a moron....

and here is a Solyndra update...

Exclusive: Controversial U.S. energy loan program has wiped out losses
from your link

"That is because most of the projects that received government loans are large power plants that are now feeding electricity into the grid, Davidson said. They include massive photovoltaic solar and solar thermal power plants in California and Arizona, wind farms and geothermal energy facilities."

Let's see how true those two sentences really are:
Ivanpah Solar Plant May Be Forced to Shut Down

"Ivanpah Solar Plant May Be Forced to Shut Down
Federally backed project asks California regulators for more time to sort out its problems
Cassandra Sweet
March 16, 2016 7:27 p.m. ET
A federally backed, $2.2 billion solar project in the California desert isn’t producing the electricity it is contractually required to deliver to PG&E Corp., which says the solar plant may be forced to shut down if it doesn’t receive a break Thursday from state regulators."
Again, the jobs left due to obummercare, regulations, and jobs going overseas. No 1% was going to waste money on jobs. it was a no rewards economy. Fk, the entire climate fiasco fked with jobs.
Are you actually citing the gripes of some random idiot in Atlanta?

With a sample of 1, what's your standard deviation?
I'm citing what actually happened.'re not "citing" shit, except some fundie with a hair across her ass.
dude this thread/ forum isn't big enough to post all of the shit that can be cited. Or, you could actually go and read up on the thingy called the internet and see where all the stimulus fail went.
dude this thread/ forum isn't big enough to post all of the shit that can be cited.

Will it be downhill from the Atlanta hausfrau? I assume that you led with "strength".....
Again, post after post I shut you down. Why not actually post something of value.
well no shit sherlock. What it doesn't say is it gave recovery. all it states is that some people got jobs. Whether or not they kept them past that money is another thing altogether.
Take us from conjecture to certainty....

Show me what makes you believe they didn't.
It simple, did the money run out? yes it did. Cause all of the jobs made no investment for future money. It was spend only. when the well dries up, the jobs go away. Come on man economics 101.

I actually passed that course.... And several more advanced versions....


So we should see net job losses after March 2010, right!

Can you count backward from 81?

Cause that is the length of the current private sector payrolls' streak.

According to the data.
I asked a very simple question which you as a true libturd avoided answering. Nice and expected.

So again, did the money run out since there was no investment made with it?

What happened to that company Solydra? How profitable did that company get after it received it's subsidy? Oh yeah went out of business. Can't make this shit up. These dufus's wish to continue to challenge and lose. There is nothing on their side of success. It's why the congress went up in count of conservatives the last three elections. And these stupid fks still don't get it.

"2011 —Solyndra, squandered government subsidy; 2012 — Benghazi; Obama lied about terrorist attack; 2012 — Sebelius violated Hatch Act; 2012 — Government hacked Sharyl Attkisson’s computer; 2012 – Obama used alias email ID to communicate with Hillary on her illegal server; 2013 — IRS targeted conservative charities; 2014 — VA corruption and mismanagement; 2015 — Falsified/altered border security data; 2016 — Iran ransom; 2009-16 — Taxpayers paid over $44.35 million for Obama and family vacations; etc. 2012 was an exceptional year for screw-ups.

Read more here: Obama’s term filled with scandals

"Solyndra Scandal
Key coverage of the investigation into Solyndra, the Silicon Valley startup that collapsed, leaving taxpayers liable for $535 million in federal guarantees .

Documents show politics infused Obama ‘green’ programs
Joe Stephens and Carol D. Leonnig DEC 25, 2011

Since the failure of solar-panel company Solyndra, President Obama’s $80 billion clean-technology program has begun to look like a political liability."

Solyndra Scandal | Full Coverage of Failed Solar Startup - The Washington Post opinion?

You're a moron....

and here is a Solyndra update...

Exclusive: Controversial U.S. energy loan program has wiped out losses
GAO: Cost of DOE loans to be $2.1 BILLION to taxpayers.

Again, the jobs left due to obummercare, regulations, and jobs going overseas. No 1% was going to waste money on jobs. it was a no rewards economy. Fk, the entire climate fiasco fked with jobs.
Are you actually citing the gripes of some random idiot in Atlanta?

With a sample of 1, what's your standard deviation?
I'm citing what actually happened.'re not "citing" shit, except some fundie with a hair across her ass.
dude this thread/ forum isn't big enough to post all of the shit that can be cited. Or, you could actually go and read up on the thingy called the internet and see where all the stimulus fail went.
I recently cited the consensus of economists surveyed by the Booth School of Business.......which is unusually strong on this question....

You've dribbled random claptrap from your lip.

Since March 2010, the economy has added more than 15 million net new jobs.........THAT is a FACT.......
what kind of jobs though! full time jobs? Ones with benefits? non government jobs? please that is too simplistic of a response not to go into detail about the sectors that gained and the value of the jobs created.

