Trump Tells Team to Target 10% Spending, 20% Fed Workers Cuts

We'll see I guess. Sounds like a good start, but we'll only know for sure after time has past and we can actually see less, or more, overall spending/debt and whether government grows or shrinks. I sure as hell am hoping for the latter, but again, we'll see.
Under which POTUS did we see the lowest annual rate of growth of federal spending since 1960?

Not interested in your trivia. Not interested in slowing the growth of federal spending, I'm interested in shrinking government to the confines of the Constitutional powers it was originally granted.

Because you don't know what the fuck you are talking about and are floating in pie-in-the sky fantasies.

It is not realistic to expect reduction in nominal$ government spending amid ever expanding, aging population.

it is especially not possible with all the military and stimulative government spending (now with a side of puny discretionary spending cuts) Trump ran on.

Your "realistic" scenario is fiscally unsustainable, as even the most cursory reading of history would reveal.

But I'm sure you know better.

Yea, pass.

Again, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT, we don't need $nominal reduction in spending to have long term sustainable budget because revenues are growing as economy expands. All we need is long term spending to grow at slower rate than receipts.

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Not interested in your trivia. Not interested in slowing the growth of federal spending, I'm interested in shrinking government to the confines of the Constitutional powers it was originally granted.

Because you don't know what the fuck you are talking about and are floating in pie-in-the sky fantasies.

It is not realistic to expect reduction in nominal$ government spending amid ever expanding, aging population.

it is especially not possible with all the military and stimulative government spending (now with a side of puny discretionary spending cuts) Trump ran on.

Your "realistic" scenario is fiscally unsustainable, as even the most cursory reading of history would reveal.

But I'm sure you know better.

Yea, pass.

Have you ever taken the time to learn of the projected gap has been quantified?

What did you learn?

Been hitting that big bowl of vodka and paint chips I see.
Are you of the opinion that no one has ever bothered to project the "shortfall" and to estimate what would be required to meet it?

We'll see I guess. Sounds like a good start, but we'll only know for sure after time has past and we can actually see less, or more, overall spending/debt and whether government grows or shrinks. I sure as hell am hoping for the latter, but again, we'll see.
Under which POTUS did we see the lowest annual rate of growth of federal spending since 1960?

Not interested in your trivia. Not interested in slowing the growth of federal spending, I'm interested in shrinking government to the confines of the Constitutional powers it was originally granted.

Because you don't know what the fuck you are talking about and are floating in pie-in-the sky fantasies.

It is not realistic to expect reduction in nominal$ government spending amid ever expanding, aging population.

it is especially not possible with all the military and stimulative government spending (now with a side of puny discretionary spending cuts) Trump ran on.

Your "realistic" scenario is fiscally unsustainable, as even the most cursory reading of history would reveal.

But I'm sure you know better.

Yea, pass.

Again, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT, we don't need $nominal reduction in spending to have long term sustainable budget because revenues are growing as economy expands. All we need is long term spending to grow at slower rate than receipts.


What you call spending, others call theft.

What we need is government to leave us alone by forcing it to stick to its constitutionally limited powers.

This would eliminate the need for an income tax. This wouldn't slow the growth of spending other people's money, it would end it.

If you have a plan that doesn't require armed government agents to force compliance, I'll listen. Until then, I reject the notion you know what's best for everyone else.
Under which POTUS did we see the lowest annual rate of growth of federal spending since 1960?

Not interested in your trivia. Not interested in slowing the growth of federal spending, I'm interested in shrinking government to the confines of the Constitutional powers it was originally granted.

Because you don't know what the fuck you are talking about and are floating in pie-in-the sky fantasies.

It is not realistic to expect reduction in nominal$ government spending amid ever expanding, aging population.

it is especially not possible with all the military and stimulative government spending (now with a side of puny discretionary spending cuts) Trump ran on.

Your "realistic" scenario is fiscally unsustainable, as even the most cursory reading of history would reveal.

But I'm sure you know better.

Yea, pass.

Again, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT, we don't need $nominal reduction in spending to have long term sustainable budget because revenues are growing as economy expands. All we need is long term spending to grow at slower rate than receipts.


What you call spending, others call theft.

What we need is government to leave us alone by forcing it to stick to its constitutionally limited powers.

This would eliminate the need for an income tax. This wouldn't slow the growth of spending other people's money, it would end it.

If you have a plan that doesn't require armed government agents to force compliance, I'll listen. Until then, I reject the notion you know what's best for everyone else.

Quit bullshitting me. First your problem was unstainable fiscal position of federal government, now you switch to bitching about having to pay even current tax rates.
Not interested in your trivia. Not interested in slowing the growth of federal spending, I'm interested in shrinking government to the confines of the Constitutional powers it was originally granted.

Because you don't know what the fuck you are talking about and are floating in pie-in-the sky fantasies.

It is not realistic to expect reduction in nominal$ government spending amid ever expanding, aging population.

it is especially not possible with all the military and stimulative government spending (now with a side of puny discretionary spending cuts) Trump ran on.

Your "realistic" scenario is fiscally unsustainable, as even the most cursory reading of history would reveal.

But I'm sure you know better.

Yea, pass.

Again, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT, we don't need $nominal reduction in spending to have long term sustainable budget because revenues are growing as economy expands. All we need is long term spending to grow at slower rate than receipts.


What you call spending, others call theft.

What we need is government to leave us alone by forcing it to stick to its constitutionally limited powers.

This would eliminate the need for an income tax. This wouldn't slow the growth of spending other people's money, it would end it.

If you have a plan that doesn't require armed government agents to force compliance, I'll listen. Until then, I reject the notion you know what's best for everyone else.

Quit bullshitting me. First your problem was unstainable fiscal position of federal government, now you switch to bitching about having to pay even current tax rates.

Both are true.
We'll see I guess. Sounds like a good start, but we'll only know for sure after time has past and we can actually see less, or more, overall spending/debt and whether government grows or shrinks. I sure as hell am hoping for the latter, but again, we'll see.
Under which POTUS did we see the lowest annual rate of growth of federal spending since 1960?

Not interested in your trivia. Not interested in slowing the growth of federal spending, I'm interested in shrinking government to the confines of the Constitutional powers it was originally granted.

Because you don't know what the fuck you are talking about and are floating in pie-in-the sky fantasies.

It is not realistic to expect reduction in nominal$ government spending amid ever expanding, aging population.

it is especially not possible with all the military and stimulative government spending (now with a side of puny discretionary spending cuts) Trump ran on.

Your "realistic" scenario is fiscally unsustainable, as even the most cursory reading of history would reveal.

But I'm sure you know better.

Yea, pass.

Again, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT, we don't need $nominal reduction in spending to have long term sustainable budget because revenues are growing as economy expands. All we need is long term spending to grow at slower rate than receipts.


You just supported Reagan! LOL. We spend way too much money, spending should be slashed.
Under which POTUS did we see the lowest annual rate of growth of federal spending since 1960?

Not interested in your trivia. Not interested in slowing the growth of federal spending, I'm interested in shrinking government to the confines of the Constitutional powers it was originally granted.

Because you don't know what the fuck you are talking about and are floating in pie-in-the sky fantasies.

It is not realistic to expect reduction in nominal$ government spending amid ever expanding, aging population.

it is especially not possible with all the military and stimulative government spending (now with a side of puny discretionary spending cuts) Trump ran on.

Your "realistic" scenario is fiscally unsustainable, as even the most cursory reading of history would reveal.

But I'm sure you know better.

Yea, pass.

Again, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT, we don't need $nominal reduction in spending to have long term sustainable budget because revenues are growing as economy expands. All we need is long term spending to grow at slower rate than receipts.


You just supported Reagan! LOL. We spend way too much money, spending should be slashed.

Did you take a lot of "Operations Management" and "Organizational Behavior" in b-school?

Cause your "grasp" of macro fails to rise to puerile...or even psittacine..

In 1907 Irving Fisher... presented a version... did not identify the originator of the joke. This is the earliest instance located....

It was once wittily remarked of the early writers on economic problems, “Catch a parrot and teach him to say ‘supply and demand,’ and you have an excellent economist.” Prices, wages, rent, interest, and profits were thought to be fully “explained” by this glib phrase...

Parrots, Laissez Faire, Supply and Demand, and Political Economy
Under which POTUS did we see the lowest annual rate of growth of federal spending since 1960?