And it doesn't explain the election results. so!
Take us from conjecture to certainty....

Show me what makes you believe they didn't.
It simple, did the money run out? yes it did. Cause all of the jobs made no investment for future money. It was spend only. when the well dries up, the jobs go away. Come on man economics 101.

I actually passed that course.... And several more advanced versions....


So we should see net job losses after March 2010, right!

Can you count backward from 81?

Cause that is the length of the current private sector payrolls' streak.

According to the data.
I asked a very simple question which you as a true libturd avoided answering. Nice and expected.

So again, did the money run out since there was no investment made with it?

What happened to that company Solydra? How profitable did that company get after it received it's subsidy? Oh yeah went out of business. Can't make this shit up. These dufus's wish to continue to challenge and lose. There is nothing on their side of success. It's why the congress went up in count of conservatives the last three elections. And these stupid fks still don't get it.

"2011 —Solyndra, squandered government subsidy; 2012 — Benghazi; Obama lied about terrorist attack; 2012 — Sebelius violated Hatch Act; 2012 — Government hacked Sharyl Attkisson’s computer; 2012 – Obama used alias email ID to communicate with Hillary on her illegal server; 2013 — IRS targeted conservative charities; 2014 — VA corruption and mismanagement; 2015 — Falsified/altered border security data; 2016 — Iran ransom; 2009-16 — Taxpayers paid over $44.35 million for Obama and family vacations; etc. 2012 was an exceptional year for screw-ups.

Read more here: Obama’s term filled with scandals

"Solyndra Scandal
Key coverage of the investigation into Solyndra, the Silicon Valley startup that collapsed, leaving taxpayers liable for $535 million in federal guarantees .

Documents show politics infused Obama ‘green’ programs
Joe Stephens and Carol D. Leonnig DEC 25, 2011

Since the failure of solar-panel company Solyndra, President Obama’s $80 billion clean-technology program has begun to look like a political liability."

Solyndra Scandal | Full Coverage of Failed Solar Startup - The Washington Post opinion?

You're a moron....

and here is a Solyndra update...

Exclusive: Controversial U.S. energy loan program has wiped out losses
from your link

"That is because most of the projects that received government loans are large power plants that are now feeding electricity into the grid, Davidson said. They include massive photovoltaic solar and solar thermal power plants in California and Arizona, wind farms and geothermal energy facilities."

Let's see how true those two sentences really are:
Ivanpah Solar Plant May Be Forced to Shut Down

"Ivanpah Solar Plant May Be Forced to Shut Down
Federally backed project asks California regulators for more time to sort out its problems
Cassandra Sweet
March 16, 2016 7:27 p.m. ET
A federally backed, $2.2 billion solar project in the California desert isn’t producing the electricity it is contractually required to deliver to PG&E Corp., which says the solar plant may be forced to shut down if it doesn’t receive a break Thursday from state regulators."
Ivanpah is still cranking.....
It simple, did the money run out? yes it did. Cause all of the jobs made no investment for future money. It was spend only. when the well dries up, the jobs go away. Come on man economics 101.

I actually passed that course.... And several more advanced versions....


So we should see net job losses after March 2010, right!

Can you count backward from 81?

Cause that is the length of the current private sector payrolls' streak.

According to the data.
I asked a very simple question which you as a true libturd avoided answering. Nice and expected.

So again, did the money run out since there was no investment made with it?

What happened to that company Solydra? How profitable did that company get after it received it's subsidy? Oh yeah went out of business. Can't make this shit up. These dufus's wish to continue to challenge and lose. There is nothing on their side of success. It's why the congress went up in count of conservatives the last three elections. And these stupid fks still don't get it.

"2011 —Solyndra, squandered government subsidy; 2012 — Benghazi; Obama lied about terrorist attack; 2012 — Sebelius violated Hatch Act; 2012 — Government hacked Sharyl Attkisson’s computer; 2012 – Obama used alias email ID to communicate with Hillary on her illegal server; 2013 — IRS targeted conservative charities; 2014 — VA corruption and mismanagement; 2015 — Falsified/altered border security data; 2016 — Iran ransom; 2009-16 — Taxpayers paid over $44.35 million for Obama and family vacations; etc. 2012 was an exceptional year for screw-ups.

Read more here: Obama’s term filled with scandals

"Solyndra Scandal
Key coverage of the investigation into Solyndra, the Silicon Valley startup that collapsed, leaving taxpayers liable for $535 million in federal guarantees .

Documents show politics infused Obama ‘green’ programs
Joe Stephens and Carol D. Leonnig DEC 25, 2011

Since the failure of solar-panel company Solyndra, President Obama’s $80 billion clean-technology program has begun to look like a political liability."

Solyndra Scandal | Full Coverage of Failed Solar Startup - The Washington Post opinion?

You're a moron....

and here is a Solyndra update...