Not interested in your trivia. Not interested in slowing the growth of federal spending, I'm interested in shrinking government to the confines of the Constitutional powers it was originally granted.

Because you don't know what the fuck you are talking about and are floating in pie-in-the sky fantasies.

It is not realistic to expect reduction in nominal$ government spending amid ever expanding, aging population.

it is especially not possible with all the military and stimulative government spending (now with a side of puny discretionary spending cuts) Trump ran on.

Your "realistic" scenario is fiscally unsustainable, as even the most cursory reading of history would reveal.

But I'm sure you know better.

Yea, pass.

Again, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT, we don't need $nominal reduction in spending to have long term sustainable budget because revenues are growing as economy expands. All we need is long term spending to grow at slower rate than receipts.


You just supported Reagan! LOL. We spend way too much money, spending should be slashed.
How does the rate of growth of Federal spending under Reagan compare to that under Obama?
Under which POTUS did we see the lowest annual rate of growth of federal spending since 1960?

Not interested in your trivia. Not interested in slowing the growth of federal spending, I'm interested in shrinking government to the confines of the Constitutional powers it was originally granted.

Because you don't know what the fuck you are talking about and are floating in pie-in-the sky fantasies.

It is not realistic to expect reduction in nominal$ government spending amid ever expanding, aging population.

it is especially not possible with all the military and stimulative government spending (now with a side of puny discretionary spending cuts) Trump ran on.

Your "realistic" scenario is fiscally unsustainable, as even the most cursory reading of history would reveal.

But I'm sure you know better.

Yea, pass.

Again, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT, we don't need $nominal reduction in spending to have long term sustainable budget because revenues are growing as economy expands. All we need is long term spending to grow at slower rate than receipts.


You just supported Reagan! LOL. We spend way too much money, spending should be slashed.

I have no idea what you are trying to say.

What does this have to do with Reagan?
What is and isn't too much money? What perspective are you talking from?
Because you don't know what the fuck you are talking about and are floating in pie-in-the sky fantasies.

It is not realistic to expect reduction in nominal$ government spending amid ever expanding, aging population.

it is especially not possible with all the military and stimulative government spending (now with a side of puny discretionary spending cuts) Trump ran on.

Your "realistic" scenario is fiscally unsustainable, as even the most cursory reading of history would reveal.

But I'm sure you know better.

Yea, pass.

Again, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT, we don't need $nominal reduction in spending to have long term sustainable budget because revenues are growing as economy expands. All we need is long term spending to grow at slower rate than receipts.


What you call spending, others call theft.

What we need is government to leave us alone by forcing it to stick to its constitutionally limited powers.

This would eliminate the need for an income tax. This wouldn't slow the growth of spending other people's money, it would end it.

If you have a plan that doesn't require armed government agents to force compliance, I'll listen. Until then, I reject the notion you know what's best for everyone else.

Quit bullshitting me. First your problem was unstainable fiscal position of federal government, now you switch to bitching about having to pay even current tax rates.

Both are true.

No they are not as I carefully explained to you. We do not need to cut today's spending to be solvent in the long term, we simply need to slow it's growth to bellow revenues rate of growth.
Your "realistic" scenario is fiscally unsustainable, as even the most cursory reading of history would reveal.

But I'm sure you know better.

Yea, pass.

Again, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT, we don't need $nominal reduction in spending to have long term sustainable budget because revenues are growing as economy expands. All we need is long term spending to grow at slower rate than receipts.


What you call spending, others call theft.

What we need is government to leave us alone by forcing it to stick to its constitutionally limited powers.

This would eliminate the need for an income tax. This wouldn't slow the growth of spending other people's money, it would end it.

If you have a plan that doesn't require armed government agents to force compliance, I'll listen. Until then, I reject the notion you know what's best for everyone else.

Quit bullshitting me. First your problem was unstainable fiscal position of federal government, now you switch to bitching about having to pay even current tax rates.

Both are true.

No they are not as I carefully explained to you. We do not need to cut today's spending to be solvent in the long term, we simply need to slow it's growth to bellow revenues rate of growth.

That you think we can grow our way out of $20 trillion in debt, particularly with $120 trillion+ hanging over our heads, is laughable.