Exclusive: Controversial U.S. energy loan program has wiped out losses
from your link

"That is because most of the projects that received government loans are large power plants that are now feeding electricity into the grid, Davidson said. They include massive photovoltaic solar and solar thermal power plants in California and Arizona, wind farms and geothermal energy facilities."

Let's see how true those two sentences really are:
Ivanpah Solar Plant May Be Forced to Shut Down

"Ivanpah Solar Plant May Be Forced to Shut Down
Federally backed project asks California regulators for more time to sort out its problems
Cassandra Sweet
March 16, 2016 7:27 p.m. ET
A federally backed, $2.2 billion solar project in the California desert isn’t producing the electricity it is contractually required to deliver to PG&E Corp., which says the solar plant may be forced to shut down if it doesn’t receive a break Thursday from state regulators."
Ivanpah is still cranking.....
is it producing the electricity its required to produce? Post up some fking links pup. Why you always hanging out in the shadows?
Well, since you were trained to pump financial products and you use that to free the elderly from big chunks of their retirement in exchange for self interested mediocre investment advice, one is better off not listening to you, either
Kazzing again, Kazzie?

Insult me all you want, but come up with your own material. You will go on ignore for circle jerking with Faun, Syriusly and Dot Com

Well, since you were trained to pump financial products and you use that to free the elderly from big chunks of their retirement in exchange for self interested mediocre investment advice, one is better off not listening to you, either


If you wanna go The Dozens, don't start crying when you're the one left bleeding.....

You're really the very worst kind of mewling pussy, you know that?

Yes, your eight year old insults backed up with contentless bluster would certainly do well in an insult contest ... if you're up against a seven year old ...
Yes, your eight year old insults backed up with contentless bluster would certainly do well in an insult contest ... if you're up against a seven year old ...

I'm sure this SEEMED really clever when you first thought of much of what you bleat, it contains the seed of its own invalidation.....

It was pretty clever.
Are you actually citing the gripes of some random idiot in Atlanta?

With a sample of 1, what's your standard deviation?
I'm citing what actually happened.'re not "citing" shit, except some fundie with a hair across her ass.
dude this thread/ forum isn't big enough to post all of the shit that can be cited. Or, you could actually go and read up on the thingy called the internet and see where all the stimulus fail went.
I recently cited the consensus of economists surveyed by the Booth School of Business.......which is unusually strong on this question....

You've dribbled random claptrap from your lip.

Since March 2010, the economy has added more than 15 million net new jobs.........THAT is a FACT.......
what kind of jobs though! full time jobs? Ones with benefits? non government jobs? please that is too simplistic of a response not to go into detail about the sectors that gained and the value of the jobs created.

And it doesn't explain the election results. so!
Jobs have no responsibility to "explain: why Trump received 2.9 million FEWER votes than the other candidate....

what kind of jobs though! full time jobs?

The fact that you have to ask, suggests that you have been going on for hours.......with not the vaguest idea what you are talking about...

Full time employment has risen by 12.5 million......part time , for economic reasons, is down by 3.7 million, or roughly 39%.

you can find it all here

Federal Reserve Economic Data | FRED | St. Louis Fed
Kazzing again, Kazzie?

Insult me all you want, but come up with your own material. You will go on ignore for circle jerking with Faun, Syriusly and Dot Com

Well, since you were trained to pump financial products and you use that to free the elderly from big chunks of their retirement in exchange for self interested mediocre investment advice, one is better off not listening to you, either


If you wanna go The Dozens, don't start crying when you're the one left bleeding.....

You're really the very worst kind of mewling pussy, you know that?

Yes, your eight year old insults backed up with contentless bluster would certainly do well in an insult contest ... if you're up against a seven year old ...
Yes, your eight year old insults backed up with contentless bluster would certainly do well in an insult contest ... if you're up against a seven year old ...

I'm sure this SEEMED really clever when you first thought of much of what you bleat, it contains the seed of its own invalidation.....

It was pretty clever.

it was quite labored......leading to a disappointing denouement....
Kazzing again, Kazzie?

Insult me all you want, but come up with your own material. You will go on ignore for circle jerking with Faun, Syriusly and Dot Com

Well, since you were trained to pump financial products and you use that to free the elderly from big chunks of their retirement in exchange for self interested mediocre investment advice, one is better off not listening to you, either


If you wanna go The Dozens, don't start crying when you're the one left bleeding.....

You're really the very worst kind of mewling pussy, you know that?

Yes, your eight year old insults backed up with contentless bluster would certainly do well in an insult contest ... if you're up against a seven year old ...
Yes, your eight year old insults backed up with contentless bluster would certainly do well in an insult contest ... if you're up against a seven year old ...

I'm sure this SEEMED really clever when you first thought of much of what you bleat, it contains the seed of its own invalidation.....

You're just in love with the sound of your own voice. You'd hate The Dozens, it requires you to listen to someone else half the time

Your evidence is overwhelming.

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