More importantly, we need to cut spending related to powers not granted the federal government. That's not only the fiscally responsible thing to do, it's required if we're to be a free society.
Not interested in your trivia. Not interested in slowing the growth of federal spending, I'm interested in shrinking government to the confines of the Constitutional powers it was originally granted.

Because you don't know what the fuck you are talking about and are floating in pie-in-the sky fantasies.

It is not realistic to expect reduction in nominal$ government spending amid ever expanding, aging population.

it is especially not possible with all the military and stimulative government spending (now with a side of puny discretionary spending cuts) Trump ran on.

Your "realistic" scenario is fiscally unsustainable, as even the most cursory reading of history would reveal.

But I'm sure you know better.

Yea, pass.

Again, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT, we don't need $nominal reduction in spending to have long term sustainable budget because revenues are growing as economy expands. All we need is long term spending to grow at slower rate than receipts.


You just supported Reagan! LOL. We spend way too much money, spending should be slashed.

Did you take a lot of "Operations Management" and "Organizational Behavior" in b-school?

Cause your "grasp" of macro fails to rise to puerile...or even psittacine..

In 1907 Irving Fisher... presented a version... did not identify the originator of the joke. This is the earliest instance located....

It was once wittily remarked of the early writers on economic problems, “Catch a parrot and teach him to say ‘supply and demand,’ and you have an excellent economist.” Prices, wages, rent, interest, and profits were thought to be fully “explained” by this glib phrase...

Parrots, Laissez Faire, Supply and Demand, and Political Economy

You're just babbling
Not interested in your trivia. Not interested in slowing the growth of federal spending, I'm interested in shrinking government to the confines of the Constitutional powers it was originally granted.

Because you don't know what the fuck you are talking about and are floating in pie-in-the sky fantasies.

It is not realistic to expect reduction in nominal$ government spending amid ever expanding, aging population.

it is especially not possible with all the military and stimulative government spending (now with a side of puny discretionary spending cuts) Trump ran on.

Your "realistic" scenario is fiscally unsustainable, as even the most cursory reading of history would reveal.

But I'm sure you know better.

Yea, pass.

Again, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT, we don't need $nominal reduction in spending to have long term sustainable budget because revenues are growing as economy expands. All we need is long term spending to grow at slower rate than receipts.


You just supported Reagan! LOL. We spend way too much money, spending should be slashed.
How does the rate of growth of Federal spending under Reagan compare to that under Obama?

It was too high in both cases
Because you don't know what the fuck you are talking about and are floating in pie-in-the sky fantasies.

It is not realistic to expect reduction in nominal$ government spending amid ever expanding, aging population.

it is especially not possible with all the military and stimulative government spending (now with a side of puny discretionary spending cuts) Trump ran on.

Your "realistic" scenario is fiscally unsustainable, as even the most cursory reading of history would reveal.

But I'm sure you know better.

Yea, pass.

Again, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT, we don't need $nominal reduction in spending to have long term sustainable budget because revenues are growing as economy expands. All we need is long term spending to grow at slower rate than receipts.


You just supported Reagan! LOL. We spend way too much money, spending should be slashed.
How does the rate of growth of Federal spending under Reagan compare to that under Obama?

It was too high in both cases

That's not what I asked......In fact, it could be asked about every president since Eisenhower's first term....

If you know, why don't you answer the question?

If you don't, you might find it instructive to look.....
Your "realistic" scenario is fiscally unsustainable, as even the most cursory reading of history would reveal.

But I'm sure you know better.

Yea, pass.

Again, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT, we don't need $nominal reduction in spending to have long term sustainable budget because revenues are growing as economy expands. All we need is long term spending to grow at slower rate than receipts.


You just supported Reagan! LOL. We spend way too much money, spending should be slashed.
How does the rate of growth of Federal spending under Reagan compare to that under Obama?

It was too high in both cases

That's not what I asked......In fact, it could be asked about every president since Eisenhower's first term....

If you know, why don't you answer the question?

If you don't, you might find it instructive to look.....

First of all, you were babbling. OM and OB have nothing to do with macro economics. And again since apparently you have a learning disability ...

... I won't answer your question because you are boring as shit. No matter what I say, you say no it isn't and argue it. That isn't a debate, it's contradiction, and that just isn't interesting.

Find an eight year old and suggest they do that to you. Just argue whatever you say no matter how stupid their argument is. And that is what it is to try to debate you

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